From Shusen University

Chapter 332 The Qi Refining Wolf, the Foundation Establishment Sheep

Chapter 332 The Qi Refining Wolf, the Foundation Establishment Sheep

The two teachers just stood there and chattered nonchalantly, and then they spoke incomprehensible words, such as "Heaven rewards hard work", "mortals cultivate immortals", etc. They talked enthusiastically, and Wu Haochu was like a wooden pole. of.

Fortunately, the bell for the end of class just rang at this time, which interrupted the conversation.

"Hey, it's 8:45, and the admissions meeting has to start."

Lao Zhang is also a person with a sense of time. Although he looked regretful at this point, he still patted him on the shoulder.

"That won't delay you, get ready to go. If you see people from this year's Class 8, please take care of them. I took this class this year, and I tell them about you every day. They know you well. It's over."

Wu Hao was finally liberated, he hurriedly responded, and followed the volunteer as if fleeing.

Today's enrollment meeting is a joint event of the six schools. People from No. [-] Middle School to No. [-] Middle School will come, and the scene is quite big.

At this time, it was only a few minutes before the enrollment meeting started, and there were already many people standing on the playground.They are scattered in front of the desks of various universities, but almost all of them will glance at the northeast corner intentionally or unintentionally.

In that corner is the school's newly planted ginkgo grove. Under the shadow of the forest is a row of tables. All of the school badges pasted on the tables are famous. At a glance, there are everything from Huaqing Peking University to Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

With the support of the Ministry of Education of Huaguo, led by the C9 Alliance, more than ten top universities in China have already started to organize their own immortality majors. The official provides academic personnel and Kunlun University provides knowledge resources. The construction is expected to be completed within two years.

Now this corner gathers the consultation offices of all the schools that offer cultivation majors.Obviously, this layout was specially arranged by the school in consideration of the possible popularity of the Immortal Cultivation major.

And right in the middle of the tables of all the top universities, right in front of the ginkgo grove, in front of the seat where Wei Ze used to sit, was a long table in the center, on which the school emblem of Cloud Surrounding Yin and Yang had already been pasted.

This location is not bad, it is under the shadow of trees, and there is a lot of space without being exposed to the sun, which can be called VIP treatment.

He walked towards that table, and just as his buttocks were warming up when he sat down, he was turned into a hedgehog by the sight from all around him.

The moment he took his seat, the representatives of the dozen or so colleges and universities sitting around all turned their heads and looked at him with burning eyes. You can imagine how to observe pandas in the zoo.

"Hey! Are you the representative of Kunlun?"

The Beijing University representative who was closest to him spoke first. Although he deliberately lowered his voice, his tone was raised.

No.1 broke the ice, and the rest immediately followed. Taking advantage of the fact that there were still a few minutes before the admissions meeting started, a series of questions were thrown at him.

"I seem to have seen you on TV, you also went to the Fairy Games, right! It's that rogue physique!"

"When there was a demon disaster in the city, did you go to fight monsters with them? What was the situation like at that time? I didn't even look at it when the school was closed."

A group of people talked one after another, as if everyone had questions they wanted to ask, making Wu Hao dizzy for a while.Under the siege of the crowd, he sat there weak, pitiful and helpless, like a sheep among wolves.

In front of him is the wolf refining Qi, and he is the sheep building the foundation.

In the noisy room, another representative came over.Looking at the school badge, it should belong to Ancheng Jiaotong University, which is also the only school in C9 located in Ancheng.

"That! I want to ask! It was rumored that a golden dragon shadow appeared above the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. Our school opened a special project for this. Does your school know the specifics of this matter? Can you disclose a little bit?"

Wu Hao's expression froze on his face, looking at the eagerly expecting eyes in front of him, his words got stuck in his throat.

What can he say?
Tell him that the vision that everyone regarded as auspicious almost killed several of them?

Tell him that because of that existence, half of Ancheng was almost sacrificed?
Wu Hao didn't know how to answer, so he could only deal with it vaguely.Fortunately, everyone knew how to measure, so they simply ate him a few bites, but didn't get any effective answers, so they all asked for money to withdraw.

