From Shusen University

Chapter 300 Tonight is destined to be sleepless

Chapter 300 Tonight is destined to be sleepless
As the night falls, Ancheng is doomed to sleepless tonight.

Within a day, the residents of the city witnessed a new look to the world.Even lying on the bed at night, there is always a sense of unreality like Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly. Those ghost elephants with red eyes and mud bodies have become the common protagonists in the nightmares of all Ancheng people tonight.

Outside the residential areas, more people are wearing stars and moons, fighting all night.

Although the cleaning task of the monster elephant has been completed and the alarm has been lifted, these few hours of fighting still left Ancheng with a lot of confusion and scars.

Not to mention the cleaning and finishing work of killing the mother of the elf elephant, in Ancheng City alone, there are battle areas that need to be purified by magic, damaged public facilities that need to be repaired and replaced, and cut-off water grids and transportation networks that need to be inspected. Restoration efforts are piling up.

In terms of people, the residents hiding in the shelters need to be gradually evacuated, those who are temporarily unable to return home need to distribute supplies, and the injured combatants and the masses need to be treated. The statistical process alone uses all the personnel of the Investigation Bureau.

People all over the country are still applauding Ancheng's perseverance, but Ancheng has ushered in a very peaceful night.

There are no usual night market stalls and bar signs on the street, only the red and blue lights filling the streets at night.

All emergency passages on the main roads have been opened, and convoys shuttle between the suburbs and urban areas, transporting personnel and supplies back and forth.Under the silent sky, dark tides are surging on the earth.

At 12:30 in the morning, the conference room of the Bureau of Abnormality Building was brightly lit.

90 minutes after the alarm was lifted, the conference table was full of people again, witnessing the combatants on the edge of the barrier, as well as several managers from the investigation department and the execution department gathered here.

Although it was midnight, and many people had just been transferred back from the front line non-stop, none of them showed signs of fatigue at this time, but all of them looked tense.

Xiao Youyu was sitting at the front of the long table.

After Yuan Qingqing's emergency treatment, his right shoulder had already been bandaged at this time. Although he was still in a weak state, he was still pulled to attend the meeting in person and briefly explained how he was attacked.

"...that's the way it is."

Facing the official person in charge, he didn't hide anything, but deliberately downplayed the part where Jiang Ling did something, and then sat in his seat all the time, with a face of contemplation.

The leader with a square face at the front nodded, looked away from him, and then turned to the colleagues around him.

"Everyone, you have also heard it. Within our area of ​​responsibility, a student of Kunlun University—and a representative student—was assassinated by unknown forces."

He looked around: "What do you think?"

The people at the table looked at each other a few times, and finally the sullen head of the general attack spoke.

"There are so many people at the scene, even so many immortal cultivators, but no one has discovered the existence of the enemy. It seems that the opponent not only has spiritual means, but also is quite powerful and secretive."

"Besides, this timing is a bit too coincidental." The staff of the City Guard Bureau on the other side said, "During the Fairy Games, the security forces of the whole city are on strict alert. If any suspicious cultivators appear around the venue, they will definitely was found out..."

When he said this, he took a breath: "I suspect that these people may not have acted on a whim, but have been lying in ambush in the city for a long time. They waited until the monsters appeared and the safety net of the whole city collapsed. Taking advantage of the chaos, they took advantage of the chaos. .”

Xiao Youyu's eyes on the seat changed slightly, he was reminded of one thing by these words.

Previously, when he spoke as a representative in front of the public, he seemed to have the feeling that someone was following him... Could it be that they were following him then?

"The problems of the past will be sorted out later, let's focus on the present first."

The leader with a square face in front interrupted the conversation: "The most important question right now is, what is the other party's purpose? Why did they choose this Kunlun student as the assassination target?"

Everyone was silent, thinking secretly.

Because he is the president of the student body?
Because he is the representative of Kunlun University?
Because he's a finalist?

There seem to be many reasons, none of which are convincing.

