Chapter 329 Captain
Riley was a little confused.

Everyone is obviously two rough guys, and they just met.

Why do you say such nasty things.

Lei Li turned his head to look at Lu Yan, his eyes seemed to be asking.

Is this guy out of his mind?
Lu Yan returned Lei Li with an affirmative look.

Roger looked at the two people's eye-to-eye movements. Although he didn't know what they were communicating, he always felt a little mocking him.

Roger put down the water bag, clapped his hands, and shouted loudly: "It's fate's choice, let us meet here."

"Rayleigh! Go to sea with us!"

Roger became more and more excited as he talked, and almost forced Laleli to board the boat.

Lu Yan glanced back and forth between Roger and Lei Li with great interest.

Although in the original book, Rayleigh did become the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates, nicknamed Hades Rayleigh, known as the right hand of the One Piece.

But now because of Lu Yan's relationship, Luo Jiehai's time has come earlier.

Originally, Lu Yan thought that Roger might miss Lei Li, but he didn't expect to meet him on an unknown island.

Maybe there really is a so-called fate.

Lu Yan joked with a smile: "It's you, Luo Jie, who want to recruit someone to join us before we have even talked a few words."

"Yeah, I like this guy, I think he will be a good partner." Roger gestured happily.

It suddenly occurred to him that he was not the only one on the boat, but also Lu Yan.

It is definitely necessary to seek the opinion of the crew before pulling people on board.

Roger paused and asked, "Don't you like him?"

"I don't have a problem with that, I think Reilly does look solid."

Say it.

Lu Yan retreated to the shade of a tree and sat down cross-legged.

He could feel that the current Raleigh was also very vigorous, not much worse than Roger.

The ghost knows what these guys ate to grow up, and they have terrifying force at a young age.

It's not that easy to convince a guy with such extraordinary talent.

Look up through the gaps between the leaves and look at the sun hanging directly above the sky.

I don't know if it will be resolved before dark.

"Okay, this is the end of the joke, you go, don't disturb my wonderful afternoon."

Rayleigh stretched, bent his arms as pillows, and leaned against the tree trunk.

Roger did not give up, his eyes showed a stubborn light.

He earnestly persuaded: "I am Roger, the captain of the Roger Pirates, join us and set sail together, Rayleigh!"

Lei Li closed his eyes halfway, looking at Roger's eyes that would never give up until he reached his goal, for some reason, his heart was slightly shaken.

Riley sighed.

This kind of single-minded guy will not change once he makes a decision.

"That's why I think a guy like you is very troublesome."

"Well, since you are going to go to sea to be pirates, let's talk like pirates."

"If you two can beat me, I will go to sea with you."

Raleigh is quite confident in his strength. At least in the first half of the great voyage, he has seen few people who can beat him.

That's why I dared to let Lu Yan and Luo Jie go together.

On the contrary, Lu Yan said with a smile: "Leave me alone, I have no combat power, go ahead, Captain Roger. It's up to you."

"Don't worry, we will have many new crew members soon!"

Roger laughed.

Rayleigh shook his head amusedly, why did he feel that the captain was being used by the crew all the time.

Lei Li picked up the western long sword beside him and stood up from the ground.

While the posture is elegant, there is also a bit of laziness like a nobleman.

In contrast, Roger's image is very much like a little Lala who can't live for 2 minutes in the original book.

Considering that he was at a disadvantage for not using a weapon, Roger also pulled out the navy-style sailor knife on his back.

This was also snatched by Roger when he robbed the navy ship before.

It was originally intended to be used as an ornament, but now it is used.

Lei Li shook out a sword flower, and then his eyes suddenly changed.

The whole person seemed to be moving in an instant, and rushed in front of Roger in a flash.

Seeing this scene, Roger was not surprised but delighted.

"As expected of my partner."

When fighting Garp, Roger has also seen this kind of terrifying rushing speed, which seems to be one of the six styles of the Navy.

The western sword in Lei Li's hand stabbed Roger's shoulder precisely.

He didn't use the ultimate move as soon as he made a move, and he left a little bit of strength.

