From Shusen University

Chapter 318 Standing Sword Before Thousands of Armies

Chapter 318 Standing Sword Before Thousands of Armies


A shot crossed two squares and landed on the chessboard. A pawn in the middle was pushed out of the board, and instantly turned into powder and disappeared into the air.

"Eat your soldiers first."

The man raised his head and looked at the iron-colored Xie Tianyang on the opposite side. He tapped the left side of the chessboard with two fingers, where there were two pawns clinging together.

"Not only the other soldier under the gun over there, but also look at this side."

After the man finished speaking, he didn't fire the gun again, but picked up the car next to him with two fingers, and spoke lightly.

"Both of these are located on the offensive route of the car. As long as we charge two steps in a straight line, we can completely take them down."

Xie Tianyang clenched his fist secretly, but had no choice but to move the two soldiers over there one step, but in the next step, the man's rear horse followed and surrounded the two soldiers.

"Before the camp arrives, the chariots and horses are aligned." The man looked into his eyes, "How are you going to break through this?"

Xie Tianyang suppressed the urge to lift the chessboard.This chess game is a riddle from beginning to end. He hates guessing riddles the most, but now he can only be fooled by this person.

Furious, he took another unnecessary step. The moment the chess piece settled down, Wang Jian stretched out his hand and twirled his fingertips on the horse character chess on the side.

"The horse is in a pan and rushes for more than a thousand miles. The river and the river cannot be obstructed, and the sound rushes into the enemy's void."

He murmured a few words and smiled.

"Be careful." He said, "This is a son I value very much."

At the same moment, sand and rocks flew in the inner hall.

Debris and dust wind violently hit their faces, and the three of them couldn't help squinting their eyes, turning into a line of sight, a legion in armor appeared from the swirling dust and smoke, among them, the hands The golden general holding a long sword and straddling a stone war horse stands upright like a chicken!

Han Jiangchen and Jiang Ling immediately got up quickly, holding soldiers in their hands, and stood side by side facing the blowing sand, both of them were blue-faced.

When they confronted the enemy just now, they didn't know the identity of the golden man.But during the time in the inner hall, they not only saw the suicide notes of hundreds of families, but also saw the dossiers describing the internal personnel of Daqin, so they fully understood the identity of this army and this golden man.

General of Qin State, Wang Ben!
According to the records, this is the most powerful general under King Qin, the son of the famous hand Wang Jian, who single-handedly defeated the Three Kingdoms, bearing the title of "Human Tu", and there are at least hundreds of thousands of dead souls under his command.His body is like a diamond, with the power to split mountains.It is said that when this person marched, because Shi Feng blocked the way, he simply split Shi Feng with a knife.

If it was placed before, this mountain-splitting power would still make people feel that it was just an exaggeration.But after reading the history of the Great Qin Dynasty, there will be no doubts.

Compared to when he was facing the enemy just now, the aura of this iron cavalry seemed to be more vigorous.Under that kind of oppression, they obviously didn't use any force, but the ground under their feet cracked automatically, as if they were oppressed by a mountain.

Su Yuzhu fell unsteadily and sat down on the ground. Even though he took a deep breath subconsciously, his lips still couldn't help showing white.

For a Qi-refinement period practitioner like him, this sense of oppression is simply irresistible.He fumbled to find his throwing knife, but his fingers seemed to be out of order.

In front of him, Han Jiangchen and Jiang Ling were in a slightly better condition than him, but their hands and feet were already a little cold, as if the blood was flowing backwards all over their bodies.

They don't know what Wang Ben's cultivation was before he was alive, but according to his current performance, even if he lost his spiritual power to rely on his body and only rely on his remaining primordial spirit, this thing must be close to the level of Jindan, let alone him. The iron cavalry under his command.

Just standing there, the murderous intent seemed to turn into a real blade. In front of them, they were like fallen leaves about to be blown away by the strong wind.

At this time, they regretted going to see the dossier instead.

When they faced this golden man just now, although they were frightened and stressed, they still had a fighting mentality of the ignorant and fearless in their hearts.But now that he really knew the name and deeds of this person, the fear really spread, and even the courage to face him has weakened a lot.

This is the general of that legendary dynasty, the real slaughterer in troubled times.In front of him, modern people are like pet dogs to wild wolf kings. Even if their cultivation levels are similar, there is no comparison, not to mention that the other party still suppresses them by a big realm.

The so-called ebb and flow, of course their hesitation could not be hidden from the perception of the golden man Wang Ben. He took a step forward, and the cracks under his feet extended forward, reaching the feet of the three of them.

"Don't fight them!" Su Yuzhu shouted, his voice trembling.

