From Shusen University

Chapter 302 To save everyone

Chapter 302 To save everyone
At [-]:[-] in the morning, Ancheng First Hospital.

"... Preliminary statistics show that there were more than [-] casualties in this operation, more than [-] people were seriously injured, and there were very few citizens. Most of them were the vanguard fighters sent by the Executive Department before the alarm was issued."

"This time I invited you here mainly because of this. We can deal with general injuries, but for practitioners, especially those who are under the hands of demons, they have to use spiritual equipment, but the reserves of the spiritual department are not so large now. many."

"Now the No. [-] hospital has been turned into a state of emergency, and personnel and supplies are being transferred here. But on the issue of the seriously injured, I still want to ask you professionals to help. We have already reported this matter to your school..."

Yuan Qingqing and the white coat doctor walked side by side in the aisle, listening to the other party's brief introduction of the situation, with a serious face.

This time the disaster happened in the city, and it was a real catastrophe that affected mortals.

Although in terms of the results of the battle, Ancheng City created a disaster relief miracle and minimized the loss.But this is only for the collective.

Compared with the level of the disaster, the number of casualties of thousands and hundreds of people is indeed not much.

But if it becomes a part of these hundreds of figures, it cannot be measured by how much.

A grain of sand from the collective, falling on the head of an individual, is a mountain.

For Yuan Qingqing, what she wanted to do was to save everyone.

It made no difference to her whether there were hundreds or millions of people.

Although she had practiced in the hospital before, she also helped the patients in the ward when she visited her mother.But it was the first time that he was specially invited here as an "expert".

She is the representative of Danxiu of Kunlun University, and she is the elite among the elite when it comes to cultivating immortality and medicine.Others can fail, but she cannot.

Because for outsiders, if there are miracles in life, then she can only create miracles.

——Must, must not let down the thought that the school teachers put on themselves.

——Everyone must be rescued.

Yuan Qingqing secretly bit her lip, making up her mind.

She followed the doctor in the white coat, walked all the way through the corridor, and finally came to a glass door with the words "Do not enter", the doctor stretched out his hand and pushed the door open——

"Bed 3 needs adrenaline! Hurry up! This man is dying!"

"Bring 2000cc whole blood here! Ask for type O!"

"Don't move! Don't scream! You've already been infected with the demon poison. If you don't clean it up at this time, you will die!"

"He's waking up!"

"Come and pick me up, don't stop the CPR..."

There was a burst of buzzing noise and howling, countless stretcher beds flowed in the hall, and the wind formed by the crowd blew back and forth in the room.

The emergency room was crowded with people, all seriously injured without exception.Bloodstains were scattered on the clean floor, and bags of contaminated sanitary products were piled up in hills in the corner.Almost every doctor trotted between the cloth pads, and from time to time someone would be carried out covered with a white cloth, and then more beds would be carried in again.

"Doctor—come and see me—"


The room was filled with the mixed smell of blood, pus, vomit, and disinfectant. The disgusting smell went straight into the nose, coupled with the continuous wailing of the wounded from the wall, Yuan Qingqing was instantly sober.

The No. [-] Hospital has the best Reiki Department in the country, so the most seriously injured combatants were sent here.

At this time, the first batch of wounded had just been treated, the gauze had just been sterilized, and the anesthesia had worn off. That was the time when the wounded were in the most pain, many times worse than when they were injured, and people's cries of pain could be heard everywhere. Call.

"Doctor—come and see—"

It was early morning at this time, but the influx of a large number of wounded made the place feel like a war.Yuan Qingqing stood in front of the battlefield, watching a sweaty nurse running out of the end of the corridor, pointing inside.

"Are you here? Here, here!"

She walked in with a cart of jingling medicine bags, needles, and various instruments. The short corridor was filled with temporary extra beds, and the pusher beside her quickly distributed the instruments on the cart along the road. Yuan Qingqing stopped in front of one of the beds.

Lying on the bed was a soldier who looked like an executive. His face was very young, probably around 30 years old. At this time, the hospital gown on his chest was opened, and the wound stretched from the left shoulder to the abdomen, wrapped in fresh bandages. It's just been processed.

The man was twitching violently, his eyes were wide open, and the eyeballs seemed to protrude from their sockets.

While coughing, he convulsively scratched the wound with his hands. Several nurses beside him tried their best to hold him, but under such a large struggle, the freshly stitched wound began to burst and bleed again, staining the bandage on his chest red.

All kinds of detectors screamed like crazy, and the attending doctor shone a special flashlight on the pupils of the wounded, and his face seemed to be covered with ice: "It's the spiritual energy and demon poison that invaded the body! What happened? I didn't clean it up when I came in just now." ?"

"In this case, the spiritual medicine stored outside has no effect. We can only use spiritual power to force out the poison, but I have used the highest level of spiritual power pulse just now, and it still doesn't work."

A doctor next to him was sweating on his forehead: "It's been a while now, the degree of the evil poison's invasion must be deeper. Even if the pulse is restarted now, the result is the same, and I can't go to the operating table like this..."

"Then let them bring some detoxification pills over, hang on first, maybe wait..."

The doctor turned off the flashlight, turned his head and was about to say something to the people behind him, but his eyes fell on Yuan Qingqing who came in: "Director Wang, this is..."

"This is the student from Kunlun University who came to help." The doctor who brought her in emphasized his words, "Building a foundation and cultivation base, he is the representative of Danxiu in their school. This matter has been authorized by their school."

As soon as these words came out, the people beside the bed all turned their heads, and dozens of eyes fell on Yuan Qingqing, each of them was burning hot like a spotlight.

She stood under the spotlights and looked at that man with cold fingertips.

In modern society, doctors are not just the doctors who used to have their own accounts and see, hear, and ask questions alone.Everyone who stands in front of the patient to carry out rescue has to go through countless approvals and go through countless procedures before being able to go into battle.

Not to mention anything else, if something goes wrong, who will take responsibility?If the judgment is wrong or the wrong medicine is used, a group of people behind will be implicated.

Unlike research experiments, medicine, especially clinical medicine, does not tolerate trial and error.

As a college student who has only been studying for two years, if he was placed in an ordinary university, he would not even be qualified for an internship, let alone face such a situation.

And even master and doctoral students who are qualified to come to practice, if there is no special old expert and old professor to sign a guarantee, they are not qualified to go to the operating table, let alone come to this kind of emergency room as an attending doctor.

But now, she stood at the focus of everyone's attention.Not only as a doctor, but also as a cultivator.

She carries the hope of all.

An ordinary medical intern needs to be authorized by her tutor, but who is her tutor?
"Dan God" Hua Nian'an, and the true representative of Kunlun University - Wei Ze!
"I..." Yuan Qingqing took a deep breath, made her gaze firm, and fixedly looked at the person on the bed.

"I'll detoxify him."

 I went out to shoot another day today, I can’t finish writing, I don’t want to ask for leave, so I can only shorten it, sorry

(End of this chapter)

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