From Shusen University

Chapter 329 The Exam Season of the World

Chapter 329 The Exam Season of the World

While everyone in Kunlun University was preparing and adjusting, the outside society was caught in a turbulent sea.

In the past week, the top searches in China were in the following order: Fairy Games schedule, Ancheng demon disaster, and the collapse of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum.

In previous years, any one of these three pieces of news could become annual news.

But now, these explosive news have been released in a few days, making people suspect that the historical wagon wheel has been transformed into an F1 racing car.

Originally, people thought that the Fairy Games would already be the heat limit of this year, but the fact is that the heat of each of these events is multiplying.

Especially on the day when the imperial mausoleum collapsed, although the departure of Zulong stopped the abnormal rise of spiritual energy in time, the rainfall in Ancheng did not break through the threshold as predicted, but tens of thousands of people in Ancheng, even thousands of people in Linshi Everyone has witnessed a spectacle in the sky that is a thousand times more outrageous than a torrential rain.

According to eyewitnesses, at that time, the sky above Ancheng was full of aura, and the strong aura fluctuations even made seven-color aurora appear in the sky.

In that light and shadow, there is a golden dragon shadow across the sky, turning into thousands of fine dragon air and falling with the raindrops, the auspicious light washes the land like a tide, and the citizens dozens of kilometers away can see it clearly.

This description was verified by countless image data later.After a joint study by countless experts in meteorology, geology, micro-chemistry and even mysticism, after a while of calm analysis, I finally gave up thinking.

Soon, the research results spread like wildfire: above Ancheng City, there appeared a real sign of the blessing of divine beasts!
For a moment, the entire Hua Kingdom was immersed in shock.

In small troubles, Reiki Recovery finally revealed its majestic and divine side to people, as if they were facing a blizzard sweeping across the country.

When the blizzard of the era comes, every snowflake is bravely traveling to the end of the world.

Within a few hours, photos of the sky above the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang were distributed all over the world through the Internet, and tens of millions of people saw the scene of the golden dragon in the sky.

This is much more exciting than any ufo event.Not to mention that this happened immediately after the Fairy Games and the demon disaster, this time point is even more imaginative.

All of a sudden, all over the world, from top to bottom, from experts to netizens, people of different skin colors, races and status are thinking about the same question.

What forces have caused these?

"Why did everything happen in this city in Huaguo? Could this be brought about by that 'Fairy Games'?"

"It's because of the appearance of those magicians called 'immortal cultivators', who summoned the revelation of God! It must be so!"

"No, I think the order is reversed—it's not their presence that calls for revelation. It's because the gods are there that those Eastern magics come into being."

"I agree. I heard that the people of Huaguo have always called themselves the 'descendants of the dragon', and this time it is what they call the 'dragon'. They have known this for a long time!"

"Hua Guo really has a real extraordinary inheritance! It was left to them by their ancestors long ago!"

"The mausoleum that collapsed in Huaguo this time is said to be the remains of more than 2000 years ago. Could this dragon be connected with it? It came from ancient humans?"

"This was only 2000 years ago, and Huaguo has a history of 5000 years. How much are they hiding?"

"It's a pity that the other three of the four ancient civilizations have already been destroyed, otherwise it makes no sense that this kind of inheritance is only available in Hua."

"What is our government hiding? Such an extraordinary phenomenon has already appeared in Huaguo. Why hasn't our issue on spiritual energy passed?"

In addition to the shock, various speculations also emerged in an endless stream.Due to the collapse of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, history and mystery lovers from all over the world are attracted together.

With a rigorous way of thinking, they analyze from historical evolution to world situation, and the content can be described as criss-crossing. When talking about the past and the present, Kunlun has to be an expert after reading it.

According to Internet data, it is conservatively estimated that at least 6000 million people have participated in the discussion of this topic, and the number of diving and spying parties after that has been estimated at hundreds of millions.

Major media outlets have published reports and comments on the "Vision Incident of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of China" one after another. Under these news, comments in various languages ​​emerge in endlessly.

Under the operation of omnipotent netizens, all the reports before and after were quickly picked up, traced back to the source, and stripped away cocoons.

"This is not accidental! Look at those historical reports. Long before the opening of the Fairy Luck, there was a vision in that city, but before the opening of the Fairy Luck, the weather automatically improved. This time too, the monsters appeared, Important historical relics were destroyed, and then such a miracle ushered in, don’t you think this was designed by someone?”

"Design? Who can design these?"

