From Shusen University

Chapter 340 If You Can Be Like Him

Chapter 340 If You Can Be Like Him

On the top of the thin and narrow mountain, a black palace with flying eaves and brackets stands on the top platform of the mountain. There is a huge plaque in front of the door, and the three golden characters of "Tianzi Palace" are shining brightly.

At this time, the gate of the palace was closed tightly, but if one looked through the window rails on both sides, one could see the faint light of the sword in it, as if there were dark white flames beating.

In the dim white flames, there seemed to be a person lying there.The silhouette of a human was projected onto the bed by the light, without any heaving of the chest.

And just around this black hall, there are densely packed symbols of spells.

It's hard to imagine how much effort was put into it, such a huge and precise project, even if dozens of people worked day and night, it would never be possible to complete it in a year or a half.

Those symbols are connected with each other to form a huge magic circle with a diameter of tens of feet. The magic formula is centered on the hall and covers the entire circular platform.

Outside the platform, there are nearly [-]-meter-long steps extending from all sides, holding the platform in a cylindrical shape with a narrow top and a wide bottom.At first glance, it looks like a huge altar, and the central hall is the statue placed in the center of the altar to receive worship.

In fact, this scene can indeed be called a pilgrimage.

Under the "altar", hundreds of figures were standing there.

Most of those people were wearing ancient Taoist robes, but some were also wearing modern leather jackets, sweaters and even suits. It was obvious that they had just entered this place.

Right in front of the crowd, the abbot in Taoist robes was standing there, his long hair hanging down was almost as white as his skirt.

He closed his eyes, as if he was meditating on something, and his figure stood there like a solid sculpture.

The entire mountaintop was still with him, and no one moved.It wasn't until he slowly raised his head that the surrounding scenes began to flow again.

"The energy of the soul has been collected, and the elixir has been taken by Daozi, then the next step is to completely awaken his physical body, and then use our spiritual power as a guide to anchor this world, so that the will of the real person will come to this world and be with Daozi blend."

The host said calmly: "Once the resurrection begins, it cannot be interrupted in the middle. During this process, there must be no mistakes. There is not much time, so let's start now."

The voice seemed to come from another world, and spread leisurely on the top of the mountain. The crowd around them immediately raised their hands, and the breath that pervaded the surroundings gathered around them, like a hundred rivers returning to the sea.

In this surging wave of spiritual power, Su Yuzhu standing behind was one of the few people who did not participate in it—the reason why he said "several" was because he had already followed several "several" people in the same situation. Man," or, in other words, a spirit man.

As if smelling the astonishingly rich spiritual power, he seemed very uneasy, and frequently looked at the "elder" beside him, but seeing that the latter didn't intend to respond, he had no choice but to give up.

At the same moment, eighty steps away from the crowd, two figures floated down the edge without a sound, leaned over behind the cover, and watched quietly.

For fear of being exposed, they dare not get too close and can only observe at this distance.

Fortunately, this group of people seemed to be concentrating all their consciousness on the matter in front of them, and did not pay attention to the movement here.Coupled with the fact that Jiang Ling's soul cultivation technique fully shielded the breath, their concealment was in place.

"How?" She asked Han Jiangchen beside her with her lips.

Han Jiangchen narrowed his eyes, and the horror in his pupils flashed past.

In his eyes, strands of spiritual power ignited from these cultivators like flames, connecting and resonating with each other, as if they had built some formation with human bodies.

But in this formation, there is still a faint "gap" - the cultivator standing at the gap looks haggard, as if his whole body has been drained, only his eyes are still glowing with spirituality, but obviously This is no longer enough to support his body to become a "component" of this formation.

"It seems that you are no longer enough to continue to receive the grace of a real person."

The host seemed to have already noticed this situation, and glanced over lightly: "Then, you can start 'inheritance'."

The tone was as flat as his eyes, and the eyes of the person who was touched trembled slightly, but returned to normal in an instant.

He walked out slowly and stood there.Just like a mirror image, another person in a suit walked out from the line behind, walked in front of him, knelt down on the ground slowly, and lowered his head towards him.

While doing this, the man's face was full of devotion like a believer, and even...excited like listening to a divine revelation.

"I hope you can take over this 'inheritance' and witness the true meaning of immortality for me."

