From Shusen University

Chapter 343 Application for Withdrawal from School

Chapter 343 Application for Withdrawal from School

Seven days after the ghost town incident, the Central Headquarters of Huaguo Anomaly Bureau.

There are two files on the table, labeled "Confidential", with dense stamps on them. At a glance, there are Qingcheng Police Station, Qingcheng Anomaly Bureau Branch, Central Archives Management Bureau, etc., etc. .

File 1: Instructions on the work management of "spiritual beings" in the context of reiki recovery.

File content:

Spiritual people, according to the latest research in the field of Reiki medicine, it is proved that in a specific Reiki environment, some organs of the human body also have the possibility of "spiritualization reaction", which can be attributed to one of the biological mutation diseases.

In a normal aura environment (based on the median concentration of aura in Huaguo), the probability of this mutation occurring is about 1/323000. As the density of aura in the environment increases, the probability shows an exponential growth pattern.

The clinical manifestation is that the specific perception ability of the natural aura has increased, and the ability to materialize the feeling is suspected to have a certain improvement in the potential of practice. The rest of the manifestations need to count the number of patients with this kind of mutation disease in the country for further observation.

File 2: Instructions on tracing unknown cultivator organizations at home and abroad.

File content:

On June 6, a large-scale spirit transformation was suspected to have occurred in the ghost town area of ​​Fengdu. The investigation team conducted an in-depth investigation and found 15 unregistered people (all spirits) and two students from Kunlun University in the regional center.According to the testimonies of the parties, the existence of an unknown cultivator organization was confirmed.

The organization is suspected to have members of high-level practitioners, has uncollected blessed places, and the number is unknown.After analyzing its methods, the task force found the suspected related events as follows:
(Dense crime files of the police system, mostly in the past ten years, using many names)

On the basis of the existing materials, after a joint review by the Bureau of Abnormalities and the police system, this organization was classified as a group of concern, and the defense departments of various places need to maintain a high degree of vigilance against this.

The tentative code name is: Xianmen.

"In this way, all the information will be sorted out. Thank you for your hard work."

The executive put all the files into the folder and put them in the bag: "By the way, what happened to the spirit villages found in the ghost town area?"

Across the table stood a policeman in uniform, with the Qingcheng logo on his shoulder badge.

Hearing this, the officer shrugged.

"The results of the interrogation show that most of them have never been out of that mountain in their entire lives, and all the people in the village are black households. In other words, they don't even know what a 'hukou' is." He sighed, "That's okay. How to deal with it? Regardless of whether they are willing or not, they will first unify their household registration, and then follow the process of relocating households."


"The place where the village was originally located has been designated as a key surveillance area, and even the surrounding scenic spots have been temporarily closed. They can't be allowed to live there, right? The country has already paid attention to this matter, and will set aside a special area Funds are approved to arrange their life in the city, and there are still many things to come later, such as housing, medical insurance, jobs, and education.”

He paused when he said this, and turned his head to look at the corner of the room - there was a thin boy sitting there, wearing a brand new sweater, with a plaster on his nose.

"I heard that he is the main provider of information on this incident?" the archivist asked.

"Yes. It is said that it is called Su Yuzhu."

The police officer pushed his glasses: "After returning from arresting people in the ghost town, most of the spirits in that village were very repulsed by our questioning, but he was the only one who explained everything in detail and said that he would cooperate with us as a villager. work to integrate them into the outside world.”

"Oh? Then this is really lucky. If someone from the inside is willing to break through the wall, it will have a much better effect than our simple external force."

The archivist raised his eyebrows in surprise, and looked at the boy sitting on the chair.

"If that's the case, is there anything you'd like us to do after you've done us a great favor?"

Hearing this, the boy on the chair raised his head.

"I want to know one thing." Su Yuzhu asked, "What do I have to do to join the 'Kunlun University'?"

When he said this, the seriousness in his eyes seemed to overflow his eyes.

After learning the truth about the "immortal", most people in the village expressed absolute doubts, while a small number of people immediately collapsed, except for him.

Because he knows that there is more than one "Tao" in this world, and there is another way to practice.

The two people in front of them looked at each other, slightly surprised.

