The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 672 Life and Death

Chapter 672 Life and Death
With Ye Fan's identification, everyone also knew the words on the plaque of the ancient temple.

They all showed an unbelievable look.

"Ye Fan, are you sure this is Daleiyin Temple?"

Someone spoke in surprise.

After all, according to the legend, Daleiyin Temple is the supreme holy place of Buddhism. How could it be this dilapidated ancient temple in front of us?

After Ye Fan recognized the handwriting of Da Leiyin Temple, he turned his attention to Lu Yan.

Walking to his side, he asked in a low voice, "Did you know about this Great Leiyin Temple a long time ago?"

Lu Yan shook his head without explaining anything.

His current attention is all on the huge breath of life under the ancient temple.

I don't know what happened to the breath of life underground, it seems to be suppressed.

However, that inexplicable suppressing force is constantly drifting towards the five-color altar in the distance.

Seeing that Lu Yan didn't want to say anything, Ye Fan didn't bother, and walked into the ancient temple with Pang Bo.

Others also suddenly reacted.

If this ancient temple is the Daleiyin Temple, then this is the place where the gods lived. Although it is obviously abandoned now, there may be some treasures left by the gods inside.

Except for Lu Yan, everyone swarmed into the ancient temple.

No one made a sound, they were all silently searching.

Not to mention, there are really many leftover utensils in this ancient temple.

Futons, alms bowls, copper lamps, rosary beads...

Most notable of these was the brass lamp that had been burning until their arrival.

Spotless and everlasting.

Compared with those other utensils, it is obviously stronger than others.

Ye Fan handed the copper lamp to Pang Bo and asked him to continue searching.

On the other hand, he walked out of the ancient temple and came to Lu Yan: "Are there really gods and Buddhas in this world?"

Lu Yan thought for a while and said, "What do you think is a god?"

"Picking the stars and taking the moon? Immortality?"

Ye Fan is not sure.

With so many normal lives, he has long formed a mindset, and he doesn't think that there are really gods in the world.

Lu Yan glanced at him with a smile, then pointed to the bodhi tree in front of the ancient temple, and said, "You can go under that tree to see if there is anything."

Ye Fan was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized it.

If there is a Buddha in the world, then the ancient Bodhi tree must be extraordinary.

He observed under the tree, and soon dug out a bodhi seed from the soil at the root of the tree.

"There really is something."

Lu Yan will also come over now.

He was just guessing at the beginning, and he wasn't sure if there was one.

On the other side, everyone also came out of the ancient temple.

More than a dozen people have found artifacts in the ancient temple. There are only about thirty of them in total, which means that a small half of them have found something.

Frustrated with nothing, Pangbo directly tore down all the plaques from the ancient temple.

It is true that geese have plucked their hair.

So far, all the utensils in the ancient temple have been taken out.

"Om, ma, ne, ba, me, hum!"

The grand Buddha sound sounded, and the ancient temples were bathed in a sacred and peaceful light.

Afterwards, the ancient temple seemed to have lost its sustaining power, and including the bodhi tree, it was turned into dust in an instant.

Faced with this scene, those who found the artifacts did not panic, but were a little excited.

Since this reconfirmed the existence of the gods, they might be able to follow the tracks left by the gods.

Mastering god-like power is very attractive to ordinary people.

At this moment, there was a burst of rumbling sound from the reddish-brown ground, and it seemed that even the ground shook.

Superstorm on Mars!

Fortunately, a hazy mask with a diameter of more than one kilometer isolated them from the outside world, even such a terrifying storm could cause them harm.

However, under the ravages of the storm, the mask is gradually becoming thinner.

"Follow the path walked by the gods and leave this unlivable environment."

As soon as these words came out, everyone understood.

Obviously, the Nine Dragons coffin can be regarded as a special means of transportation to leave Mars.

No matter how bad it is, you can rely on the bronze coffin to block the attack of the storm.

Therefore, everyone rushed towards the five-color altar with all their might.

Only Lu Yan remained where he was.

He hesitated.

After finally discovering a powerful creature, he was still wondering if he could get some information from this unknown being.

Ye Fan paused.

He found that Lu Yan was still staying where he was, with no intention of running away.

He yelled out, "Let's go."

In Ye Fan's view, Lu Yan's mystery is mysterious, so he shouldn't be able to resist this kind of natural disaster, right?

Lu Yan smiled and waved to Ye Fan, signaling to leave him alone.

In his eyes, he finally encountered an opportunity to understand the world, and he was unwilling to give up so easily.

Anyway... the big deal is to follow Jiulong to pull the coffin and fly.

Seeing that the barrier is getting thinner and thinner.

Ye Fan gritted his teeth, turned around and rushed to pull Lu Yan.


People running on the other side.

A huge potential exploded between life and death, and within a short period of time, it rushed out of the scope of the ruins.

The five-color altar is already in sight.

Yet at this moment.


A female classmate suddenly let out a scream while running, and then fell directly to the ground.

A blood hole the size of a thumb on his forehead was still bleeding, and he had lost his vitality.

Everyone was terrified.

Such a living life disappeared beside them, the key point is that they still don't know what happened.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

A huge and solemn voice sounded.

This is triggered by artifacts found in ancient temples.

The bright golden light enveloped that person, like a divine fire burning.

"what happened?"

"I didn't see it, a terrible breath appeared beside me, and then the bronze bell suddenly vibrated."

The students holding the bronze bell felt lingering fear.

This scene clearly proves that these artifacts are really extraordinary.

However, there are obviously terrible things here, and they cannot stay for a long time.

"Go, go back quickly."

Naturally, no one objected, and everyone fled again.

However, before running far, the screams came again.

Another male classmate fell to the ground, the blood hole on his forehead was the same as that of the female classmate.

No one dared to stop and ran wildly.

However, it is this insignificant few hundred meters under normal circumstances, which seems like a natural moat at this time.

In a short period of time, several classmates died tragically.

None of these dead classmates got artifacts.

It's just that at this critical moment of life and death, no one is willing to give up their only life-saving reliance.

In the end, only those students who owned the utensils returned to the five-color altar alive.

(End of this chapter)

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