In the end, it was Xiao Youyu himself who spoke.

"I do have an idea... It's just a guess, I can't say if it's right."

Xiao Youyu said: "According to the meaning of the other party's last words, the reason they want to kill me is because I know some unnecessary secret, and this secret is closely related to their pursuit."

"Then what are their pursuits?" someone asked next to them.

"I don't know." The corners of Xiao Youyu's mouth curled up, "Now their identities and origins are completely unknown, so we can't start with the other party's purpose—but we can deduce it from the existing clues."

"push back?"

"His words pointed at me, indicating that this assassination was not aimed at Kunlun University as a whole, but only at me. In other words, the reason they wanted to kill me had nothing to do with what was taught in the school, but what I discovered outside the school alone thing…"

Before he could finish his sentence, a person from the city defense department stood up beside him: "I heard from my subordinates that when you came to help build the city formation, you seemed to have discovered that the tombs in the city were arranged differently. The question... is it connected to a special formation?"

"...There is such a thing."

Xiao Youyu nodded slowly: "That's just my temporary guess, and there is no evidence to support it, but it does fit what I just said. If the other party wants to kill me because of this, it can only mean that the surrounding city The actual magic circle really exists. And..."

He paused when he said this, but did not continue.But those present are all old-fashioned people, their faces have changed when they heard this.

"Besides, this matter is only internal news and has not been disclosed to the outside world." The manager at the front looked deeply, "That is to say... when you came to this conclusion, there may be their eyeliner in the surrounding environment .”

This sentence was like a blockbuster bomb, which shocked the hearts of the people in front of them.After a brief silence, everyone slowly turned their heads, and their gazes fell on the person in charge of the City Guard Department at the corner.

"I will immediately notify all levels of personnel to conduct background checks starting tomorrow."

The person in charge also reacted quickly: "I will transfer all the people in the ministry who participated in the operation at that time back to quarantine, and review them one by one to eliminate suspicion. Including myself, if anyone with a vague background is found, he will never be allowed to participate in other activities in the city. "

"Not only the City Defense Department, but also other departments should take the same investigation action." The person at the front continued, "On a larger scale, this involves the credibility of the entire official. We can't rub the sand in our eyes. If there is, then It must be cut down."

"Of course, while investigating, the safety of comrades must also be ensured. If their target is someone who knows about this, the victim will not be just Xiao Xiao."

Everyone expressed their agreement in silence, but at the same time, their expressions became embarrassing one by one.

This will be a large-scale verification operation.In order to prevent being taken advantage of by the other party again, at least the City Guard Bureau can no longer carry out large-scale activities related to spiritual power until the truth is found out.

However, not to mention other threats that may arise in the future, just right now, there is one major issue that has not yet been resolved.

"According to what student Xiao said, there is a large soul-eating array in the city, and this demon disaster is prepared for it."

The person in charge of the investigation bureau coughed: "Now the demon disaster has been eliminated, but the problem with this large formation is still there. If the other party really came here for this, then we must consider the other party's possible backhands."

"That is to say, even if we have sent people to seal each node before, the opponent may find other ways to activate it - launch a soul-eating technique that covers half of the city!"

With a single word, the audience was terrified.

There are nearly ten million people in Ancheng City. If this formation is activated, how many people will be victimized and even lose their lives?

Xiao Youyu also frowned, but his vigilance was different from these people.

If the opponent really came here to activate this formation, he would indeed be able to match all the current clues.

But he faintly felt that there seemed to be a loophole in this reasoning.What exactly is this loophole, even he is a little unclear for a while.

However, the situation was urgent now, so he didn't spend too much time on it, and quickly turned his thoughts back to the issue of the formation at the bottom of the city.

"As for the possible Soul Devouring Formation, I think the most important thing is to find the eye of the large formation."

Xiao Youyu opened his mouth again and said: "But in any magic circle, there must be a core. It may be a special spiritual medium, or it may be...the caster himself."

