Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 10 010. Magic Perception Weekend Morning

Chapter 10 010. Magic Perception Weekend Morning
"Professor." Cedric stood up, "Excuse me, when you said 'put aside the appearance of the body' just now, did you mean that what Scott drew was actually your magic?"

Professor Flitwick pointed at Scott with a smile, "Why don't we let Mr. Trollope answer this question himself?"

Seeing Professor Flitwick's gesture, Scott also stood up and said, "That's right, as Professor Flitwick said, everyone's magic is different."

He turned his head to look at Cedric.

"Accurately speaking, this painting is a drawing of my own feelings about Professor Flitwick's magic power after I sensed his magic power."

"Is that what you saw?" Cedric asked him.

Scott shook his head, "It's not really seeing, it's a perception, but it's very clear, I just recorded my feelings in the form of paintings."

"Yes, magic perception!"

Professor Flitwick said sharply.

"Mr Trollope has done what most grown-up wizards can't!

Not only did he clearly perceive my magic power, but he also used unprecedented creativity to accurately express his feelings to others through painting!

Although this is a Muggle painting, I think its meaning is more valuable than a moving magical portrait! "

"Professor," Cedric asked again. "You mean that not everyone can do this with an in-depth study of magic?"

"Yes, it requires a gift for perception."

Professor Flitwick does not deny it.

He further explained: "Basically everyone can perceive magic, but some people can only perceive it vaguely, and some people can clearly perceive the information contained in the wizard's magic..."

"Is that why you always know ahead of time who's approaching you?" Roger whispered to Scott.

Scott nodded, and he said to Roger and Milton, "I think Milton has that talent too."

Roger agreed. "Yes, Milton, your senses have always been sharp."

"It's far worse than Scott."

Milton was in a good mood at the moment, and seemed to have forgotten the "failure" last night.

He even joked to himself, "Moreover, most people will only say that my personality is too sensitive."

At this time, the official class time has come.

Professor Flitwick immediately ended the topic of magic perception and asked everyone to open their textbooks.

"Please read Chapter 1 of the book, today we are going to learn the Flying Spell..."


Scott doesn't know if others have discovered that he can roughly judge a person's character and inner character by perceiving magic.

This can actually be seen from Milton's interpretation of the painting.

That's why he thought before that Jacob Kent wasn't lying.

At the same time, he was also thinking that Tom Riddle, who had not yet become Voldemort in the "original book", was loved by all the teachers at school, but Dumbledore never believed him, probably because his magical performance could not convince Dumbledore.


When the noon sun pierced through the glass windows of the classroom and hit everyone, the morning spell class ended.

"Thank you for the gift, Scott. Now, I'm going to show the other professors this student's work!"

Flitwick spoke to Scott alone, then waved his wand to make the painting float behind him, and left the classroom with his head held high.

"Oh! You're going to be famous now, Scott." Roger patted Scott on the shoulder, motioning him to pay attention to the eyes of the students around him.

"It's good, Scott has such talent to show." Milton is happy for Scott.

Ravenclaw's classmates also came to congratulate Scott.

"Congratulations, Scott."

"Nice job, Scott."

Often, Ravenclaw students admire those who go further, no matter what.

They're well aware that Scott's ability to do something like that doesn't mean he's gifted.

Talent also needs to accumulate enough knowledge and experience to become a definite strength.

"Thank you." Scott thanked him calmly.

"Scott, you've done such an unexpected thing again."

Cedric of Hufflepuff also came over with a smile.

Scott and he were both members of Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration club, and they had a good relationship.

The two belong to different academies, and they also have a high talent for Transfiguration. They are both friends and competitors.

Cedric also patted Scott on the shoulder, "Don't leave us peers too far away."

"I'm not going to stop myself, Cedric," Scott said with a smile.

Cedric sighed, "Looks like I need to work harder."


Four days passed in a flash.

On Sunday, Roger woke everyone in the bedroom early in the morning.

"Is something wrong? Roger."

Scott leaned against the pillow and didn't want to move, only opened his eyes to look at Roger.

At this moment, Roger has changed into a full set of Quidditch uniforms and protective gear, carrying his broomstick in his hand.

"Come on, go to the stadium with me and see if Ravenclaw will have some decent newcomers this year." Roger said enthusiastically to his three roommates.

"Please..." Milton said vaguely with his eyes closed, "I remember the Quidditch team selection was on the weekend of the second week?"

Roger said: "Captain Bruce decided to visit the new recruits who are interested in the team selection a week in advance and give them some guidance. He hopes that the new people will play better in the selection next week."

Eddie, who had just sat up, slammed down on the bed again, "Just because of this? What does this have to do with us!"

"Come on, friends! You are all Ravenclaw!" Roger raised his voice. "I think it is necessary for you to know more about our academy team."

Scott felt that Roger's words were completely illogical, and he picked up a pillow and threw it at Roger.

"We're not going!"


But Scott and the others finally came to the Quidditch pitch and sat in the audience.

"Merlin! Roger is so annoying! He murdered our sleep!"

Eddie's mouth was nibbling on the sandwich, all the while complaining.

Milton leaned back on the seat with his eyes blank, and looked up at the sky with the morning mist.

Scott also took a piece of bread and ate slowly, neither of them responded to Eddie's intentions.

But Eddie didn't take it seriously, and he seemed to have a good time talking by himself.

"Yesterday morning, the Gryffindor and Slytherin teams clashed here for the pitch."

He showed off his inquiries to Scott and Milton.

"Slytherin sophomore Malfoy became their new Seeker because his dad Malfoy Sr. sponsored the team's newest broomstick, Nimbus 2001!"

Seeing that Scott and Milton never responded, he talked about the Ravenclaw Quidditch team in front of him.

"If I had to say, this year's Ravenclaw most watched Quidditch star was Qiu Zhang in Year [-], but it's a pity she wants to be a Seeker, and our Seeker won't graduate until next year. Maybe she Will be temporarily a backup Seeker?"

(End of this chapter)

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