Chapter 1170 Leisurely
To be precise, not only this deathmatch, but even the reincarnation experience, in Lu Yan's view, is similar to a game.

Even if one world is destroyed because of him, there will be no psychological burden.

Just like when you play a real-time strategy game, do you care how many soldiers were sacrificed in the process of achieving the mission goal?


Even if they stationed a bunch of soldiers and deliberately directed them to die, it was just for fun.

Lu Yan pressed his temple, thinking about what he should do for the remaining few hours.

Odin was obediently waiting by his side. Although Lu Yan had allowed him to leave, he felt that he had to report the results before he could leave with peace of mind.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before a "shooting star" flew towards Lu Yan's position, and finally landed on Odin's hand by itself.

Gungnir's return means that the Bamboo Man has been killed.

"My lord, then I will take my leave first."

Odin bowed slightly, then soared into the air, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

drop drop drop
In less than a few seconds after Odin left, the satellite phone in Lu Yan's pocket rang.

Lu Yan clicked on the connection conveniently, and moved the satellite phone to his ear: "What's the matter?"

A suspicious voice quickly came from the other end of the phone.

"Um... Mister [Savior], I would like to ask, why did you let Odin go?"

This doesn't sound like a question, but the attitude expressed is actually quite obvious.

Lu Yan looked up at the sky, and said casually, "He said that he would not kill human beings."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and he could only answer: "Just know what you have in mind, and if you need anything, please feel free to let us know."

Lu Yan hummed and hung up the phone.


Global League of Nations building.

In the conference hall, listening to the busy tone coming out of the microphone, the expressions of many representatives of various countries changed.

Even elites like them with excellent psychological qualities looked a little pale.

Lu Yan let Sushenshen go and didn't inform them. What lies behind this is the other party's freewheeling style of doing things.

Yes, they are fears.

They were afraid of such a transcendent individual combat power as Lu Yan.

The thinking derived from fear is that an invincible individual will really pose a greater threat to human civilization than countless gods?

It seems... there is no difference, right?

It is also powerful, and it is also able to destroy the entire world as long as it is willing.

Do they, countries, and even human society really have any meaning to Lu Yan?

Even if Lu Yan doesn't show any aggressiveness now, none of them can guarantee that Lu Yan will always be the "Savior".

"At present, we should focus more on reviving the gods."

Seeing that the atmosphere in the conference hall gradually became uncomfortable, someone opened his mouth and tried to bring the focus of the discussion back.

Unfortunately, it didn't have much effect.

Once a seed of suspicion is planted, it is impossible to erase it.

They all knew that Lu Yan was an independent and emotional individual.

With that kind of transcendent power, the forces of all parties do not refuse to do their best to help, and they are even ready to flatter and curry favor after the incident of the gods is over.

But the premise of all this is that Lu Yan will not pose a threat to human civilization.

"[Savior], what are you planning to do?" Someone asked such a question.

Why is war a continuation of politics?Because violence itself is actually meaningless.

In human civilization, the use of violence is for profit, even if children fight for no reason, it is to make the other party afraid of themselves.

However, since Lu Yan appeared out of nowhere, until now, no one knows what Lu Yan's purpose is.

A man in military uniform stood up abruptly, slammed his fist on the table twice, and said in a deep voice.

"Have to guard against."


In the sky, Lu Yan was flying aimlessly.

He looked down at the bustling city below, not knowing what to do for a while.

After the battle at sea, even if Odin hadn't issued a notice, none of the revived gods would dare to come out to slaughter human beings as recklessly as before.

After all, the strongest batch of revived gods has been emptied by Lu Yan in one go.

The rest of these revived gods, apart from being huge in number, are obviously not as powerful as those in the sea.

So many powerful gods were easily dealt with by Lu Yan. Before the situation became clear, no matter how much he wished for a complete recovery, he had to be patient.

As a result, Lu Yan could only wander around doing nothing.

Probably because flying was a bit boring, Lu Yan took the initiative to land in the city below.

He landed on the street, and before he took two steps, two teams of heavily armed personnel quickly came to his surroundings, and they pulled out a cordon to ensure that no citizen would affect Lu Yan.

One of them quickly walked up to Lu Yan, stood at attention on the spot, and performed a standard military salute.

"Mr. [Savior] Hello, I am Colonel Liu Shaoxi of the Armed Police Squadron under the Nanre Military Region, and I am here to wait for your errand."

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows.

Obviously, being able to deploy an armed police squadron so quickly proves that they have been paying attention to Lu Yan's actions.

But... that's all.

He will only stay for a few more hours, he is too lazy to bother about it.

"Then come have a cup of coffee with me."

Lu Yan said casually, and walked to a coffee shop at the intersection without haste.

He walked in the middle, surrounded by armed policemen.

Such a big ostentation naturally attracted the attention of these pedestrians on the side of the road.

The existence of the [Savior] has not been concealed by the officials of various countries, and Lu Yan himself is not the type who cannot be found when thrown into the crowd.

For a while, many onlookers recognized him.

Compared with the deep-minded elites, most ordinary people are quite straightforward.

They all stood on the sidelines, looking at Lu Yan with eyes of admiration mixed with longing, and no one dared to shout loudly at Lu Yan under the scrutiny of the armed police.

Two armed policemen opened the glass door of the cafe, and a team of armed police quickly ran in to evacuate other guests in the cafe.

They didn't know Lu Yan's preferences, so they could only try to perfect the details and show their low profile.

In this way, even if you make a mistake, you don't think it will be a big problem.

Of course Lu Yan didn't care about these things, he went to a seat by the window and sat down.

A waiter was holding a small notebook, and under the fierce gaze of the armed police, he came to Lu Yan anxiously.

"First... sir, what do you need?"

"a cup of coffee."

The waiter was stunned for a moment, and could only stay awake and continue to ask: "Then do you want American style or hand pour?"


(End of this chapter)

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