From Shusen University

Chapter 354 Teacher Xiao's Talisman and Seal Lesson (Leader plus 3285)

Chapter 354 Teacher Xiao's Talisman and Seal Lesson (Leader plus 3285)

After all, it was Wei Ze's request.For this job, Xiao Youyu did put in enough seriousness. Just finishing the lesson plans for half a month, the energy he spent was enough for him to take the college entrance examination again.

The lecture itself is also part of the content of learning. He has followed Wei Ze for so long, and he has seen pigs running without eating pork.Such a simple thing, no matter what, it can't go wrong, right?
——But then again, although these things are the most basic, after all, in the first class, I still can't figure out the level of these freshmen, so let's talk in detail first, and then speed up later.

Xiao Youyu made a draft in his heart, and tapped his fingers in the small box next to it containing the spirit release powder, so that his fingertips were stained with a layer of glistening white, then turned around, swiped his fingers a few times in mid-air, and the eyes in front of him A white mark appears on the blackboard as if induced.

"You should have learned the basics of formation formations when you were in middle school, so now I will start from the dismantling of the pointing, and take the formation eyes of this spirit-gathering formation as an example."

While talking, he swiped his fingers in the air and quickly drew a few symbols on the blackboard.The freshmen in the audience followed his movements and memorized it, so far the scene seemed very normal.

Well, that's it for now.

"From the way this center is built, it's not hard to see how the edges are composed."

"Looking at the drainage method of this position, it is obvious that the next step should be to point to it"

"Here is a tic-tac-toe stroke, and a star-shaped stroke at the end. Time is limited. I don't need to talk about the deduction process in the middle. I will directly start talking about the ending of this formation."


As he talked, Xiao Youyu gradually entered the state, standing there with high spirits and eloquent, his operations were as fierce as a tiger.After all, it is the professional course of spells that he is best at, and he has already mastered these basics so well that he doesn't even need to think about it.

In the audience, the faces of the freshmen also gradually changed.

Yang Xiaohe memorized it quickly, and frowned, feeling something was wrong.

She opened the notebook and looked it up. The notes were out of order, and the words "Fundamentals of Talisman" were written crookedly on each page. She couldn't understand it anyway. After reading it carefully for a long time, she finally saw the words between the words. , the entire book is filled with four characters that are "easy to prove and obtainable"!
Where is this Yi?
Why can't she understand after she wrote a word?Did she miss a class?
Obviously, when she was taking the prerequisite courses in middle school, her grades were pretty good. Why is it like this in the first class of the university?
Looking around, the faces of the other freshmen were exactly the same as hers, and everyone seemed to be in a state of asking three questions about life.

who I am?where am I?What am I listening to?
If you add three more questions, it is——

who is he?What is he doing?What did he say?
"From the above steps, everyone should already know where the core of the formation is, and vice versa, you can reverse this step by yourself. It's easy to get the result, that's it"

Xiao Youyu on the stage was still very focused, and his thoughts were smooth. While talking, he moved his fingers to draw the last stroke on the blackboard, ending the drawing with a cross, and then turned around, facing the back Freshmen.

"Okay, that's all for the composition of this talisman, what questions do you have?"

Turning around, he finally realized that something was wrong.Because at this time all the freshmen were sitting motionless in their seats, looking at him with Down's syndrome expressions.

Those eyes, half trembling and half red, three parts desperate and seven parts sluggish, full of doubts about life and thinking about the world, if they take off their Taoist robes and put on cassocks, they might be able to realize their enlightenment on the spot, get out of the world of mortals, and become perfect pearls—— Referred to as Ascension.

This expression is familiar to him, when he took Yan Ruyu's unimproved literary class this year, everyone looked like this.

"You guys." Xiao Youyu scratched his head, "Is there anything you don't understand?"

The freshmen looked at each other a few times, and then silently raised a hand from it.

"The first step you mentioned just now. The construction method, how do you see the composition method from it? Can you talk about it again?"

Xiao Youyu was stunned: "Does this still need to be said?"

He is really confused, it's like asking him to explain why 1+1 is equal to 2-what is the principle?He won't say it either!
But before he could figure it out, the other hands raised again.

"Why do you use characters for drainage? I really can't see it!"

"From Tic Tac To to X Tic Tac, what is the process in the middle? Can you elaborate a bit?"

"And the one you mentioned in the middle"

Questions sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and a bamboo forest grew in front of his eyes in a blink of an eye.Facing this pile of troubled babies, it was rare for him to feel helpless.

What is this all about?Did Teacher Wei also face this situation when he was giving lectures to them?

No, this year's freshmen have heard that the admission score has been raised, and they have a certain foundation of knowledge in cultivating immortals. It stands to reason that Teacher Wei's situation at that time should be more difficult than he is now. So how did that teacher do it? ?
He quickly recalled the scene of Wei Ze's class in his mind, took a deep breath to swallow the stuffy breath in his chest, and then raised his finger again, facing the blackboard.

"Okay, then I will slow down this time and start from the beginning again, listen up"

He erased the pile of complicated formulas on the blackboard, and started drawing from scratch, trying his best to speak at the slowest speed he thought, but seeing the atmosphere of despair getting stronger behind him, the freshmen were almost sitting on the ground there. .

"Hush, can you understand what this senior is saying?"

"He seems to be talking about the formation of formation eyes. Did you learn this in middle school?"

"I have learned it before, but after being told by him, I feel as if I have not learned it."

Yang Xiaohe listened to the weak discussion of the students behind him, and kept remembering in his hands, the sweat dripped down one by one on his forehead.

What the hell is this?Is this the difficulty of Kunlun University's courses?
If it was all of this difficulty, let alone getting good grades, it would be difficult for her to just pass!
Moreover, even this senior Xiao's lectures are already this difficult, and she can't imagine what a higher-level teacher would say.

Did those seniors survive like this?No wonder it is normal for Xiuxian to die on the road.
My God, if senior Xie also came here like this, what is the difference between me and him?
Yang Xiaohe was holding the talisman textbook, and sat there dumbfounded.She suddenly threw herself on the table and became a puddle.

"what happened to you?"

Seeing her like this, the classmates at the same table hurried forward to say a few words of concern, only to see Yang Xiaohe turn his face slowly, with tears written all over his face.

"I can't learn it!"

(End of this chapter)

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