Douluo's son of Tang family

Chapter 75 Misunderstood the children of Shrek.

Chapter 75 Misunderstood the children of Shrek.

After the people from Canghui Academy retreated.

Yun Chuan looked at Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Ma Hongjun who were lying on the ground, and said slowly: "Actually, I have seen the conflict between you from the beginning to the end..."

"Ah? Then teacher, why didn't you make a move earlier!" Ning Rongrong, who heard the words from the side, immediately shouted dissatisfied.

And I heard that Mr. Tang had been observing secretly just now, sitting and watching himself and others being beaten.Immediately Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Tang San, Xiaowu and others looked at him with something strange.

"What? Are you resenting me for not making a move just now?" Yun Chuan raised his eyebrows, looked at the three people with bruised noses and swollen faces, and said, "Do you know why I didn't make a move just now?"

"Why?" The angry Ma Hongjun couldn't help asking.

"Because you look so arrogant, even I feel that you deserve a beating. I think it is necessary for you to be beaten severely, so that you understand the truth of being a low-key person." Yun Chuan said and stretched out his hand, and a blue plant appeared. silver grass.With a wave of his hand, red sparks immediately ignited and landed on the frozen people on the ground.


Water vapor came out of several people, and their stiff bodies became soft again.Soon, one by one stood up again.Don't look at how badly the three of them seemed to have been beaten just now, but in fact they relied on the physical fitness of the soul masters.This injury can only be regarded as a skin trauma.Because those students were afraid of the background of Tang San and others, they didn't dare to make heavy moves.Therefore, Yun Chuan didn't intend to treat these three guys, and let these three guys bear this trauma and have a long memory!
"But Dean Flender said that a soul master who doesn't dare to cause trouble is not a good soul master. As the saying goes, a person who doesn't dare to cause trouble is a mediocre person. We are just practicing the teaching of the principal." Standing up, he patted his body Soil, Ma Hongjun said unconvinced.

"Don't dare to cause trouble is a mediocrity, but looking for trouble is a fool! You don't call it causing trouble, you call it doing nothing!!"

When Yun Chuan heard the words, he immediately said angrily: "The meaning of Dean Flender's words is to tell you not to be afraid of fighting! When facing difficulties with powerful enemies, dare to think and act, and take action when it is time to do so.

This sentence is not for you to provoke others for no reason like just now, and act recklessly.What is the difference between you and those villains who act recklessly with a little strength? "

Obviously it was Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai who picked things up first, but in the end they still thought they were right.Take this kind of thing for granted, and think it is just.Seeing this, Yun Chuan finally understood, it turned out that Tang San was so double-standard in the later films and did so many stupid things.It seems to be inseparable from Shrek's education.Or is Douluo Dalu itself such a deformed society?

Some righteous words of reprimand successfully made Ma Hongjun dumbfounded.Even Dai Mubai was speechless, Tang San fell into deep thought, and began to reflect on himself...

On the side, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and Oscar nodded unconsciously after hearing what Yun Chuan said.In fact, when Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai and the others provoked Canghui Academy, they felt something was wrong.It's just that they are all in the same team after all, so it's natural not to say much.On the other hand, Xiao Wu obviously didn't listen to his words, and still had an angry look on her face.

When Yun Chuan saw it, he sighed inwardly: Sure enough, a soul beast is a soul beast, no matter how cute the appearance is, no matter how human-like it is, it can't change the essence of a soul beast!What's more, he was spoiled by Tang San, who also had psychological problems.

"Go back to me and reflect on it!" Relying on his identity as a teacher, Yun Chuan scolded, "And you, Oscar! Don't use sausages to heal their wounds, let these three boys bear this injury and grow their memory!"

Tang San, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and the others shook their heads, out of reason, they didn't dare to refute.Just like that, he shook his head and walked back to the hotel after Yun Chuan and the others in a dejected manner.

Silent all night.

In the early morning of the next day, just after dawn, Yun Chuan began to perform his duties as a teacher, calling everyone up by kicking the door.

It doesn't matter to people like Tang San, he wakes up very early every day, and has already developed good work and rest habits, but for others, especially those who are sleepy like Oscar, it is a bit painful.So much so that when eating breakfast, most people are still in a hazy state.

The sun slowly rose from the east, making the white fish belly gradually enlarged, and the sky gradually became brighter.

Although Tang San saw this scene every day, no matter how many times he repeated it, the feeling brought by the appearance of the light would still shock his heart.

The rays of the sun drive away the darkness, representing the arrival of a new day.

A group of people left the small town and accelerated forward. This place is very close to the Star Dou Great Forest. Everyone hurried on their way. Naturally, the most excited one was Oscar who was about to get his third soul ring. He really wanted to know, his third soul ring. What kind of enhancement effect can a soul ring bring?

He knew that, without reminding himself, Teacher Tang would definitely bring everyone to hunt and kill at least one ordinary thousand-year-old soul beast for him.

The Star Dou Great Forest is located in the south of the Heaven Dou Empire. The forest straddles the two empires. Because there are many soul beasts here, this is also the place where the border between the two countries is the least clear.

Judging from the map, most of the area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest is within the territory of the Star Luo Empire. Of course, the Heaven Dou Empire has never admitted this point.As one of the three major wild soul beast settlements, this is naturally the place where soul masters most hope to come, because every time they come here, it means that they are about to advance.

No one could tell how many years the Star Dou Great Forest existed in Douluo Continent, but after walking into the forest, the denseness that covered the sky was enough to tell people that it existed for a long time.

From a distance, everyone could vaguely feel bursts of fresh air blowing from the front, and the scent of plants was refreshing and indescribably comfortable.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, all the [-] pores in the body seem to be stretched out. The feeling is indescribably refreshing.

Yunchuan looked far into the distance, and his good eyesight allowed him to see a green ocean in front of him. The endless green looked so shocking, and that was where the comfortable fresh air came from.

Finally, the crowd came to the Star Dou Forest. The tall trees were at least 20 meters above, and this was only the outermost part. The dense forest had no paths at all, and the trees were full of shadows, so the real scene could not be seen.

Before coming to the forest, the air became more comfortable, as if the temperature had dropped a bit.

The refreshing feeling with the aroma of moist earth constantly stimulates everyone's sense of smell.Yun Chuan, who possesses the master of plants - the goddess of life, can feel as if he has returned home, because this is a world belonging to plants.For him, this is his territory!
No one can kill him in the forest!

(End of this chapter)

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