The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 410 Buddhist Saint

Chapter 410 Buddhist Saint
The one who was killed and one injured was not a small character.

You must know that Avalokitesvara is the first existence in the Bodhisattva fruit position, and the other Tathagata is the leader of Buddhism.

Such two Buddhist powers were unable to withstand Lu Yan's attack.

With such a powerful attack ability, it can be said that if the saint does not show up, Lu Yan is definitely the strongest existence in the Three Realms.

But no matter how strong Lu Yan is, he might just watch him go wild in Buddhism.

Maitreya Buddha and Randeng Ancient Buddha looked at the figure standing in front of the lotus platform vigilantly.

The black light spots on his body became more and more intense, and Lu Yan's tall and straight figure like a sacred mountain was facing away from the lotus platform. In the Buddha's light all over the sky, the cold darkness around him was reflected.

The blood-red steam intertwined with the golden streamer, and those indifferent eyes revealed a touch of extreme madness.

This demon god-like peerless figure will forever be imprinted in the hearts of all Buddhas!


Accompanied by the quiet and silent Daxiong Palace and the blood-stained rosette, I will always remember it!
All the Buddha statues were robots that had been cut off, lost all vitality, and remained motionless.

No one dared to speak casually, and no one dared to break the silence in front of Lu Yan.

After a long time, the ancient burning lamp Buddha standing in the front broke the silence.

"Lu... benefactor..."

Lu Yan turned his head to look at the ancient burning lamp Buddha, without saying a word.

He didn't intend to continue the conversation.

The prestige of subduing people spread across the entire Lingshan in an instant.

Using Qu Ren Zhi Wei on such a large scale consumes him a lot.

But Lu Yan didn't mind, he just wanted to erase the entire Buddhism from the prehistoric world in one go.

At this moment, all the buddhas and arhats on and off Lingshan felt the overwhelming fatal crisis.

The biting cold around them made them feel as if they had fallen into a cellar of ice, and their whole bodies went limp.

The ravings of the innocent souls attached to the attack followed closely, and a chill rose from the soles of their feet, and they felt that they had come to the boundless hell of innocent souls in an instant.

As long as the mind is lost for a moment, it will be invaded by unjust souls.

"'s scary."

"There's this weird disturbance again."

Maitreya Buddha, who was always smiling, looked so dignified that he could drip water.

Before the four of them joined forces, they barely suppressed Lu Yan.

Now there are only him and Randeng Ancient Buddha left, and the odds of winning are slim.

This guy named Lu Yan is not something Zhunsheng can deal with at all, is he?
The idea was just born.

Two consecutive invisible ripples swept past.

A trace of dazzling and peaceful atmosphere rises outside the main hall.

The figures of the two coarse cassocks stepped on the ground and walked out step by step, the figures enlarged little by little.

"One flower, one world, one tree, one Bodhi."

"Let the knife cut down and become a Buddha."

The two voices resonated with the heaven and the earth, deafeningly deafening.

It seems to respond to the pulse of the sky and the earth, and there are Sanskrit sounds chanting in the dark.

The golden air wave swept across and spread to the entire Lingshan.

For a moment, a peaceful, compassionate, solemn, and vast atmosphere enveloped everyone's hearts.

The darkness in the hearts of all the Buddhist disciples was dispelled, and all distracting thoughts and demons were suppressed!

Even the babblings of wronged souls that seemed to be ringing in the ears gradually dissipated.

All the Buddhas stared blankly at the main entrance of the main hall, looking at...the acclimatization and reception that seemed to be the source of Buddha energy between heaven and earth.

This is the saint of heaven.

Just by appearing on the stage, Lu Yan's condescending prestige was suppressed.

Whether it is the orthodox prehistoric world, or the low-end version of the world.

There is a common rule, that is, under the saint, all are ants.

All the Buddhas clasped their hands neatly together with shame and reverence.

"Meet two saints."

"Meet two saints!"


The crazy emotions in Lu Yan's mind were also dispelled by this peaceful atmosphere.

His eyes narrowed slightly: "Have even Buddhist saints come out?"

Lu Yan actually underestimated his own influence.

In fact, the two saints have already reached the point where they can't do anything.

Seeing that it was only a short time.

Avalokitesvara fell, and Buddha was seriously injured.

Buddhism has never suffered such a heavy blow since its establishment.

Zhunti even wondered if Lu Yan would have lost the Buddhist foundation they worked so hard to achieve if they came out a little later.

Although Zhunti wanted to slap Lu Yan to death now.

However, in order to maintain the style of a Buddhist saint, he still did not choose to suppress Lu Yan as soon as he appeared on the stage.

"Fellow Daoist is entangled in karma, so come with me."

Jieyin clasped his hands together and said calmly.

While speaking, the vast Buddha light surged like a vast ocean.

Just speaking, the entire hall was covered.

The range of Lu Yan's power to subdue others was compressed again, and he couldn't even leave the distance of two meters around his body.

This is the limitation of Wrathful Whispering, which cannot be used alone.

It is more like an attack special effect, which is attached to the attack.

But if the target cannot be attacked, no matter how high the priority of Wrong Soul Raving is, it doesn't make any sense.

Lu Yan looked calm.

Under the light of the Buddha, he couldn't even generate the slightest anger in his heart.

Just from this appearance, Lu Yan knew that he was no match for these two Buddhist saints.

Eyes narrowed slightly: "What if I say no?"

"It's sad and deplorable that fellow Taoists have heart demons."

Zhunti shook his head, the expression on his face remained unchanged.

The Buddha's light flickered, and the body of Zhunti Saint had undergone tremendous changes.

A full 24 heads and [-] arms grew out.

Don't look scary at this appearance, but this state is very strong.

This is Zhunti Saint's strongest supernatural power - 24 golden statues!
Each hand holds a magic weapon and stretches it wantonly.

Lu Yan moved his feet and rushed straight to Zhunti: "It's all about the show."

Zhunti's expression remained unchanged, and one of his hands stretched out a blessing pestle.

Hitting Lu Yan, the movement seemed slow, but it gave people a feeling that there was nowhere to hide.

From the perspective of the surrounding Buddhist disciples, it was as if Lu Yan had bumped into the divine pestle of blessing on his own initiative.

There was a muffled sound.

The blessing pestle hit Lu Yan's back, and he felt that there were countless mountains on his back, making his bones numb.

With Zhunti's mana blessing, the divine pestle became heavier, almost crushing Lu Yan's muscles and bones.

Seeing that Lu Yan had been brought under control, Zhunti returned to his original state.

Of course, the divine pestle of blessing was still on Lu Yan's body.

Zhunti clasped his hands together and said compassionately.

"Fellow Daoist, please follow me for a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Lu Yan's answer.

Zhunti and Jieyin turned into a ball of golden light and disappeared into the Daxiong Palace with Lu Yan.

Seeing this scene, the shock in Taibai Jinxing's eyes could hardly be concealed.

This is the power of a saint.

Lu Yan, who is so powerful that he can overthrow Lingshan by himself, can't even turn a storm in front of Zhunti.

All the Buddhas, including Taibai Jinxing on the side, knelt down neatly on the ground: "Send off the two saints."

(End of this chapter)

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