The haggard old man said in a low voice, stretched out his hand, opened his palm, and pressed one hand on the top of the man's skull.

Pure white light flashed out from his palm, and the eyeballs of the person under his hand popped suddenly, and veins appeared on his face, as if he wanted to struggle and shout, but he couldn't raise his hand and couldn't make a sound, he just twitched violently He spoke, foaming at the corners of his mouth.

Han Jiangchen, who was hiding in the dark, suddenly changed his face.

It's not because of this person's performance, but because - during this movement, the fluctuation of spiritual power in this person's body is like a spring that has been pried open. Normal operation.

He was just a rookie just now, but in the blink of an eye, his cultivation seemed to have risen to the foundation-building level.

When that hand was finally put down, the man with the white eyes turned quiet immediately. He knelt down on the ground in a daze, and then raised his hands in a daze. Similar cyclonic flow.

"This is...!" The man yelled out in disbelief, the voice actually had the meaning of surprise.

"As you can see." The standing old man in white retracted his hand, his already exhausted flesh and blood seemed to have shriveled in an instant, "You have obtained the 'immortal law'."

Before the words were finished, the kneeling man jumped up, the palm of his hand whirled together, and with a wave of his hand, the wind flowed out, and the rocks on one side shattered in response, which was definitely not the strength he should have before.

"Welcome to join us." The shriveled old man looked at him, with a smile on his haggard mouth, "Welcome to... the real 'Cultivation World'."

After saying that, he fell to the ground without warning, his body turned into blood transpiring instantly, and disappeared into the air in a few blinks of an eye, without any trace left.

"Very good, another person has completed the 'inheritance'."

The host stared at the steaming smoke, without any emotion on his face, he just looked at the new cultivator in front of him and said, "You have taken over his inheritance. Next, you will take his place."

"Understood." The cultivator withdrew his hand, stepped forward quickly, and stood at the original position of the old man. His spiritual power was ignited, and the original gap was instantly filled, and the entire formation was finally completed.

All this fell into the eyes of Su Yuzhu next to him.

He looked at the romantic figure, his face was shaken, he couldn't help but turned to the "elder" to the side, and spoke in a trembling voice.

"Elder, is this... imparting the 'immortal technique'?"

"Why, what questions do you have?"

" different from what I thought." Apparently shocked by the situation just now, Su Yuzhu's expression trembled a little, "I thought that to learn the immortal method at least, you need to 'learn'."

"The method you mentioned is too primitive and old-fashioned. It's just a mortal's play. You should have seen just now that for the 'True Immortal', inheritance no longer needs to be carried out in this way."

"But..." Su Yuzhu choked on his words.

If he hadn't seen the appearance of those people, he might have accepted this "immortal way".But now, facing this "preaching" situation, the scene he remembered not long ago suddenly flashed in his mind.

In that emperor's tomb, the figures of those people, those cultivators... They were as young as him, but their strength and potential shocked him at that time.

The cultivation of those people must not have been obtained in this way, right?Although they also have cultivation bases, they are more like...human beings than immortals.

Immortal cultivators are still human—this kind of cognition has cracked his life cognition in the past ten years.But now, the rift was completely shattered.

" it really 'preaching'?" Su Yuzhu finally couldn't help but said, "This way..."

He suddenly trembled, because the elder suddenly lowered his eyes and looked down at him, like a god overlooking the world from a cloud, just staring straight at him.

And around, all the cultivators had the same expression, as if the same pair of eyes had been duplicated thousands of times and then placed on these people.

"You don't accept this approach?"

"not me…"

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't accept it." The elder closed his eyes slightly, and raised his hand in their direction, "Because, you don't need to know this anymore."


The voice was cut off abruptly when he said this, and the invisible spiritual power suddenly imprisoned his body.Su Yuzhu sat there stiffly, and the spirits around him remained in the same state as him, unable to move at all under the influence of the spell.

what? !

He opened his mouth to shout, but before he could make a sound, another scream came from the side.

Amidst the heart-piercing shouts, blood suddenly burst out from the eyes of a female spirit person beside her. Her eyeballs squirmed as if they were alive, and struggled to come out of the eye sockets, facing the direction of the host in front. fly away.

Looking around, the spirits are showing the same situation one after another.

