From Shusen University

Chapter 368 They Are the Future

Chapter 368 They Are the Future
The sound of the snow wind blowing seemed to fade away, and only that sound echoed in the whole wasteland.

Under the snow-capped mountains, the soldiers with guns grasped their guns tightly, their eyes fixed on the figure in front of the skeleton as if fixed.

One kilometer away, a few human heads popped out of the cracks in the shelter from the wind. He raised the binoculars in his hand in front of his eyes, and placed the back figure in the center of the picture.

And at their feet, the three Yins who had been deprived of their ability to move and guarded raised their heads.They didn't have binoculars, but they could all see the huge golden bird's shadow spread across the sky, and—the long song.

"It's the divine bird Garuda." They murmured in local dialect, "That's the real Garuda. That kid from Huaguo really mastered the gods?!"

They have all seen the appearance of Xie Tianyang's "envoy" Garuda just now.Just now, he could temporarily comfort himself with reasons such as "he just caught a similar little monster to bluff people", but now...if this is not called a god, what else in the world can be called a god?
Their god descended, and it was the young man from Huaguo who spoke to it.

One kilometer away, one big and one small, one bird and one person are still confronting each other.

Probably because he didn't expect this small human being to dare to ask questions on his own initiative, the giant bird was startled, and its golden pupils were completely locked on Xie Tianyang in front of him.

"My fairy, we came here by accident, we don't mean to offend, we just want to leave from here."

Seeing that the giant bird did not respond, Xie Tianyang considered his tone, and then repeated: "If you have a spirit, can you tell us the situation here?"

The lingering sound dissipated, and he stared at the pair of imaginary bird eyes the size of a wheel with the concentration of the final exam level, trying to distinguish possible emotional fluctuations from them-in a way, this was more exhausting than the exam.

The confrontation became more and more suffocating, maybe for a few seconds, maybe for tens of seconds, the illusory golden giant bird opened its mouth.

"As a human race, you kill demons, keep them in captivity, and even feed on them. How can you believe that you will not offend them?"

The sound is still a bird chirping, but the sound reaches people's ears, and for some reason, they can understand its meaning.

But compared to this, it may be more surprising that this thing can understand human language (Chinese), and it can actually communicate with people.

Wei Ze watched the scene, quickly judged the situation in his heart, and spoke secretly.

He can't hurry up.Judging by Xie Tianyang's appearance in this picture, he should be on the verge of jumping.If it wasn't for his remote voice guidance, I'm afraid it would have been leveled directly to A.

"The thing you said is not only that people are against demons, but demons have the same behavior against people. It is meaningless to argue who has more faults here. If you give up the current communication opportunity, then the only way is to go to war. I Think it's not what you want."

Wei Ze tapped Tianling with his hand, and continued to transmit voices: "You are the core of this blessed land, so it should be you who pulled those ordinary people into this blessed land. Since you pulled them here without directly killing them , then it means that you are also a human race outside the Blessed Land, and this request should be quite important. Otherwise, you would not forcefully support a wisp of remnant soul to achieve this."

In the blessed land, Xie Tianyang repeated these words word by word, trying his best to hide the surprise in his eyes.

If he was here alone, although he wouldn't admit defeat under the aura of this big monster, it would be absolutely impossible for him to have such a positive communication, let alone such a macro analysis.The most probable result is to force A to go up, and then play GG.

While they were still exploring the blessed land and were still shocked by the power of this giant monster, Mr. Wei had already grasped the overall situation and grasped the key points that the other party really cared about?
Moreover, he didn't even know where the teacher saw the scene from, or even whether the teacher was in this space right now.

What a terrifying strength this is. He maintained a calm tone on the surface, but he couldn't hold back the beating of his heart.

After this questioning, he saw that the big demon in front of him fell silent.After a moment of silence, Wei Ze's voice transmission sounded in his ears again.

"In a family, minds are ever-changing. We can't and don't want to change other people's views on monsters. But at least for now, we are willing to solve this problem in a non-war way—this is what you need."

"And even if we go out of the blessed land, our code will not change. If you are willing to accept this non-violent approach, then at least within the scope of our control, we are willing to give help and peace."

