From Shusen University

Chapter 376 Bottom Setting + Subsequent Outline + Ending

Chapter 376 Bottom Setting + Subsequent Outline + Ending
[-]. Bottom layer settings:
About Reiki:

In fact, it is a special particle different from the current Planck constant, so it can violate the physical rules in this space.In addition to the main world, there are countless parallel worlds composed of aura particles, and each world has a different energy level.

Due to the different constants, they are invisible to people in the normal state, and only become visible and sensible after special "energy level transitions". Most of these energy level transitions occur when the rules of the world are changed and destroyed. Therefore most of the time will result in world space destruction.

The main world belongs to the low-level world. It can be imagined as a pyramid, and the main world is located at the bottom of the "pyramid".Therefore, whenever the upper high-level parallel world is destroyed, and the fragments of the world fall to the low-energy world, it will also bring about "spiritual energy recovery", which will increase the energy level of this world, and the blessed land space in reality is actually the fragments of parallel worlds .

About the system:

Cultivation of immortals is against the sky.Whenever the civilization of cultivating immortals in the parallel world develops to a certain level, the will of heaven and the universe will send down the punishment of heaven and carry out "cleaning", which is a bit similar to the theory of the "big filter" of the universe.

Heaven's punishment destroyed countless aura worlds and mature cultivating civilizations. The wills of the cultivators in various parallel worlds to fight against the Dao of Heaven gathered together and became the will of "inheritance" corresponding to the "destruction" of the Dao of Heaven.

This will can span many parallel universes, directly grant the knowledge and cultivation of the predecessors to the successors of the will, and pull some of the souls that have contracted with it into the current world and manifest them through spiritual power (each employee contract). The origin of the system.

Two sentences to explain, that is:

The Way of Heaven: Cultivating immortals is against the sky!die!Cultivator!
System: No!Let's not die!Our way must continue!Don't stop!
In this world, the system has had many hosts, such as Dayu in mythology, but none of them have been recorded, because they did not create civilization.

The first recorded person was Qin Shihuang, who used the system to construct the world's first empire of immortals (civilization).

When the day's punishment came, Shihuang fought against the catastrophe alone and died.The will of the system continued to float in this world until the second aura revived during the Tang Dynasty, when the system was attached to a cultivator who cared for mortals, that is, "Kunlun Immortal".

This means that the immortal cultivators have learned from the experience and lessons of the first emperor, and believe that one cannot resist the punishment of heaven alone, and must gather the strength of everyone.Therefore, instead of using this power to construct an empire, he established a university, and realized the power of the system, transforming it into a manipulator compatible with the spirit of the host, so Wei Ze, as a modern person, would see a series of The game value, which matches his spirit.

After the university had to disappear due to the targeting of the immortal sect, the master of Kunlun left the will of the system in the world, serving as the spiritual key to enter the blessed land of Yushan Campus.

Therefore, the letter of appointment that Wei Ze got at the beginning was actually the [Tianji Employee Contract].

Fairy Gate:

The experience of the first emperor proved that a centralized empire is not suitable for the world of cultivating immortals, so the cultivating forces in the second revival of spiritual energy appeared in the form of this organization.

High-level cultivators follow three rules:
1. Advanced cultivating creatures will use "empowerment" instead of "education" to transmit information, and directly imprint their own information on the souls of others; in turn, they can also directly obtain information by devouring souls. (The rules revealed by the golden-winged roc)

2. The higher the cultivation level, the closer to the way of heaven, the weaker the feelings of being a "human being", and cognitively speaking, it is difficult to classify oneself and the low-level immortal cultivators into the same species. The greater the difference in cultivation base, the more obvious this characteristic is. The owner of the system cannot escape this law either.

3. Xianmen believes in the law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest. Due to the cognitive problems in the second article, most immortal cultivators oppose mass education and advocate "empowerment" in the transmission of core knowledge.

