From Shusen University

Chapter 372 Campus Blessed Land Research Contest

Chapter 372 Campus Blessed Land Research Contest
Holding the camera in his hand, Yang Xiaohe walked quickly through the forest, glanced back and forth, looking around at the scenery of this not-so-familiar blessed land.

After the blessed land was merged and the students helped transfer the monster eggs of those big monsters to this blessed land of the Daoxuan Temple, Wei Ze made some adjustments to it.

First of all, in order to prevent the students from getting lost in the blessed land, and to maintain the resting place of the group of monsters, he set the wind whirl leading to the burial place of the group of monsters as a restricted area, and set up warning formations on both sides of the passage.

In this way, unless they hold a special order from him, students who want to enter the burial ground will be blocked by the formation, and they will be notified to him immediately, and then they will be directly punished.

——Under such strict regulations, the effect of persuading them to quit is quite obvious.Except for the few students who participated in the off-campus practice at that time who knew the truth, "what is behind the spiritual passage in the jungle" is still a campus legend.

This has also spawned countless strange stories, some say that the treasure of the town school is in full bloom, some say that the eternal demon king is sealed there, and some simply say that the "Kunlun real person" lives in various brains. Once the hole was opened, Wei Ze let it go.

Secondly, it is the development of this "Dangxuan Temple" itself.

Compared with when it was first merged into the school, the trees on both sides had obvious signs of manual pruning at this time, leaving some gaps for the students to fly, and even saw a few trees placed on the trees. The platform that serves as the landing pad looks like countless bird's nests scattered on it at first glance.

As for the layout on land, it is even more delicate.Although there are no houses in shape, the ground has been paved with flat gravel roads, and the freshmen in the qi refining period who cannot fly will not walk too deep or shallow - this is of course the credit of the employee Li Yitie.

Now Yang Xiaohe is strolling along this road, while walking, while adjusting the camera in his hand, he holds it up in front of him, and the blurry crowds of people are reflected in the lens.

Today is the weekend, and the time is only eight or nine o'clock in the morning, but the lively scene has already begun to appear in the blessed land.As soon as I stepped into the core of the jungle, I heard a burst of shouts from the students piercing through the forest——

"Ah! My egg! My egg is broken?!"

"Don't come here! Don't touch my poor balls!"

"As a man, I have to be responsible for my egg, I will not give it up!"


Shouting and weeping blood every sentence, with the courage of Pangu breaking the cocoon and opening the world.Yang Xiaohe maintained an expression of no surprise, and zoomed the focus closer as usual.

The camera showed a large open space circled in red, with a sign next to it saying "Scientific research important place, please do not enter".On the ground in the arena, there are all kinds of strange and weird spirit gathering formations, like carrot pits sitting in rows.

If you look closely, you will find that in the "pit" formed by each spell symbol, there are one to three demon eggs of varying numbers.They sat flat on these spirit-gathering circles, silently and subtly absorbing the spiritual power gathered by the circles, like the germs of soilless cultivation, silently sprouting.

And the shout just now came from the students gathered in the center of the field.At this time, these 20-year-old college students were pacing back and forth on the sidelines, with expressions like family members waiting outside the delivery room.It's just that most of them are holding notebooks in their hands, and are recording the situation of each experimental circle.

"No. 8 hatching formation method, the base attribute is wood, pointing to the heavy light, the formation eyes use the characters, and the formations use the fork characters. There are three built-in demon eggs. On the 15th day, the environmental spiritual power output value is 3, and the spiritual power absorption is stable. Incubation progress 0 (Note: This is the attribute blank control group)”

".No. 9 hatching formation method, the base attribute is water, pointing to Xuanyi, the formation eyes use the characters of entry, and the formations use the fork character. There are three built-in demon eggs. On the 15th day, the environmental spiritual power output value is 3, and the spiritual power absorption is stable. , the hatching progress is 0. Compared with the No. 8 group, the overall absorption progress is slower, so it is suspected that the adaptability of this kind of monster eggs to wood attributes is higher than that of water attributes."

".No. 17 hatching formation, the base attribute is fire, pointing to Xuanyi, the formation eyes use the characters of entry, and the formations use the fork characters. There is a built-in demon egg. On the 7th day, the output value of the environment's spiritual power is 4, and the situation of spiritual power absorption. The fire attribute of the incubation environment is too high, and the eggs used in the experiment were cooked inside."