When Wei Ze said this, his tone was a bit more serious: "Otherwise, with the level of your remnant soul, you can't do anything, can you?"

The voice floated in the air of the blessed land, and was blown far away by the wind.The cold current brushed over the collars of those soldiers, and everyone's eyes were firmly fixed on the figure facing the giant bird in front of them.

"He actually knows so many things?"

A few seconds passed, and a person standing in front of the station murmured in a low voice: "It's hard to imagine that he is still a student, such a young boy can have such courage to negotiate."

"In such a short time, not only was he not frightened by the monster, he was even able to analyze it to this level."

The person next to him looked at Xie Tianyang who was speaking in front of him, and nodded unintentionally: "Compared to his courage, his calmness and observation skills are more terrifying. It should be said that the university cultivates definitely not warriors with mere force."

An inexplicable emotion surged in their hearts.As people who have been working on the front line all year round, they are more aware of the dangers of the current world situation than anyone else, and they are more worried about the future of the country behind them.

And now, in this... no, this group of young figures facing the giant beast, they saw the real future.

If the future successors are all younger generations with courage and insight, what kind of brilliance will the future of this country bloom?
They used reason to suppress the excitement in their hearts, and focused on the giant beast in front of them.The boy's figure was reflected in those golden, illusory eyes, and what was revealed in the pupils was the meaning of "thinking".

Obviously, this intelligent monster is also immersed in the same state of mind.

It is looking at the human youth in front of it with a different look.

The long silence, so quiet that time seems to be stagnant, so quiet that the cold current subsides the slumber, at a certain moment, the long chirping sound suddenly awakens the silent world.

It is the real "wake up", its cry penetrates the curtain of wind and snow, as if it has issued a solemn order, and there is a faint answer suddenly sounded from the dead wilderness.

It was the dead bones scattered around that answered.

In the call of the giant bird, these long-dead skeletons are singing like baby birds.Amid the low-pitched singing, the time that had long been buried under history reappeared in front of everyone.

In the ancient times who don't know how many years ago, a golden feather bird broke out of its shell and began to practice under the bath of spiritual energy.I don't know how many years later, it has cultivated, until finally, it became the king of demons with thousands of strengths and insights, named "Golden Winged Roc".

Its power is so powerful that its Taoism can even be copied by some foreign travelers, who will rename it "Garuda" and use it as a totem in mythology—but for itself, it is still standing After reaching the peak of the group of demons, what the wise demon king felt was "tired" and "tired".

It was tired of the never-ending battle for territory among the group of monsters, tired of the race fights for improving cultivation, and after the battle, the group of monsters was still in disarray.

On the contrary, it has seen those human races who have no fangs and claws, and even most of them are unable to cultivate, have built countless cities and established a unified "dynasty" - it is determined to make the same feat with its wisdom already opened , It wants to lead the demon clan out of the mountains and forests, and establish a dynasty that truly belongs to the demons.

Therefore, like a human monk in retreat, it flapped its wings and flew up to the towering cliffs, and established its own territory on the snow-shrouded mountain peak.

It is a territory that belongs exclusively to demons. It is located on the top of a snow-capped mountain all year round. Crowds cannot set foot on it, animals can only look up, and even ordinary birds cannot reach it.In this kingdom that belongs exclusively to it, it has established its own "civilization".

That's right, civilization.For a top-level monster like it, its body is a civilization: it is a civilization that knows all the knowledge needed by monsters to survive, masters all the cultivation methods from mortal beasts to monster kings, and knows how to transform the harsh environment for its own use. , the real demon civilization.

Of course, as an existence of this kind, it also understands the true method of "inheritance": it can become its offspring by pulling out a golden feather from its body.

It engraves all the knowledge it has mastered in their blood. The moment the young birds open their eyes, they know all the survival theories and practice routes, just like a child with a doctorate in mathematics has directly grasped what his mother has learned at birth. calculus.

Even, the memory of the roc as the mother can also be directly transmitted to the offspring through the induction of the blood.

Under its inheritance, generation after generation of descendants inherited the best cultivation route in its memory, avoided all possible loopholes, quickly took shape at a speed beyond the reach of conventional monsters, and then left more inheritance The offspring of memory, each chick is a perfect copy of the roc.