The emergence of Kunlun University made them feel threatened, partly because of the resource allocation problem mentioned in the article, and partly because of the vague awareness of the existence of the will of the system and the way the university recruited talents similar to the original The Qin Dynasty recruited talents, making the immortals think that Kunlun will form the second Great Qin, which has been proven by history to destroy the entire world of cultivating immortals, so they attacked it together.

When the punishment of heaven is about to come, the sects of the immortals are still fighting openly and secretly, and it is difficult to form a united front, so they cannot fight against it.Finally, someone discovered the existence of the spiritual energy world and the way of energy level transition (that is, "ascension"), so all the immortal sects gathered all the resources, so that the sect could devour the souls of all the disciples in order to break through and obtain enough energy for ascension ( Cultivation), and thus ascend to the high-energy world, that is, the fairy world, known as the "Kunlun Realm".

To put it bluntly:
First Emperor: The catastrophe is coming!Wang Lai bears everything!
Xianmen: The catastrophe is coming, I won’t play with you anymore, my brother flew to another world to hide, goodbye to you.

Because the collective ascension breaks the barrier between the two worlds, the energy in the high-energy world will be excessively dissipated into this world.Real Kunlun believed that this would inevitably have a catastrophic impact on mortals, so he united with many students at that time and used the university as a "plug" to block the passage between the two worlds. For various reasons, he did not participate in the "blocking the hole" operation.

In the upper world, also due to the above three laws, there is a lack of education in the world that belongs entirely to the cultivators. Only relying on "empowerment" and other methods to transmit information means that the class is absolutely solidified, leading to the continuous concentration of resources to a few people. Evolved to the state of "one body is one civilization" in which only one person masters all the cultivation resources and knowledge, that is, the "real person" considered in this world (just like the golden-winged roc in the previous article).

Things like this are repeated countless times in the parallel space. The real person repeats the process of devouring→improving→ascension. However, in countless worlds, there will always be people who have devoured all immortal cultivators and whose cultivation exceeds the upper limit of the world's energy level. If you don’t find a way to ascend to a higher-level world, you will end up in the same situation as Wei Ze in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. His own existence destroys the space of the spiritual world, and then, as the first setting says, the broken The world fragments fell into the main world and merged with the space of the present world, bringing about the so-called "spiritual energy recovery".

In this world, some people are vaguely aware of this higher-level world and the existence of advanced life in this world. They regard it as the god of another world, worship it as a religion, and hope to worship it through their souls. , To welcome the return of the gods, but they don't know that there is only the last immortal cultivator left in the "immortal world (divine world)" they believe in.

The real person feels that the energy level of this world is rising through the gap in the world, and he can't continue to soar anyway, so he intends to use the "empowerment" method to rebuild his civilization in this world (Gold-winged Roc's approach is a reference).Therefore, the group of people who believe in real people can get "empowerment" and get a lot of knowledge about cultivating immortals in a short period of time. They think it is a revelation from the gods, and they have established forces in various places, called "spiritual séances", and the ETO of the three bodies Similarly, the organization includes many elites who are disappointed with human society.

In order to welcome the return of the real person smoothly, they helped him collect the souls of mortals. This was the reason why they made troubles in the previous cultural center incident. The place where Jiang Ling was arrested when she was a child was also one of the subordinates of this organization.

So there is no such thing as "decent" and "evil". A real person is a combination of all knowledge, and this is just one of the knowledge he has mastered.

After the spiritual energy revived, the spiritual energy hit the barriers of heaven and earth, and more cracks appeared in the already fragile barriers, and part of his spiritual consciousness also penetrated into this world. At this time, the body of a "holy son" was needed to serve as this spiritual consciousness. This is Jiang Yang, also known as the "Kunlun (from the world) Taoist", who is similar to Jesus in the eyes of the seance.

[-]. Subsequent outline:
The five blessed places: Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, Youdu Ghost Town, Xuankong Temple, Jiming Temple, and the Forbidden City, which happen to be in the shape of a five-pointed star on the map, and the first three have been written so far.

