From Shusen University

Chapter 363 1 and 2 Blessed Lands

Chapter 363

This burst of golden light came unexpectedly and within reason.

It was unexpected because no one would have thought that this monster would still have a hole card under such unfavorable conditions.

As for the reason, it is because they have seen this burst of light before.

This is exactly the light that the golden-winged bird emitted when it used the "magic sound" just now.

But now, the golden-winged bird is entangled in the center by Teng Gen, and it is so strangled that it can't even scream. How can it make a magic sound?
Despite the doubts in their hearts, the experienced students who surrounded them quickly retreated to both sides, intending to avoid the strange golden light on the monster.

But then, they realized something was wrong: the golden light didn't disappear in a flash like before, but instead expanded in scope, like a spreading wave, sweeping towards the surroundings!

This is? !
Wu Hao in the team was the first to realize the situation, followed the emitted light and looked inward, his vision was locked on the source of the light——

It was a palm-length flying feather, exuding a noble golden light throughout, as if carved out of gold.

It was tightly attached to the golden-winged bird's wings, and it was not conspicuous against the already golden flight feathers. Even the researchers didn't find this special feather.But now, with the bird spreading its wings and ruffling its feathers, this strange golden feather is finally exposed to people's vision.

"Spirit weapon!" Someone in the team revealed the truth about the feather.

Still too imaginative.Subconsciously, they still feel that monsters are just beasts, and spiritless monsters are just smarter beasts.However, a person with a spirit can have a spiritual weapon, so naturally a demon with a spirit can also.

No wonder it was able to use a "magic sound" attack that was much stronger than its own strength just now.That is not its own power at all, but the protection from this spiritual weapon!

The golden feather fluttered down from the wings, sending out invisible fluctuations in the air. Under the influence of this strange spiritual weapon, all the spells and magical weapons that attacked the Garuda were self-defeating, and this included Xie Tianyang's chess piece - Facing the monster light from Jin Yu, the capturing aura of that chess piece was actually blocked back, and it fell back into Xie Tianyang's hands weakly, and was covered by the golden light in a blink of an eye.

"Come back quickly!" Even the base researchers who were watching noticed something was wrong and hurriedly shouted at them.

But it was too late.Just at the moment when those words were spoken, a crisp bird song was heard, and the dim light seemed to transform into life in an instant, and in an instant, people seemed to see a golden giant bird spreading its wings.The next moment, the giant bird swooped down, undulating like waves with golden light, instantly submerging several students around it.

Inside Kunlun University, Wei Ze, who was approving documents, stopped his movements.

The wind whirl in the backcourt suddenly vibrated, and in his eyes, the reaction was two familiar reminders.

[Student [Xie Tianyang] contacted Lingbao, the blessed place [Hengshan Hanging Temple] has been opened]

[Fudi [Hengshan Hanging Temple] successfully connected]

The place those students went to was indeed a blessed place, which he expected, but he didn't expect them to find the entrance so soon.

He frowned slightly, and turned the pen in his hand around his fingertips.

With the lessons learned from Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, he is now very cautious about taking action.After all, if you don't pay attention, a small piece of space will be destroyed.

The cell phone next to him rang. Looking at the number, it was a direct call from the official.

"Hello, Kunlun University?"

When the phone was picked up, the voice on the receiver was anxious: "I just received news from Jincheng that the group of students you went to the monster farm seemed to have had an accident. According to eyewitnesses from the Foundation, they may have been killed He cast the monster's spell and disappeared out of thin air."

"Right now, spiritual energy explosions of varying degrees have appeared around the Xuankong Temple. It is suspected that they are blessed to appear in the world. We have closed the relevant area for search and investigation. We need to notify you of this matter first."

Speaking of this, Wei Ze on the phone was slightly taken aback.Not because of what he said on the phone, but because at this moment, a new reminder suddenly popped up in his mind.

[Student [Wu Hao] gets in touch with Lingbao, and the blessed land [Monster Burial Ground] has been opened]

[Fudi [Monster Burial Ground] successfully connected]

Connected to two blessed lands at once?

Wei Ze put down the phone, got up and looked out: the cyclone in the back field was splitting, like a mushroom breeding with spores, and another cyclone was slowly squeezing out from it, splitting in two.

