Chapter 122 Tail Beast
"Lu Yan, I'm really, really happy today."

Naruto touched his swollen belly, and said seriously.

From the beginning of memory, Naruto has been a lonely person, trying hard to make friends with others, but everyone is afraid to avoid him.

Everything that happened today was as beautiful as a dream to him.

Lu Yan looked at the sporadic light spots in the sky, and said in an aria-like tone, "I know."

It sounded like he was lamenting something.

Because the ramen restaurant is not far from where they live, they arrived home within a few steps.

After saying goodnight to each other, the two went back to their respective rooms.

Lu Yan lay on the cushion in the center of the room, in the darkness, only his pupils were still reflecting the moonlight outside the window.

Deep and bright.

Perhaps no one knows better than him what it feels like to be alone. For thousands of years, he sent away one friend after another with his own hands, until no one remembered him anymore.

Make new friends again, there is no end in sight, and the cycle continues.

But in any case, at least in his childhood, he was not excluded and suppressed like Naruto.

For Naruto who has been treated like this by everyone since the beginning of his memory, he felt a little pity for a long time.

bang ~ bang ~ bang ~
There was a hesitant knock on the door.

Lu Yan got up and opened the door. Naruto was standing at the door in white pajamas, hugging a pillow.

"Lu Yan, can I sleep with you?"

It seemed that Naruto had never made such a request to anyone, and his little face flushed with embarrassment. Fortunately, the lighting here was dim, so it was not particularly obvious.

Lu Yan turned sideways, gave up half of his body, and signaled him to come in.

Made the mattress a little.

The two of them lay side by side on a mat.

Naruto secretly looked at Lu Yan's side face beside him, finally made up his mind, and asked in a low voice, "Lu Yan, can you be my brother?"

Lu Yan rested his hands on the back of his head, closed his eyes, breathed evenly, did not respond, and did not know if he was asleep or not.

Naruto rubbed his head on Lu Yan's elbow, not having the courage to wake him up.

"Okay." Lu Yan whispered two words as if he was dreaming.

Naruto's eyes lit up visibly with the naked eye, so brilliant that it made people feel distressed.

"Go to sleep, or I'll regret it."

"Just sleep, I'll sleep now."


After dawn.

The villagers gradually woke up from their sleep and started a new busy day.

On the third floor, in Lu Yan's room.

After a while of jumping around.

"Brother, I'm going to school."

With a piece of bread in his mouth, Naruto slid down the water pipe on the roof.

With a friendly smile on his face, Lu Yan waved goodbye to Naruto.

After watching Naruto leave, Lu Yan's smile faded and his brows frowned slightly.

Last night, Lu Yan didn't fall asleep all night, since Naruto lay beside him, his body naturally produced some kind of stress response.

It was as if a wild beast was eyeing him.

That kind of gaze is full of negative aggregates such as hatred, anger, and resentment.

Although it is definitely not caused by Naruto, it is definitely related to Naruto, and there is a high probability that there is some kind of beast hidden in his body.

He was going to inquire about Naruto today.

As a result, the difficulty of inquiring for news was far beyond his imagination. After half a day, he did not get much effective information.

No matter how pleasant the conversation was, as soon as he mentioned the name Uzumaki Naruto, those villagers seemed to have heard about the existence of some taboo, and quickly shied away and said they didn't know.

But Lu Yan didn't work all morning in vain. Hearing Naruto, the villagers blurted out the word demon fox very frequently.

So he guessed that there was indeed a beast in Naruto's body, which should be the demon fox in the villagers' mouth.

After walking for a long time, it was already noon.

Lu Yan walked in the direction of Yile Ramen Restaurant, intending to learn about the situation at that Uncle Yile who is more friendly to Naruto, and eat a bowl of ramen by the way.

"Ah, you said that child." Uncle Yile poured a spoonful of soup on the ramen noodles in front of Lu Yan, "It's really pitiful."

It happened that there were no guests at this meeting, so Uncle Yile bowed down and sat down.

Lu Yan took a sip of the ramen with chopsticks, swallowed it, and then asked, "What is that demon fox that the villagers are talking about?"

"Fox, to be precise, that monster is called a tailed beast."




Lu Yan drank the noodle soup in the bowl, put the bowl on the table, put out a few coins, and said gently: "Thank you for the hospitality, then I will take my leave first."

Coming out of the ramen restaurant, Lu Yan squinted his eyes and looked up at the bright sun.

Nine-tailed demon fox.

He learned from Uncle Yile that there is a tailed beast sealed in Naruto's body, and its name is Nine-Tailed Demon Fox.

According to legend, there are nine such tailed beasts in total, and they have existed since the time of the Sages of the Six Paths. Even if they are killed, they will be resurrected again after a while.

And this nine-tailed fox made a big fuss in the village a few years ago, and Lu Yan's current parents also died at that time.

At that time, Konoha Village gathered the combat power of the entire village. After repelling the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, in order to prevent it from destroying again, the Fourth Hokage sealed it in Naruto's body at the cost of his life.

This also makes sense why the villagers fear and reject Naruto as a child.

It's like facing a bomb that will explode at any time, it is naturally impossible to treat it with a normal heart.

Judging from the huge situation he felt last night, which seemed to be a collection of all negative emotions, it was obviously not like he could communicate well.

In order to prevent Naruto from falling into loneliness again after he left this world, Lu Yan planned to release the nine-tailed demon fox tonight and seal it away in some way.

Yes, he now suspects that the target of the mission is these nine tailed beasts.

The eternal tailed beast has a lot to do with the mission goal of eternal peace.

Judging from the fact that these tailed beasts have an infinite lifespan and can be resurrected after death, they are very similar to him.

But these tailed beasts take pleasure in destruction and cannot coexist with humans. That is to say, as long as tailed beasts still exist, there will always be incidents of tailed beasts attacking humans like a few years ago.

In other words, as long as the Tailed Beasts exist, there will never be a day of true peace.

The more Lu Yan thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very high. What he didn't like was this kind of ambiguous mission introduction. After clarifying the mission goal for the time being, he was relieved.

Lu Yan continued to wander around the village, experiencing this exotic atmosphere that he had never experienced before, but he didn't find it difficult.

Even better, though, with a cup of instant coffee in hand.

Soon, seeing the fiery red sunset in the sky, Lu Yan walked towards the school, he wanted to verify whether his guess was correct.

(End of this chapter)

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