Chapter 119
When Strillner and his companions walked from both ends of the stone bridge to the middle, what they saw was Scott standing alone in the center of the bridge deck.

"Good evening, Trollope," Strielner said with a broad grin.

Scott nodded, "Good evening, Strielner...and these three gentlemen."

Strielner raised his hand and gestured to Scott with the wand in his hand.

He smiled and said, "You know what we've come to see you for, Trollope."


Scott sighed mockingly.

"It seems that Mr. Strielner is still brooding over the fact that he lost to me in the duel last term."

"Heh..." Strielner sneered, "A mudblood is a mudblood, and he only sees such trivial things."

Scott narrowed his eyes.

"It's not me who wants to trouble you this time."

With a malicious grin on his face, Strielner steps aside to reveal the boy standing behind him.


The boy was a little shorter than Stryllner, with shaggy black hair that shaded his eyes, and an incongruously large hooked nose.

"I'm Elijah Carrow," he introduced himself, "Sixth Year Slytherin."


Scott thought about it.

The "Original Book" seemed to describe a pair of Carrow brothers and sisters among the Death Eaters, but he couldn't remember it clearly.

"What can I do for you, Carol?" Scott asked.

Could it be because of Travers?
"Idrick reminded you at the beginning of school that Travers' business is not over yet."

Carlo was pacing slowly, ten paces away from Scott.

When Scott heard this, he thought it was true, but Carlo changed the subject again.

"But I didn't come to you about Travers."

The corners of his thick lips twitched, revealing an "evil" smile.

Scott didn't make a sound, just looked at him calmly.

At the same time, he also closely sensed the movements of the other two behind him.

"Didn't you notice?" Carlo put away his smile and said coldly, "A student from your Ravenclaw College still hasn't come to school after the Christmas holiday!"

Scott immediately understood, "It's Caitlin Roll."

The Ravenclaw first-year girl who was PUAed by Travers and used as a gun.

"That's right, Caitlin is my cousin." Carlo's big mouth twisted again, "and my fiancee."

"So?" Scott still didn't know what he wanted to say.

"I don't care how Travers died, and I don't care if it had anything to do with you."

Carlo took two steps forward.

"But Caitlin is sad because of Travers' death, she doesn't want to go back to Hogwarts, and besides, she hates you."

He raised his wand and pointed it at Scott.

"For me, that's enough. This reason is enough for me to teach you a lesson."

Scott gave Carlo a pitying look.

He couldn't bear to tell him that his fiancée had been PUAed by Travers, and he almost dedicated his whole body and mind to that girl.

"What kind of eyes do you have!"

Carlo waved his wand angrily.

"Passed out!"

Red spells flew from his wand.

"As long as I teach you a hard lesson." He said with his mouth twisted, "Caitlin will definitely thank me!"

The curse hit an invisible barrier in front of Scott and bounced back instantly.


Strielner, who was beside Carlo, stretched out his hand and pulled him away, and the curse hit the stone slabs of the bridge deck.

"Do it!" Carlo said loudly, "Let me teach him a lesson!"

Scott immediately sensed two spells coming from behind.

But he stood still, still looking ahead.

Just when Carlo crooked his mouth and smiled again, Rimbaud descended from the sky with a group of crows with a fluttering sound.

The crows gathered and circled around Scott, blocking the two spells coming from behind him.

"Quack! Quack..."

Rimbaud shouted triumphantly.

"Okay, good job!"

Scott casually praised, and Rimbaud immediately shouted even more joyfully.

"It's just a flock of birds!"

At this time, he heard Carlo shouting.

"Smash them!"

Immediately afterwards, several different spells flew over, attacking back and forth.

When the crows gave up their lives to block the spell again, the wand in Scott's hand picked up.

With a few roars, a total of four gray wolves jumped up from the railings on both sides of the stone bridge and rushed towards the four Slytherins.

"Flying flocks of birds!"

Scott waved his wand and again summoned some crows to supplement the missing flock.

Afterwards, accompanied by the rustling sound, a snake circled down from the pillars on the stone bridge, fighting in cooperation with the gray wolf.

Squeaking, a large group of huge mice came out of the holes in the railings on both sides, and joined in the attack on the four Slytherins.

Scott stood still in place, surrounded by crows, watching the four Slytherins frantically responding to the animal siege.

Stryllner and Carlo were alright, the other two Slytherins fell quickly.

They were tightly bound by the giant python, the magic wand in their hands was taken away by the mouse, and they dared not move under the sharp teeth of the gray wolf approaching their throats.

Scott smiled and waved his wand.

Under the leadership of Rimbaud, more than half of the crows rushed towards Strierna and Carlo.

"There are many obstacles."

Afterwards, Scott just cooperated with casting a few obstacle spells to limit their movement, and ended the battle easily.

"How is it possible!" Strielner shouted in disbelief, "You can control more deformed objects again!"

"Nothing is impossible... maybe I can control so much." Scott said with a smile.

In fact, he optimized the method of manipulating the deformed objects—letting the elementary deformed objects that can only move mechanically follow the semi-autonomous advanced deformed objects.

In battle, he only needs to guide those semi-autonomous deformed objects.

This greatly reduces his own burden, and also increases the number of deformed objects he can control by a lot.

Strillner was furious, "You..."

"I advise you not to say anything!"

Scott interrupted his yelling, and with a flick of his wand turned the boa constrictors around them into thick, strong ropes.

The rope was wrapped around an extra turn, binding their mouths.

Then, he used the moving spell to bring the four of them together.

The mouse sent four wands.

Scott bent down and took the four wands in his hands.

He waved his wand again to restore the deformed animal, and methodically put the transformed materials back into the leather bag.

"You should be very aware of the gap between us, Strielner."

Scott walked up to Strierner and looked down at him.

"It's not a wise move to find trouble with a wizard who is stronger than you again and again, and it doesn't conform to the rules of Slytherin's survival."


Strierner struggled, raised his eyes and stared at him fiercely.

"I said it, don't let me hear that insulting name again..."

Scott knelt down and tapped his wand on his face.

He looked at Stryllner indifferently.

"I hope you don't regret your actions."


Strillner was in a hurry and struggled harder.

Scott had raised his wand.


There was a cold roar.

Scott raised the corners of his lips, and swung the wand down fiercely.

Strielner's hair fell out and he was shaved.

Then Scott swung his wand again.

A clear word appeared on Strielner's forehead - "waste".

Then, Scott retracted his wand, stood up and looked to the other side of the stone bridge.

Snape was walking briskly from there.

His long black robe fluttered in the cold wind, seeming to merge with the night.

"I told you to stop! Mr. Trollope!"

He said in a somewhat annoyed tone.


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(End of this chapter)

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