Chapter 698
The divine chain of order transformed by the law made a sound similar to that of a real metal chain.

Lu Yan's whole body was entangled by the divine chain, making it difficult to move, as if stuck in a quagmire.

However, whenever the divine chain wears away a certain amount of flesh and blood, the next moment, new granulation sprouts will instantly grow out to fill it up, forming a delicate balance.

Shi Huang held a halberd in his hand, his whole body was bleeding, looking shocking.

As time passed, his complexion became more and more ugly.

He didn't understand why Lu Yan could continue to recover, even though the living sacrifice to the immortal had worked, as if he didn't need to pay any price.

Shihuang is now riding a tiger.

Before Lu Yan opened the door of death, he was no different from an ant in his eyes, and even if he opened the door of death, he was actually just a slightly stronger ant.

But with the opening of the Super Tournament state, Shihuang vaguely felt that he was no longer an opponent.

You know, even the unstable ten-fold increase secret technique like crossword puzzles can already be called an exaggeration.

Lu Yan, what kind of secret technique is this?
Why such an unreasonable increase?

What is the difference between the magnitude of this enhancement and a foul?
Shihuang is a little helpless now.

Every time the Immortal Living Sacrifice lasts for a longer period of time, it consumes his vitality. This kind of taboo secret technique is self-destructive, so it is naturally impossible to use it as a routine method.

Perhaps he can choose to sublimate to the utmost, but that is tantamount to embarking on a dead end, even if he can kill Lu Yan, he will not survive.

This cost too much.

Cutting himself with a knife, falling from the realm of the great emperor, waiting for so many years, is to become an immortal.

How could it be possible to fall short because of this sudden incident.

"What exactly do you want?"

Shihuang shouted loudly.

Lu Yan was still enduring the pain, trying to find a way to break it.

After hearing Shihuang's words, the corner of his mouth couldn't help curling up, and he said amusedly, "Would you like to listen to what you're talking about?"

You were the one who did it without saying a word, and you were the one who said to stop it. Now you are asking me what I want to do?
Lu Yan ignored it, and spread his right palm towards Emperor Shi.

Suo Tian.

Block its connection with the world.

Supreme cut himself, although the dependence on the power of heaven and earth has been greatly reduced, but Suotian can still make his ability to mobilize the patterns and laws of heaven and earth dull.

Then he clenched his fist, and his entire right arm turned dark red, as dark as dried blood.

Blood for blood.

From the battle so far, the accumulated blood energy is already huge enough.

Brilliant golden starlight flowed upwards one after another, this kind of brilliant golden color was slightly different from the golden yellow in the Super Race state.

This is armor energy.

Coordinated by "non-self", there is no conflict or shackles, and all kinds of forces are perfectly combined.

This is Lu Yan's real fighting state.

Having experienced so many experiences in the world, he is not sure how terrifying and destructive it is now that he is going all out.

The power of the full explosion can be called shocking.

The violent momentum tore apart the galaxy.

The whole Beidou was trembling.

The little monk at the bottom didn't know what happened. He looked up at the starry sky and felt cold all over his body.

This time, Immortal Living Sacrifice couldn't lock Lu Yan at all.

He came with a massacre, and Shi Huang couldn't bear it at all, and his flesh and blood flew everywhere.

The black peaks in the Undead Mountain were reduced to ashes in pieces.

Facing the situation of life and death, Shihuang calmed down instead, and the same sentence, this kind of character will never lack courage.

Extremely sublime!

The law of the emperor's way permeates, and the celestial light and auspicious colors burst out.

Return to the Great Emperor Realm!
At this time, Shi Huang was not in a hurry to repair his injured body, but just protected his soul, and made a magic sound that shook the sky forever.

"Forge immortality with my blood!"

A strange force spread out from him, spreading out for an unknown distance.

A figure like a demon god came from a distance, with the breath of time flowing, even more terrifying and powerful than the sublimated Stone Emperor.

Shi Huang called it the afterlife body, and it could also be called the future body.

This is the magical function of "Tao I", and it is rare among the great emperors to master this kind of power.

Lu Yan responded indifferently, and shot with all his strength.

No matter what moves Shi Huang uses, Lu Yan is not going to let him go.

Under the collision of terrifying forces, the Undead Mountain collapsed!
Everything revives and withers, and the universe is roaring.

Such earth-shattering, earth-shattering fluctuations not only affected Beidou, but also other star regions.

Ziwei Starfield, Eternal Starfield...

All the powerhouses are horrified. Could it be that the emperor is attacking?

When the two broke out with all their strength, the supreme beings in the undead mountain had no time to stop them, or it should be said that no one dared to stand up and stop them.

In the end, the central area of ​​the Undead Mountain turned into a vast expanse of whiteness, chaos exploded, the universe trembled, and there was a catastrophe!
Like someone erased all the color with an eraser.

Lu Yanling stood in mid-air, covered in blood, his right arm and half of his body disappeared.

He looks miserable, and the other party's situation will only get worse.

The Shihuang Xiantai disintegrated, and the Dao fruit was dissipating. There was no power to stop it, and life was about to come to an end.

"I lost my eyes..."

The stone emperor's pupils dimmed, and they exploded as a whole, turning into a rain of blood from the emperor, about to rush towards the universe.

This is the spirit of the emperor's blood, and even the most cherished fairy treasure, even for the emperor, it has infinite magical effects.

Therefore, even in front of Lu Yan, some supreme beings couldn't help but collect it.

The supreme beings of the Undead Mountain had to be born because the previous battle destroyed their self-proclaimed position.

They would rather use the lives of all living beings in exchange for their own survival, their hearts have long been cold to the bone.

There is no time to hurt others.

On the contrary, because of the proximity to the water tower, the moon was the first to mobilize the divine power to bring back all the blood that washed away from the stone emperor.

Lu Yan watched the actions of these supreme beings calmly, without commenting.

Just silently waiting for his body to heal itself.

Probably because the first person he met was the Desolate Lord, so he didn't pay much attention to the great emperors of this world at first.

However, the strength and fighting will shown by Emperor Shi clearly explained to him what is meant by a great emperor and an emperor.

Sure enough, standing out from countless outstanding people and dominating a lifetime is nothing to be underestimated.

Not long after, Lu Yan's half body that had been obliterated by divine power regrown.

He looked at the Supremes of the Undead Mountain and said, "Aren't you going to say something?"


Most of the Undead Mountain has turned into the dust of history. With such a big commotion, the rest of the taboo beings in the restricted area of ​​life naturally want to know what happened.

"The Emperor Stone has been slaughtered!"

"The era of the Stone Emperor has come to an end, and it was actually beheaded by an unknown person."

"Tsk, the strong man who can kill the Stone Emperor is not someone who is unknown."

Some were shocked, some were silent.

But more, still curious about Lu Yan...

(End of this chapter)

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