However, the first wave of vanguards withdrew, but the pressure he faced did not decrease at all.

Because at this time, the students who came to consult had already surrounded his desk.

Under the coordination of the surrounding teachers, this group of people formed a long line in front of him, and the line stretched more than ten meters away. Everyone was like a flock of chicks, waiting for his answer to feed them.

Forget it, anyway, this is also the school's task, at least you have to get the practice points
Thinking of this, Wu Hao took a deep breath, sat up and stood up, showed the fierceness he had when facing Zulong, and looked at the junior who came forward for consultation.

"Excuse me, Senior Wu, how many points did you get into Kunlun at the beginning? I can probably surpass the first line by about [-] points this year. Do you think this score is dangerous?"

Wu Hao: "."


"Senior, senior, I heard that your first batch of students were all given the chance by a true immortal. How did you find it?"

Wu Hao recalled it carefully: "Maybe. By chance?"



"I heard that even if you are admitted, you still need to pass a special entrance exam to study spiritual power courses. Can you inquire about the content of this exam?"

"You should be talking about the test before military training, right? In the past two years, the standard was to reach Qihai in three days. I don't know if it will change this year."

"Three days to open Qihai?!" The person who asked the question almost flew up, "Then what is the minimum standard like?"

".Is that what I am?"


He met the other person's eyes of "you're fucking kidding me", exhausted his words but failed to prove that he was not here.Seeing a teenager leave with a shattered dream, he could only scratch his head and move on to the next one.

"Can I ask how many places Kunlun University plans to release this year?"

"Is there any news about this year's entrance exam reference book?"

"I think this year Kunlun University has approved registration in advance, so will it go for supplementary admission like last year?"

Facts have proved that he still underestimated the intensity of this consultation.

The combined number of graduates from the six joint schools exceeds [-].After half a day, at least he faced seven or eight hundred people, all kinds of strange questions, almost none of which made him gasp.

It wasn't until the daylight outside was westward, other schools had already closed their stalls, the students on the playground had almost left, and the patrolmen began to come in to chase people away, the last few students reluctantly walked away from the table, and before leaving, they did not forget to follow He shook hands and said it was a chance.

Seeing that the surrounding playground became quiet again, Wu Hao breathed a sigh of relief, unscrewed the seventh bottle of mineral water on the table, and drank it dry in one gulp.Just as he put down the water bottle, another voice sounded next to him.

"Excuse me. Can I still come in for consultation now?"

As soon as he looked up, he saw a girl with twin ponytails standing in front of her, her round face looked timid.

Judging by the school uniform she was wearing, she was a student from the No. [-] Middle School, and she should be from the joint school to participate in the admissions meeting.

No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] Middle School are separated by a distance of less than [-] kilometers, spanning more than half of Ancheng.Although he was quite tired now, but considering that this school girl had traveled a long distance to come here for consultation, he couldn't bear to spoil her interest.

"It's okay, you can ask." Wu Hao nodded to her, "Is there anything you want to know?"

"Ah good, good!"

Facing him, the girl immediately became nervous, and her ears were slightly red.She sat down in front of the seat anxiously: "It's like this, I also want to be admitted to Kunlun, the situation here is"

As she spoke, she nervously hugged the folder in her hand.Wu Hao took a closer look, and found that there was a name sticker on the folder, and the name on the sticker was: Yang Xiaohe.

Like the previous ones, she briefly reported her estimated scores and cultivation status, and asked questions about the admission criteria.

Compared with the previous ones, this girl's grades and achievements in school cultivation are considered good, and the conditions are indeed met.Wu Hao gave her a few words of encouragement before returning the document to her.

But after that, Yang Xiaohe didn't leave, but just sat there rubbing his hands, looking hesitant to speak.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Wu Hao asked.

"This." Yang Xiaohe hesitated, "Then may I ask another question about Kunlun University?"

"It's okay, you can ask." After answering all kinds of questions here all morning, Wu Hao is used to it, "If I know it, I will try my best to answer it for you."

"Ah yes! Thank you!"

Yang Xiaohe's eyes became lively, he took out his mobile phone and called up some photos: "Then do you know this person?"