"As long as the core of the formation is destroyed, the entire formation will be paralyzed. This is also much more efficient than finding those fragmented nodes one by one and sealing them one by one."

A group of people looked at him.With their sophistication, how could they fail to understand the meaning hidden in these words.

"You mean..." There was hope in the eyes of those who looked over.

"I will report this matter to the school. If it goes well, we can temporarily entrust us with the task of finding and destroying the array eye."

Xiao Youyu said: "During this period, the Abnormality Bureau can concentrate on finishing the internal investigation work first, and come to assist us after the results are obtained."

These words already vaguely pointed out the attitude of the university now: a subtle suspicion towards the partner.

The leader with the Chinese character face concealed the shock in his heart well: to be able to give this kind of attitude is by no means something that a student who has no personnel experience can do.Very likely, this is the instruction of the teachers behind him... those "immortals" who never really showed up.

Before this level of order, there is no room for them to argue.

What's more, in this extraordinary event with unknown strength and possible risks, Kunlun University can replace the official execution, which is what they dreamed of.

It has reached this level, and the resources of the students have been almost used up. The teachers and even the real managers of that school will definitely not sit idly by.

Even the students are already so strong, how far will those teachers go?Just thinking about it already made them feel awe.

If they can be attracted to take action in person, then this matter can undoubtedly be resolved in the safest way, and our side can also investigate more details about that school.

For the official faction, this is a profitable business.

"Okay, then here, on behalf of Ancheng City and Huaguo, I would like to thank Kunlun University for its great help."

The leader with a Chinese character face maintained a proper respect: "In addition, please tell the school that the official has enough means. We are confident that within a week, all the people who are registered will be checked out to ensure that there will be no more information during the cooperation. Leakage situation."

There is no lack of good intentions in these words.After he finished speaking, he got up immediately, and continued: "It's getting late, student Xiao, you are injured, so don't waste any more time, go down and rest quickly, please rest assured to leave the rest to us."

At this point, Xiao Youyu responded, shook hands with him, got up and walked out of the conference room, Wu Hao was already standing outside waiting for him.

Wait until the figure completely disappears at the door.Only then did the people in the conference room turn their attention back, with strange expressions on their faces.

"What do you think of this time?"

The leader asked again seemingly repeatedly, but this time, his eyes stopped on Li Shouzhen, the representative of the Abnormality Bureau.

"According to those students, even they have never seen the method used by the other party." Li Shouzhen lowered his voice, "It can be preliminarily suspected that the person who appeared this time, as I said before, happened in China before the university was exposed. It is related to a series of spiritual crimes."

The Abnormal Bureau was set up to investigate such incidents, and he immediately thought of this possibility.It's just that this is an internal secret, so naturally it won't be said in front of the partner.

"That is to say, behind this, maybe there is a huge force hidden, isn't it?"

"I dare not say whether it is the whole body, but now I can confirm that there are indeed other forces of immortal cultivators in the world, and they are in opposition to that university - judging from their current behavior, they are also standing on the opposite side of Huaguo."

Li Shouzhen pondered: "The spiritual changes on such a large scale in the city this time are certainly influenced by natural spiritual tides, but there must be other catalysts. The biggest possibility is some kind of unborn spiritual weapon, or even a piece of blessed land. "

"From this point of view, it's really a blessing that Kunlun University is willing to intervene." A person next to him said with emotion, "What kind of existence must a blessed land that can have such a great impact on the present world?"

"Looking at it now, maybe that is the real source of the evil disaster in the city." The representative of the investigation bureau put his chin in his hand, "It is true that the ghost elephant is a demon born from the dead breath of the tomb, but all the tombs that can be investigated in the city have been investigated before. Pass…"

Halfway through the speech, the speaker suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and his face became stiff.

"However, if you say that, there is indeed a mausoleum within Ancheng, but we don't have it. No, there is no way to check it."

(End of this chapter)

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