The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 696 Lord of the Undead Mountain

Chapter 696 Lord of the Undead Mountain

"and also?"

An Bo was speechless to himself.

Even his elders would not be able to trade the fairy material so easily.

And according to Lu Yan's words, the two fairy ingredients are just appetizers, where did this person come from?

Lu Yan casually placed the two celestial ingredients on the stone table in front of him, not at all worried about being snatched by someone suddenly.

Then he clapped his hands together, and nine jade slips and several volumes of Emperor's Scriptures also appeared in his hands.

"I guess you don't lack the Imperial Scriptures. I don't know if the Nine Secrets would like it?"


An Bo looked at the nine jade slips in Lu Yan's hand, and was speechless for a moment.

Perhaps one of the Nine Secrets alone would not be able to arouse the level of interest of the Supreme Being, but the gathering of the Nine Secrets is shocking.

You must know that although the effect of each of the Nine Secrets is independent on the surface, each time you master one more Nine Secrets, the overall effect will be stronger.

Take "Jun Zi Mi" as an example, the effect is triggered by chance, unconditionally exerting ten times the combat power.

If you master one of the secrets alone, the probability of triggering it will not be very high, but every time you master one of the nine secrets, the probability of triggering will increase.

The same is true for the other nine secrets.

This is the reason why those holy lands and desolate ancient families are so fanatical because of the complete nine secrets in Lu Yan's hands.

After Lu Yan took out the Nine Secrets.

The Supreme who was paying attention here couldn't help but gasp.

They also tried to collect the Nine Secrets when they proved the Dao Emperor and ruled the world.

But there are still several kinds of secret techniques that cannot be found. I thought that some of the nine secrets had been completely lost, but I never expected that someone could come up with the complete nine secrets.

You Supreme couldn't help it, and dropped the projection next to the ancient tea tree of Enlightenment.

Seeing the two figures that suddenly appeared, An Boteng stood up from the stone table, bowed and saluted.

These two projections are shrouded in divine light, making it impossible to see the appearance clearly.

It can only be seen that one is the image of a rickety old man, and the other is the image of a tall and straight man in his prime.

After the old man appeared, he stretched out his hand to touch the jade slip. He was surprised at first, and then sighed, "It's really the Nine Secrets."

After a short amazement, the old man turned his head and took a deep look at Lu Yan.

I found that I couldn't see through his depth at all.

"Little... what is the origin of fellow daoist?"

Lu Yan didn't answer the old man's question immediately, a light flashed in his hand, and a huge sacred furnace also appeared in his hand.

Said with a smile.

"That's about it."

As soon as the Hengyu Divine Stove came out, the entire Undead Mountain shook clearly.

"It's the emperor soldier of that old man Hengyu."

There is a Supreme who can't hold back anymore.

This is the ultimate emperor soldier.

If it wasn't for the fact that Lu Yan didn't seem to have any intention of making a move, they almost suspected that Lu Yan wanted to bring the extreme emperor soldiers to level the restricted life zone.

The outstretched palm of Hua Dao old man trembled.

Seeing that even the Jidao Emperor's soldiers were brought out, the old man Huadao temporarily ignored Lu Yan's previous rude behavior.

"Fellow Daoist, is the Hengyu Divine Furnace also used for trading?"

Lu Yan casually put the Hengyu Divine Furnace beside him.

Nodding his head, he said, "Since I took it out, it can be traded."

The middle-aged figure next to the old man Huadao didn't pay attention to Hengyu Sacred Furnace, but stared at Lu Yan firmly.

"What is your background?"

This is so weird.

Even the Great Emperor would not be able to trade such life-blooded treasures as Jidao Emperor Armament.

Lu Yan waved his hand indifferently, and said, "It's not important, do you want to trade or not?"

The old man of Hua Dao turned his wrist, and a jade pot exuding a strong fragrance appeared in his hand.

"This pot of magic liquid of Long Live God Medicine is exchanged for Zhezimi in your hand."

Long live magic medicine, also known as Xuanwu medicine of immortality, is a magic medicine of the same level as the ancient tea tree of enlightenment.

Such a pot of divine liquid is enough to achieve the effect of life and death.

Although the old man Hua Dao is the master of Xuanwu Undead Medicine, so many divine liquids are not easy to take out.

In fact, according to the behavior style of these supreme beings, there is a greater probability of directly robbing them.

However, because Lu Yan was too mysterious, and the weight of what he took out was too heavy, these old and sophisticated people were unwilling to be the first to make a move.

Of course, if you really want to say that you are afraid, it is not true.

After all, they are all people who have ruled the world. Except for the emperor and other enlightened people, they are not afraid of anything.

You know, there are digital supreme beings entrenched here.

Even though Emperor Void and Dacheng Saint Physique entered one after another, they never leveled the Undead Mountain, and Emperor Void suffered an attack of injuries when he was dying, and his flesh and blood were split open.

These deeds all illustrate how terrifying the undead mountain's combat power is.

Lu Yan took a pot of divine liquid, watched the number of transactions increase by one again, and smiled with satisfaction.

Sure enough, I still have to find these real immortals, who can basically come up with items that are eligible for trading.

There was a deafening sound of metal collision.

Lu Yan turned his head and looked at it subconsciously.

It was a tall and majestic figure like a demon god, holding a black Fangtian painted halberd, naturally exuding a terrifying evil spirit.

Lu Yan could feel that the person who came was the real body, not a projection like the old man of Huadao.

When this figure appeared, the Wu Dao ancient tea tree on the side pulled out its roots directly from the soil, as if it had grown two legs, and ran away like a girl, making the corners of Lu Yan's mouth twitch.

"Leave the Eternal God Furnace and Nine Secrets, and get out of the Immortal Mountain, otherwise, you will die."

The moment this devil-like figure opened his mouth, he was full of coldness and conceit.

Hearing this, Lu Yan's eyes gradually narrowed.

Seeing this, the old man of Hua Dao put the jade slip with Zhezi back on the stone table, and sighed helplessly: "Stone Emperor, I once told you, don't kill too much, there will be retribution in the end."

The stone emperor in the mouth of Hua Dao old man.

Naturally, he is the master of this restricted area of ​​life!

The strength is terrifying to the peak, even among the great emperors, it is rare.

In the beginning, Shihuang didn't intend to take action against Lu Yan, but he didn't expect that Lu Yan would be so bold as to make a deal in Undead Mountain.

Besides, Lu Yan took out so many treasures in one go, which made Emperor Shi very interested in his secret.

Finally decided to take it down.

"I thought people in your place were very polite."

Lu Yan squinted his eyes, as if he hadn't woken up.

"He's really an arrogant kid."

Shi Huang smiled grimly, and slashed at Lu Yan with Fang Tian's painted halberd, not caring about implicating An Pu and the others.

The halberd fell, making a buzzing sound, and a huge black dragon jumped up from the tip of the halberd, and rushed towards Lu Yan with its teeth and claws.

And this is just a tentative move.

But the temptation of the emperor's way of life cannot be accepted by ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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