Xie Tianyang slowly put down the hand in front of him, and then he froze on the spot.

In just a split second, the modern monster farm around him has disappeared, replaced by a lush jungle with dense shadows of trees intertwined, and the bottom cannot be seen at a glance.

Is this the blessed land hidden in the Xuankong Temple area?

This is what he said in class, and he remembers it very firmly.After only a few seconds of being in a daze, Xie Tianyang immediately recovered from the shock, mobilized his spiritual power and returned to the fighting state, and at the same time scanned the surroundings with full consciousness, and found no special threat.

But in contrast, the classmates who were by his side, as well as the bird and snake that were wrestling with each other, disappeared.

He felt a slight heat in his palm, and when he looked down, he saw that strange long golden feather had fallen into his hand.The light covering it slowly faded away, revealing the original appearance of the golden down feather—it looked soft, but it was extremely tough, and it couldn't stop being cut with a sword.

This was something he had accidentally snatched from the demon. He didn't study it hastily, but carefully sealed it up with spiritual power and put it away, and then he paid attention to what originally belonged to him.

The Shuai character chess piece was still shining in his hand. He controlled his mind to allow spiritual power to penetrate into it. He could feel the connection between the chess piece and the Dragon Snake Tenggen, and further, he could lock the exact position of the imperial beast.

He still remembered that Tengen and the Garuda were entangled when the spiritual weapon pulled them in here.That is to say, if he can find his own dragon snake, there is a high probability that he can also find the monster bird, and also find the key to this blessed land.

In this dense jungle, this is the best signpost.

Xie Tianyang quickly drew up a plan, carefully felt the direction of Tenggen pointed by the chess piece, and followed the path to find it.

After all, he was in a world, so he didn't dare to be negligent. While walking, he expanded the sensing range of his consciousness to the limit, paying attention to the movement around him at any time.

The range of this dense forest seems to be quite small. After walking for a while, there was no sign of either his companions or enemies. Instead, it was the passing wind that made him feel something was wrong.

Xie Tianyang looked up, and saw that the leaves above were trembling, rolling up one after another, as if nodding to him.

This proves that the wind does not come from all sides, but from bottom to top.

If it is on flat ground, there will never be such a situation.There is only one scenario for such a wind - that is, above the peaks!
His hand holding the weapon tightened a bit, his eyes scanned around, and he froze somewhere in front of him.

It looked like the wreckage of a temple, it seemed to be some years old, only some broken walls remained, most of which had been buried in the soil.

And in the windshield at the corner of the broken wall, there is a fresh big pit, and a pile of dead branches and leaves are scattered in the pit.Looking inside, I saw dozens of large eggs of different colors among the leaves.

Those eggs are more than one meter in diameter, and ostrich eggs can only be regarded as pocket items in front of it.They are covered under heavy grass leaves, like a group of babies sleeping under the quilt.

No living beast could lay eggs of this shape unless
Xie Tianyang frowned slightly, checked the surroundings to make sure there were no traps, and then tiptoed towards the huge pit.

There are signs of fresh excavation and movement around the pit, and it appears that the eggs were placed there not long ago.He released his spiritual power to explore, and could feel the subtle spiritual power circulating in the eggshell, and it was still alive.

And more importantly - between the cracks of these eggs, he saw a few strands of familiar golden down feathers, exactly the same as those on the Garuda.

With a guess in his mind, he got up and was ready to continue chasing the bird to find the answer.But just as he stood up, a soft sound suddenly entered his ears.


I don't know if I sensed his spiritual power or was attracted by his breath, I saw an egg in the pit suddenly trembled slightly, rolled over by itself, and exposed a gap on the other side to it - a small egg. A small bird's beak is protruding from the gap, and a small pink tongue is sticking out.

it won't be
With a thought in Xie Tianyang's mind, the egg shell was pecked open, and a black and yellow bird's head slowly poked out from inside. The down was wet, and the small golden eyes were shining.

"Hey~" It glanced at Xie Tianyang in front of him, and called out to him happily, "Hey~"

Just like a newborn baby crying, a few whining sounds made Xie Tianyang's goose bumps come down.

He guessed right, this thing is indeed the egg that gave birth to the little demon, maybe the young Garuda was also hatched from it.