"According to the current requirements, you need to pass the college entrance examination, and then pass a series of independent admissions reviews. In the future, when the policy comes up, you can also pass the national subject competition. But do you know what these are?"

Su Yuzhu was at a loss for words, obviously this question was beyond his comprehension.

"But it's nothing. Next, the country is considering setting up a special project on the situation of spirit people. It is to study whether your body is special in cultivation. Of course, it will not cause harm to you, it is just a pure sampling."

"If you are willing to participate in this project, we can give you the officially mastered exercises, that is, the exercises of that university. You can learn while practicing, and in the future, you may have the opportunity to enter that university .”

"Oh, it's that project!"

The archivist who was sorting out the materials nearby heard the conversation here, and interjected casually: "Two days ago, a Kunlun student surnamed Han heard about this project and donated tens of thousands of yuan to this project in his own name. He said he wanted these school-age spirits to gain a foothold in the outside world. It seems like he donated all his personal property, right? That's really generous."

Su Yuzhu raised his head suddenly, looked at them, and nodded heavily.

"I participate."

When he said this, the back of the man with the sword flashed in front of his eyes again.

In the less than half a month since we met, that person has already saved him twice, and every time he made a move, it was like a god.

He is also a spirit person, but that person has reached a height beyond his reach.If you want to chase his back, you can only go the same way as him first.

— That is, go to the "Kunlun University".

He looked out from the window, his gaze seemed to reach the top of Jade Mountain in the distance as if he had crossed many distances.

A few days later, the files about the ghost town incident were handed over to the university.

All the materials add up to a thickness of more than one centimeter, and it took Wei Ze less than a minute to finish watching them.

Organization codenamed "Xianmen"
In other words, can the various immortal sects that were once scattered and governed be regarded as a complete "organization" now?
He leaned on the chair in the office, looked at the ceiling, and the situation was changing in his mind.

Even without these materials, what happened in the ghost town has already been fed back to him.

The most obvious sign is: At this moment, on the pentagram array of [Kyushu Mountain and Sea Map], the second node is lit up.

This proves that the second spiritual vein in Huaguo has been discovered.

The biggest change this brings is
"There seems to be a shock on the outside."

A thick voice rang in his head out of thin air—it was Zulong's voice.

According to the information in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, His body and soul have long been connected to Huaxia.Therefore, after lighting up the second spirit vein node, his soul lingering in the [Kyushu Mountain and Sea Map] seems to have undergone subtle changes.

Originally, He could only huddle in that small spirit weapon space, but Wei Ze had to enter that small space to talk to him.But now, his spiritual consciousness can be released from it, and it can transmit sound through the air.

"What did you feel?" Wei Ze asked back.

"It should be a powerful move that caused a shock to the world." Zu Long said, "It's somewhat similar to your scene in the imperial mausoleum back then. It should also be shot through a blessed place, so as not to affect the outside world."

similar to yourself
This time, two students from the school were pulled into the blessed land, but the blessed land was not connected to the school, which was the first time since the school was established.

There is only one situation that can cause this kind of result: that piece of blessed land has an owner, and the owner still has control over the blessed land.

The facts also proved this point: when the official people searched the mountain later, they found no sign of the blessed place.The spirit pulse is still in place, but a certain existence has already run away carrying the blessing.

What is he hiding from?
Wei Ze rubbed the file bag in his hand, his thoughts turned darkly.

From the Elephant Elephant incident, to the theft of the elixir from the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, and to the truth in the ghost town this time. All the incidents are strung together. Unknowingly, both the enemy and us have already tested the first round.

This way of fighting is not a simple brute force cracking, but a foggy chess game. The two chess players sit on both sides of the chessboard and move the pieces, killing each other, but they can't see each other's true colors.

No, if you say that, maybe your side is slightly better now.

After all, they are now the first to unlock a corner of each other's veil.But unexpectedly, that person turned out to be
"Excuse me, is Teacher Wei there?"

Wei Ze raised his head at Xunsheng, and saw that there was an extra figure at the door, leaning on the door railing and standing there.

It's Jiang Ling.

".Teacher, can I have a chat with you?"

Seeing that there was no one else in the room, she then spoke, her voice seemed full of exhaustion.