"There must be some kind of supreme existence that has appeared in the world, and that existence has now come to Huaguo!"

"Could it be that magic school? What else is hidden in that school?"

"God is dead! God is dead again!"

"If they have anything to do with this, what are they for? What are they going to do next?"

Many people have quoted from many sources and analyzed, and many speculations are staggering. It is not a problem for its depth and breadth to support thousands of papers, but the discussion still stays at the level of speculation in the end.

It was also at this time that people on the other side of the ocean realized that they knew nothing about that country and that school.

Within a few days, this eastern land has become the most mysterious place in the world today. Even overseas Chinese are treated differently when they walk on the street, as if these black-eyed and black-haired people are no longer the same species as other people. like.

"The extraordinary trend has appeared now, and it will definitely not stop in the future." A Russian elite said to the camera in an interview, "The new curtain has opened. Next, pay close attention to the news of Huaguo , and other things must happen after that.”

There are not a few people who hold similar views. This kind of tone successfully attracted many people to turn their attention to the ancient country in the east, waiting for new news.

As far as their eyes could see, the changes were still going on silently.

After the collapse of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, it rained for 40 hours in Anseong.

This rain ended the Fairy Games, the dynasty that had been hidden for thousands of years, and the spring of Ancheng this year.

When the first ray of sunshine after the heavy rain illuminates the earth, the summer wind begins to blow the streets, and the trees on both sides are completely green.People started running in the streets again, with shorter sleeves and quicker steps.

Despite the many turbulent waves that have not subsided, people in this land have resumed their normal operations.

So, on the third day after the heavy rain, under the attention of the whole world, the major media in Huaguo ushered in the next hot search term after the Mausoleum of the First Emperor: college entrance examination.

When the whole world is full of turmoil, Huaguo, which is on the cusp of the storm, is still on its own track. The holding of the college entrance examination as scheduled proves this.

A series of extraordinary events shocked the entire academic world, but not the Huaguo Education Bureau.After the rainstorm, the annual national examination season continued as usual.

Compared with usual, the candidates in this class seem to especially believe in metaphysics.

On the eve of the exam, the Taoist temples in various places are full, and the wishing trees and wishing walls are covered with signs. If you open one at random, you can often see "Kunlun wait for me!" "Want to be admitted to Kunlun University" "Willing to be single for 30 years in the future Change a Kunlun admission notice" and other wishes.

At the same time, nearly [-] Kunlun students scattered across the country also got busy.

There is no other reason, just because people continue to find them in various ways, seeking so-called "opportunities", and asking for their high school notes and textbooks. But the trend is even more popular, and even the papers they have done are included.

Under such a trend, some idle goods trading platforms are still selling chance school supplies under the pretext of "things used by Kunlun students", and a small industrial chain has actually been formed.

Among them, the most eye-catching and legendary item is the "Kunlun University Promotional Business Card".

It is rumored that there are only more than [-] copies of this object in total, and they were distributed by people in Kunlun University.Even in the school, only a very lucky few can have it, which can be described as a rare thing in the world.

Because of this, the price of genuine business cards on the black market has been fired up to six figures, and a group of people have faked them based on the pictures that have been circulated. Behavior, this is the end of this py transaction.

Therefore, on the day of the college entrance examination, the new batch of examinees stepped into the examination room with all kinds of luck.And what greeted these children of luck was a ruthless beating called reform.

Due to the holding of the Immortal Games, the publicity of spiritual recovery has been promoted, and this year's college entrance examination questions have also caught up with the trend and are particularly coquettish. This can be seen from the essay questions in various places, such as——

""University" once said 'self-cultivation, family governance, and peace of the world'. In the context of today's revival of aura, what kind of new enlightenment does this sentence give to today's youth? Write an argumentative essay based on this, choose the right angle, and determine Create a concept and draw up your own title, no less than 800 words."

"In the past, there were hundreds of schools of immortals, but now there are all people cultivating immortals. How do you understand the changes in cultivating immortal culture with the times? How should you treat this?"

"There is an old saying: 'Tao can be said, it is very Tao; name can be named, it is very famous', what do you think is the way of cultivating immortals? How to better combine the core values ​​with the way of cultivating immortals?"

As in previous years, after leaving the examination room, the Internet was filled with the wailing of candidates and the sympathy of everyone.

"Crap! I was betting on the Fairy Games before, and I memorized several model essays, but what happened to him when he tested my values!!"