In the "Experimental Powerhouse", figures shuttled around, and students in school uniforms or experimental gowns (modified from the long robes of winter school uniforms) hurried back and forth.

Sometimes they stretched out their hands to feel the aura on the egg, sometimes they took notes, and from time to time they squatted down to modify the formation on the ground, as if they were adjusting sophisticated experimental instruments, and the whole blessed land smelled like moving bricks.

Obviously, this is the content of this "Campus Research Competition".

Ordinary eggs depend on the heat and care provided by the hen, and the demon eggs also need the supply of spiritual energy and corresponding care-in this blessed land full of spiritual energy, the former is easy to solve, but how to take care of it is a big problem.

Anyone who has done hatching experiments knows that among the factors required for an egg to hatch, constant temperature certainly accounts for the majority, but humidity, ventilation, etc. are also important issues.

When it comes to the demon egg, the elements of incubation are the stable and continuous supply of spiritual power, the balance of the five elements, and the density of spiritual power in the surrounding environment.

Originally these were supposed to be controlled by the mother monsters, but there was only one page left in the household registration books of these little monsters, so the students could only temporarily act as their godfathers and godmothers.

As for which parameters these incubation conditions are, one can only rely on experiments to explore step by step, relying on the most stupid control variable method to gradually try out the best incubation environment for this demon egg.

It can only be said that the hatching of the little monster on the spot before was purely accidental. Under the conditions of stocking, most of the little monsters that hatched had no choice but to die and had to be manually intervened. The content of the contest project.

Facts have proved that regardless of the quality, field observation records like this are always the easiest to produce academic results.Not to mention, artificial hatching of demon eggs is considered unprecedented, as long as there is no benchmark, no one can say whether the result is bad or not.

In a word, the essence of this scientific research activity is.
High emotional intelligence: a unique creative academic project in China and even in the world

Low EQ: Collective hatching an egg
However, no matter whether it is academics or hatching eggs, this kind of novel practical activity is still very popular among students.

The results of the contest were judged from the three aspects of formation and hatching spirit weapon design, the number of successful hatches, and the quality of finished papers. Therefore, every participant tried his best, and the atmosphere of the experiment site was quite enthusiastic.

Yang Xiaohe walked through it with his camera in hand, taking pictures here and there, recording the progress of everyone busy moving bricks in the experimental field.

Recently, the Propaganda Department has just started to take over the layout of Kunlun University's official website, and such a large-scale campus event must be displayed on the news column of the school newspaper.She moved the camera slowly, trying her best not to miss every wonderful moment, but when she moved to a certain place, the lens froze.

In the last shot, Xie Tianyang was squatting there.

This experiment is entirely under the responsibility of the Student Union.As the president, he naturally had to come and keep an eye on the situation in person.

At this moment, he was frowning, took a monster egg from another student with a sad face, and weighed it twice in his hand, there was still some warmth on the shell.

"Is this the egg in the experimental circle with too much fire attribute?" Xie Tianyang asked the student, "Are you sure it's hopeless?"

"We tried our best." The student in charge of adjusting the formation sighed, "In the future, I will pay attention to the input of the fire attribute, don't be so fierce, this time it can be regarded as a wake-up call."

"Okay, that's the only way to go. This egg can be regarded as a contribution to the experiment, so we have to arrange a good place for it."

Xie Tianyang sighed, and then threw the egg to the students behind him: "Seal it with a spell and send it to the cafeteria later. The chef should be able to get rid of the evil spirit on it and let it play a role in the end."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a golden light flashing on his body, and a golden shadow emerged from the chess piece in his pocket, turning into the appearance of a golden feathered bird.

Compared with the image of the juvenile roc that grew up in one person before, its figure at this time has shrunk further, becoming only the size of an ordinary gray pigeon——and the dragon snake Tenggen, this is the demon soul subdued and the demon power stored in the spirit weapon form in it.

With this size, it just stopped on Xie Tianyang's shoulder. I saw it staring at the egg in his hand for a while, its bird eyes gradually widened, and then suddenly flapped its wings and screamed.

