The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1192 Opportunity

Chapter 1192 Opportunity
"I thought you did something wrong."

Luo Ji took out a lighter and a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket, and placed them on the table.

Then he raised Erlang's legs and swayed comfortably.

He was about to find a casual meal to deal with, and then went to a nightclub to start his nightlife.

He didn't expect to meet Lu Yan and Shi Qiang on the side of the road.

To be precise, he didn't know Da Shi.

The reason why Luo Ji could still recognize Lu Yan was because of Lu Yan's outstanding appearance, which left a deep impression on him.

Although the two parties were not familiar strictly speaking, with Luo Ji's current cynical temperament, since they met, they obviously didn't mind having a meal together.

"why do you say so?"

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows.

Hearing this, Shi Qiang reacted quickly. He naturally took out a cigarette from Luo Ji's cigarette case, lit it up and smoked.

During this process, he even gave Luo Ji a look.

After all, Lu Yan's background is mysterious and he knows too many things, so no matter how you think about it, it's strange.

Therefore, it is only natural for the combat center to send someone to investigate.

However, this kind of thing must not be said in front of Lu Yan, it is better to cover it up.

Luo Ji did see Shi Qiang's hint, but unfortunately he was too lazy to make up nonsense and perfunctory.

He simply turned his body sideways and looked at Shi Qiang: "This is a police officer?"

"Ham, no, no, I'm not a policeman anymore, just chatting."

Shi Qiang showed his trademark silly smile.

Luo Ji smiled noncommittally: "The serving is really slow."

As he spoke, he also took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it.

How keen Lu Yan's perception is, even if it's just stuck at the limit of human beings, he can easily judge what the two in front of him are doing.

Of course, he didn't mind either.

If anything, he is quite tolerant of many things.

His current thoughts are more focused on the future.

In fact, from the moment he came into this world, he knew that he would have nothing to do for a long time.

At this point in time, it can be said that it is quite early in the whole plot of the three-body problem.

In the "Era of Crisis", which often spans tens to hundreds of years, there is actually no need for him to do anything.

Lu Yan just thought about it and felt a little bored.

His appearance has indeed made human civilization aware of the existence of alien civilization earlier than in the original work.

But strictly speaking, even if it is ahead of schedule, it doesn't make much sense.

Should be beaten, still can't be beaten.

And in this hundreds of years, human civilization will definitely not be wiped out.

You know, even the biggest crisis that human civilization is currently facing - the Trisolaran civilization, its star fleet will not come to the solar system until more than 400 years later.

Even the faster water droplets will take more than 200 years to reach the earth.

This means that in the past 200 years, Lu Yan has done nothing, and human civilization will not be threatened. At most, it is because of sophons that the development of science and technology has been restricted.


This is actually a bit of a problem.

It is equivalent to saying that for more than 200 years, the technology of human civilization has not made any progress.

If the past 200 years have not been wasted, maybe human civilization can develop light-speed spacecraft one step earlier, and it will not be desperately two-dimensional with the solar system as in the original book.

"So it's Tomoko who is in trouble."

Lu Yan bent his fingers and tapped lightly on the wooden dining table.

"What bother Tomoko?"

Shi Qiang tilted his head and asked.

The strange term also made Luo Ji look sideways.

Lu Yan didn't explain in detail, but secretly pondered if there was any way to get rid of that thing.

No way, the sophon itself is only the size of an elementary particle.

That kind of microscopic stuff, the naked eye is definitely not able to catch.

Not to mention that the speed of the sophon can reach the speed of light, even if it can be seen, it may not be able to catch it.

With Lu Yan's ability, he couldn't find any effective solution for a while, let alone human civilization whose technological level has been completely crushed.

"Give it up, let it go."

The waiter of the restaurant came over with a pot of marinated stew and placed it in the middle of the table: "You three take it easy."

"Wait a minute, three bottles of wine."

"OK, wait."

After Shi Qiang finished serving the wine, he waited for the waiter to turn around and leave, then looked at Lu Yan and Luo Ji with a silly smile, and said, "Haha, are you all drinking?"

Luo Ji shrugged indifferently.

With the drinking capacity of his little prince in a nightclub, one or two bottles doesn't matter at all.

Lu Yan didn't care about this either, he pursed his lips and asked a question.

"What's the best way to fix something that's too small to see?"

"Something too small to see?"

Shi Qiang thought about it for a while, and suddenly realized: "Oh, you were just thinking about the sophon that was... uh, launched?"

After extinguishing the cigarette, Shi Qiang picked up a bowl and said casually while picking up vegetables.

"Isn't that something you can't even see? How else can you deal with it?"

"You can use your imagination, and you can do it in ways that humans can't do at present."

Lu Yan reminded him.

"Too small to see, at the microscopic level?" Luo Ji interjected, frowning slightly.

After all, he is also a tutor at a top university. Although he studies sociology, his knowledge in other fields cannot be far behind.

Shi Qiang said, "That's right, it's an elementary particle."

Luo Ji hummed, and then spoke quickly.

"If you don't consider the current level of human science and technology, there should be many methods, such as expanding the elementary particle."

"Ham, I can't even find it, how to unfold it."

Shi Qiang didn't know how responsible technology was needed, so he just made fun of it.

However, the speaker has no intention, but the listener does.

When he heard the unfolding, Lu Yan's eyes suddenly flashed a bright light.

He thought of a possibility.

If you can't find where the sophon is, then wait until it unfolds by itself.

This is no gibberish.

Lu Yan suddenly realized that human beings actually had a chance to destroy Sophon once.

The universe flickers.

To be precise, it is a false cosmic flicker created by sophons actively unfolding.

Lu Yan can be sure that this plot has not yet happened.

Wang Miao hadn't even been approached by Shi Qiang yet.

As long as Sophon takes the initiative to show up, then Lu Yan has a way to solve it.

The only question is, will the cosmic flickering plot still happen when the plot has already been messed up by me?
After a long absence, he turned his mind quickly and pondered for a moment.

The answer I got was that there was at least a [-]% chance that this plot would happen again.

Because Wang Miao is special.

The direction of research is nano-flying blades that can make space elevators.

(End of this chapter)

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