"Is this year's Chinese exam going to be closer to Wen Dao? The proportion of classical Chinese has increased so much?"

"And physical chemistry, what is that? Introducing spiritual power into variables? Pushing formulas on the spot? Next time, can Newton's laws be thrown away?"

Every year in the college entrance examination, everyone seems to regret that they studied for a year at night, and those who have already entered college are glad that they were born early. This year, this phenomenon is especially prominent.

Facts have proved that in the end, no matter how lucky the opportunity is, this test still depends on oneself.

But even so, in the eyes of people all over the world, they are still the lucky ones.

After all, even if it is full of various uncertainties, the college entrance examination is still the only way that can lead to the major of cultivating immortals and Kunlun University.

Millions of candidates are worried about whether they can pass the exam, but overseas, those who are attracted by the Xianyun Games and the Ancheng Incident and are interested in "Oriental Magic" can only stare blankly.

Without Chinese nationality, they don't even have the opportunity to take the college entrance examination, and they can only sigh with regret.

At this time, the college entrance examination has become a besieged city. People outside want to come in, and people inside don't want to go out. Everyone collectively acts as a dead house.

According to the routine of the story, there must be warriors standing up to break the siege at this time.In fact, these warriors did appear.

In the second week after the college entrance examination, a visiting ambassador from the United States named Harry came to the Education Administration Bureau, accompanied by many translators, Western education experts, and even several reporters from the Associated Press.

They were greeted by Wang Yan, head of Huaguo's foreign education exchanges.The two sides have been arguing for hours in the conference room, and the atmosphere of the conversation is very anxious.

"All in all, Mr. Wang, please seriously consider our proposal - based on the principle of freedom and fairness, we hope that the Huaguo Education Bureau will discuss with Kunlun University in the future, just like your Confucius Institute, to develop some overseas-oriented Admission channel."

When the stalemate reached the fourth hour, Harry's tone became more serious: "Now is the era of globalization, and good education should belong to the whole world. Moreover, without international students, this university cannot participate in the world rankings." , I think this is not what you want. Huaguo has always had a preferential policy for foreign students, isn't this school in the same system?"

"The question of whether you want it or not can only be answered by the university's own people, and we cannot represent them."

Wang Yan shook his head: "Besides, I have said many times just now that it is not just a question of whether to open the channel. Rather, even if the channel is opened and the resources are given, it may be difficult for foreign students to cultivate immortals. The effect you imagined."

"No one can make a judgment on the learning effect of each student before trying it out. Since Mr. Wang said that opening the channel can't achieve the effect, then it's better for both of us to take a step back."

Harry insisted: "We don't require students to enroll immediately, but please provide relevant information about the cultivation of immortals, we will do a good job of English translation for it, and take it back to the educational institution for evaluation and inspection."

"Well, that's fine." Wang Yan sighed, "Then, here I will give you some internal information of Kunlun University as a reference, and you can decide whether to continue this plan according to your own situation."

"Please speak." Harry smiled excitedly, and glanced at the interpreter from the corner of his eye, "We are fully prepared."

"Okay, now, please translate this sentence into English—"

Wang Yan cleared his throat and showed the same smile to the other party.

"——The water world is dark, the Dragon Lord of the Five Sacred Mountains. Three canopies, bestowing mighty spirits. Flying messengers, iron-armored majestic gods. In the middle of the five Dings, the heavens and the earth are cleared. Straight to the everywhere, the goblins. Dare to resist, Turn into dust. Hurry like a law."

Mil Associated Press reporter:?

"This is the text of that school at the application level, as well as the literature at the theoretical level. This is the original text, please take it."

Wang Yan turned towards the opposite N with a dazed face, and pushed a pamphlet in front of him.Harry twisted his face and reached out to pick it up, and turned to the first page——

"Tao is born, virtue is born, things are shaped, and potential is formed. It is because all things respect Tao and value virtue. The respect of Tao, the honor of virtue, and the fate of people are always natural. Therefore, Tao is born, virtue is animal, What grows nurtures it, what grows in it poisons it, and what it nurtures overwhelms it. To be born but not to have, to do but not to rely on, to grow but not to be slaughtered is called Xuande.”

Harry raised his eyes slowly, and saw Wang Yan on the opposite side who kept smiling, nodded to him very politely and humbly, and then spoke politely and humbly.

"This is the original document of Kunlun University's Immortal Cultivation Major." He said with a smile, "Please translate this into English."

(End of this chapter)

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