After all, they had only just met, and there was no deep hatred, so Lei Li still didn't want to kill him all at once.

Better to let Roger back off.

But Roger is a fool.

The color on the shoulders suddenly deepened, turning into a deep black.

This is armed domineering.

There was a violent metal collision sound.

Rayleigh blinked his eyes, he couldn't imagine that a strange guy he met casually could be so powerful.

Roger just slashed with a knife, not at all worried about hacking the crew he had booked to death.

Fortunately, Rayleigh was indeed not a vegetarian. He swayed and moved around, easily avoiding Roger's attack.

At the same time, Rayleigh would always kick out suddenly, and the thick armor covering it would not make people doubt how powerful this kick was.

The battle between the two looked like a game between recklessness and skill.

Lu Yan watched with great interest.

Lei Li's domineering armed color is used with great proficiency, he is not surprised.

It's Roger.

He saw with his own eyes that Roger's armed domineering power was only awakened when he was beaten by Garp.

It's only been a while before it can be used in actual combat.

Even if he is not very proficient, Roger's talent is really terrifying.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the man who will become the One Piece in the future.

Roger and Rayleigh fought non-stop.

Fight more and more intensely.

Sparks flew all over the scene.


The setting sun sprinkled on the lake, reflecting a golden ripple.


Roger and Rayleigh lay flat on the ground, their chests heaving violently.

At their feet, western swords and sailor knives were randomly inserted into the ground.

The two turned their heads and looked at each other.

At the same time, he laughed.

"No more, no more."

Lei Li's originally elegant face was now swollen into a pig's head: "I admit defeat."

Roger's face was more swollen than Raleigh's, and he could hardly see his eyes: "Haha, then you will be a member of our Roger Pirates from now on."

"Well, Captain."

After such an afternoon of fighting, Raleigh also recognized Roger, and immediately changed his mind.

clap clap ~
Lu Yan walked over to the two of them clapping his hands, and pulled them up from the ground.

"Okay, after being delayed by you two for so long, it's time to set sail again."

Roger raised his fist with his right hand and shouted loudly: "Let's turn the world upside down!"

Rayleigh covered his eyes with a slap.

"Is it too late for me to quit now?"


on the vast ocean.

A sloop sails in the direction the wind blows.

On the mast, a black skull pirate flag fluttered in the wind.

This is the pirate flag that Roger spent one night drawing.

A skull with two curly beards and a black stone tablet behind it.

In fact, Lu Yan was very curious. Roger is still very young now, and he hasn't grown a beard.

Originally, he thought that the two curly beards on the flag of the Roger Pirates were modified after Roger got old.

I didn't expect it to be like this from the beginning.

According to Roger's explanation, he plans to grow this beard in the future.

Whether it's Lu Yan or Lei Li.

None of them are of the flamboyant nature of acting.

The flag of the Pirates, that's what it means anyway.


The ten-meter-long single-masted sailboat was originally just made up temporarily.

Pretending to be Lu Yan and Luo Jie, it was a bit crowded and there was not much private space.

After adding a Rayleigh, it is even more crowded.

Therefore, the matter of replacing the ship is already imminent.

However, I haven't encountered a suitable ship yet, so I can only make do with it.

Roger can't sail a boat.

Lu Yan knows it, and his sailing skills are not bad.

However, he himself is not a very diligent person, plus the human stone tablet behind him.

As a result, most of the time, the sloop is in a free-floating state.

This problem, after Rayleigh boarded the ship, was finally resolved.

Raleigh can sail a boat, and his skills are not bad.

The task of sailing during this period was all on Lei Li.

Luo Jie and Lu Yan are like a pair of salted fish, lying flat on the deck basking in the sun every day.

Lei Li just looked at the two salted fish on the boat with a wry smile, feeling more and more that he was a young man who was caught.

Another sunny day.

But Raleigh was not careless.

At sea, any extreme weather is possible.

Even if the sun is shining brightly at this time, Lei Li will not be surprised if the black clouds cover the top in the next second.

However, in such weather, the visibility is not low.

Lu Yan stretched and stood up from the deck.

Then sit leisurely on the side of the boat and blow the sea breeze.