It was a picture as strong as Nuwa's creation of man, but within a hundred years, it created a kingdom that truly belonged to it.Every chick in this kingdom is a perfect replica of it, the heir to the peak demon king at birth.

They don't even need to cooperate with each other, and they can know everything individually, much better than human monks of the same level.Every chick is a perfect jigsaw puzzle, piece by piece of the same jigsaw puzzle piece together to create the demon country it is looking forward to, and then
After an inexplicable rainstorm, the dark clouds covering the world did not disperse.On a certain day, a crack opened in the dark sky, and the black shadows with fangs and claws poured down waterfalls of thunder and fire.

It sees the earth shake and the mountains shake, it sees the rivers and seas, it sees the disintegration of human dynasties on the earth, it sees the civilization that it has built all its life fall along with the mountains, and it sees its descendants disappear in ashes the moment they are contaminated with the majesty of the day, Until the moment before his body was completely destroyed, the golden-winged roc still did not close his eyes.

It couldn't figure it out, why the perfect empire that it created by itself was so fragile.It had attributed it to an irresistible natural disaster, but then it saw it again.

There are still people on this land.

Countless weak people were leaked from the fingers of that natural disaster, and the remaining people rebuilt high walls and buildings at an unbelievable speed. On the ruins after the disaster, the empire rose again, and the dynasties passed on from generation to generation. As it spirals upwards, the civilization under the dust shines again, even more brilliant than before.When the torrent of steel of the human race stands on the ground, the group of monsters are still hiding in the jungle.

It can't figure it out.Its inheritance should be the most complete and perfect, so why would it collapse at the touch of a finger? forward.

With such questions in mind, it fell asleep in this boneyard created by itself, meditating with the only trace of its soul.Until one day, its remnant soul sensed a change in the world, and sensed that someone was approaching this cemetery, so it unintentionally pulled it in.

"Bloodline inheritance, this is the power only possessed by masters of cultivation. Without such memory inheritance, the younger generations can only grope slowly and take countless unnecessary crooked paths, which should greatly slow down the pace of practice, and then slow down the progress of the whole Speed ​​is the key, but the human race in this world doesn't seem to be like this."

"No matter what kind of disaster you encounter, even if the power no longer exists in the world, some of you will always survive, and then go further on the basis of the previous ones. In what way do you carry on the inheritance in order to create something more outstanding than bloodline transmission? Can the younger generation resist even more terrifying disasters?"

Under the gaze of everyone, the giant bird's eyes showed profound doubts: "After the physical body dissipated, I recalled it for a long time before I remembered that there seems to be a special kind of inheritor in the territory of the human race."

"They are responsible for passing on what they have learned to younger generations, but not through blood inheritance, but through communication to pass on those cognitions to younger generations."

"Compared to the memory inheritance used by us, the inheritance speed of this method is terribly slow, and it is often several years or even decades to barely pass on one or two, and due to the difference in understanding, the younger generations may go wrong It is precisely under this low-end inheritance that Suke has never stopped your footprints, and even keeps moving forward."

"So I thought, maybe I was wrong and misunderstood the real reason why the human race can continue to this day. If I could do it all over again, I might also look for such an inheritor among the ethnic groups to protect my last inheritance."

Speaking of this, the giant bird lowered its illusory and huge head, and the shadows of the crowd in front of it were faintly swaying in a pair of golden pupils.That appearance was reflected in the screen of the Tianji Mirror, and in the eyes of Wei Ze outside the mirror, for some reason, there was an illusion that he was staring at the big monster across the air.

"I remember that your way of inheritance is called——teacher."

 The original version of the chapter that was supposed to be updated yesterday was about the conversation between the army and Ah San, which is the beginning of this chapter. It originally had more than 2000 words, but it failed to pass the review, so it had to be deleted so much as the beginning, and the chapter was rewritten. A chapter

  Okay, I understand this time, and I will never write about such sensitive topics in the future. This chapter is considered a normal update, not an addition. I will add [-] words at noon tomorrow to end this blessed land

(End of this chapter)

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