From Shusen University

Chapter 310 Underground Spirit Hall

Chapter 310 Underground Spirit Hall
Imagine waking up in the middle of the night, no one is around and it’s dark, and you suddenly find that the closet door in the corner is opened a crack – how does it feel?
And now, changing this scene to a strange thousand-year-old tomb—what does it feel like?
The light of the firefly talisman illuminated the half-opened copper door, but the black shadow in the center squeezed out from the crack of the door strangely, like a long black tentacle.


Su Yuzhu, who was at the front, subconsciously took half a step back, and was grabbed by Xie Tianyang from behind.

"Be honest." Xie Tianyang stared at the crack of the door, lowered his voice and shouted to Su Yuzhu, "Did your people pry it open before?"

"When I came last time, this door was still closed!"

Su Yuzhu cursed in a low voice, and while cursing, he raised his nose and sniffed it, and then his face became even paler: "There is a strong spiritual smell in it... this smell is probably of a Yin nature!"

Xie Tianyang's face changed slightly, and he turned his head to look at Han Jiangchen behind him, who was also frowning at the crack in the door, and shook his head after a long while, indicating that at this angle, he still couldn't see the specific situation inside.

According to Su Yuzhu's narration, his previous experience ended here, and the team disappeared here.

In other words, this door may be the key node separating the mundane from the extraordinary—and now it opens automatically!
A group of five people immediately clenched their weapons tightly, and waited tensely in front of the door, in case the door suddenly opened and a ghost ghost or something popped out of it.

But after waiting for a long time, not only did the imaginary enemy not move, even the spiritual power inside seemed to stagnate, without any fluctuations at all.

"I can try to use my spiritual sense to scan the inside first." Jiang Ling said in a low voice, "But if there is really an enchantment of the Soul Devouring spell inside, the primordial spirit I released may also be imprisoned inside. If at that time You find that I have signs of my soul leaving my body, so hurry up..."

"No, it's too risky, and it's unnecessary."

Before the other three raised their concerns, Xie Tianyang in front had already dismissed the proposal: "Let Teng Gen go in and try it out first, and you are all ready to prepare the defensive and transfer techniques. If something is really triggered , we must ensure that we can retreat as soon as possible.”

Everyone responded and consciously prepared according to his words.But Xie Tianyang flipped his wrist, and the handsome chess piece had a flash of inspiration, and he held the small red snake the size of a palm in his hand.

It's just that this time he didn't inject spiritual power to make it inflate, but directly raised it with one hand, and saw the little snake hissed, and with a flick of its tiny body, it just squeezed in through the dark crack of the door.

Seeing the snake shadow disappear behind the crack of the door, everyone's hearts were in their throats, staring at the front, Xie Tianyang made a silent gesture, closing his eyes as if he was feeling something, and when he opened his eyes again, the tight lines on his face Already relaxed a little.

"I haven't encountered any danger for the time being." Xie Tianyang breathed a sigh of relief, "I have restored Teng Gen to his original body. If the organ is not triggered by this size and spiritual power fluctuations, there should be no problem for people to enter."

With this sentence, the hanging hearts of several people were also relieved a little.

"I'll be the first to go in." Wu Hao in the team took the lead and said, "The danger cannot be completely ruled out at this time. If there is any accident, I may be able to block the wave."

This remark was unanimously agreed by Xie Tianyang, and several people around immediately took action and began to arrange.

Everyone was concentrating on the matter at hand, but no one noticed that Su Yuzhu next to him was also looking at them, his face full of surprise and puzzlement.

Even putting aside the various miraculous abilities they showed during this period, since they came in, these people seem to have been considering taking risks by themselves and leaving opportunities to their teammates-for him, this is really a big problem. It's a rare thing, but it seems to be normal for these people of the same age.

Even he himself didn't realize it, but he seemed to have a little bit of curiosity and... longing for these people.

Who is this group of people?They are obviously not spirits...

He thought so in his heart, and the few people in front of him had already made preparations during this period of time, secretly pinching spells and weapons in their hands, while Wu Hao and Xie Tianyang stretched out their hands on the left and right On the door, try to use force.

Accompanied by a heavy crushing sound, the huge door that looked extremely heavy was pushed open easily, the shadow on the ground gradually extended, and what came out from behind the door was... bright light!
In an emperor's tomb that has been closed for thousands of years and no one has actually stepped in, there is still a working light source?
what is ittorch?Everlasting lights?The legendary mermaid oil candle?still…

Wu Hao's heart suddenly felt a pinch, but he was the only physical trainer here, and he had already let out his words. Even if there was a pit in front of him, he had to jump into it first.

