Chapter 959 Explosion
Hearing Yu Wulin's words, Lu Yan turned his head silently.

He could indeed vaguely guess that Yu Wulin was not like an ordinary reincarnation.

But there was a supreme being present at that time, and he seemed to be the same as Lu Yan during the whole process, and he didn't feel Yu Wulin's existence.

This is exaggerated.

In addition, this guy can even fool the obliteration of the reincarnation system.

Lu Yan even suspected that even if the Supreme Being took action, it might not be able to completely kill this guy.

"Any questions?"

Yu Wulin glanced at Lu Yan with a half-smile, and at the same time released a large number of heavy tanks to consume the strength of the blood clan's main battle army.

After finishing, he added calmly: "You can use my name, it's okay."

In the words, there is not much fear of that kind of supreme existence.

Lu Yan hesitated for a moment, and didn't bother to continue asking.

Anyway, based on his understanding of Yu Wulin, it is absolutely impossible for this guy to tell the truth.

Even if I explain it, I'm afraid I have to consider whether it is credible.

Yu Wulin obviously noticed that Lu Yan was hesitant to speak, but he just smiled.

The topic changed: "This kind of legion will not pose much threat to you and me, but if other reincarnated teams meet, it will probably be very troublesome."

"After my satellite investigation, the number of such legions is probably tens to millions."

Hearing this, Lu Yan turned his attention to the main battle army of the blood clan.

During the time they talked, the artillery bombardment did not stop for a moment.

A large number of fighter jets swooped in the air, even if there were many powerful blood generals blocking them, they could not completely stop the indiscriminate bombing of these fighter jets.

Yu Wulin simply regarded these fighters as one-off items, without any scruples about loss.

The roar of guns and guns continued, and the flames shot into the sky.

Duke Flores looked around with an ugly face.

He found that the number of heavy tanks around him was still increasing, and these steel monsters were like tides, constantly eroding the vitality of his army.

At this time, more than half of the legionnaires had been lost.

Those blood warriors who were not so good in quality died early under such intensive artillery bombardment.

Almost all of the surviving blood warriors were wounded, lingering on their last legs under the bombardment.

Obviously, if there is no change, it is only a matter of time before the entire army of this main battle army is wiped out here.

"Damn things!"

The voice of the Duke of Flores suppressed his anger in the billowing smoke: "The whole army obeys the order and breaks out to the southwest!"

After all, they are just ordinary weapons.

Those blood clans above the earl have just some skin trauma, and at most they have exhausted their physical strength.

Therefore, the organizational structure of the entire legion has not yet collapsed.

Hearing the order from the Duke of Flores at this time, he decisively summoned his subordinates to break out of the encirclement.

The encirclement mainly composed of heavy tanks is still difficult to stop such powerful individuals, and a large number of tanks were overturned on the spot by the powerful vampires.

"They're going to run."

Lu Yan noticed that Yu Wulin didn't seem to be responding, so he took the initiative to remind him.

Yu Wulin seemed to be a normal person, shrugged his shoulders, and said: "Run away, run away, do I seem to be someone who will kill everyone?"

Lu Yan looked at Yu Wulin with a strange look in his eyes.

"What kind of eyes do you have, let me tell you, don't look at me as a sinister middle-aged man on the surface, but in fact..."

Yu Wulin seemed unable to accept such a strange look, and explained symbolically: "My heart is the same as my appearance."


Lu Yan's eyelids twitched.

"Hey, I'm not joking. The other party's reaction is very fast, and the overall strength is also very strong. It's normal to escape, not to mention that I was only here to consume my weapon inventory."

Yu Wulin's natural tone really made Lu Yan wonder what to say.

So he chose to do it.

A backhand punch hit Yu Wulin's head,
Unexpectedly, Lu Yan's punch felt like hitting a thick wall.

Except for most of Yu Wulin's body sinking into the ground, he himself was not injured at all.

"Hey, my iron curtain device, how about it, is it strong enough?"

Lu Yan was silent for a while.

One hand was placed on Yu Wulin's head, and he was thrown into the blood army that had broken through.

He also didn't care about Yu Wulin's life and death, and opened the task interface to check the situation on his own.

The above shows that there are only seven resource nodes currently occupied.

With the overall strength of the Blood Race main battle legion, any reincarnation team might not be able to please such a legion.

Although Lu Yan himself didn't care about whether the task was completed or not, there were still so many reincarnated people from the Dragon Kingdom participating, and there were also reincarnated people like Kuang Feng who he was more familiar with.

If these reincarnators with familiar official backgrounds died in the plundering mission, it would be quite troublesome to get acquainted with the newcomers.

Besides, the main battle legions of these blood races are just a piece of cake for him, so he naturally doesn't mind helping them.

It's a pity that you can't see the situation of those reincarnated teams from the task interface, so Lu Yan can only choose a direction to look at it as if he was lucky.

Fortunately, if he is alone, his mobility is not too bad, and he doesn't need to spend too much time on the road.

After making his decision, Lu Yan didn't even turn his head to look at Yu Wulin who was in the ranks of the Blood Race Army.

With a movement of his feet, the whole person soared into the air.

Drove in the chosen direction.

On the other side, Yu Wulin, who had been being beaten in the blood line with the iron curtain device on, stood up shyly after seeing Lu Yan leave.

Patted the dust off his body: "Okay, I don't want to play anymore."

On the hills in the distance, several huge dimensional portals opened one after another.

Yu Wulin glanced casually over the blood warriors beside him, and said, "There are too many nuclear bomb silos, what a waste."

As soon as the words fell, the nuclear bomb silo in the distance was opened, and several larger missiles were launched.

The target of the attack was exactly where the remaining Blood Race main battle legion was located.

Yu Wulin did not flee, he was very confident in his Iron Curtain device.

Several huge missiles are mixed in the sky full of guns, which is not so obvious.

But when these nuclear missiles landed,


boom! ! !
There were several loud noises like the collapse of the sky.

The dazzling and terrifying fireball exploded, tearing apart all kinds of energy in the atmosphere.

A large number of blood warriors at the center of the explosion were directly vaporized, leaving nothing behind.

(End of this chapter)

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