Wei Ze looked at her slightly surprised.

After the two returned from Qingcheng a few days ago, he also went to see Jiang Ling's condition.

Since returning to school, she has been curled up in a small confined space for several days, neither eating nor drinking, not seeing anyone, and in a trance.

At that time, she was like a frightened kitten, a little wind and grass could make her shiver, let alone communicate with people.

It's hard to tell exactly what kind of state that is, or it should be said that it is her original appearance.

In the beginning, she might be such a timid and weak girl.

In the heart demon tribulation of foundation building, she overcame her turbulent past as a mortal, but now the past has become the future.

Even Wei Ze couldn't intervene in this situation, he could only let her recuperate in Shuge, but she didn't expect that she could come out by herself today.

"Yes." Wei Ze ordered all the employees to go out, and pointed to the chair next to him, "Sit down."

Jiang Ling slowly sat down opposite him, but she didn't speak, she just sat there looking at the ground under her feet, silent for a long time.

Wei Ze didn't urge her either, but just sat on the same spot, silently looking at the young girl.

In just a few days, she suddenly became so haggard, she lost a lot of weight, and her originally slender figure seemed a little thin at this moment.

At this moment, under his gaze, the frail girl raised her head.

There was still no blood on her face.However, unlike a few days ago, there was an inexplicable attachment in her eyes now.

Godless and persistent, these two expressions can appear on the same person at the same time, it is really unbelievable.

She lowered her head under the teacher's gaze, as if she was afraid to face it.After a long time, she raised her face again.

"Teacher Wei, I think."

She took a deep breath, as if she was about to say the heaviest words in her life.

"I want to quit school."

The silence lasted for dozens of seconds. Wei Ze looked at the pale face and pondered for a moment.

"You should have a reason to add."

Jiang Ling looked at him, and asked in a low voice after a long while, "Teacher, you already know what happened in the ghost town blessed land a few days ago?"

"Well, the official people have sent the news." Wei Ze nodded, "Many spiritual power crimes that happened before may be related to this, and they have already sent special personnel to track it down."

"That's it, the outside world has noticed it. Soon, those evil people will be completely exposed."

Jiang Ling murmured in a low voice: "At that time, if the outside world finds out that the younger sister of the 'Daozi' whom those people believe in is a student of Kunlun University, how will they view the university?"

Although it could be seen that she was trying to suppress it, she couldn't help trembling slightly when she said this.

"This kind of thing, the school will definitely plan it." Wei Ze said, "The school will see what you have done. If you clean up, you don't have to worry about it."

As usual, this student has always listened to his words.But at this time, Jiang Ling just hooked the corners of her mouth, as if trying to smile as usual.But she was too tired to laugh at all.

"The clean ones clean themselves." She lowered her eyes and smiled, "...Can I still be regarded as 'clean'?"

Wei Ze looked at the girl quietly, her young face seemed to be covered with frost.

"In the past few days when I returned to school, I have not had a day without nightmares." Jiang Ling said softly, "In the dream, I was locked in a cage made of mirrors, and the mirrors on all sides were full of Jiang Yang's shadow. The way he looks, the way he kills me, I know he's my brother, but I don't recognize him."

"I was very scared and wanted to escape, but I couldn't escape the cage. Finally, I couldn't escape. Looking back, the shadows reflected in the mirror turned out to be my own face."

She raised her eyes: "Mr. Wei, no matter what, I can't stay in the school anymore. As long as I think that that person is still in this world, doing things I don't know in places I can't see, I will .I have to leave here, at all costs, to smash those mirrors with my own hands, to see with my own eyes what his truth is. Otherwise, I will definitely go crazy."

Wei Ze looked at those eyes, and the pupils of the pupils suddenly burst out with sparks of enthusiasm, as if a firewood had been ignited inside.

"Then, have you ever thought about one thing." Wei Ze said, "If after breaking the mirror, what you see is the worst truth, if your brother has really become the so-called 'Daozi'—then , what are you going to do?"

After saying a word, Jiang Ling tightened her hands on her knees, and the sparks in her eyes became even hotter, as if they were going to ignite the air.

"In that case." Her fingers dug into the flesh, "I will, kill him with my own hands."

(End of this chapter)

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