Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 117 117. Sudden reminder from Snape

Chapter 117 117. Sudden reminder from Snape
In the days that followed, everything seemed to be back on track.

Afterwards, Milton had a conversation with Professor Flitwick, and he seemed to have put aside some worries and entanglements, and his whole person showed a new state——

He quit the classical music club and the Weird Sisters singing group, and began to concentrate on various courses in the school.

At the same time, Scott continued to indulge in his own study plan.

His schedule is pretty full right now.

In addition to the daily courses and homework, he also needs to participate in the two clubs of Transfiguration and Charms, and from time to time receive private spell guidance from Professor Flitwick.

It is even more impossible for him to miss the time to ask Professor Babling every Sunday.

Of course, he still needs to find time for some self-study and practice.

In addition to these, he will take the time to continue to study Occlumency in depth, and continue to use magic to perceive the "truncated arm bone".

This is a magical item that originally belonged to Travers. After Scott "communicated" with it with magic power for a long time, it has been "opened" to Scott's magic power a lot.

I believe that Scott will be able to use it normally in the near future.

This is one of the things Scott feels most gratified about recently.

He had always found the Ministry of Magic's monitoring of underage wizards' use of magic uncomfortable.

Anyway, the exploration of the old music room looks like it's over for good.

The reason why I say "looks like" is because there are still many mysteries in Scott's heart that have not been solved——

First, Scott is sure that Medea Slytherin is not a ghost.What kind of state is she "living" now, and how did she "live" till now?
Secondly, the dialogue between Ms. Gray and Medea reveals a lot of information, and there are many points worth exploring.

Most importantly, why did Ravenclaw sign the oath with Medea on behalf of Hogwarts?What is the specific content of the oath?What is the real purpose of Medea?

And, did she really give up?

Finally, there is another doubt that seems not so important on the surface. Where did Peeves go?

The existence of these doubts makes Scott unable to truly feel at ease even in his busy and fulfilling life.

Because these problems have not been clarified for a day, he is always worried about this matter.

However, out of caution, despite being very curious, Scott did not rush to contact Medea again, especially after Ms. Gray warned Milton.

Judging from Ms. Gray's attitude, that Slytherin's daughter is obviously not a good person.

Scott just wanted to wait.

He wanted to see if there were any other students who traded with the other party like Milton, and if Medea would take the initiative to make moves.

He always felt that Medea was a little strange that day.

Originally, Milton wanted to go back on his word after completing the deal, which was strictly speaking his fault.

But when Scott and the others came to the door, Medea, who was the other party to the deal, did not reprimand them, and even proposed a new deal.

While the new deal is sinister, Milton must become a Muggle or sacrifice his friends in exchange for his musical talents.

The content of this new transaction is actually not a problem, because it can be interpreted as a punishment for Milton's repentance of the first transaction.

But what makes Scott feel strange is Medea's attitude.

Her words and deeds looked as if...she wanted to make a second deal.

Therefore, Scott suspects that her first deal with Milton may be just a routine, and her ultimate goal may be magic power, or magical talent.

On this day, when Scott was sitting in the Potions classroom on the basement floor and suddenly heard the organ music, he always had a feeling of "it's finally here".

At this time, the students were making potions, and Snape was walking silently in the classroom as usual.

In the quiet classroom, the solemn and passionate sound of the pipe organ suddenly sounded in Scott's ears, but no one around him responded.

"what happened?"

He heard Milton asking him softly.

Scott gathers himself as his thoughts drift away to the music.


He shook his head and continued working with the potion.

Well, it looks like Milton didn't hear either.

Scott had once heard Milton say that for a long time he was the only one who could hear the music.

What he didn't expect was that Medea bypassed Milton and went directly to him.

But he didn't find it too bothering.

Although the sound of the music would cause him some trouble, as long as he ignored it, there was nothing the other party could do.

What's more, it's not all bad.

At that time, he had already experienced it once. When his thoughts flew away along the sound of the music, the feeling of looking at the world from another angle was good for both magic power and magic power perception.

Of course, hold back during class.

Potions class is over.

As Scott resists the lure of the music, the potion he and Milton concoct doesn't look very good this time around.

When Scott walked up to the podium to hand in the potion, he also received the customary sneer from Snape.

He picked up the bottle and looked at it, sneered a few times and put it on the table.

"It seems that our genius Mr. Trollope has become less and less concerned about potions, and he has become more and more perfunctory with his potions professor."

He spoke slowly, with his usual peculiar accent.

"Potions are less important than Transfiguration and Charms to make you stand out, Mr. Trollope."

Scott kept his eyes down, neither answering nor meeting his gaze.

Since this semester, Snape wanted to meet his eyes more than once inadvertently, but he avoided them vigilantly.


Snape snorted heavily, the sound seemed to come out of his nostrils.


he said viciously.

"Before the next class, you and your partner, Graves, need to hand in a related paper to me. Three feet long, Trollope!"

"Okay, Professor."

Scott answered dryly, without trying to bargain.

"I didn't want to remind you, Trollope."

Snape began to speak in a snakelike hissing breath, his voice very low.

"But for Felius' sake, you need to be careful, dead geniuses aren't geniuses, just like Travers."

Scott resisted the urge to look up at his expression, his thoughts turned.

Soon, he also whispered back, "I don't understand what you mean, Professor, but I will talk to Professor Flitwick."


Snape snorted again, and waved him to leave quickly.

Scott walked out of the Potions classroom without looking back, joined Milton and climbed up the stairs together.

When he left the basement floor, the music in his ears stopped abruptly.

This made Scott feel better. At least Medea's musical influence was limited.

However, he was not in the mood to pay attention to Medea's matter for the time being, Snape's sudden reminder was occupying his thoughts.


Seeking: monthly ticket|recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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