Thinking of this, he turned his heart and used all his spiritual power to protect his body, squeezed in through the crack of the door, and stepped into the door with one step!

"How about it?"

The atmosphere that had just relaxed a little became tense to the limit, and everyone whispered through the crack of the door, but half a day passed without waiting for Wu Hao's answer.

"This... is there a trap for people? It can't be detected by monsters?" Yuan Qingqing's expression began to change behind.

"There is no signal from Tengen... Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any changes in the situation here."

Xie Tianyang frowned, and even he was a little unsure how to act now.

While hesitating, Wu Hao inside suddenly made a sound.

"You..." The voice seemed to take a deep breath, "You...come in and have a look..."

The tone made the remaining four people look at each other in blank dismay, and it didn't sound like they were being taken away or threatened.After hesitating for a moment, everyone finally chose to believe, got up one by one, and followed behind into the door.

At the moment of entering, everyone's movements stopped.

It was also at that moment that they all understood why Wu Hao had such a reaction just now.

After entering, what greeted them was not darkness, but a sudden enlightenment.

What appeared in front of their eyes at this time was a resplendent ancient palace!

Its appearance is exactly the same as the palace ruins in reality, and the inside and outside are divided into three layers.What they passed through at this time was the outermost city wall, and in front of them was a hall square with a size of tens of acres.

Going forward, you can see a tall square rammed earth platform more than [-] meters high, like a flat-topped pyramid, with nine floors in total, like a long ladder reaching the sky, leading to the triangular palace roof at the end.

And the bright light they saw just now was emitted from the body of this great hall.

Obviously this high platform is made of rammed earth, but it is covered with a sacred golden halo, which dyes the surrounding stone walls carved with dragons and phoenixes with glow. In contrast to the light, the glowing firefly talismans on their hands immediately Overshadowed.

Although it is buried in the sealed soil, under the reflection of this strange light, this treasure hall seems to be suspended among the golden auspicious clouds in the sky, accompanied by lifelike golden dragons and silver phoenixes, every brick and tile reveals its grandeur, every stone and every stone. The wood is full of royal atmosphere.

Just looking at the hall, the six of them seemed to have a hallucination: it seemed that above the treasure hall, there was a vermilion gate slowly opening, and the emperor in black dragon robe stepped up the steps and stood on the golden platform, hanging down. Overlook.

The rest of the mausoleums are buried deep in the ground, wishing to hide themselves so that no one can see them, except for the First Emperor.He was the best in the world during his lifetime, and he still stands on the top of the mountain after his death.

Regardless of his life or his death, that man has always stood at the highest point in history, proud of his thousand-year dynasty and country.

Even if they are cultivators in the foundation building stage, this phantom that spans time still makes the five of them palpitate.

It took more than ten seconds for them to recover from the shock, only to realize that there was no figure of the emperor on the top of the temple, and only a curl of white smoke rose from it.

"It seems to be..." Yuan Qingqing was the first to see the smoke clearly, "It's like... the pill smoke coming out of the furnace during alchemy."

This statement shocked several people.In a mausoleum, there are actually people making alchemy?
After the shock, what followed was horror.

The outside formation, the open gate, the splendid imperial city, plus the present pill smoke... Could it be that someone is using this terrain to refine some special pill?And went to the imperial mausoleum to make alchemy?

The outside door is open, which means that someone has entered here, but if that person has left, there is no reason not to close the place again.

Could it be that the people who entered here haven't left yet?

For a while, no one spoke anymore, and everyone was secretly thinking about various countermeasures.

In the frozen atmosphere, only Su Yuzhu leaned forward, sniffed with his nose, and then his expression sank.

"The smell of the spirit weapon I lost came from here." He said.

Another unexpected statement, the five of them looked at each other again, and then confirmed one thing from each other's eyes.

All kinds of clues and suspicious points point to the inside of the treasure hall, and now there is no other way to confirm it except to go forward.

"Come with me. You can't go in directly through the main entrance this time, you have to go around through the side entrance." This time Su Yuzhu actually took the initiative to say, "I heard that the design of the royal tombs often follows the principle of 'Qimen Dunjia' There are often more than one entrance in a building, but only one door is a 'door of life' that people can pass through, while the rest are all 'doors of death', once entered, it will trigger a trap."

Everyone settled on their policy in silence, and Xie Tianyang waved his hand to recall Teng Gen, who had turned into a dragon and snake beside him, and the group maintained the formation just now, and walked forward slowly.

They walked through the empty square together, stepped over the moat created with groundwater, passed through the wide-open palace gate in front of the nine-story rammed-earth platform, and finally entered the scope of the main palace.

