Chapter 691 Attention
The sky was originally densely packed with monks, but after the huge collision, only Lu Yan was left standing alone, holding the Jiang family's Eternal Universe Stove in his hand.

The capital below has turned into a big pit, as if a giant dug out a piece of the ground with a spoon.

From the perspective of ordinary monks, what a demeanor it is to use the physical body to forcibly challenge the extreme emperor soldiers!

But Lu Yan didn't pay much attention to it.

To him, it's nothing more than a weak guy with a powerful weapon, just like a baby who can't threaten an adult even with a kitchen knife.

In the sky, Lu Yan fell slowly.

The cloth strips hanging from his body drifted down with the wind, and there was not much joy of victory on his face, as if winning such a battle meant no need for him to be proud.

But for these monks who rushed over, everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but exclaim.

This is too amazing.

A peerless figure who still held the Supreme Emperor Armament lost his life so easily.

Simply unbelievable.

On this day, the world is shocked!

It can be noticed that people continue to cross the void and spread the news in all directions.

The southern region was shaken, the eastern wasteland was shaken, and even the most powerful Zhongzhou had great waves.

The holy lord of the ancient Jiang family has fallen, and even the Jiang family's Eternal Sacred Furnace was taken away.

In the era of Wudi, this is like a fairy tale. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, maybe no one would dare to believe it.

People from Taixuan Sect, Xiaoyao Sect and other immortal sects all looked at Lu Yan who was standing on the ground with trepidation, and everyone's eyes were full of fear.

A young monk approached with great insight and handed a white robe to Lu Yan.

After seeing Lu Yan smiling at him, he stepped back contentedly, causing the rest of the monks to look jealously.

Lu Yan casually put the Hengyu Sacred Furnace beside him, not worried that this extreme imperial weapon would suddenly flee.

Then he put on the white robe and sat down cross-legged on the spot.

He was no longer worried about the Jiang family's possible retaliation.

Rather, he was looking forward to the Jiang family's revenge.

It's a pity that the Jiang family suffered such a huge loss all of a sudden, and they didn't dare to send people here until they figured out Lu Yan's origin.

Of course, the Jiang family did not send anyone, but the other major forces could no longer keep calm.

Representatives from all major forces came.

As time went by, many holy masters came one after another.

"The holy master of the Ji family has met senior."

"Holy Lord Shakelight has met senior."

"Holy Master Wanchu has seen senior..."

There is no precedence in learning, and the master is the teacher.

Facing such a strong man who can't even figure out the details, no one would think that Lu Yan is really as young as he looks.

Many people came to All Saints Land, Lu Yan couldn't stand around so many people, and no one dared to fly over him and the Holy Masters carelessly.

Therefore, although no one stood up to make regulations, those who were weak in strength also stood obediently at a distance.

The holy master of the Ji family restrained his divine light, saluted respectfully, and said, "Dare to ask senior's name?"

"My name is Lu Yan."

Sitting cross-legged in the center, Lu Yan did not hide anything.

Many holy masters present fell into deep thought.

Surname Lu.

They searched in their minds for a long time, but they couldn't think of when such a strong man surnamed Lu would come out.

Even in my impression, there is no strong man surnamed Lu.

The Holy Master Wanchu seemed to have thought of a certain possibility, his pupils were a little bloodshot, and he asked eagerly.

"Senior Lu, you are not from this world, are you?"

When he said this, the Holy Master Wanchu also stretched out an index finger and pointed towards the sky, the meaning of the expression was self-evident.

Thinking of this possibility, the eyes of the other holy masters also brightened.


If Lu Yan descended from a world with immortals, then it would make sense to have the Nine Secrets and such powerful physical strength.

Lu Yan obviously felt that they misunderstood, but he didn't bother to explain anything, and said frankly: "I am indeed not from this world."

Seeing that these holy masters still wanted to ask more questions, Lu Yan took the initiative to interrupt.

"Okay, let's continue talking about the transaction."

He patted the Hengyu Sacred Furnace beside him, and added: "I don't know if you are interested in Jidao Emperor Soldiers?"

When Lu Yan clearly showed that he didn't want to explain, no one dared to continue to ask that question out of boredom.

Everyone turned their attention to the Eternal Universe Sacred Furnace, which was emitting a rainbow of phoenix blood.

They are too interested.

In the entire Eastern Wilderness, there are only five extreme emperor soldiers in total.

Many holy places don't even have emperor soldiers.

However, under the watchful eyes of everyone, no one dared to show their interest in this sacred furnace.

Not to mention what level of treasure is needed to trade a Jidao emperor soldier, just the fact that they will turn against the Jiang family makes these holy masters dare not make a decision lightly.

After all, it is a family inherited from the ancient times. No one can be sure how many old and immortal guys there are in the family.

Lu Yan noticed that the atmosphere had obviously cooled down, and after thinking about it, he understood.

He smiled and said, "Then we'll discuss the matter of this stove later, let's trade the Ninth Secretary first."

"Whether it's treasures, magic medicine or cultivation resources, they can all be traded."


A few days passed quickly.

After Wei's capital city was erased from the map, all the monks who are still nearby are monks.

It doesn't matter if you don't eat for a while.

Of course, most monks are not qualified to trade secrets of the level of the Ninth Secret.

But with such a large and high-quality gathering place for monks, they didn't want to leave empty-handed.

When the first monk started to set up a stall directly on the spot, crude stalls sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

From time to time, monks left in the sky, and at the same time, a large number of monks continued to come.

Almost all of them came here because of the reputation, wanting to meet the stele bearer who was suspected to be a visitor from the fairy world.

As for Lu Yan, in the past few days he has received invitations from many powerful forces, overtly or secretly, but he seems to have not heard them, concentrating on his own transactions.

Unfortunately, the number of transactions on the actual task interface has not increased a few times.

Transactions at the level of the Ninth Secretary are not so easy to happen after all.

Even if it is a person of the Holy Master level, it is impossible to easily take out the treasures of the Ninth Secret and above.

Of course, although the number of transactions has not increased much, after all, the Holy Masters don't care whether the transaction is profitable or losing, they just want to have a relationship with him.

So he gained a lot.

He got a lot of all kinds of magical medicines and spiritual fruits that can improve his body.

Just after this wave of transactions is over, find a place to drink all these drugs.

(End of this chapter)

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