Amidst the dragon chant, Wang Ben fully released his murderous intent and went into battle in person.The moment it appeared, he had already smelled the strong smell of Yin spiritual power.

It's like being in the jungle, suddenly smelling the stench of jackals, tigers and leopards, how can it not make people frightened?

Even if he didn't say it, Han and Jiang knew that they could only avoid the battle if they wanted to survive, but would the other party give them a chance?
Almost at the same time as he was speaking, Jiang Ling turned around abruptly and stretched out her hand, but instead of attacking, she reached for the letter on the central stage.

This is the property of the emperor. It stands to reason that the soldiers should not dare to destroy this kind of thing. If they carry this thing with them, perhaps the soldiers will hesitate more when they attack. This hesitation is very precious to them. vitality.

But just as she stretched out her hand in mid-air, she withdrew it like an electric shock. A few crossbow arrows almost passed by the back of her hand, and they were nailed to the wall in front of her. Strength, even if she was half a second slow in reacting, by this time the fingers had already been chopped off.

At the door at this time, under the order of the golden man, a group of archers stood in front of the steps like magic, with crossbows in their hands and bows on the strings; Just stepping into the hall, standing in front of them and those bookshelves, the cold light above the sword.

They are the guardians of this object, of course they will not allow them to use it as a shield so simply.Or should I say, for this legion, letting outsiders read the contents of this letter is a kind of violation and insult in itself.

With footsteps on the ground, the angry Yin soldiers occupied the entire inner hall in the blink of an eye. The next moment, the blades and arrows flew together, and the sharpness intertwined into a murderous net. With almost no gaps, the net was directly covering them!
"Ding ding ding-"

An icy green light was wiped from the blade of the sword, Han Jiangchen jumped up holding the sword, and rushed straight into the encircling soldiers. , pieces of sparks bloomed in that long arc, and the attacking weapon was completely caught.

The force was not light, even Han Jiangchen was shocked to retreat a few steps, and the hand holding the sword went numb.

However, the enemy was so dense that there would be no room for him. As soon as the Yin soldiers attacking in front were blocked, there were new soldiers in the back space immediately, and they stabbed with guns.

But when they were rushing forward, Jiang Ling turned her head suddenly, and a deep aura flashed in her eyes.

"Go away!"

With a stern shout, the Yin soldier who was caught by her eyes immediately froze in place. Han Jiangchen followed her closely and swung his sword. The green and white sword light flashed, the stone body of the Yin soldier was split open, and the soul was cut by the sword, and it exploded immediately!

If it's not a spirit body but a real person, it must have been full of guts at this time!
But Han and Jiang didn't feel safe because of this. On the contrary, their nerves were almost broken now.

The enchantment has failed, and the hall is no longer safe.In such a small space, they would only be living targets for crossbows and short soldiers staying here.

He had to find a way to rush out—but now, the Yin soldiers had quickly surrounded the hall, and the only exit was already occupied by the army.

Jiang Ling wiped off the cold sweat off her face, secretly pinched her thigh, and forced herself to concentrate.

The Yin soldiers have already cut off the possibility of using local materials for self-defense, so the next step is to head-on.

The essence of these things is the soul that has been refined. Theoretically, the most restraining method for them is the attack method of soul cultivation—fortunately, the power of the primordial spirit does not seem to be within the scope of the forbidden method.

At the level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, although her mind control technique has strength, it has no scope, and cannot do group attacks.

All she can do now is to release the soul power of the primordial spirit as much as possible, and try to suppress these Yin soldiers.

Can the soul strength of the Foundation Establishment Soul Cultivator suppress these thousand-year-old monsters?
She wasn't sure, but even so, she had to give it a try.

Jiang Ling made a decisive decision, stepped back half a step, tapped her forehead with one hand, and concentrated all her thoughts on the consciousness, causing the sea of ​​consciousness to surge like a tsunami, and in it, there seemed to be a black shadow flashing past.

On weekdays, she tried her best to hide this power, but now she can't care so much.

She suddenly opened her eyes, as if there was an inexplicable shadow in her pupils, and the invisible power of the primordial spirit swept across her face, rushing forward like howling waves. It was as if it was glued on, and the movements were slightly paused because of this.

Only at that moment, the bluish-white sword light had already been handed over to the soldiers.

Han Jiangchen jumped up alone, piercing a Yin soldier's body with a straight thrust, and then turned around and drove the blade to split the one beside him. Before the opponent fell down, he swung his backhand and stabbed the stone shadow behind him from the back. wear.