Someone's tongue was pulled out, someone's ear was cut off, someone's hands and feet were even broken... Finally, the invisible breath locked him, causing an unspeakable pain at the bridge of the nose, as if he could hear the creaking of cartilage Friction sound.

"Come on, offer your tribute to Daozi." The voice on stage said, "... After all, that's what you're here for, aren't you?"

The sound was like a needle piercing through the soul, piercing a tiny detail before.

The elder called them "Shiwu", but no ordinary city would use such a sequential name.Only the corrals will be numbered.

The village is a corral, and they are naturally the livestock that are raised in it.

For the sake of "Tao Zi" Su Sheng, they offered their domestic animals whose bodies were selected by spiritual energy.

Moreover, it is living flesh and blood.Only in this way can their "spirituality" be guaranteed.Such flesh and blood can be pieced together into the best "Tao body".

So before, no one of the relatives who set foot on this fairy road has ever returned.

Because they are raised domestic animals.

"Do not…"

The pain can make people lose their minds, and he can't do any other reaction except to yell.He kept trembling under the great fear, and finally couldn't help but yelled.

"! Don't! Please don't!"

Su Yuzhu shouted desperately, but under that power, he was like an ant at the foot of a giant elephant, unable to move a single finger.

At the last moment, what flashed in his mind was the figure holding the sword.

Also as a spirit person, that person should be able to truly live out another appearance, right?After all, he is not much older than himself, so he has that kind of strength... Surely he won't lose to these people in front of him in the future, right?
If at that time, he did not follow his previous beliefs and returned to the village, but stayed there and became a person like him... wouldn't that be a different result?
But it was too late to regret.

Su Yuzhu closed her eyes in despair, waiting for the moment when the bridge of her nose was broken by that force

But what was expected did not happen.Because at that moment, a strange sound suddenly resounded through the entire mountaintop.

The voice was like someone's raving, it was indistinct, but everyone stood up in horror, and dozens of pairs of eyes looked at the host on the stage.

As far as their eyes could see, the host's always indifferent expression changed without warning.

He closed his eyes, as if listening to something, then suddenly raised his hand and pointed to the corner.

"Daozi's divine sense is transmitting...someone has entered this hall!"

Just when he was halfway through speaking, the bluish-white sword light flew out like lightning, and the sword energy crossed the crowd, dragging the afterimage with the potential of a meteor, and flew straight to the spirit crowd in the center!
Su Yuzhu's pupils shrank suddenly, and the sword light was reflected in his eyes, which was no less than Pan Gu's breakthrough blow.The blade of the sword pierced deeply into the "Elder"'s chest with such force that he was knocked over on the ground directly, and blood flowed from his mouth and nose.

That second was infinitely elongated in his feeling, so long that he even had time to turn his eyes away, watching the sword light return to the master's hand - the figure holding the sword stood under the brilliance of the blood moon , against the dead sky.In the bloody reflection, those pitch-black pupils were fiercer than ever before, like a lone wolf bursting out in the dark night.

Of course he also saw the entire scene just now, but in order to prevent exposing himself, he forcibly held back and did not make a move, just watching helplessly.

But at the moment when the host opened his mouth, the latent strategy was declared aborted, and there was no reason to wait on the sidelines—in the last gap, he did not choose to escape immediately, but launched an attack with the fastest speed in the audience, taking the first person , Even he himself didn't expect that he would be so decisive, and he didn't even consider the strength of the enemy and ourselves at all.

Probably because, in his life, he has never been so "angry".

It was as if he had never been aware of the existence of this group of "similar" in his life.

Unfortunately, only one was saved.

The hand holding the sword tightened violently, and he cursed in his heart for his incompetence, and then the blue and white sword lights intertwined, encircling him with furious coercion, like a hurricane.

At the same time, Jiang Ling's figure also rushed out from his side, but there was no retreat route to the rear. Instead, she stepped forward to meet the crowd in front of her, and went straight to the altar where the blood cloud gathered.

She could feel the boy's anger, and she could understand the origin of that anger, so she didn't try to stop him.

At the same time, she also had reasons why she couldn't escape.The reason is also very simple - in the group of people in front of her, she smelled the smell of the past.

There was no communication, but the two reached an agreement at the same time, and saw the sword glow and the spiritual light rise at the same time, and rushed forward with a real murderous intent!

 There will be another 2000 later

(End of this chapter)

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