It's just that he didn't wait for a long time to relax, and the corner of his eyes caught the shadow of a sail.

Take a closer look.

It's a three-masted sailing ship, about the size of Luffy's Wanli Sunshine.

Around this main ship, there are still dozens of small boats hovering.

A blood-red pirate flag hangs from the mast of each ship.

"Rayleigh, the Pirate Flag is a red skull with a cigar in its mouth, do you know it?"

Raleigh turned his head and took a look, thought for a while, and replied, "I remembered, the Bard Pirates are quite famous in the nearby waters."

Roger also stood up when he heard the words, looked at the pirate ship in the distance, and said, "How does this pirate group behave?"

"It's just a group of guys who get together for money and do all kinds of evil."

Riley said disdainfully.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Lei Li has a general understanding of the behavior styles of Roger, Lu Yan and others.

Especially the captain Roger, he didn't choose to go to sea to be a pirate for some benefit, but he has his own ideals and goals.

It was also because of this that Rayleigh willingly became a helmsman on Roger's ship.

Hearing this, Lu Yan's face curled up, and he sighed softly, "There's a new boat."

Roger is also eager to try.

Seeing the attitude of the two people on board, Raleigh understood.

Grab the rudder and start to adjust the direction.

In such weather, it is impossible to sneak attack.

On the ship of the Bard Pirates, the pirate in charge of watching also noticed this small pirate ship.

"On the boat! Pirates are approaching!"

A fat man came out of the cabin, his shirt was torn into cloth strips.

After the big man came out, a woman's cry could be heard vaguely in the cabin.

The big man seemed to be disturbed by a good thing, and dissatisfaction was about to overflow on his face full of flesh.

Bud forcibly suppressed the irritability in his heart and asked, "Which ship is it?"

"I don't know, it should be a newly debuted pirate group. The boat is very small and can only hold a few people."

Bud grinned ferociously, and drew out a sailor knife.

"It turns out that some rookies dare to disturb my good business. Let me teach them well today. The world of pirates is cruel!"

"Little ones, get ready to fight. Remember to catch the alive ones, I have to torture these guys who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

"Oh oh oh oh!!!"

As the distance between the two pirate groups got closer.

Lu Yan could even see the pores of the pirates on the Bard Pirates.

The pirates looked at Lu Yan and his boat with a grin, and waved their weapons excitedly.

For these pirates who are willing to degenerate for money, they like this soft persimmon the most.

There is no danger, and I can vent my desire to kill people.

But what the pirates of the Bard Pirates don't know is that in the eyes of the Roger Pirates, they are the real persimmons.

The pirates of the Bard Pirates were still mocking arrogantly.

"My grandma's boats are bigger than this one!"

"How do I feel, we only need to hit it lightly, and this poor boat will fall apart."

"Quickly solve it, don't make Captain Bard wait too long."

such a close distance.

Lu Yan and the others could hear the taunts from the pirates.

Lu Yan smiled and patted Roger and Lei Li on the back.

He said in a gentle tone: "Be careful in a while, don't break the boat."

"Don't worry."

With an excited smile on Roger's face, he jumped onto the ship of the Bud Pirates.

Lei Li hesitated for a moment, then glanced at Lu Yan.

He wanted to ask Lu Yan if he didn't make a move.

In his intuition, he could feel that there was a huge power hidden in Lu Yan's body.

But for some reason, Lu Yan was always too lazy to make a move.

After such a delay, screams were already heard from the boat.

Lei Li didn't hesitate anymore, he drew out the western sword on his body, and stomped on it with his toe.

Fly high into the sky suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the waist exerted force, and it spun wildly like a spinning top.

Then it spun and fell.

Correspondingly, bloody heads were thrown high.

Lei Li landed on the deck, trembling the long sword in his hand, throwing off a puddle of blood.

Around him, not a single pirate could stand still.

Like an elegant and cold nobleman.

"whispering sound."

Roger was a little upset: "It's really cool."

Roger is upset, so he wants to vent, and these little pirates are going to be unlucky.

Under the terrified eyes of the pirates, Roger began to rampage in the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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