He jumped up again, the blade of the sword in his hand turned into an anti-grip, and riding the force of the falling air, he stabbed the sword heavily into the ground, and the fluctuating spiritual power swept across the field like the wind, unexpectedly smashing the piles of swords. The legion forced half a step back.

He saw that blue and white sword light rising and falling among the soldiers, and wherever he went, there was a sound of stones colliding with iron, and the broken stone bodies fell to his feet one by one, the flying dust and ash mixed with the blood on his forehead. He seems to be fighting alone on the battlefield of thousands of troops, and walking on the corpses.

In fact, he is not fighting alone, Jiang Ling is behind him.

Under the heavy pressure, she also squeezed the power of her spiritual consciousness to the extreme, feeling the flesh and blood under the heavenly spirit throbbing violently, and her mind seemed to throb because of it.

With the help of the abnormal power in her body, she was able to temporarily suppress the first wave of Yin soldiers in the lead.

This is already an output like self-mutilation. With this intensity, even if it doesn't bruise the soul, it will definitely hurt the soul; even if it can rush out this time, it will definitely not be healed without ten and a half months of rest.

But Jiang Ling didn't have time to think about these.She just stared at the soldiers in front with her bloodshot eyes, and while protecting Su Yuzhu behind her, she created opportunities for Han Jiangchen in front, watching the sword blade piercing into the soldiers.

At the moment of desperation, he has already exploded with all his strength, and even performed at a super level. The effect of the forbidden spell made him unable to use the flying sword and the amazingly powerful "Mirror Flower and Water Moon", but just relying on one person and one sword in hand-to-hand combat, he unexpectedly cut open A gap comes!

This is the opportunity!

Jiang Ling took a long breath, endured the dull pain in her head and drew her sword as well, stepped on her feet and jumped up, aiming at the hard-won gap, she handed out her sword!

With the density of this army group, this gap must be fleeting. If you want to rush out, you can only open the gap at this time.

Thinking this way, she poured all her spiritual power into the sword, followed Han Jiangchen with a straight slash, and wanted to take advantage of this moment to break through in one fell swoop.

But at the next moment, in the gap of the unsuitable soldiers, a golden light flashed in front of the formation as if appearing out of thin air.

Jiang Ling's pupils shrank suddenly: the moment she jumped up, the golden man on the horse had flashed in front of them at some point, right in the gap that was finally opened.

The next moment, I saw him raise the long knife in his hand, a cold light flashed on the knife, and then he waved it casually.

It was really just a wave, like a child waving a tree branch.But with this wave, the autumn wind swept away the fallen leaves. She was swept in the air by the wind, like being whipped by a giant whip, and she flew straight out inevitably. There was a fishy smell.

And at the moment when she was out of balance, she caught a glimpse of several crossbows coming from the front out of the corner of her eye, and those shining arrows were all locked on her body!
The sound of the strings snapped, and several bursts of strength split the twilight—they were several feathered swords about two fingers wide, but the speed and momentum of their shots were as fierce as a row of bullets!
When the murderous intent was imminent, Jiang Ling swiftly raised her sword in front of her. Several feathered arrows were blocked by her and fell, but there was still one that hit her thigh, and the arrow passed through her leg. It also carried blood drops and nailed it to the ground behind, sprinkling a thin line of blood along the road.

With a cry of pain, Han Jiangchen, who was fighting with the Yin soldiers in front of him, turned his head suddenly, just in time to see Jiang Ling plummeting from the air to the ground, with blood gushing from the thigh covered by his hand.

She didn't dare to delay at the critical moment of life and death, she hurriedly supported it the moment it touched the ground, but the arrow just now had probably torn the muscles and tendons together, making her half kneel on the ground, and barely raised her hand to support it, moving But suddenly stopped.

An indescribable feeling of being locked in her whole body, even twisting her neck seemed to exhaust all her strength.The moment she turned her head, a gleaming sword light was reflected in her pupils.

Only at that moment, Wang Ben, who was in the midst of the soldiers, suddenly pressed down, as if he was squatting on the back of a horse.Then he kicked hard, using the horse's back as a springboard, the tall and heavy stone body soared like a roc, leaped over the densely packed soldiers in one fell swoop, raised his saber high above his head, and took advantage of the momentum of thunder to strike straight from top to bottom Down!

At that moment, they seemed to be able to hear the roar of battle from the ancient battlefield, and the figure holding the long knife seemed to be the God of War.Rather than saying that it was an attack, it was better to say that it was a trial of death. The moment the knife was drawn, it seemed as if the mountain and the sea were about to be cut off from it!
But now there are no mountains and seas in front of him, so the only target of the knife is Jiang Ling!
(End of this chapter)

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