It was at this distance that they saw one thing clearly.

The light outside the main hall was actually composed of thousands of glowing spirit patterns!

This entire hall is just a huge three-dimensional drawing paper, which is used to prop up a huge magic circle and gather the spiritual power around it, turning this hall into a real spiritual hall.

Looking at the engravings on it, it is obvious that this is not a recent fine brushwork. It may have been engraved to protect the hall when it was built.

It is precisely because of this that the underground space can always maintain the circulation of aura and air without damaging the items inside—because the hall itself is a huge underground barrier!

That is to say, the history of immortal cultivators can be traced back to before the Qin Dynasty.

Several people were secretly planning in their hearts, passing through the palace wall where the spirit pattern was shining, and entering the outer palace area.

With the reminder of the "Qimen Dunjia" just now, the leader Xie Tianyang remained cautious this time, and still let Teng Gen follow in first, and only after he found out that the situation inside was indeed the so-called "Shengmen" did he lead the group. A team enters.

Before stepping into the gate, they imagined all kinds of situations where their opponents would meet each other, and they were all ready to fight.But when they actually entered, the scene that caught their eyes was... empty.

Yes, it was empty.The structure of this inner hall is similar to the altar of heaven. There are square low steps going up in the center, surrounding the central platform, but there is no life around it.

Moreover, it looked so bright outside, but after entering the outer hall, the surrounding light did not get brighter, but instead dimmed strangely.

The square with a size of more than ten acres was silent in the shadows, while the few remaining lights gathered in the center like a spotlight, illuminating the platform placed in the center——

It was a high platform made entirely of bronze. The base was lifted by nine long dragons, about two meters above the ground. It was raised, surrounding the small bronze tripod in the middle, as if some ceremony was being performed.

This small cauldron was only the size of an ordinary pressure cooker. Although there was no one operating it around, and there was no flame burning underneath, an unusually thick and unusually thick pill smoke rose from it, shooting straight into the sky and lingering for a long time.

Judging from this scene, this is the source of the smoke seen outside just now—a pill furnace that is still operating after a thousand years, unmanned but still capable of self-refining.

Obviously, this is a spiritual weapon, and it is a spiritual weapon that they have never heard of.

"This smell. This is what I'm looking for!"

At this time, Su Yuzhu in front of him suddenly made a sound, and saw him sniffing his nose, his eyes fixed on the small cauldron.

"The cauldron cover on it is the spiritual weapon I brought this time!"

This discovery was really unexpected, and everyone couldn't help but look at him.

"Could it not be the same thing, but just look the same?" Wu Hao asked him.

"Impossible." Su Yuzhu shook his head, "The smell of each kind of spiritual power is unique, I can't smell it wrong, this is the one I brought."

He was obviously very excited, but he seemed hesitant, as if he wanted to go forward to retrieve the lost treasure, but he didn't dare.

Even after listening to what he said about the five members of Kunlun University, they have already noticed something wrong.

According to what was said before, Su Yuzhu entered the room with the cauldron cover on his body, but accidentally fell into a coma on the way, and lost the spiritual weapon of the cauldron cover in his arms.But now when entering again, the tripod cover has automatically returned to the original object?And still carrying out some unmanned refining?

The five of them fell into deep thought, staring at the steaming cauldron in front of them, feeling that the clues in their minds were in a mess, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

After the silence lasted for an unknown amount of time, it was actually Han Jiangchen who broke the silence this time.

"This Dan Ding may be the source of this disaster."

One sentence attracted everyone's attention, and he squinted at the cauldron, and then continued after a while: "The spiritual power from outside is gathering into this cauldron through the magic formula on the wall of this hall. .”

His eyes couldn't lock and track the target like Su Yuzhu's nose, but he could see through situations that others couldn't see through.The moment he entered the outer hall, he had already had a panoramic view of the situation here.

Suddenly, a new clue appeared, and the few people who hadn't thought through the previous article were taken aback for a moment.In the midst of the confusion, only Jiang Ling had deep eyes, as if after carefully chewing his words, she suddenly opened her mouth.

"I understand. This way everything can be connected." Her voice was low, but she couldn't hide her excitement. "I probably know what happened to this disaster in the city."

 This chapter is recommended to be eaten with bgm "Palace Memories".

  Usually I delete unnecessary environment descriptions as soon as I can, but this time I really want to write about the splendor of the Qin Palace, so I couldn't help but write more.

  I don’t know if there is a sense of picture and atmosphere?

  There are quite a lot of digging and filling in this section, I will try my best to see if I can write more in these two days, and finish this large copy as soon as possible

(End of this chapter)

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