The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1150 Breaking In

Chapter 1150 Breaking In
Lu Yan stood on a busy street, frowning.

There is no way, his disadvantages are too obvious in this time of deathmatch.

If the opponents in this round are more ruthless and choose to kill a large number of humans, or directly destroy this planet, it will lead to the failure of Lu Yan's mission.

After all, the population of the entire planet is 70 billion. In conversion, 5.00% is 5000 million.

This number is not much, and it is not too much.

In addition, Lu Yan didn't know how strong his opponent in this round was. If the contestants were a little stronger, it would not be difficult to slaughter humans of this order of magnitude in a short period of time.

If you really want to say, from the Warlord level onwards, you already have the ability to destroy a near-earth civilization, the only problem is how long it takes.

The opponent's situation was unknown, which made Lu Yan have to fully activate his perception during the twelve hours without any slack.

Otherwise, if he was a little distracted, he might hear the notification that the mission failed.

Of course, it is not without good news for Lu Yan.

At least he is very familiar with the venue of the death match this time.

As a projection of the real world, the geographical location and the distribution of countries have not changed. The reincarnation system just adds things like gods to it.

It's not like resource planet 28 was at a loss when he first arrived.

A burst of urgent trumpets pulled Lu Yan out of his thoughts.

"Well! Think this is your living room? Standing on the road, you want to die, don't you?!"

In a black car, the driver rolled down the window, poked his head out and yelled at Lu Yan.

Such a bad attitude did not make Lu Yan feel depressed.

He smiled kindly at the driver, and then disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the driver's eyes widened immediately, and he subconsciously raised his hand to rub his eyes.

"Fuck, hell in broad daylight..."


Lu Yan's figure appeared above a building.

It can be noticed that the flags of different countries are erected on the edge of the square directly in front of the building.

The whole building also exudes a solemn and serious temperament.

Inside this building, in the meeting room of the Global Alliance of Nations, hundreds of people gathered.

They are all representatives of their respective political entities, basically including the heads of all major civilizations in the world.

A moderator cleared his throat, pressed the microphone button and began to speak: "I believe that everyone here has already known the general situation from their own channels. The situation is urgent, so I will make a long story short.

After a multi-organized expert team determined that the global gods have entered an active state, it is expected that within the next 24 hours, they will collectively recover. "

The host's heavy voice echoed in the conference room under the support of the microphone.


"Is the news accurate?"

For a while, the representatives of these countries present inevitably experienced violent mood swings, and some even exclaimed directly.

A representative leaned forward slightly. He looked at the host and asked: "What evidence is there to confirm this judgment? As far as I know, the last incident of the revival of the gods happened half a year ago. It’s unbelievable.”

The host nodded and looked sideways at the large screen in the center of the meeting room. Several real-time monitoring images were quickly displayed on the screen.

Among them are torii gates in the mountains, shrines outside the village, dilapidated temples, and the ruins of the original church.

They are located in different countries and regions, the only thing they have in common is that they are all blooming with subtle radiance.

"Since the first revival of the gods, in the past three years, every revival of the gods will have an extremely bad impact on the safety of local residents and property.

Therefore, a series of targeted plans were jointly formulated by several major powers.

The plan includes, but is not limited to, sealing up and destroying mythological books, demolishing monuments, prohibiting the production of all gods and mythological derivatives...

Since the implementation of this series of measures, it has achieved initial results. In the past six months, there have been no incidents of the recovery of gods around the world. "

A representative was familiar with these situations. When he said this, he paused and changed the topic: "It is really hard to believe that the gods all over the world will collectively recover within the next 24 hours. What happened?"

"The reason for the collective recovery of the gods is still under investigation."

The host shook his head, and added in a heavy tone: "But everyone needs to be prepared in advance. According to the preliminary estimate of the expert team, the number of people affected by the recovery of the gods will exceed 60 billion."

Before the words fell, there was a slight discussion in the conference room, but these people present were representatives of various countries after all, and they could barely maintain their composure without losing their composure.

Unfortunately, in this case, it is completely useless to remain calm.

When people first learned of the revival of the gods, they were delighted. Many people thought that the coming of the gods would bring blessings to all living beings.

However, it turns out that these so-called gods don't care about human opinions at all.

To them, human beings are just roadside food, not even qualified to serve the gods, and their only function is to satisfy their hunger.

In the face of such cruel facts, countless people's beliefs collapsed, and they were forced to choose to fight against the gods with mortal bodies.

But the problem is that even the unknown wild gods in the mountain village possess power far beyond human imagination.

It is difficult for human beings to cause harm to the gods with conventional weapons.

Even large-yield nuclear bombs can't kill these gods. They can only rely on the radiation effect caused by the explosion of nuclear bombs to destroy the environment around the gods and force them to fall into a deep sleep again.

After all, this kind of method is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. The gods will always recover one day, and the countries have chosen to eliminate the traces of the existence of the gods from the human cognition level.

The original effect was good, and no one expected that this would happen now.

Just when there was a lot of discussion in the conference room.

Some dust fell from above the conference room.


The ceiling above the conference room, which can resist missile bombing specifications, was dismantled with a half-meter-long hole.

Under the stunned gaze of many representatives, Lu Yan jumped down from the ten-meter-high ceiling lightly.

He showed a friendly smile in line with social expectations at the right time, and casually spoke into a microphone.

"To be precise, only twelve hours."

(End of this chapter)

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