Chapter 151. 151. A very vengeful person

After listening to Professor McGonagall's exhortation, Scott nodded.

Soon, he told the two Aurors what happened the night before.

Of course, he skipped the part about himself fighting the eight-eyed spider, and focused on the fact that Yaxley and Carlo wanted to kill him.

Probably because of the presence of the three professors, the two Aurors did not bother him at all.

They also just let him tell what happened.

As for the Minister of Magic?

The current leader of the British wizarding world did not give Scott a look.

Scott quickly left Professor McGonagall's office.

He was walking briskly in the corridor, the class time was almost up, and he had to rush to the ancient rune classroom.

He kept thinking about the way Williamson looked at him just now.

Kingsley Shacklebolt was a veteran Auror, and Scott couldn't tell from his expression.

But the young Williamson did not hide his emotions.

He looked at Scott with a kind of superior sympathy and disdain.

Especially when Scott was talking about Yaxley and Caro.

It seems that the trial of Carlo may not go so smoothly.

Scott narrowed his eyes.

Good thing Brandon Yaxley is dead!
But Scott doubts the Yaxleys will let it go.

They originally wanted to exchange Scott's life for the wealth of the Travers family, and now they have damaged the family heir in the action of killing Scott...

Although Brandon Yaxley's death had nothing to do with Scott, I also knew that those domineering pure-blood families would not reason with him, a little Muggle-born wizard.

According to their style, Yaxley's death may have been counted on Scott's head by his family.

Still not enough!

Scott thought as he sprinted.

My own strength is still not enough!
Today, if the enemy he is dealing with is an adult wizard of a certain level, he is confident that he can win when there is only one enemy, but it will be difficult for him to deal with two.

And if he encountered more enemies' siege at one time, he would definitely drink his hatred on the spot.

He hadn't learned to apparate yet, and he couldn't even run in that situation.

Scott rushed to the ancient magic text classroom before class, forcing himself to put away all his thoughts and listen carefully to the class.

At noon, he couldn't help but start thinking about his own safety, even when he was eating, he was a little absent-minded.

He planned in his mind how to improve his strength as soon as possible.

Although it is said that the improvement of strength does not happen overnight, in addition to continuing the previous study plan, he actually has two unknown gains.

One is Ravenclaw's side, as long as he completes another commission, he can get Ravenclaw's teaching.

Although not the real Ravenclaw, just imagining the knowledge the founder possessed was enough to make him happy.

It's just that Scott also knows that this is actually not a way to quickly improve his strength.

Not to mention how difficult Ravenclaw's next commission is, but to improve one's strength through learning knowledge is a relatively long process.

Another harvest that Scott really placed high hopes on was actually a gift from Medea.

Compared to Ravenclaw, Medea is a slanted person.

Scott felt that maybe the gift she left would surprise him.

Unfortunately, although he really wanted to get that gift as soon as possible, he didn't dare to act rashly.

Hogwarts is now on the cusp, and maybe the music room has been stared at.

If he sneaks into it and opens the hidden secret room that no one knows about, once someone finds out, he will bring himself great trouble.

It is precisely because of this consideration that even though Scott has been impatient these two days, he has never dared to act rashly.

After thinking for a while, Scott found that for the time being, he could only improve his strength step by step through learning.

Although there was a sense of urgency, he was not too anxious, but quickly calmed down after reaching a conclusion.

After all, summer vacation is still many months away.

During this period, as long as he did not enter the Forbidden Forest or go shopping in Hogsmeade Village, he would not be in danger.

As for the summer vacation, Professor Flitwick would also send him away from England.

His sense of urgency now was no more than caution.

Moreover, being protected by others is not as good as having strength yourself.

After calming down completely, Scott decided to complete Ravenclaw's next commission on the weekend.

Medea's gift could only bide its time.

Wait until the incident has basically subsided before looking for opportunities.

That night, Scott came to Professor Flitwick's office again.

Before starting the spell practice, Scott decided to find out about Yaxley and Carlo.

"Professor, do you know where Elijah Carro has gone?" He asked Professor Flitwick directly, "And the Yaxley family who attacked you. I don't know how to deal with it?"

After Scott raised this question, Professor Flitwick's face quickly became a little complicated.

He shook his head helplessly.

"Carrow is being held in a Ministry dungeon, and as for Yaxley..."

He looked at Scott with apologetic eyes.

"I have no evidence to prove that they were the ones who attacked me, and Brandon Yaxley is dead. The Ministry of Magic is now unwilling to conduct an in-depth investigation into this matter."

"The dungeon of the Ministry of Magic?" Scott raised his eyebrows, "Not Azkaban?"

Professor Flitwick shook his head again.

"Ministry of Magic dungeons are places where suspected wizards are temporarily held."

he explained.

"As for Azkaban, only criminals tried by the Wizengamot are kept in that dreadful prison."

Scott nodded understandingly, "That's right, Carlo hasn't been tried yet."

He asked again, "Do you need me to go to the trial?"

"Of course, you can wait for the hearing notice." Professor Flitwick said awkwardly, "They don't care about Carlo yet."

I'm afraid I won't be able to wait.

Scott came to a conclusion.

Medea is gone now, and those from the Ministry of Magic are just doing their bit for show.

How could they ignore Carlo?
It's just an excuse.

"it is good."

Scott didn't seem to notice anything unusual, and nodded in response.

It can be seen from Professor Flitwick's performance that it may be impossible for the Ministry of Magic to punish Carlo according to law.

In this way, Carlo will not get other punishments except being expelled from school.

Except for Brandon, who was unlucky to be killed by Medea, the Yaxley family will retreat unscathed.

Of course Scott knew that Professor Flitwick lied because he was afraid that he would act impulsively because he was not convinced.

After all, Scott's situation is quite dangerous now, and he doesn't dare to run out at will for the time being.

But Professor Flitwick really can't lie, and Scott saw through his lying expression at a glance.

Fortunately, Scott didn't want to expose the professor's white lie, after all, he had already expected it.

But he won't let it go like this.

Scott took a deep breath, thinking to himself.

He is a very vengeful person!

(End of this chapter)

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