Chapter 138
Scott didn't dare to kill in front of Dumbledore.

At this moment, Dumbledore stood precisely outside Scott's previous range of magical perception.

He just stood there watching, posing as a crowd, without any intention of taking action.

Scott knew he was probably trying to see what he would do.


Although a little upset, Scott couldn't help but began to be grateful to Medea.

If it weren't for her music magic to expand my perception range, I'm afraid I'm going to fall down!
Killing in front of Dumbledore?
Then he will definitely be sent to Azkaban by him.

Scott took a deep breath and let it out slowly, finally calming down his fearful mood.

No matter what the real inside is, the wizarding world is a society ruled by law on the surface.


On the bright side, since Dumbledore is here, Scott doesn't have to be too careful.

Thinking of this, he took a few steps forward again holding his wand.

"Passed out."

The dazzling red light of the Stunning Spell pierced the deep darkness and came to Yaxley in an instant.

Scott even saw the shocked faces of Yaxley and Carlo for a split second.


The Stunning Spell hit Yaxley in the chest before he could react.

What is this voice?
Scott was a little surprised.

But in the next second, a dazzling green glow shot out.

"Avada Kedavra!"

It was Yaxley's voice.

Scott immediately tensed up.

But instead of panicking, he waved his wand calmly.

"Get bigger fast!"

A branch in front of him suddenly swelled rapidly, blocking the flying death curse.

There was an explosion and the branch was shattered.

"Smashed to pieces!"

"Armor protection."

Scott waved his wand again, blocking the flying sawdust and Carlo's crushing spell.

Then, he quickly ran to the other side.

"It seems that you are more difficult to deal with than I thought, little Mudblood." Yaxley said, "Disillusionment spell? I didn't expect you to be not only a genius of transfiguration, but also able to use this kind of spell."

Scott didn't make a sound, just walked slowly and quietly.

The illusion spell, which was originally not as effective as the invisibility cloak, was particularly effective in this dark environment.

Now the other party should not know where he is, and he has no intention of revealing it.

The most troublesome thing now is the magic item on Yaxley that automatically defends against the Stunning Spell. Scott doesn't know if it will automatically defend against other spells.

"Have you been hiding?"

Yaxley laughed.

"But it's useless!"

He waved his wand, and a palpitating flame landed on the ground, and then spread rapidly.

"This is the Fierce Fire Curse!"

Carlo yelled in horror.

"You are crazy, this is a forest!"

Yaxley didn't answer, he directed the growing fire around him.

At this moment, Scott is very thankful that he has kept walking.

He was already behind Yaxley.

Watching Yaxley's back, he swung his wand, muttered a spell, and cast an unexpected charm.

A golden light hit Yaxley's back in an instant.

Not protected by magic items.

Didn't expect it to work!
Scott, who was just holding a try attitude, raised the corners of his mouth happily.

He was using the Happy Charm that Hogwarts students learn in their third year.

This is a magic spell that can bring real happiness to people, and it is usually only used by students to joke and prank, or to comfort their lovelorn friends.

But Scott always felt that it could have many uses, and even felt that this spell could restrain a lot of black magic that needed negative emotions to dominate.

At this moment today, with Dumbledore escorting him and his opponent being a dark wizard, it was simply the best opportunity to verify the conjecture.

So he used this spell without hesitation.

He won the bet!

It is not a harmful attack enchantment and is not protected by magic items.

But for Yaxley, who was controlling Fiendfire at the moment, this kind of heartfelt happiness was fatal.

Fiercefire is the flame of the devil, and it needs the intense abhorrence of the caster, the dark emotion to feed it.

As Scott conjectured, a person who is genuinely happy may not really be able to use most of the dark arts.

Unless it is a real madman who regards killing and darkness as a source of happiness.

The spreading fiends were out of control, and Yaxley had lost control of them.

They began to swell, rewinding towards Yaxley and Carlo.


Yaxley turned and ran, and Scott saw the happy smile on his face.

"what happened!"

Carlo almost screamed.

Yaxley cursed with a smile on his face, "...Happy Curse! Fierce is out of control!"

But the two of them seemed to have underestimated the speed at which Fierce Flame spread, and the flames exuding a terrifying aura caught up with them almost instantly.

Carlo's ass was burned, and he howled like a little girl and jumped high.

"Help me!" he yelled for help.

But Yaxley ran faster, and ran without looking back.

At the critical moment, a rope sprang out from the woods, binding Yaxley and Carlo tightly together.

Afterwards, the two flew up under the pull of the rope, and escaped from the encirclement of Fiendfire.

Dumbledore walked out of the forest without haste, and reached out to catch the two wands that fell from the sky.

His long silver hair and beard, as well as his half-moon glasses on the bridge of his nose, glistened in the firelight.

He didn't look at Yaxley and Carlo, whom he had left aside, or at Scott.

He just glanced at the flames that were spreading rapidly and then squatted down.

"All curses end!"

The Elder Wand in his hand glowed golden, and he thrust it into the ground with his backhand.

The golden light also spread rapidly, instantly covering all the ground where Fiendfire was ignited.

Those fierce flames were thus extinguished.


Dumbledore looked back at Scott.

"As far as I know, your challenge time is not enough."

"Yes, Professor!"

Scott came back to his senses and quickly ran towards the spider's nest.

He passed the two strapped to the ground, and returned a smile to the smiling Yaxley.

He thought that this eloquent wizard should be squatting in Azkaban like his cousin Travers.

Scott ran to the spider's den as fast as he could.

"All petrochemical!"

"All petrochemical!"

Two petrification curses flew out, hitting the two big spiders guarding the entrance of the lair.

"Smashed to pieces!"

"Smashed to pieces!"

Two crushing spells reduced them to dust.

Scott kept stepping past them and walked into the nest covered with white spider silk.

The spiderlings in the nest didn't seem to notice the movement at the entrance. Scott heard the rustling sound and the unique sound of sucking, which made his scalp tingle.

"Burning flames!"

The dancing flame landed on the ground, and the thick spider silk suddenly burned violently.

"Burning flames!"

As he walked, Scott set fire at random until every corner of the spider's nest was ignited.

Then, he walked out of the nest filled with flames and smoke amidst the screams and unpleasant smell of the spiderlings.

 Ah, I got up late.

  (_) Lying on the bed and typing on the mobile phone, I fell asleep while typing.

  In short, this is yesterday's update that was promised the day before yesterday.

  Today's update will be coded in the afternoon.

  But I don't dare to boast, today I only promise to guarantee three chapters (_).

(End of this chapter)

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