From Shusen University

Chapter 38 The calamity is approaching

Chapter 38 The calamity is approaching
"Earth Fiend Formation?"

This formation was taught to them by Wei Ze a few days ago, and it can be regarded as the most basic formation unit.Previously, their understanding of the magic circle was only on paper, and this was the first time it was practical.

Jiang Ling, who raised her hand, hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Teacher, the function of the Earth Demon Formation is to protect spiritual power. Drawing this kind of magic circle based on the it for defense?"

The possibility she raised made everyone stand in awe. No student spoke any more, and every pair of eyes was looking at Wei Ze, with the expression of a big enemy.

That's right, when the time comes, they will have to face this kind of thing, and they can't hide it.

"It's just like what this classmate said." Wei Ze looked up at the sky, "This Earth Demon Formation is used to defend against... Heavenly Tribulation!"

These two words really struck into my ears like thunder from the sky, and the students sitting below all shivered, and their expressions of laughing and laughing just now became tense for a moment.

Heavenly Tribulation, a word that symbolizes the cruel side of the world of cultivating immortals, finally appeared in their careers of cultivating immortals.

Another student raised his hand: "Heavenly Tribulation... Can it really be stopped?"

"For this kind of question, I will only give one answer—man will conquer nature!" Wei Ze said, "Don't ask too much about the rest, you just have to do it, and I will take care of the rest."

Probably infected by his tone, the tense air in the room eased a little, and the students sitting below began to whisper.At this moment, Xiao Youyu, who had been in deep thought, raised his hand.

"Teacher, what exactly is Heavenly Tribulation?" He thought for a while and added, "I mean, why did it come about, what form did it take, and what consequences would it cause?"

"As I said before, cultivating immortals is going against the sky. Being detected by the Dao of Heaven will naturally send punishment and a test. The catastrophe is the wrath of the Dao of Heaven. Most of them are thunders from the sky. When the thunder falls, it is often accompanied by a violent surge of spiritual energy. The vision of heaven and earth."

Wei Ze paused: "As for the consequences, no one can estimate. The catastrophe is rare in a hundred years, so there is a saying of 'overcoming the catastrophe' in the world of cultivating immortals. After passing this catastrophe, the realm will be sublimated. Otherwise, it will be wiped out."

For these freshmen cultivating immortals, these words still seemed a bit heavy. The students who were whispering just now all fell silent, thinking about something in silence.

Similarly, Xiao Youyu, who was in the crowd, didn't ask any more questions, but he paid attention to another thing.

Thunder from heaven?Reiki tide?
Isn't this the ideal environment you need?Moreover, is it a rare event in a hundred years?
He clenched his fingers and clenched his fist secretly.

Heavenly Tribulation, what exactly is it?

After the meeting with the students, Wei Ze returned to the Book Pavilion.

The enchantment in the bookstore has already taken shape, and the cursive symbols on the wall are showing golden light, which seems to have just completed a new round of layout.Yan Ruyu, in fluttering white clothes, was sitting in the middle of the inner room resting, concentrating on reading the book in her hand... High School Chinese Compulsory Three.

"Aren't you setting up the Book Pavilion enchantment? Why are you reading books again?" Wei Ze asked.

"This old man is a sage of literature and Taoism. I can use all the poems and songs I have read. The classics in this bookstore have already become my own, and I can't enter them again. Only by reading good words from this world can I improve my self-cultivation. "

Since he asked Wei Ze for advice and received the influence of modern pedagogical concepts, this literary sage finally began to study modern textbooks to figure out the concept of layout.Among them, the few Chinese textbooks brought by Wei Ze became his favorite.

"When the old man retreated, it was the time when traitors and thieves were in trouble, and people of literature and Taoism were frequently persecuted. It turns out that in the past thousand years, there are still literati in the Central Plains, who use poetry and prose to keep my cultural heritage in the Central Plains... I am very pleased."

He flipped through the yellow leather language document with relish, and whispered in his mouth.

"Hao Hao is like Feng Xu's controlling the wind, but he doesn't know where it ends; Piao Piao is like being independent from the world, becoming immortal and ascending to immortality... Good words! If it weren't for the decline of immortality, this Song Su Dongpo would also be a generation of literary immortals. And this Wen Tianxiang, there is righteousness in the heaven and earth, mixed with manifolds. The bottom is the river and the mountains, and the top is the sun and stars... Tsk tsk, the younger generation is awesome..."

After he finished speaking, he continued to immerse himself in the book, while reading the newly discovered poems in a low voice.And just as he chanted, an invisible literary energy floated out, moving the symbols on the wall to flicker faintly, and the whole bookstore was bathed in waves of spiritual power that made people feel calm.

Seeing this, Wei Ze didn't bother him anymore.When the meeting was held just now, he had already announced to the students that the bookstore was temporarily closed.Yan Ruyu and the preparations were all ready, so he had to consider the remaining means.

