Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 12 012. Poor Milton Exception

Chapter 12 012. Poor Milton Exception
The events of this day were just a small episode in Scott's study life, which was quickly forgotten by him.

Although he saw through the essence of that Miss Travers at a glance.In his perception, her magical state is completely different from that of ordinary little wizards——

A wizard who has personally killed people will have some subtle changes in magic.

This change cannot be hidden.

This is something that Scott discovered after observing many wizards after awakening his magic perception.

If he were to paint an oil painting depicting magic for Miss Travers, there would be a black and red "scar" on the painting.

Not very conspicuous, but a little awkward.

Scott didn't want to explore why an 11-year-old girl had already killed someone.

He's not an Auror.

As long as she doesn't mess with him, he won't have the leisure to care about things that have nothing to do with him.

It's just that when he sees that girl, Scott inevitably thinks of Professor Flitwick.

The professor had never killed anyone, which actually surprised Scott.

At noon that day, Scott and his two roommates walked out of the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, preparing to go to the auditorium for dinner.


In the corridor, Scott and Roger, who noticed that Milton hadn't followed their footsteps, turned their heads and were surprised at the same time.

At this time, Milton's eyes were empty, and he was slowly moving his steps listlessly. His long hair, which was originally smooth, was a little messy, and he looked like a corpse that had lost its soul.

The Hufflepuff students who were in class with him just now walked past him and couldn't help sniggering a few times.

"Hey! Pull yourself together, Milton!"

Roger walked back and put his arm on Milton's shoulder, leading him to a brisk walk.

Scott smiled helplessly and followed.

In the class just now, Professor Lockhart named Milton to stand in front of the classroom to play the female ghost in the book "Break With a Ghost".The reason is because Milton "has the smoothest hair in the entire classroom".

It now appears that the class performance hit Milton hard.

"I had a hunch!" Roger complained loudly. "My words on the train came true, Scott! Our Professor Lockhart is definitely worse at being a professor than Quirrell!"

A Ravenclaw walking by immediately echoed loudly: "You're right, Roger! Look what that idiot did in class! Huh? No magic theory, no magic practice, only things like A fool's stage play!"

At this moment, Milton couldn't help but let out a loud sob.

"Oh I'm not talking about you, Milton," the talking boy quickly made up, "I mean... um... anyway your performance is great."

"Forget it! Dylan!" A girl came angrily, "Lockhart is useless, Merlin! You know I was looking forward to him before school started! Because his novels are good! Poor Mill Don, next time you should directly reject him!"

Hearing her remarks, several passing Hufflepuff girls immediately quit.

"Kayla White! How dare you speak ill of Professor Lockhart behind his back!"

"Professor Lockhart just hasn't gotten used to it yet!"

"Do you know how hard Professor Lockhart is? Look at those masterpieces in your hands!"

"Of course Kayla is right! You idiots!"

Dylan quickly stood in front of Keira, and several people started arguing.

Watching this scene, Scott immediately dragged Roger and Milton away in a hurry.

"I can't imagine that that guy Lockhart has so many admirers!" Roger made a puking expression, "Those girls must have been blinded by his idiotic smile!"

"He's really good at wrapping himself up."

Seeing that Milton couldn't get used to it, Scott comforted him and said, "Milton, maybe you prefer to stay out of everyone's sight for a while? You can go back to the dormitory first and have a good rest."

Roger also said: "Don't worry, we will pack lunch for you."

Milton sobbed again, "Oh! Yes, I need to stay out of sight for a while, thank you!"

After he thanked him, he hurriedly ran in the direction of Ravenclaw Tower.

Scott looked at his back and said to Roger: "Lockhart seems to have a habit of staring at a person. As far as I know, a second year student in Gryffindor because he was in the first Defence Against the Dark Arts class. Laughing at his Cornish elf led to him being named for a stage play in every class thereafter."

"Milton doesn't seem to have offended him?" Roger didn't understand.

"No, Milton has offended him," Scott said helplessly. "Milton thinks Lockhart's class has tainted the art of stage play. You know, he's always bad at covering his emotions, Lockhart. Hart should have seen the look in his eyes."

"That kind of look?" Roger's face changed, "I see, it's [Milton's contempt]!"

He had also endured Milton's eyes, and his memory was still fresh.

"Roger, either for Milton himself or for the peace of our dorm."

Scott patted Roger on the shoulder.

"Please take the initiative to replace Milton in the next Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"why me?"

"Because you are the most handsome of the four boys in our dormitory."

"Oh! Since you say so... well then!"

As the two entered the auditorium, Scott suddenly stopped and looked down at the stairs in the foyer.

"what happened?"

Roger followed Scott's eyes, and wondered.

"Huh? That kid is a freshman, and he is standing close to the three girls and whispering? Maybe his ex-girlfriends will soon surpass mine!"

"Something's not normal." Scott's eyes were cold. "Jacob Kent, Caitlin Rolle. If you remember, the two freshmen clashed on the first day of school, and Caitlin Rolle identified Jacob. Birkent pushed her down the spiral staircase in Ravenclaw Tower."

Roger said in surprise: "But now these two are actually playing together? Plus two Slytherin schoolgirls?"

Scott was already frowning. "That blond Slytherin girl is Jasmine Travers."

"is her?"

A surprised look appeared on Roger's face.

Of course Eddie couldn't help telling Roger later about Scott's veiled comments about Jasmine Travers.

He asked Scott, "What do you mean?"

"What happened on the first day of school may not be that simple." Scott said, "That girl, Jasmine Travers, that incident may have something to do with her."

At this moment, Travers, who was under the stairs, suddenly raised his head and met Scott's eyes again.

Scott didn't pay attention to the polite and distant smile on the girl's face.At this moment, his gaze seemed to penetrate her pupils and see through her heart.

The girl immediately put away her smile and lowered her head to avoid Scott's gaze.


Scott called the boy's name.

"Mr Trollope."

Jacob looked up and greeted Scott politely.

"It's lunchtime," Scott said.

"Yes, thanks for the reminder." Jacob laughed.

Looking at the expression on the boy's face, Scott lowered his eyelids, didn't speak any more, just nodded, turned and walked into the auditorium.

"What's the matter?" Roger followed up and asked him in a low voice.

"That boy has changed."

Scott said something in a low voice and went straight to the long table that belonged to Ravenclaw and sat down.

Roger sat down beside him. "Scott?"

"Let's talk later."

Scott shook his head and began to eat.

However, the crease between his eyebrows never disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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