Next, Xiao Youyu was invited to participate in an academic seminar in Beijing.During this period, the blessed land of the Forbidden City appeared in the world. The blessed land contains rich spiritual stone resources, which are excellent materials for experimental spiritual power transformation. Therefore, many top scholars went to the blessed land to study together. Xiao Youyu was also in the team. During the process of exploring the blessed land, he discovered that He read the notes before ascension of the immortal gate located in the blessed land, and deduced the existence of parallel worlds from this.

With the theory of parallel worlds and a series of previous reminders, Wei Ze predicted that the "heaven and earth catastrophe" was coming, and then he was summoned by the ground-level employees (employees with complete memory fragments from other worlds). Confirmed.At the same time, Yan Ruyu revealed his true identity. The third floor of the Book Pavilion is a master of ancient and modern time travel, so he is essentially a reborn person. He has witnessed countless times the final destruction of this world and Kunlun University. His words made Wei Ze confirm The fact that the catastrophe is coming.

And at this time, the spirit seances began to cause troubles in various countries, and various spiritual incidents frequently occurred in the world.At the same time, Kunlun is also rapidly popularizing immortality education in China, establishing the discipline of immortality, and popularizing immortality middle schools and primary schools. Other countries have begun to test Kunlun's attitude and offer many conditions similar to exchange students.

There are quite a few small incidents among them, and the space is limited so I won't repeat them here.

The big event is the last blessed land, Jiming Temple blessed land, which is characterized by spiritual plants, but because the blessed land space is independent of the present world (in fact, it is on the fourth-dimensional coordinates), the influence of the blessed land has been put into Australia, making people The abnormal proliferation of Australian plants has created a virtual spiritual space, forming a "world tree" (actually a tree spirit with great cultivation), and its roots cover the entire Sydney.

At this time, Kunlun University and the University of Sydney happened to have an exchange program, and Han Jiangchen, Xie Tianyang, Yuan Qingqing, Yang Xiaohe and others were all in Australia.They discovered the existence of the "World Tree" invisible to ordinary people, and tried to save the people whose flesh and blood were taken away by the World Tree.

In the end, with the joint support of everyone and the Australian government, they unlocked the second-level secret treasure [Yin Tiger Talisman] obtained in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, manipulated the terracotta warriors and horses to resist the offensive of the World Tree, and created a chance for Han to get close to the World Tree. + The power of the Moon in the Water secret treasure opened the full state of the Flower in the Mirror, the Moon in the Mirror, and became famous in the first battle when he cut down the World Tree. He was called "he is the lord of the sword" by foreign media, and it was passed back to China as " Juggernaut".

And it was this large-scale event that made the world realize the fact that the end of the world is really coming, and the united front began to take shape.

After this trend, there are two versions:
Version [-]: The catastrophe is getting worse and worse. As the "leftovers" of the previous era, the teachers sacrificed themselves one by one and left their own inheritance to their disciples.What they did gave the students cheats and also touched Wei Ze.When the catastrophe comes, Wei Ze has a premonition that this is not what the current world can resist, and the barriers of the world will be broken, and the "real person" will come, so before the catastrophe comes, Wei Ze takes his body as a sacrifice to carry the sky alone The punishment reduced the intensity of the disaster to a level that this world could bear, and he himself was stuck in the cracks of time and space. Various students dealt with the remaining disasters in every corner of the world and tried to bring Wei Ze back.

Version [-]: The teachers did not offer sacrifices, the students did not hang up, and the ending part became that the students and other teachers dealt with the first disaster, which made Wei Zeming realize that his own will completely digested the power of the system, and gave the punishment of heaven and the coming "" The decisive blow of the "real man" prevented the disaster from coming.

The reason there are two versions is because I was warned in December and had to delete a third of the follow-up syllabus. The length of the students' strength growth was cut, and I feel that it is not enough to rely on students to save the world. , so it was changed to the second version.

But no matter which version they are in, the ending of the students is the same.