He glanced at the panel, except that he gave Yan Ruyu [-] points of spiritual power when he opened the bookstore more than a month ago, he hasn't squandered much during this time, and there are still a lot of stocks at this time.

During normal class hours, more than 40 students attend a two-semester class, which can provide him with spiritual power points ranging from 50 to 70 points according to the level of understanding.After 6-8 class hours a day, plus daily practice and self-study, the day is about 200 points.

After deducting the spiritual power consumed by Yan Ruyu's teaching activities when he went out of the bookstore from time to time, he has saved less than 6000 points for a month, and with the remaining before, the total spiritual power in his hand is 8200.

"Yan Ruyu is going to use the spiritual power of the Book Pavilion to build a defensive formation this time, and I'm afraid she will also consume the excess spiritual power. At least one thousand points of spiritual power will be reserved for the Book Pavilion... No, three thousand... or five thousand! Keep five thousand points The spiritual power will give the Book Pavilion the bottom line."

In this way, the spiritual power at his disposal is more than 3000.

"We need to use more than 3000 points of spiritual power to improve the stability of the campus in the catastrophe. Then, I have two options. The first is to buy a yellow-level employee contract to see if I can recruit stronger employees. The second The second is to improve my personal strength."

Now the amount of spiritual power is not enough to buy Marrow Cleansing Powder, so it is a choice between drawing employees and drawing blind bags.He didn't hesitate for too long, and chose the second method.

The essence of this contract is still drawing cards.Judging from the current situation, although the employees recruited by the [Yellow-level Employee Contract] are of various shapes, they are all earth immortals, ghost immortals and the like who cut off their spiritual veins, with low cultivation, and most of them are auxiliary types.

Although it is not ruled out that the yellow-level contract can also call in useful employees to strengthen the campus, this is only a guess.Even if there is, it may not be recruited.

And if you use a blind bag, although there is a danger of emptying out, at least the things that were released before are really useful for improving your strength.And the price is cheap and has a greater fault tolerance rate.

After making up his mind, he immediately acted, clicked [Cultivating Immortal Blind Bag], and began to draw cards.

I don't know if it's after the novice protection period or what, since the start of school, the shipment rate of this thing has dropped sharply.After smoking more than ten times, a jade-colored vial appeared in front of his eyes.

[Liangyi Pill: Chaos produces Taiji, and Taiji produces Liangyi.Improve the effect of designated primary skills, only one skill can be designated]

"Improve the effect of a primary skill?"

Wei Ze looked at his personal panel, and there were three options in the "Skills" column: [breathing method] [five elements spell] [alchemy].

Can only strengthen one... He narrowed his eyes and weighed it in his heart.

Far water can't save near fire, the purpose now is to make sure to survive the catastrophe, alchemy can be ruled out directly.Then the remaining things that can be strengthened are [Five Elements Charm] and [Tuna Breathing Method].

He raised his head and looked at Yan Ruyu who was arranging the formation.Compared with the defensive spells and magic circles in my own spells, the Book Pavilion under the blessing of the sage is obviously more effective, not to mention the splicing magic circles of the students, plus a strengthening magic circle, there will be repetitions I hate it.

After thinking about it, he still chose to strengthen the [Tuna Breathing Method], leaving the choice to his own strength.

The small jade bottle was opened, and inside were two pills, one black and one white, representing the poles of yin and yang.The moment the pill was taken in, the two merged into one, and melted into the body as a stream of heat, like adding oil to a rotating engine, and the amount of spiritual energy entering the body doubled immediately between breaths.

Wei Ze calculated in his mind, according to this cultivation speed, when the catastrophe arrives half a month later, he will almost be able to reach the middle stage of foundation establishment.Compared with before, the speed of cultivation after taking [Liangyi Pill] can be increased by nearly [-]%.

This thing is obviously also a consumable.After using it, [Liangyi Pill] was added to the mall as before, and the price was 5000.

"[Tuna Breathing Method] After being strengthened, you can no longer use this Liangyi Pill. It seems that this thing is only for skills that have not been strengthened, and there may be props for intermediate or advanced skills in the future."

After sorting out, there were more than 1000 spiritual power left at his disposal. He hesitated for a while looking at the panel, and clicked to buy again.

He also wanted to take a gamble on the 【Washing Marrow Pill】.Although Yan Ruyu said that the threat of this catastrophe is not too great, but if you can do more, you should do more.If something really happened, the spiritual power he had accumulated now would be meaningless.

However, I don't know if he guessed his idea correctly. This time it can be regarded as black, and it has not been shipped more than a dozen times.Wei Ze watched his face turn greener and greener. Finally, on the 20th time, a brand new classic jumped in front of him, and the spiritual light almost dazzled his eyes.

[Props obtained: Code of Dream Butterfly (blank)]

(End of this chapter)

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