"Hey! Grass!"

It looked at the egg boiled by the fire element, and expressed its feelings loudly: "Hey! Grass!"

"Don't bark, it's useless." Xie Tianyang slapped it away with one hand, and threatened viciously, "How many times have I told you, don't come out without my order! Be careful, I'll send you to the kitchen together!"

"Hey! Grass!" Garuda circled above his head, the voice resounded through the forest, "Hey grass! Xie Tianyang! Hey! Grass!"

For a moment, that name rang out all over the forest, and Yang Xiaohe on the other side quietly raised his camera and took a candid photo of this scene.

After doing this, she looked around like a thief, seeing that there was no one on both sides, and then quietly opened the photo playback, glanced at the photos just now, quickly deleted a few blurred ones, and left the few frontal ones that she thought were good-looking Take a photo, and then quickly close the browser.

This is really. Since the beginning of school, he never gave her any response.Although they have been working together in the student union, every time they try to get close to him, they end up doubting their lives. As long as they put aside their work, there seems to be nothing to talk about between them.

There were so many times, when she returned to the dormitory, she covered herself in the quilt, angrily thinking that this senior is not that good at all. His WeChat note was changed to "Stupid Pig Senior", and he let off steam.

But when she gets angry, every time she sees him in real life, she immediately forgets all the previous thoughts about the ancestors of the Sanqing Dynasty, and still can't help but pay attention to his every move, every word and deed, and catch any of his A little trace, and finally even the remarks were honestly changed back.

hateful!Do you think you can do whatever you want because you are handsome? !
Yes, being handsome means you can do whatever you want.

Not only is he handsome, but he is also very capable. After going out to practice, he seems to have gained another royal beast, and I don’t know how many he still has.
Ah no!Don't think about it!This photo was taken purely for reporting!That's right, it wasn't for secretly taking pictures of him!

She put down the camera and patted her face. Just as the unusual heat on her cheeks dissipated, she heard someone shout before testing the formation.

"Hey! Come and see!"

The voice was full of surprises, causing the students who were busy around to cheer and surround him.Yang Xiaohe followed behind with her camera in her arms, squeezed through the crowd, and looked out curiously.

In the magic circle marked with "Lu", one of the three eggs placed in it was shaking slightly, with a small opening pecked on the surface, revealing a small pointed mouth, with a small pink tongue sticking out. vomit.

"Hatched! Hatched!"

The students were so excited, as if they were waiting for their wives to give birth, the experimenter hurriedly took out the data in the notebook, and the rest of them looked at it with their heads on their heads, their eyes almost popped out.

"The child's head. Mouth is coming out! It's coming out!"

"Peck harder! Peck harder!"

"This kid is smart when I look at it."

A group of people were chattering there, you and me, the name was also given, and the "guardian" was also divided. After a while, even the child's birthday was calculated, but the bird still did not come out.

"Why don't you move?"

The students looked at the eggshell that was no longer moving, and immediately mentioned it in their hearts-this is an important project result, which is related to the final evaluation results, and it would be a big loss to miss one.

But after all, they are all high-level talents from Kunlun University. After a few commotions, everyone immediately started brainstorming again to discuss ways to "induce labor".After a bunch of unreliable thoughts, one of the unprovoked associations caught everyone's attention.

"I heard from my grandma that the hens raised at home in her country will make special calls when the eggs are about to hatch to encourage the chicks and make them break their shells better."

The speaking student stared at the hard-to-hatch egg, pinching his chin thoughtfully: "Chickens are also birds, and demon birds are also birds. Is it possible that we can also imitate the calls of their mothers to encourage them?"

"The cry of the mother's body" A member of the student union next to him glanced at the golden-winged bird that stopped on Xie Tianyang's body, and said with a serious expression, "That's eh, grass?"

——This person was proposed by the president for a duel on the monastery platform on the second day because he entered the door with his left foot.

"Go away, this thing is not a matrix." Xie Tianyang's face darkened, but he continued, "According to what I heard before, the voice of the real matrix of this thing is very similar to a human singing voice."


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and looked at the egg waiting for "encouragement" again, and a noun jumped out of their hearts——

The first campus singer contest?
(End of this chapter)

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