From Shusen University

Chapter 93 Fairy Pursuit Battle

Chapter 93 Fairy Pursuit Battle

The spring breeze blew, and the bright red special plastic bag swayed in the air.Falling into the eyes of the three, there was faint spiritual power fluctuating on it, exuding an aura similar to Yunshen's unknown place.




The three of them were messed up in the wind for a while, giving each other a look and understanding each other.

"What..." Wu Hao broke the silence, "So this fairy's current this plastic bag?"

"...Plastic bags are generally made of polypropylene, which is one of the most common uses of propylene." Xiao Youyu had a delicate expression, "I think this fairy is really relying on it."

"In any case, there is a fairy attached to that plastic bag, so we have found our target now, right?"

Yuan Qingqing lifted out the vibrating spirit detection talisman, pointed to the plastic bag floating farther and farther in the air: "That thing is going to fly away now, don't you want to chase it..."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Hao and Xiao Youyu withdrew from the delicate atmosphere, and when they looked up, the bag had already floated tens of meters away.

"...Grab it!!"

The three of them started running immediately, chasing the bag and started running desperately all the way.Pedestrians on the side of the road were turned around by the sound of the wind, and saw three figures whizzing past, gliding across the sidewalk like a lingering wave, sliding forward, and in a blink of an eye they passed the takeaway boy who was catching up on the order in the driveway.

Takeaway Rider: ?
He sat on the motorcycle, looked at the speedometer on his dashboard, scratched his head, rubbed his eyes, and finally saw only three small white dots in front of him.

They were running at an astonishing speed.Among the bustling traffic, they overcame thorns and thorns, braved the wind and waves, and rushed forward like a broken bamboo.And above them, there is a floating plastic bag with the words "Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations".

Another gust of wind blew by, this time it was an updraft, and the bright red plastic bag was blown up by the wind directly, and floated into the old residential area beside the city wall, drawing an almost straight trajectory upward like a hot air balloon. The group of low houses moved around like snakeskin, just avoiding the light of the demon-binding talisman shot from below.

"Damn it!" Xiao Youyu, who threw the talisman, missed and couldn't help cursing.

Wu Hao: "Can you miss the spell?"

"It's not that I missed it, it's that the fairy on the plastic bag is still conscious and will use the surrounding environment to protect itself. It seems that ordinary magic is not counted, and it must be restricted."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Qingqing jumped up suddenly, using the trash can next to him as a springboard to jump onto the street lamp, borrowed the street lamp and jumped up to the window of the low room next door, tiptoeing on the window sill, like a dexterous squirrel Flying up along the wall, he climbed up to seven or eight floors in a few tens of seconds, and chased after the plastic bag that was lifted into the air.

The girl's figure swayed across the balcony on the eighth floor, and in the room separated by a window, the clothes hanger in the hand of the old woman who was about to come out to dry clothes fell to the ground.

"My God... what is this?!"

She screamed, ignoring to pick up the hanger, turned around and ran into the back room, shaking her sleeping partner awake.

"Old Liu! Old Liu! Wake up! There are gods outside the window! They can fly!"

The old man who was woken up rubbed his sleepy eyes in displeasure: "Old woman...what are you yelling about? Now everyone is advocating science, where is there any god..."

He slowly took out his reading glasses, glanced lazily at the window, and then saw the figures of two boys passing by the window one after another, climbing straight up.

"...My God?? What is this?!"



In the sky above the residential area at this time, the three of them had already climbed to the top of the building, and the plastic bag seemed to have reached its limit, and it stopped raising its height, but moved horizontally between the buildings, passing one building after another. Top platform.

Below it, the three of them leaped over the cracks between the floors like a hurdle, jumping continuously between high and low platforms.I just turned over a few mountains and crossed a few rivers. Why are there so many bumps and bumps?

"Well, let's stop chasing it stupidly." Wu Hao said while panting, "We need to use some tactics...outflank it?"

"I think so too." Xiao Youyu agreed, and pulled out a few demon-suppressing talismans while running, "Yuan Qingqing, you go to the south, Wu Hao will continue to drive it from the north, there is a windbreak in front, so drive it away Get there, I'll catch it with one blow!"

The two responded, and Yuan Qingqing who was next to him swayed, and a big ring formed under his feet immediately, and adjusted his position according to Xiao Youyu's instructions, but within a few breaths, he swayed to the other side.The speed fell in the eyes, which surprised both of them.

"So fast?"

"It seems that she is already... at least very close to the foundation building stage, and she is indeed the strongest talent among us."

"...The foundation builder is so terrifying."

While sighing, the two of them were not idle. They spread out while running, forming a triangle around the target, like three ferocious hounds, gradually driving the prey to a corner.

Well, the prey is plastic bags.


And at this moment, on the roof platform opposite them, another figure was standing by the eaves, waving exaggeratedly at the phone behind him.

He is an anchor, and his platform ID is Brother Zuosi. He is currently broadcasting, and the theme of the live broadcast is "Extreme Sports Parkour on the Roof of Ancheng Building without any life-saving equipment".Next to the screen, countless comments are being refreshed in real time.

"Old irons! Let's get angry! Rocket ships are all up! Those who have gifts have a wave of gifts!"

"Okay! How many rockets do you add up! Brother, I will jump a few roofs later! Now there are five, five... six! Six roofs! 6666 are all up!"

Brother Zuo Si jumped repeatedly on the side of the eaves, loudly encouraging the fans.

He is an extreme sports anchor, relying on his previous martial arts foundation, he usually relies on live broadcasting various dangerous movements to attract attention.

Such as climbing a residential building with bare hands, doing pull-ups outside the window of a building without guardrails, hanging on an overpass and doing reverse sit-ups... There is a saying that "if you don't do it, you won't die", he took advantage of the audience's enthusiasm This kind of novelty hunting psychology has made a lot of money on the platform.

And the content of his live broadcast today is just like what he said, as many gifts as he swipes, he can jump as many rooftops without protection.

The area where he is located is an old-fashioned residential area on the edge of the city wall. The houses are dense and the decoration is old. The gaps between different units are about two or three meters wide. Some people with basic sports can jump through them by running.But doing this kind of thing without protection on the roof of more than ten floors, he is not worthy of the title of "death brother".

"Okay... ten! Don't rush, veterans! I'll jump ten platforms right now!"

Brother Zuosi spat and moved his wrists and ankles.In fact, he was a little timid. Today, the gap between buildings in this residential area is wider than what he usually looks for, but it is also more ornamental.For money, he went all out.

He lowered his hands, sank into his dantian, lowered his center of gravity, and was about to start a run-up when the live broadcast room suddenly exploded.



"What did I see?"

"Behind the anchor!"

"It's stupid, hell in the daytime!"

A bunch of bullet screens sounded with continuous gift prompts, and I was confused by the dead brother at the beginning: What's going on?He hasn't even started to perform yet, so why are the audience applauding?
He looks into the camera, and immediately sees why.

Behind him, three figures were whizzing across the roof.Everyone's pace is like the wind, chasing wildly on the roof of this suspended building like walking on the ground.

 Thanks to [Feather and Rain Yuyu] [Qing Burning Ghost Emperor] [Book Friends 20170911213109338] [He Yiyan] [Little Po Boy Yin You] [Book Friends 20210507161740421] [Thirst for] for your reward!

  The prototype of the extreme sports anchor is the Wu Yongning incident, which happened a few years ago, but it was very impressive at that time, so you can search it.

(End of this chapter)

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