Chapter 553
"My name is Captain Ye, and I rank 22nd on the Longguo Reincarnation Stele. In the real world, I am the captain of a special operations team."

The man in the tunic suit, who called himself Captain Ye, had a tough step, and his speech was not sloppy, but he was full of military style.

The official think tank itself has made many estimates of the competition system, and the current capture the flag mode is not super-standard.

Captain Ye was selected by them as the most suitable commander under this competition system.

In fact, the reincarnated people with official backgrounds have a good idea of ​​the candidates for the team commander.

The reason for doing this is mainly to win the trust of reincarnations from other wild backgrounds.

In this form of divisional confrontation, every strength cannot be wasted, and everyone's strength must be gathered.

If you move freely, there is a high probability that you will be defeated one by one.

After all, the reincarnations who are eligible to participate in the divisional confrontation are the top group of people in the division, even if they are not far behind.

Even if you can hit two with one, three with one, can you still hit fifty with one?
The reincarnators present all understood this truth, and they could probably guess that Captain Ye's main purpose was to win the support of the wild reincarnators.

Nearly twenty wild reincarnators, including Lu Yan, did not raise any other opinions.

It was considered Captain Ye's position as the team leader by default.


After the divisional confrontation officially started, the spectator channel was opened immediately, and countless reincarnated people poured into it directly.

Ordinary people can only go to the CAA website to watch the broadcast.

Watch channel.

The wind is good for class: first!

At the opening speech: here we come!

Banmi Diary: When you saw me, you were no longer number one.

Sprinkle water to sleep: Hey, in just a few seconds, the number of spectators has exceeded one million. This is just the spectator channel for reincarnated people in the Dragon Kingdom. How many people are there?
Let this go and that: if the quantity is large, there must be a large quantity.

Rising Sun Dongsheng: Now is not the time to care about the number of reincarnations. Have you noticed that we can all enjoy the rewards of ranking in this division!
Yun Changge's little fan girl 23: Husband rushes!
It's time for big talk: The overall strength of our team can at least rank in the top three, right?
Zhong Gongliang: Judging from the strength on paper, this is the case, but there are too many uncertainties in this competition system. I am even a little worried about whether there will be an alliance between the divisions. Let’s wait and see. Now, we can only wait and see.


The world in which the Division Tournament takes place.

For the convenience of command, Captain Ye directly divided the reincarnators into five teams of ten.

Considering whether he can convince the public, he simply selected the team leader from among the powerful reincarnators.

In the end, Yun Changge, Teacher Da Luo, the man in the windbreaker, Lu Yan, and himself were the team captains.

Seeing that no one expressed any objection to his grouping, Captain Ye didn't waste any time, and started assigning tasks directly to Lu Yan and the others.

"My team is responsible for guarding the flag, and you all take your own team to start from four directions. Note that this operation is mainly to find out the surrounding situation. If you encounter camps in other divisions, try not to attract attention. If you find a lone reincarnator, you can kill or eliminate it under the condition of ensuring safety."

Captain Ye looked serious. After arriving in an unfamiliar area, the most important thing is to light up the surrounding maps first.

They tried, but the black dragon flag on a white background couldn't be pulled out at all, and they couldn't even move it.

Come to think of it, only looted flags can be taken away.

Since there is this prerequisite, it will cause them to spend part of their strength to guard the flag no matter what, so as to ensure that it will not be stolen.

Therefore, it is impossible to use all its strength to snatch the flags of other divisions. From this perspective, defense is obviously more advantageous than offense.

Therefore, Captain Ye decisively chose the keynote of defense and counterattack.

Lu Yan nodded, but he had no objections.

Glancing at the man in the windbreaker, he turned and led his team of reincarnators away.

When I knew it briefly before, the man in the windbreaker claimed to be the immortal.

There is no name of the immortal on the stone tablet of reincarnation in the Dragon Kingdom. Judging from the situation of his hidden information, it is not impossible.

But Lu Yan felt inexplicably that this name seemed to be made up by the man in the windbreaker casually.

And it was intentionally told to him!
But, how could the man in the windbreaker who claimed to be an immortal know about Lu Yan's situation?

Lu Yan smiled faintly, and led a group of reincarnations to the north.

Their initial point is in a dense primitive jungle.

At a glance, only the verdant leaves and extremely thick branches obscured a part of the line of sight.

Go in any direction, and no one knows what you will meet in the end.

A group of people walked forward for a few minutes, and when they turned around, they could no longer see the scene of the camp. In a sense, the concealment was not bad.

A scorching sun hung high in the sky, and waves of heat surged through the shade, making the jungle look a bit stuffy.

"Boss Tyrannosaurus, do we really not consider hiding our whereabouts?"

A young man with yellow hair raised his hand and slapped his ear while asking.

His name is, brother come and cut me.

Ranked No. 20 on the Longguo Reincarnation Stele, his strength is not bad.

Probably considering that Lu Yan himself is very strong, in order to balance the strength of each group, the players assigned to Lu Yan are basically at the lower middle level among the fifty Dragon Kingdom reincarnations.

Among them were six men and three women, exactly ten of them including Lu Yan.

Among the team members, the only one that Lu Yan was familiar with was the old man Wu Yanqing.

"Hehe, young man, do you think there are so many of us, even if we hide, can we hide?"

Before Lu Yan could answer, Wu Yanqing asked a question first.

My brother came to cut me, and I curled my lips in displeasure.

Lu Yan watched the team's dispute with a smile the whole time.

He is very clear that, except for those reincarnated people with official backgrounds, the rest of the wild reincarnated people are reluctantly gathered together because of their interests.

Everyone is a top reincarnator, and while they are powerful, it is impossible to be without temper.

There is no loss now, and they can barely get together. Once they encounter a little more intense confrontation, it is not impossible to part ways.

It can only be said that the team is not easy to lead.

One of the tall women took the initiative to stand up and smooth things over.

"Okay, let's take a look first. I haven't met any other reincarnations for so long. How big is this map?"

(End of this chapter)

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