Wu Hao looked at the phone and was slightly taken aback.

Those photos were all media reports, and the backgrounds were all reports of the Elephant Elephant disaster, but they all had the same person—Xie Tianyang.

This guy showed his skills during the demon disaster. He not only led the entire student union, but also led a group of soldiers to take the lead in the charge. He was the absolute central figure in every scene. These photos did highlight him in various ways. Wu Hao saw that I feel handsome when I wear it.

However, with so many photos, it took a lot of historical news to collect them?What is this girl trying to do to collect these photos?
"Do you need anything from him?" Wu Hao asked.

"It's nothing, it's just" Yang Xiaohe looked at the person in the photo, and the blush on his face seemed to get stronger, "I just want to ask, how is this person like in school?"

Her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally her neck was completely red.

But Wu Hao didn't understand her way, he just stared at the girl suspiciously for a while, and made a mistake in his heart.

What does she ask this for?Could it be another traitor sent somewhere?

Although intellectually, this is almost impossible.But since the assassination, he is now extremely sensitive to such things, and looks like a spy to everyone.

"I'm sorry, there are too many people in the school now, and I don't know them very well." Wu Hao thought of the end, and decided to be cautious, "You should work hard to get admitted to Kunlun. Then, maybe you will be able to meet me in person. "

"Is that so? Well then, thank you."

Yang Xiaohe's eyes dimmed a little, looking very disappointed.But he still thanked him, then got up to pack his things and leave.

Walking out of the gate, she took a deep breath of fresh air outside and looked up at the sky.

It was dusk, and the white clouds flowed under the orange-red dome, just like the day when the elf appeared in the world.

When the Monster Elephant incident happened, she caught a glimpse of that man on the news—in the picture, he descended from the sky in a red dragon and snake, and he was dressed in the sky like a fairy god.

He was too dazzling at that moment, so dazzling that it was impossible to forget him after just one glance.

To put it in a more down-to-earth way, it is: ah ah ah ah ah!He is so handsome!

After that, she has been working hard to find all the news about him, and almost all the time she spares from studying is devoted to this operation.

It's a pity that all the reports during the Fairy Games period did not mention that person; and although he played a great role during the demon disaster period, there were no personal reports, and he was referred to as a general "Kunlun University student".

But, thanks to the omnipotent self-media, during the search, she at least knew the name of that person.

His name is Xie Tianyang.

According to the sporadic reports about him on the Internet, she knew that the man was a member of the track and field team of No. [-] Middle School, won three provincial track and field gold medals in a row, and his resume was too beautiful.

Although I don't know why he didn't participate in the Fairy Games, but thinking about it, he must be a very prominent person in the university, right?

She really wanted to know more about him.

This time, when she heard that there was a student from the Kunlun school in the joint school who came to consult, she ran over regardless of the long distance, just to ask more about the person's situation, but she still didn't get the answer she wanted.

But as the senior said just now, as long as he is admitted to Kunlun, he can meet him in person.

This is a blessing from the cultivators of Kunlun School, it must bring me a chance, right?
Yang Xiaohe grabbed the schoolbag unintentionally, feeling a little fever on his face.

That person is also a student of Kunlun University.
It would be great if I could go to the same university as him and meet him in person
No matter what kind of thoughts the candidates have.That night, the volunteer system was opened as usual.

This year's Kunlun University follows the normal admission process, so there is no such overload problem as last year.

This is a night of dreams.The students filled out their volunteers according to the process, and the achievements of millions of people in the 12-year cold window were turned into a data stream of 0 and 1, which flowed into the underlying warehouse of the Education Bureau.

While all this is going on, Anseong Police Station is having a special "meeting".

The small door of the temporary residence was opened, and Su Yuzhu, who was sitting at the table waiting, raised his head, and saw a man in a police uniform enter the room, followed by two familiar figures—Jiang Ling and Han Jiangchen .

"This is the person you are looking for. After review, he was not directly involved in the case, but Curry did not find his account information, so we have not released him."

The police officer said to the two: "Then I will guard the door, and I will leave this kid to you. Ask any questions you want, and respond to any situation at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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