Chapter 1179 Accident
Lu Yan stroked his chin and said thoughtfully.

"This organization seems to have three factions, and the purposes of these factions are not the same."

"The Salvation faction, the Advent faction, and the Survivor faction, it should be these three."

Lu Yan was a little uncertain, he was still recalling the plot of the Three-Body Problem.

At the beginning, it was a rough scan to recall all his details, but it was still unrealistic.

Maybe only when you see certain events, you can think of some of them.

Shi Qiang bit his cigarette butt with his teeth, and recorded the names of the three factions in a small notebook.

Without much hesitation, he put the small book into his pocket again, and then grabbed Lu Yan's arm.

"Come with me and tell me everything you know."

Lu Yan didn't resist too forcefully, he just asked casually, "Where are you going?"

Shi Qiang turned his head, and with his stern face, even ordinary gazes seemed to be staring.

"Operation Center."

After Shi Qiang finished speaking, he didn't give Lu Yan a chance to continue asking, and he pulled Lu Yan to his broken car parked on the opposite side of the road.

Just as the two were crossing the road, a black Volkswagen suddenly rushed out of the street on one side, which seemed to be due to brake failure or other reasons.

This car was like a frightened big black mouse, rampaging, and pedestrians gave way one after another.

At the same time, a car driving normally on the road noticed the danger and stepped on the accelerator, trying to avoid the black Volkswagen that hit it.

Unfortunately, the starting speed was still a bit slow, the left side of the rear of the car was hit obliquely, and the car suddenly lost control.

The move that led to this emergency avoidance, on the contrary, resulted in more dangerous results.

Coincidentally, two out-of-control cars, one behind the other, happened to hit Lu Yan and Shi Qiang.

With the blessing of speed, it is enough to smash people into meatloaf on the spot.

The incident happened suddenly. Although Shi Qiang remained calm, he had no time to escape.

At this critical moment, he had no time to think about it, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to push Lu Yan, trying to push Lu Yan out of the impact range of the car.

However, before his palm touched Lu Yan, he felt a tightness in his chest, followed by a whirlwind.

The reason was of course Lu Yan.

He has countless ways to stop this car.

But in the end, he chose not to use the one that exceeds the limit of human strength.

Grabbing Shi Qiang's neckline with his left hand, he lifted the middle-aged man up, while pressing his right hand on the hood of the car that had hit him as a support.

Immediately, his feet exerted a sudden force, and after a standard rollover, he landed on the roof of the car in a kneeling position.

There were two violent collisions in succession, one hit a fire hydrant on the side of the road, and the other knocked Shi Qiang's car over.

The front cover of one of the cars was dented by the impact, and one can imagine how powerful it is.

Lu Yan stabilized his figure, glanced at the roof rack that was about to be broken by himself, and then put Shi Qiang down.

This set of movements is not too demanding for human beings except for lifting Shi Qiang up.

The most difficult thing is to judge the timing.

It just so happened that this was not a problem in Lu Yan's view.


Shi Qiang knelt on the roof of the car, panting heavily.

This feeling of surviving after a catastrophe is obviously a bit too exciting, but I have to say that this guy's nerves are really thick.

In less than half a minute, he had recovered from the car accident.

At this moment, Shi Qiang kept looking up and down Lu Yan with the eyes of a rare animal, as if he was meeting him for the first time.

"I can't tell, your kid is really powerful."

"It's also because your clothes are of good quality."

Lu Yan's face was neither red nor out of breath, and he didn't pay much attention to what happened just now.

"Thanks anyway."

Shi Qiang patted Lu Yan on the shoulder, let out a series of iconic silly smiles, and then jumped off the roof.

A car accident of such a bad nature happened suddenly, and it happened to be near the police station. In a short period of time, ambulances and fire engines rushed to the scene one after another.

Fortunately, although the accident was tragic, there were not too many casualties.

Aside from one hapless pedestrian who fell while trying to dodge and suffered some bruises, there were only two drivers who died at the scene.

"Lucky in misfortune."

When a traffic policeman checked the scene of the accident, he let out a sigh of emotion.

Shi Qiang said something into the phone, hung up and came to Lu Yan's side.

"My car can't be used anymore, just wait here, someone will pick us up soon."

Lu Yan nodded first.

Then he frowned slightly, and suddenly remembered something: "Let's investigate the identities of these two drivers."

Upon hearing this, Shi Qiang's originally carefree expression also subsided, showing a bit of dignity.

"You mean, it wasn't an accident?"

Shi Qiang's first reaction was that the reason why Lu Yan knew about the ETO organization was that he was a traitor to ETO.

That's why this kind of silence operation disguised as an accident was called.

If this is the case, this organization is much more dangerous than imagined.

Lu Yan didn't know what Shi Qiang was thinking, anyway, it didn't affect what he was going to say next.

"I forgot about this before...the truth is, the ETO side has the ability to monitor everything that happens on Earth."

Shi Qiang blinked: "Are you kidding me?"

"No, aren't many of the situations you have investigated are things that humans cannot do at present?"

The point is that humans can't do it.

After extracting this information, Shi Qiang fell silent.

He took out another cigarette and lit it, and looked at Lu Yan from time to time.

From an emotional point of view, it is really hard to believe, but fortunately, he does not need to judge it.

"When you get to the combat center, tell me everything you know."


In a bar.

Compared with nightclubs, this kind of clear bar has a lot more random opening hours.

However, at noon, there were not many customers in the store.

"Xiuqin, do you know what it was like when I first knew your name?"

Luo Ji looked at the young woman in front of him, and couldn't help laughing: "It sounds like a kind of unpretentious, hardworking, with an 80-year-old mother and three or four children, so I had to go to the village director's house to borrow a cow. Thus triggering a series of plots, pointing out the feeling of the theme of the novel..."

According to his rhythm, this has reached the stage of getting rid of each other.

Sure enough, the woman named Xiuqin turned dark: "Are all young scholars so rude?"

At this moment, two police officers walked into the store and walked straight up to Luo Ji.

"Mr. Luo, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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