In other words, it is very possible that this mountain forest and this blessed land with abundant aura is the natural hatchery for these eggs!

When he was thinking this way, he saw the little thing stumbling away from the eggshell on his body, and stumbling towards him flapping his newborn wings, his golden eyes reflected his entire figure.

"Hey~" the little bird demon yelled at him.

It is said that when a chick hatches, it will regard the first thing it sees as its parents. Could it be that this bird demon is the same. Is he happy to be a father by accident?

Xie Tianyang took half a step back, and the little thing followed him for half a step, and the little thing followed him wherever he retreated.

The cold wind in the mountains blew past, and the wet body that had just broken its shell was shaken by the blowing, but it didn't go back behind the windshield wall, it just followed him blindly, as if it recognized him.

"Don't follow me." Xie Tianyang pointed at it with a spell threateningly, "Go back to your cave."

Such a small monster can't even use its monster power well, and it's useless to have it under its command.Even if he is a demon master, he won't be boring himself.

"Hey, hey~" the little bird demon looked at him and said.

"I'm not your father, don't follow me." Xie Tianyang put away the talisman, reached out to lift the little thing up, and threw it back into the hole that keeps out the wind, "If I didn't see that you didn't hurt anyone, I would have set the torch on this person a long time ago." Burned."

"Hey~" The little bird demon was thrown back, and ran out flapping its wings, circling around his feet.

"go back!"


"Are you going back?"


"If you don't go back, I will do it!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~"


5 minute later.

Xie Tianyang pushed aside the last leaf curtain, and the cold wind poured straight into his sleeves, causing his clothes to dance wildly, and the whining sound of the wind was like the roar of a giant whale.

"Hmm~" The pocket on the side trembled, and a small head poked out of it, looking around curiously, almost breaking its neck by the wind outside.

He pushed the head back with one hand, covered his pocket with his hand, warmed it with his body temperature, and continued to look out.

Walking out of the densest jungle in the center, the vision suddenly opens up, and the magnificent scene of birds flying high in the sky is displayed in front of you.

The road was cut off at a dozen steps away, and further outwards was a cliff of ten thousand feet, extending into the vast sea of ​​clouds, with no end in sight.It is somewhat similar to the "floating island" in Yunshen's unknown place.

But obviously, compared with the small platforms all over the place in Yunshen, although the mountain at the foot is a single seedling, it is much larger in size. The jungle on the top alone is worth ten. Several platforms add up.

Only then did he confirm the true face of this blessed land: the blessed land is independent of the present world, but it is closely connected with the present world—they entered this blessed land from near the Xuankong Temple scenic spot, and now he What you see is the real "Hanging Temple".

As the name suggests, the land under your feet is indeed suspended in the air.As for the "temple" of the Xuankong Temple, I am afraid it is the ruined wall that was half buried underground that I saw just now.

Even though he thought so, he didn't spend much time on it, because at this moment the chess pieces in his pocket trembled suddenly.At the same time, there was a rustling sound, which seemed to be accompanied by a familiar accent.

"Hey, grass!"

Xie Tianyang squeezed the chess piece in his hand, turned around and chased after the voice.With the guidance of the chess piece's induction, he could not take a detour, ran dozens of steps, and found the bird and snake in front of a giant tree on the edge of the cliff.

At this time, the two were still confronting each other, and both were covered with bruises: Teng Gen had a few more bloodstains from the claws of the bird, and the Garuda's wings had already withered.

Originally under the restraint of the species, Tengen's momentum was not high.But at this time, the insight came to the sky, the former snake was full of courage, while the latter shrank his neck, spread his wings, and stopped in front of the giant tree like a man with his arms outstretched, with a pair of bird eyes staring vigilantly in front of him. of Yu Yaoren.

"Hey, grass!"

The golden-winged bird yelled at him viciously, but this time Xie Tianyang ignored it, and just looked through the bird's figure and landed on the tree behind it.

There could vaguely see dozens of complete or broken eggshells, as well as the shriveled corpses of little demons scattered among the eggshells.

 Kavin got stuck very badly. In the afternoon, I made up my mind to re-draw the outline again. I wasted some time. I haven’t finished writing today’s supplement, so I will definitely supplement it tomorrow! !
(End of this chapter)

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