Douluo's son of Tang family

Chapter 1 Being handsome is a lifetime thing

Chapter 1 Handsome is a lifetime thing
When the protagonist of this book regains consciousness again, he finds that he seems to be trapped in a narrow place.There is some kind of liquid all around, and there seems to be a soft lump of meat next to him?
"what happened?"

He was a little confused.I remember that after staying up late and working overtime for several days in a row, I finally finished my own work.After returning home, I fell asleep and woke up.Just trapped in such a place?

What is that meatball next to it?
He felt that he couldn't open his eyes, and then he stretched out his hand and groped the lump of flesh next to him with some doubts. First, there was a round thing, then the shoulder, and then the arm... Isn't this meowing like a baby? ? !
"Why is there a baby next to me? Could it be that I have also become a baby still in the womb?!"

It didn't take long for him to realize this.

"What's going on? How did I turn into a baby when I was so good? It seems to be twins? Could this be the legendary reincarnation? I'm already dead? How did I die?" Many doubts emerged in his mind one after another.

At this time, there was a ding.

A thing that looked like an attribute panel in a game appeared in front of his eyes. He obviously didn't even open his eyes, but he could see this thing.It is simply too unscientific.

【Name: Yunchuan
...Details are not expanded...

The current world: Douluo Continent.

Traversable worlds: none (the traversal conditions have not been met!)]

"This is...a legendary system? And Douluo Continent, I have traveled to a world in a novel?!" Yun Chuan finally reacted when he saw this.

In his spare time, Yun Chuan would also read some online novels to relax.So I am no stranger to time travel, but I always thought it was a fantasy, but I never thought that one day I would encounter such a thing.It feels so dreamy
However, although it feels very surreal to travel through something.But since he is a good adult, he can now become a baby in the mother's womb, what else is unacceptable?
It's just a mere time travel, compared to inexplicably turning into a baby in a mother's womb after sleeping, it's completely pediatrics, okay?

It took a while.

After finally reluctantly accepting the reality, Yun Chuan began to study the attribute panel in front of him.After all, according to the routine of online novels, this should be his golden finger of the time traveler.

As the capital for me to settle down in this world after my next birth, of course I have to study it carefully.

I clicked on the detailed information on the panel with my mind, and more information appeared on the simple panel.

【Name: Yunchuan
Charm: 35+ (Although you have not yet been born, but you have inherited your mother's excellent blood, you will surely become a beautiful man who fascinates thousands of girls in the future!)

Comprehension: 24+ (After the baptism of reincarnation, although your comprehension is not worth mentioning among the many geniuses in the heavens and all realms, it belongs to the top few people in this low-level world.)
Root bone: 25+ (Inherited from the blood of your parents, your root bone is extraordinary, and you will surely become an indomitable man in the future!)

Attribute points: 100 (benefits for beginners, free gift!)

Newbie benefits: Free draw once. (The lottery has endless possibilities, and any item can be drawn.)
The current world: Douluo Continent.

Traversable worlds: none (the traversal conditions have not been met!)]

Yun Chuan looked at the panel and studied it carefully for a while.I feel that the key to the current cheat lies in the attribute points.As long as you use attribute points, you can improve your various talent attributes.

As for the free lottery, he felt that it was unreliable. Although if you were lucky, you might get invincible things, but if you were unlucky, you might only get useless garbage.It is not his style to pin the future fate on the illusory lottery.

So for this lottery draw, he did not choose to draw a lottery in a hurry.And with his current state still in the mother's womb, if he draws some weird things, and then the things appear directly in the mother's womb, wouldn't it be the end of the calf?In short, let's talk about the lottery draw or something after he is born.

At this stage, let's first allocate the 100 attribute points given by this system.

Although this system can't make him invincible all at once, adding attribute points can give him unparalleled and powerful aptitude!
And as long as you have good aptitude, it is too easy to become strong in this world.After all, this is an extremely qualified world.If your aptitude is not good enough, no matter how hard you try, you are doomed to be unable to become a strong person.Da Shi Yu Xiao Gang in the original book is the most notable example.

"This system is quite user-friendly. 100 initial attribute points are given away, so how should the 100 points be allocated?" Yun Chuan began to think carefully.

There is no doubt that the initial allocation of attribute points is very important.If you add points indiscriminately, it is very likely to lead to unpredictable and serious consequences.

"Charm, savvy, root... How should these three be distributed?" He began to analyze what each of these three attributes represented?
Charm, of course, is not just something so superficial as looks.It should also include other aspects, and it may also improve temperament or personality charm.The more attractive you are, the more you will undoubtedly be liked.Interacting with people can also be an advantage.If your charm is high, maybe you go to the place where the gods inherit, and the gods will look at you very pleasing to the eye.Maybe you will be chosen directly as the heir.

Comprehension should not be as simple as comprehension.It may also include memory, reaction ability, strategic wisdom, overall view and so on.

The root bone should not be as simple as physical fitness.In this world of martial souls, it may also include bloodline innate skills, martial souls, and other aspects.

Each of these three attributes seems to be very important, now it's time to see which to focus on.

Yun Chuan looked at the attribute panel and pondered for a long time.Finally made a decision, and silently used his mind to click on the + sign behind the three attributes to increase the attribute.

Moments later, his personal attributes changed.

【Name: Yunchuan
Charm: 100 (charm value is full! Your charm has transcended racial boundaries! In the eyes of any creature, you are the most beautiful one! Even if you look at the heavens and the world, your charm belongs to the top few people!)

Comprehension: 24+ (After the baptism of reincarnation, although your comprehension is not worth mentioning among the many geniuses in the heavens and all realms, it belongs to the top few people in this low-level world.)
Gengu: 60+ (Inherited from the excellent bloodlines of your parents, with the blessing of attribute points, you have successfully broken through the boundaries of gods and mortals. Your bloodlines are extremely sublimated! Gengu qualifications have escaped the shackles of this world framework. Your current qualifications are also excellent, and your future prospects are limitless!)

Attribute points: 0 (Attribute points are extremely precious, please use them with caution!)
Newbie benefits: Free draw once. (The lottery has endless possibilities and can draw anything.)
The current world: Douluo Continent.

Traversable worlds: none (the traversal conditions have not been met!)]

That's right, Yun Chuan spent most of his attribute points on improving his charm.Only a small part is used on the root bone.As for comprehension, he thinks that the current wisdom is enough.It's not good to be too smart.Know everything and learn everything.It's probably too boring.

As for why most of the attributes are added to the charm and not all to the root, it is of course because Yun Chuan clearly understands that this is a world that depends on appearances.Most people's three views follow the five senses.No matter men or women, as long as you are beautiful and handsome.Always have the upper hand in society!

This is common no matter which world you are in.

So Yun Chuan directly filled up his charm points, and waited until after he was born.No matter how bad it is, you can just rely on your face to make a living.With a charming and good-looking face, he is very popular no matter where he goes.

Besides, with the system, it is not impossible to get more attribute points in the future.So he simply added attributes to charm.

 For some people, the author just wants to say that such people are simply idle, and Mr. Yuan made them too full.

(End of this chapter)

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