Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 106 106. Scott's Help

Chapter 106 106. Scott's Help
Scott really shouldn't have provoked the kind of enemy who would attack his family, but the exposure of his address has always been a hidden danger that makes him uneasy.

He didn't dare to gamble on the probability of such a thing happening.

The town is too small for Michael and Emilia to hide.

Moreover, they take the abilities of wizards too much for granted.

A wizard's means cannot be resisted by two Muggles, even with a gun.

Scott has decided that if he still can't persuade him, he can only ask Professor Flitwick for help.

For the next few days, Scott finally couldn't see his name in the newspaper.

This means that reporters such as Rita Skeeter have stopped paying attention to him.

In this regard, Scott also has conjectures.

After all, he is not a famous person. Even if the reporter has a relationship with the deceased in the article, it can only attract attention for a short time.

It is enough for an ordinary student to get Rita Skeet to write two reports. What the public wants more is celebrity gossip.

Scott breathed a sigh of relief.

From this matter, he can basically draw a conclusion - the Ministry of Magic's investigation into Travers' death has basically been finalized.

That's why journalists with the sharp nose of Rita Skeeter didn't go any further.

Today, their eyes are on the Travers family estate and the social question of whether house-elves are reliable.

Scott put down the newspaper and looked at Emilia who was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Oh dear, stop talking."

Emilia raised her hand vigilantly to stop Scott from speaking.

Scott has been trying to persuade her and Michael to move out these days, but it doesn't seem to be effective. The two of them seem to have made up their minds.

Scott sighed and turned to go upstairs.

He decided to write to Professor Flitwick for help.

He returned to his room and quickly wrote a letter to Shay.

"Go ahead and deliver the letter to Professor Flitwick for me."

Scott patted the owl's head lightly and opened the window.

Shay spread his wings and flew, and yelled at Rimbaud in the tree a few times as he passed the yard, as if to show off that he was more useful than that black bird.

Rimbaud is not a real bird after all, its "wisdom" is endowed by Scott's magic.

But with Scott's magical power, there is no way to give it too much wisdom for the time being.

So it couldn't understand Shay's desire to show off, so it just barked twice in response.

Scott sat down at the desk, took out a thick notebook from a drawer and opened it.

This notebook is some knowledge he thought would be useful copied from the school library a few years ago, including some content from the restricted area.

In the past few days, besides persuading his parents to move, he has also been taking time to check the relevant instructions of Occlumency.

Before experiencing the death of Travers, Scott could confidently "open" his brain to go to Hogwarts to go to school, and he was sure that no one at school would read his brain, but now he is not sure.

Because he knew very well that he still had some doubts about Travers.

Of course Professor Flitwick would believe him, but that didn't mean Snape would believe him either.

It was true that Dumbledore would restrain his powers from instigating students, but that didn't mean Snape would do the same.

In the "Original Books", there are frequent descriptions of Snape looking directly into Harry's eyes.

It's hard to say whether to miss Lily Potter through those green eyes or use Dementor to judge whether Harry is lying.

Scott had seen the principle of Occlumency before, but he didn't pay much attention to it before.

In his past thoughts, this kind of magic should be very slow to learn by himself, but it is impossible for him to practice like Harry in the "original book".

It is impossible for him to find a wizard who can take souls and let him look through his brain for practice.

But when Scott really started to learn this spell in the past few days, he unexpectedly found that he was very handy in learning it.

He also quickly found out why.

Basic Occlumency involves clearing the mind of thoughts and emotions so that the Legilimency cannot find any emotional connections to memories that the polygrapher intends to conceal.

When using Occlumency, it is most important to keep your mind blank and calm.

A very relaxed or overly excited brain is extremely vulnerable.While sleeping, the human mind and emotions are also defenseless.

Similarly, when very agitated or angry, one's emotions are equally undefended.

Scott speculates that the reason Harry was slow to learn Occlumency in the "original books" was because he couldn't control his emotions.

Especially in the face of Snape, he might not be able to suppress the disgust and confrontation in his heart.

Unlike Harry, Scott is very good at controlling his emotions.

Of course, in addition to his personality and talent in this area, there is also the reason why he has matured mentally after going through his past and present lives.

All in all, Scott's Occlumency has paid off in just a few days.

Although it wasn't possible to quietly deceive other people's Dementors like Snape did, it was enough for Scott.

If you want to achieve Snape's level, you can't achieve it in a short period of time, and the subsequent improvement can only rely on hard work.

But Scott is not a double agent, he doesn't need to deceive others quietly, he can very confidently deny other people's magic power from entering his brain.

For Scott, the defense of the brain doesn't even have to last long, as long as it is guaranteed that no one can pry into the secrets of his brain in an emergency.

After he reacted, whether he took the method of not looking at the opponent or using the Iron Armor Curse, he could effectively defend against it.

Professor Flitwick came to the Trollopes again after dinner.

Scott, who had been waiting for his arrival, sensed his magic the moment he appeared outside his yard.

He estimated the time and knew that Professor Flitwick rushed over immediately after receiving his letter.


He ran out of the house to welcome Professor Flitwick in.

"Oh, Scott!"

Professor Flitwick looked at him apologetically.

"I came here when I received your letter! If it wasn't for your letter, I wouldn't know about it! I'm doing a spell experiment recently, and I haven't read the newspapers these days!"

His voice was a little sharp.

"I'm really sorry, I clearly told those in the Ministry of Magic not to disclose your home address to the outside world!"

"No, it's not your fault, Professor."

Of course Scott wouldn't blame the innocent Professor Flitwick for this.

"I am already very grateful that you came over after receiving my letter!"

He was really grateful to Professor Flitwick.

This gentle professor always spares no effort to help his students.

"Don't say that, Scott."

Professor Flitwick reached up and patted his arm.

"Since the address of your home was first leaked from the school, I will definitely help you solve this problem."


Ask for a recommendation ticket
(End of this chapter)

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