Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 122 122. The Question of Free and Not Free

Chapter 122 122. The Question of Free and Not Free

That night, Scott, who had left from the Transfiguration Club, came to the viaducted stone bridge outside the castle again.

As his scarf and cloak billowed in the wind, the familiar sound of music filled his ears again.

Scott closed his eyes slightly comfortably.

But just when he was enjoying the wonderful feeling of his thoughts flying with the music, the beautiful music stopped abruptly.

Scott opened his eyes with some discomfort.

He sighed, it really wasn't so easy to take advantage of the cheap picks.

"Come on, kid, maybe we can talk."

He heard Medea's voice.

Scott leaned on the railing of the stone bridge and asked just like that, "What do you want to talk about, dear Miss Slytherin..."

He paused, and added tentatively, "Or should I call you Mrs. Gaunt?"

"Oh, child, you can just call me Medea!" At this point, the other party's voice suddenly turned cold, "But don't mention that surname in front of me!"

She clearly disliked her identity as "Mrs. Gaunt".

Scott raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

It seems that there are still some untold stories in it.

"Okay, Medea."

He changed his address graciously, without trying to provoke the other party.

"What's your name? Child." Medea asked.

"Scott Trollope."

After answering his name, Scott asked directly: "You let me hear your music on purpose, do you want me to make a deal with you like Milton, Medea?"

"It's up to you, Scott." Medea said reservedly, "It's because you have something you want to have that you hear my music."

"Really, but why don't I know? I think I'm satisfied with my status quo." Scott said with a smile.

Medea's voice came again, "That's because you are still in a state of confusion. You go, until you figure out what you really want, and then come to me."

I quite understand it.

Scott sighed.

Medea obviously knew that it was not about buying and selling.

As the party who controls the oath, she needs to create a sense of mystery that she is superior.

Scott smiled noncommittally, and left without obeying.

He spoke again, "May I ask you a few questions, Medea."

Medea was quiet for a while before answering, "It depends on what your problem is. As a Ravenclaw, you should be very clear that knowledge is precious. So I will never give you knowledge for free."

Scott immediately felt that the other party would prescribe the right medicine.

Ravenclaw is indeed prone to madness in pursuit of knowledge.

He thought for a while and asked tentatively, "Why did Ravenclaw sign the oath with you on behalf of Hogwarts?"

This time, Medea's silence was longer.

But she finally spoke up.

“It’s a free question,” she said. “It’s my request, and she can’t say no. It’s what the other three founders have done to me and my dad.”

Scott asked again: "What do they owe you?"

Medea responded bluntly, "Because of them, my father had to go away! Because of them, I lost my father's protection!"

Scott became even more curious, and he couldn't help asking: "Is it really because they disagreed about whether to recruit young Muggle-born wizards?"

"You can say that, but it's not entirely true."

Medea doesn't seem to want to hide these things.

"My father didn't want to admit young Muggle-born wizards to Hogwarts."

Her words came clearly to Scott's ears.

"It did cause a rift between him and the other three founders, and he even had a big fight with Gryffindor, which is true..."

Scott guessed there should be a "but".

"...But it's not that Father looks down on young Muggle-born wizards. He just doesn't trust them because their beliefs are irreversible."

It was pretty much what Scott had guessed before.

The four founders are like-minded friends.

If Slytherin engaged in narrow blood discrimination like Voldemort, they would not be able to get together in the first place.

Moreover, specific analysis of specific issues, from the background of the times at that time, Slytherin's ideas are not completely unreasonable.

On the other hand, judging from Medea's answer, this Miss Slytherin is not ignorant of the outside world.

On the contrary, she should clearly understand the problems facing the magic world today.

Judging from the running time of the oath, she should have just woken up not long ago.

Scott was curious about her sources.

Medea also said: "My father's departure is not entirely out of anger. Hogwarts is also his painstaking effort. He will give everything to protect this school!"

"You mean..." Scott said, "Slytherin left to protect Hogwarts in secret?"

"Of course!"

Medea said proudly.

"In that era, apart from the Holy See, the common enemy of wizards, not all wizards were willing to see the establishment of a magic school!"

"So it is."

Scott responded casually.

He didn't fully believe Medea's words.

Of course, he wouldn't directly question her either.

However, it was rare that Medea seemed willing to answer the question, so he continued to ask: "Medea, do you know where Peeves went?"

"Peves?" Medea said coldly, "When the oath started to run, he was bound as one of the fulcrums supporting the oath."

It turned out to be like this...

Scott clicked his tongue.

Peeves is miserable!
Then he asked again: "You are not a ghost, how did you exist from that era to the present?"

Medea laughed.

Her laughter was far and near, which seemed a bit weird.

"This question..." She stopped laughing, "It's not free."

"Then what price will I have to pay to get the answer?" Scott asked curiously.

Medea laughed again, "It's very simple, you need to use one-fifth of your magic power to trade with me."

"One-fifth?" Scott raised his eyebrows again, "Will the magic power recover after the transaction?"

"Of course not!" Medea said coldly, "Your magic power will permanently lose one-fifth of the total amount."

"let it go."

Scott immediately dismissed the idea.

He chose to ask the next question, "What happened between you and Ms. Gray?"

"You have enough questions!"

Medea suddenly said unhappily.

"I can only tell you that she is not Ms. Gray at all, she is Helena Ravenclaw, the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw!"


The behavior of the two ladies revealing each other's identities made Scott feel a little amused.

He pretended to be shocked, "What? Ms. Gray is Ravenclaw's daughter!"

Unfortunately, there was no response to his performance.

Then, he said several more words, but Medea never spoke again.

Scott pouted helplessly, turned and left.

He will probably never have the chance to pick up cheap things for free.

Aside from the few questions he asked, Medea's music helped him a lot, which made him feel a little pity.

Scott didn't know what kind of method Medea's music was, and he called it music magic for the time being.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think...

It would be great if I could get my hands on music magic with an extremely powerful auxiliary force.


If Milton can regain his musical talent, he will be very suitable to learn this strange magic.


Seeking: monthly ticket|recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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