From Shusen University

Chapter 58 What He Said (Seeking Collection Recommendations)

Chapter 58 What He Said (Seeking Collection Recommendations)
What is this doing?Seeing this, Wei Ze couldn't help being puzzled.

It can't be a mistake.Because even after the microphone was powered off, Wu Hao on the stage was still talking without changing his face, as if he didn't realize that the audience couldn't hear him.

Although at this time, it is true that not many people are listening.

At this time, all the students' thoughts had been given to the food in their hands. Those who had no food seemed to be sitting on pins and needles, and their eyes flicked frequently. They were obviously dominated by a strong appetite, and it was impossible to concentrate on listening to the speech on the stage.

The influence of Yin Qi has been strengthened, and the spell must be activated quickly, but this kid... Wei Ze frowned and looked at Wu Hao on the stage, only to find that his expression changed slightly, as if he was planning some trick again.

"... Therefore, in the life of the third year of high school, the most important thing is to stabilize the mentality. As a middle school student, you must do it..." He flicked his finger, and quietly turned on the microphone switch, "'Pure heart is like water, and clear water is the heart .'"

The voice was diffused, and the people in the studio only heard the following eight characters, and they were all taken aback: "Is this microphone working again?"

However, as soon as their hands got off the adjustment table, the front desk went silent again—no need to ask, it was Wu Hao who deliberately turned off the microphone again, stood there in a silent state and talked a lot before turning it back on again.

"The fluctuation of grades is normal, just like the 'breeze', it is impossible to have 'no ups' and no downs." As he said, he kept flipping the button in his hand, turning the microphone on and off, and the voice that came out was naturally intermittent , "Don't mess up your position because of this, calm your mind, and be 'calm'..."

Wei Ze raised his eyebrows slowly while listening to the fragmented speech in the speaker.

"A pure heart is like water...clear water is the rise...the waves are calm..."

He put together the sound fragments that came out, and immediately understood, and he couldn't help showing a little surprise when he looked at Wu Hao.

For the audience in the audience, this is just a sound leakage caused by the "fault" of the microphone, and no one will care about what is wrong with this content.

But Wei Ze recognized it—the intermittent voices combined to form the incantation that triggered the spell.

No wonder he wants to revise the manuscript, it turns out...

At this time, Wu Hao's speech on the stage was still continuing, and the movements of his hands naturally did not stop.The switch was repeated more than ten times. His voice itself was not loud, and the voice that could be heard in the auditorium was only the incomplete words he said when he turned on the microphone——

"My heart... is clueless... God rewards hard work."

"I...righteous...awe-inspiring...ghosts...all startled."

The sound was always intermittent, which made everyone in the studio dizzy, and the tuner was even more frantic on the spot-is this microphone broken or not? !

Among the people present, only Xiao Youyu and Yuan Qingqing could really hear the content.The two looked at each other and immediately understood what Wu Hao meant.

"This is the spell of purifying the heart."

At the same time that they knew each other, Wu Hao on the stage had turned the switch for the last time, and the last incantation came out from the microphone——

"Freshness... cure the root cause... straight way to seek life. Perfect nature and goodness... the way... natural."

The incantation was completed, and it was radiated to the entire auditorium by the loudspeaker. The charms pasted around the auditorium were activated by the incantation, and immediately emitted a faint light of opening.

The lines of spiritual power that mortals can't detect are connected between the spells, forming a huge formation that covers the entire auditorium.The operation of the formation is like a stone being smashed into a pool of water for a moment, and the invisible spiritual wave spreads from it, and the faint yin energy wherever it goes is shaken away and melted away in an instant.

It was also with this burst of changes that the scratching expressions on the faces of the students gradually disappeared.The appetite that occupied the brain faded away, those who stole the food put down the packaging bags, and others pulled out their saliva-stained thumbs from their mouths.They blinked at their hands in bewilderment, and for a moment felt nothing.

What were you doing just now?Why am I so full of food?
With this question in mind, they realized that they were listening to a lecture, and hurriedly raised their heads one by one.And at the same time as their eyes gathered, Wu Hao on the stage finished his last sentence, turned on the microphone again, and bowed to the audience.

"I am Wu Hao from Kunlun University. This is the end of my speech today. Thank you everyone."

After he finished speaking, he hurriedly turned around, rubbed the soles of his feet with oil and hurried off the stage.Under the stage, hundreds of teachers and students from the No. [-] Middle School watched his figure, and everyone was stunned.

What did this graduate of Kunlun University talk about?
They tried their best to recall, but they couldn't remember a little bit of what Wu Hao said just now. In fact, they didn't hear a few words clearly after the whole audience said it.

But just after listening to this speech, they felt the long-lost peace in their hearts, and the restlessness that had entangled them for several days completely disappeared, as if the whole person had cultivated the Dao in an instant and their mood had soared.

If they return to the classroom to study now, they will find that the learning efficiency of the students has doubled compared to a few days ago.

——Of course, under the interference of extreme appetite, it is impossible for someone to achieve high-intensity concentration.Without this lecture, the students would not be able to review normally for at least a few months, and perhaps the rate of enrollment in No. [-] Middle School this year would have been ruined.

But the arrival of Kunlun University relieved this disturbance, and the sense of hunger disappeared, and the teachers and students just felt ecstatic for a while.

Is there such a strong driving force just after listening to this lecture?Even those top-level key students didn't do this!

This Kunlun University has so much energy?Just the speech of a freshman can play such a big role?
The audience exchanged blank glances, completely incomprehensible.They all looked at the audience at the same time, trying to find the figure of Wu Hao who had just spoken on stage, but the latter didn't stay for a second after stepping off the stage, and ran to the second floor to find two classmates. They didn't get him at all. trace.

But in any case, this speech is over here.

At the end of the slideshow, "Thank you all", the host teacher came to the stage to call the curtain and directed all the teachers and students to leave in an orderly manner.They stood up in a row and walked out of the auditorium along the aisle.The team was crowded with people, so no one noticed the ashes of the spell blown away by the wind in the corner.

The event ended smoothly, and the staff responsible for managing the auditorium also breathed a sigh of relief.

Holding the walkie-talkie, Ma Yue stretched her body. While directing the crowd to replay the stage, she stood up and went back into the central control room. She was going to check the lighting and sound of the console for the last time, and also settled the account for the mistake just now. .

"Li Feng! Sun Qiang! What are you two thinking about?! That speaker just now..."

Ma Yue walked into the central control room with a loud voice, opened the door of the room and was about to scold.But just half a foot in, she froze.

Two students were squatting on the ground, picking and picking at the pile of tattered papers in front of them.Eight pieces of yellow paper are placed in a circle along the middle, vaguely forming the shape of a Eight Diagrams diagram.

(End of this chapter)

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