Chapter 1164
Hearing Anubis' hesitant words, Lu Yan did not let Anubis rush over immediately.

Instead, he looked at Anubis' bald jackal head with a slightly surprised expression.

Staring at Anubis was a little uncomfortable, so he withdrew his gaze.

"Then go take a look."


In the swamp in the distance.

The Bamboo Man curled up into a ball, he was sure that the Rainbow Snake would be dealt with by Lu Yan, so he didn't plan to show his head again in a short time.

And he didn't dare to reveal any energy fluctuations, he tried his best to hide his aura, even his perception of the outside world was suppressed by him, trying to ensure that he would not be discovered by Lu Yan.

Although the Bamboo Man appeared before, it was also to confirm the final result.

No matter how you look at it, the bamboo people are indeed cautious.

After all, normally speaking, under the cover of the animal gods, it was completely innocuous for him to let out such a short breath.

Even for Lu Yan, it is impossible to tell which one is a bamboo man from so many messy breaths without encountering a bamboo man.

It's just that what the Zhujie people didn't expect was that Anubis was not solved by Lu Yan, but was developed into a dog's leg.

This is very dangerous for bamboo people.

You know, Anubis has seen him up close.

It's a pity that the bamboo people don't have any remedies now, they can only hope that Anubis didn't notice him.

When the bamboo man restrained his perception, he didn't even know that Anubis had carried Lu Yan to the sky above the swamp.

"Is that guy in the swamp?"

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows.

While controlling his body to fall slowly, Anubis replied cautiously: "My lord, there is still the breath of that guy here. He probably didn't leave, but hid in the swamp."

Lu Yan nodded knowingly.

He also didn't think Anubis would lie to himself, raising his eyes to look around.

Whether this swamp is big or small.

Counting the semi-dry mud around it, it is roughly estimated that it covers about ten square kilometers.

"Then you find him."

Lu Yan patted Anubis's bald wolf head.

Anyway, this round of deathmatch did not say that the destruction of the planet's ecology is not allowed. As long as there is no killing, there is no need to consider whether there will be any follow-up effects.

"My lord, please wait a moment."

Anubis waved his arm obediently, and the huge scepter appeared in his hand.

Compared with controlling the desert like a finger, controlling this kind of swamp is obviously a little more troublesome for Anubis.

But only a little.

Anubis suddenly raised the scepter in his hand.

On the scepter, densely packed ancient Egyptian characters, or should be said, symbols.

Gollum~ Gollum~
As Anubis raised the scepter, the swamp seemed to be boiling, and a lot of bubbles appeared on the surface.


A piece of swamp mud the size of a door panel was suspended out of thin air.

And this was just the beginning, after the mass of swamp mud was suspended, it seemed to form some kind of chain reaction.

More and more swamp mud floated up under the control of Anubis' divine power.

In the end, the entire swamp was pulled into the air by Anubis, which was spectacular.

The original swamp has turned into a huge spoon-shaped pit.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yan looked at the bald and funny Anubis and said, "I really underestimated you."

"My lord, this is what I should do."

Anubis obviously didn't dare to be arrogant in front of Lu Yan, so he nodded and bowed in response.

Lu Yan stroked Anubis's smooth head in relief, and then looked at the bamboo-knotted man curled up in the pit.

"So that stick insect-like guy you're talking about is him?"

"My lord is wise, this is the guy."

Under the praise of Anubis, the bamboo man who curled up into a ball also stretched his body with an ugly expression.

He just restrained all the fluctuations, not dead.

With such a big movement, it's hard even if you don't know it.

The Bamboo Man glanced at Anubis, then focused all his attention on Lu Yan.

The state here, you can tell what happened just by looking at it.

Even if he had expected the worst situation to happen, he still couldn't calm down.

"Cough cough."

The Bamboo Man pretended to cough twice, trying to calm down his inner panic.

"Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War, right? Is there some misunderstanding here?"

Lu Yan didn't speak, but tilted his head slightly, motioning for the Bamboo Man to continue.

Bamboo people didn't think there was anything wrong with his attitude.

On the contrary, he was a little glad that Lu Yan didn't attack him immediately.

"Your Excellency, the victory condition in this round of deathmatch should not require killing the opponent, right?

I know very well that I cannot be your opponent, and I have given up a long time ago, if possible... Can you let me live through the last period of my life. "

As he spoke, a few tears even came out from the eyes of the Zhujie Man, which looked like dry bark.

Looking at this starry sky race that looks like a stick insect becoming a spirit, Lu Yan really couldn't empathize.

He didn't even listen carefully to what the other party said, but instead asked curiously: "Can you tell me what race you are? Why do you look so funny?"

Bamboo Man: "..."

Lu Yan's reaction made Zhujieren's emotions a little incoherent.

In the starry sky, there are all kinds of weird races, but even if they meet strange guys, they won't tell them directly.

Because in the starry sky race, teasing the other party's form is tantamount to cursing in person.

That is to say, the Zhujie people knew that they were no match for Lu Yan, so in order to survive, they had to endure.

He squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying: "I swear, I will not interfere with your actions again. This is my last request. I hope you can agree."

Lu Yan touched the tip of his nose in some embarrassment: "I don't like to make extra trouble for myself."

As soon as he heard this, the Zhujie Man suddenly shot out, but it was in the opposite direction to Lu Yan.

He's not the type to turn back only when he hits the south wall.

When he sees a wall, he immediately adjusts his direction.

The reason why he tried to beg for mercy was purely because the investigation data of the Zhujie people showed that Lu Yan's behavior in the real world was soft.

I didn't have too much hope in myself, and now I heard that the words were not right, so I ran away decisively.

It is worth mentioning that judging from the thin body of the Bamboo Man, one can guess that the speed is probably not slow.

But when he really started running, Lu Yan felt a bit exaggerated at the sudden burst of speed.

(End of this chapter)

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