Wu Hao, who joined the army, stood out in Huaguo's disaster handling operations.When the catastrophe came, he led a team to be responsible for the guardianship of Ancheng, and single-handedly overturned the will of the high-level people who came to the world, and compared himself to a god with a human body.

Yuan Qingqing stood out from the aura plague sweeping the world and became a world-class famous doctor similar to Nightingale.Because the essence and blood were sacrificed to Zulong before, when the catastrophe came, he used this to connect with Zulong, revived his real body sealed in the Great Wall, and provided shelter for the land of Kyushu.

Xiao Youyu founded the Kunlun Academic Journal and became the editor-in-chief of the first top journal in the field of Reiki; led the people in the research institute to discover the existence of the high-energy world and uncovered the mystery of the great changes in the world.During the catastrophe, due to the friction between the gaps in the world, the sky thunder catastrophe came. He replaced Wei Ze to meet the thunder catastrophe alone, and blocked the catastrophe with the secret treasure [Sky Thunder Talisman] obtained before.

Jiang Ling and Han Jiangchen put together and said that Jiang uncovered part of the truth about the fairy gate and killed Jiang Yang with his own hands. Han Lai, who had become a sword master when she was besieged by the séance, rescued her, and the two officially established a relationship. , when the catastrophe came, they went to the front line to resist and fight together, and later stayed in the school to take over the teaching of the master.

Xie Tianyang, the president of the student council, has always been the student leader in the school.During the catastrophe, he led the people to guard the school, dispatched all the monsters in the school to make Garuda a real "big roc", together with his own army of Qin State's Yin soldiers, he formed an army alone to resist the enemies from outside the sky.After graduation, he entered the government and became a senior cadre
Chu Yunyi, the world changed drastically in the later period, and the Chu family was impacted. She became the person in power in name and became the first company to fund the Kunlun Salvation Foundation.

Yang Xiaohe, who later turned to music repair, used music to add buffs to everyone.After many experiences, it is determined that Zhizhi has no feelings for her. Before the catastrophe comes, he musters up the courage to confess to Xie. He does not expect a response from Xie. He only wants him to know that there was a person who liked him very much, and because of liking him, he became more After the two rejected each other, they parted ways. Yang went to the radio station and sang the song he had planned to write to Xie to the world, as a comfort to the people during the catastrophe.Later became a member of the Propaganda Department of the Bureau of Abnormalities.

Su Yuzhu's trend is different in the two versions.

In the first version, later Su joined Kunlun as a visiting student, and died protecting the injured Han during the student exchange event. His death let everyone see the cruelty of cultivating immortals, and also made Han really recover from the autistic state of losing Jiang. Awakened and fought against his will.

In the second version, because the growth process of the students was cut off, they only served as the auxiliary staff of the protagonist group in the end. When the catastrophe came, they led the spirits as the vanguard to perceive the world. After the catastrophe, they also became one of the Kunlun members.

[-]. The conclusion of this article
The ending timeline is until the first cohort of students graduates in their senior year, and the first cohort of students generally reach Jindan.

At this time, Kunlun's influence has spread all over the world, and even if he leaves the teachers, he can still continue to spread and teach the knowledge of cultivating immortals.At this time, Wei Ze is already a real "Kunlun real person", summoned by the will of the system, to go to the next world to continue saving civilization.

At the end, he hosted a graduation ceremony in person and bid farewell to the students one by one. The students disappeared and left the venue one by one, leaving only the original three of Wu, Yuan and Xiao. Wei Ze left after completing the final explanation, and separated the world and Kunlun Leave it to the students.

That is the sentence mentioned in the introduction: Many years later, when faced with the recovery of spiritual energy, the powerful people will always think of the days when they were studying at Kunlun University.

And the last scene of this article is that in another world, curious teenagers and girls came to a barren mountain according to the instructions of the business cards, and looked around suspiciously.At this time, the Immortal Mansion appeared in front of their eyes, and the door opened slowly, and the man walked out from behind the door, and said to them with a smile——

"Welcome to Kunlun University."

(End of this chapter)

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