Chapter 1026 Closing
Even in human form, there was still a pale flame remaining on Typhon's chest, like tarsal maggots, constantly eating away at his blood.

So Typhon didn't fly fast, and was watched by many gods along the way.

However, during this period, no god dared to make a move to keep him.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and the gods are somewhat self-aware.

As Typhon's power receded, the dense dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed.

The bright moonlight shone down, reflecting a messy Mount Otterys.

By the way, after confirming that the battle was over, Moon God breathed a sigh of relief sweating profusely.

If the frightening power fluctuations continued for a while, he, the moon god, probably wouldn't be able to maintain the stability of the moon.

Many gods who lived on the earth also took their eyes back one after another.

At most, most of the gods just lamented the power of the adjudicator, but they didn't have any special thoughts.

Only Cronus and other Titan gods who stayed on Mount Olympus watched Typhon leave like this, and were very dissatisfied with Lu Yan.

But they didn't dare to question Lu Yan, they could only suppress the dissatisfaction in their hearts.

Lu Yan didn't care about the opinions of these gods, and turned back to the nameless temple on the coast.

Cronus and other gods chose to pack up and return to Mount Otterys.

After all, although this sacred mountain has been greatly affected by the aftermath of the battle, it is still the highest mountain in the world.

Now that Typhon was driven away, Cronus and the others naturally had no reason to stay on Mount Olympus.

In the Temple of Memory, the barrier of divine power dissipated, and Zeus, who had just finished posting with Mnemosyne, the Goddess of Memory, walked out of the temple refreshed.

But he wasn't indulging in Mnemosyne's tenderness, he clenched his fists and muttered to himself.

"I still need to keep working hard..."


Ten years passed in a flash.

For the gods, this time is just a cup of tea.

But during this time, Zeus was not in vain. He successfully pursued Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, and Themis, the goddess of justice, among the twelve Titans.

Moreover, he also pursued Leto, the eldest daughter of the two Titan gods, the God of Celestial Body and the Goddess of Prophecy, and the quiet and elegant goddess of conservation.

Originally, Zeus also planned to take down the youngest daughter of the two Titan gods, Asteria, the goddess of meteors.

It's a pity that the goddess of shooting stars was very tired of Zeus's rhetoric and deliberately avoided Zeus.

In order not to waste time, Zeus could only give up.

Anyway, His purpose has been achieved.

When Zeus successfully captured the goddess of protection, Cronus reacted.

Including him among the twelve Titan gods, there are only three left.

And because of Typhon's incident, the authority of the god-king is no longer what it used to be, and not many gods are willing to be loyal to him, the second-generation god-king.

The balance of power between the old gods and the new gods was completely broken.

Without waiting for Cronus to take remedial measures, Zeus had already issued an order to completely defeat the Othrys pantheon.

Boom! ! !
In the sky above Mount Otrius, there are many gods.

Among them are some rebellious Titan gods. Prometheus is hidden among the gods and is completely inconspicuous.

The three hundred-armed giants surrounded Mount Othrys like a mountain.

Their body size is much worse than that of Typhon, but compared with most gods, they are still full of oppression.

On the sacred mountain of Otrius, there are still traces left by the battle between Lu Yan and Typhon, which have not been repaired in time.

Such a scene made Cronus even more desolate.

Decades of fighting, the gods are very familiar with each other.

Zeus didn't say much, and didn't even make a move himself.

The power of the new gods has risen.

Huge and diverse divine power reverberated over Mount Otterys.

The hundred-armed giant picked up the mountain and smashed it heavily on Mount Otrius, making it impossible for Cronus and other gods to find a place to stay.

Under the crowd tactics, Hyperion, the two loyal supporters of Cronus, was defeated one by one.

Kronos, the god-king, is also powerless. Although he is still unwilling to succumb to his strong son, he is powerless after all.

The three hundred-armed giants seized the opportunity and quickly restrained Cronus.

Each of the hundreds of arms is not weaker than the ordinary third-generation gods. Under the suppression of this pure power, no matter how Cronus explodes his divine power of time, he cannot break free.

Cronus was extremely angry, especially when he saw the complacent appearance of Zeus and other gods, he was even more angry.

"Zeus, my wicked son, don't be complacent!"

"As long as I break free from these arms, I will beat you hard! Don't forget, you can neither hurt me nor kill me!"

Hearing Cronus bark like this, Zeus didn't care.

Holding the thunder scepter in his hand, he said contemptuously in the attitude of a winner: "You are right, the great god-eating god king, but I can imprison you forever, listen, the abyss is sending out deep cries. Growl, excitedly welcome you three Titans."

Zeus understood the principle of long nights and many dreams, and he didn't even waste too much time.

After freeing Poseidon from Cronus.

So he ordered the three hundred-armed giants to lock God King Cronus and his two Titan brothers through the abyss entrance on the earth and lock them into the prison of the abyss.

A huge roar echoed in the abyss.

Cronus' unwilling wailing made the ground tremble.

Facing the facts, Cronus finally accepted the fact that he would be imprisoned forever, and he cursed Zeus.

"Vicious son, I curse you, you will definitely be replaced by your strongest offspring!"

"You will definitely be robbed of your right to be a god by your own children!"

The mighty roar echoed across the earth.

Even Lu Yan, who was far away on the coast, could hear such a voice.

In a sense, this is really another reincarnation.

The fate of the two generations of god kings Uranus and Cronus is almost the same, even the curses issued are exactly the same.

the other side.

After finally overthrowing the rule of Cronus, Zeus showed a heartfelt smile on his face.

It was only when he set his sights on his two brothers and three sisters.

The smile on his face froze instantly.

In the battle of the gods, brothers and sisters can abandon everything and work together.

But after the war, how to distribute power became a headache for the gods of Olympus...

(End of this chapter)

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