From Shusen University

Chapter 297 They love their country

Chapter 297 They love their country

Thousands of kilometers away from the barrier, the people who were waiting in formation raised their heads in unison.

All the pupils reflected the bright light of the explosion in the distance, and everyone's eardrums received the head-shocking bang.

They saw the flash of fire, and then, a long smoke like a mushroom cloud rose from the barrier.

The aftermath lasted for several minutes before people felt dizzy. It was not until the light of the barrier gradually dimmed that people regained their original vision.

The dome is still the original dome, but the huge figure on the horizon has disappeared, and the gunpowder smoke covers the remaining dust, bringing all traces to the boundless sky.

"The front-line investigation team Z22 reported that the ghost elephant's spiritual power reaction has disappeared, and no signs of recovery or leakage have been found."

The report came from the earphones, even with a little electric sound, it couldn't hide the ecstasy in the tone.

"Confirm that the target has been killed, the battle in Ancheng City is completed, and this mission is successful!"

The voice in the earphones went out, but the voice outside the earphones instantly rose from the ground and went straight to the sky!
The tense nerves suddenly relaxed, the clothes of the soldiers waiting outside were soaked in sweat, and the students behind who had exhausted their spiritual energy were even more paralyzed, but no one cares about these now.

They just raised the weapons in their hands high, shouting like waving flags, and some people took off their hats and threw them into the air like a burst of fireworks.

we won!

The peaceful era has lasted for decades, and everyone's concept of war has been blurred in memory. It is the first time for everyone present to be in it now and face natural enemies that have existed since ancient times.

The cheers on the wilderness shook the sky, as if to shatter the night ahead.

In the western military command post hundreds of kilometers away, the red light representing the state of emergency was turned off, and the faces of the personnel in front of the console relaxed, took off their earphones, and shut down the control equipment in an orderly manner.

On the open ground, the bowed missile vehicle lifted the order and drove back to the warehouse in an orderly manner under dispatch.These equipment, which were originally used for the final pocket, are no longer needed.

"Comrades have worked hard, thank you for everything you have done for this campaign."

The voice of the commander-in-chief resounded in the channel: "At the same time, we also want to thank the cultivators of Kunlun University for their participation. This victory is the result of our unity and joint efforts."

In this unknown battle, Kunlun University invested 39 practitioners in the foundation building period and 140 seven practitioners in the Qi refining period.Huaguo officially sent more than [-] frontline fighters, ignoring those who failed to arrive in time, plus all the logistics personnel involved, the number may exceed [-].

Even though twilight has fallen, at this time, under the dark sky, under the gradually fading intercity defense formation, the silent city of Ancheng is rapidly rekindling its lights.

One after another, the lights lit up in the dark night, and the modern city fell into neon brilliance again.

"Notice to all citizens: The monsters in the city have been completely controlled, the city's alarm has been lifted, and residents can pass through normally. If you encounter monsters clearing the area, please detour. Thank you for your cooperation this time."

Text messages are sent to every citizen's mobile phone, while informative news is published online.At that moment, I don't know how many people let out a long sigh of relief, and some emotional people almost cried out.

"Win! I won so quickly!"

"Hua Guo is awesome!! Kunlun University is awesome!!"

"Salute to all frontline workers!"

"I'm in Ancheng, I'm going to report everyone's safety! Everything is back to normal!"

"Thank you country!! Thank you Kunlun University!! I can sleep well tonight!"

When the news spread, it brought a real national eruption, which was no less enthusiastic than the opening ceremony of the Fairy Games back then.

Since the school came out, they seem to have been able to do things beyond people's imagination. Every time they don't make a big deal, they are bound to be amazing, and they challenge people's blood pressure limit every time.

But no one cares about that anymore.Rather, they are eager to hear more news now.

The news about the demon incident in Ancheng received hundreds of millions of clicks in an instant. Millions of people swiped their mobile phones, not letting go of every new news. There were even slogans such as "We are all Ancheng people tonight" and so on. The scene is evident.

But in the real Ancheng, there are not many scenes of celebration with drums and drums.In this city at this time, the way people greet victory is to eat.

During the entire battle, few people in Ancheng City dared to start a fire because they were afraid of summoning demons.At this time, it was eight or nine o'clock, and the sky was completely dark. The people who had been hiding for a long time were already starving. As soon as the alarm was lifted, people couldn't wait to start a fire.

This is the traditional art of Hua people: even if the sky falls, you still have to eat.

When there is a happy event, you have to have a meal to celebrate; when there is a disaster, you have to have a meal to dissolve it.But now, there are joys and sorrows blooming.

Within a few minutes after the alarm was lifted, Ancheng City was once again shrouded in warm lights.The smell of rice wafted from countless residential buildings.

Overseas, in the live news room of CBC TV station, the blond and blue-eyed host sat at the table, facing the camera and broadcasting in a low voice.

"...Two hours ago, a strange disaster occurred in Huaguo'an City, suspected to be the invasion of alien monsters. According to the frontline news sent back by the reporter, the area affected by the disaster reached nearly [-] square feet. Huaguo officials have launched a wartime emergency plan."

This news was put on screens everywhere, including the famous Times Square.Many passers-by stopped unintentionally, gathered in the square, looked up at the news on the screen, and talked a lot.

"Oh God, this is horrible"

"It is said that Huaguo was the first to discover the recovery of magic in nature, so is this also something brought about by that 'spiritual energy'?"

"I don't know how many people will die. This war will last for a long time, right?"

"Extraordinary magic is a holy fire, and the world is really not ready to steal fire"

"If this happened in our country, I would take out my treasured 16-inch AR and kill them! But those Chinese people."

People in the square talked to each other, or sighed, or sympathized, or gloated imperceptibly.

But the hustle and bustle didn't last long, and the host on the screen changed a manuscript, and then the camera completely captured the astonishment that flashed in her blue eyes.

"The latest news, after the official dispatch, the Huaguo army has completely controlled the city. Now, the monsters in the city have been completely wiped out!"

One sentence caused an uproar in the square.In just a few seconds, the original divergent opinions disappeared, replaced by unified shock.

"In just a few hours, Huaguo won?!"

"Impossible! A few hours, isn't it enough to mobilize the army?"

Countless voices carry the same question mark.At first they suspected that it was a gimmick for the TV station to report fake news, but soon, all major mainstream media issued notices confirming the fact that the Anseong alert had been lifted.

A few minutes ago, they imagined that this would be a rare and unprecedented battle in human history, the beginning of the era of dark aura, and that city would become the first victim on the extraordinary altar, but now, it is only a few hours away , the war is over.

Questions like this don't just happen in real conversations.After the news was posted on the Internet, similar surprises broke out among netizens soon.

"It has long been heard that when an earthquake and flood occurs in Huaguo, the whole country will be mobilized to support it. Is it the same this time?"

"But monsters are different from earthquakes and floods! Did they really defeat those terrifying things in such a short time?"

"How many people have invested in this?!"

"Wait a minute, I heard that there are magicians in that city, it must be the credit of those magicians!"

As expected, this topic was soon linked to the previous "Fairy Games", and thousands of videos and pictures about "magicians" were posted on the Internet, confirming these words .

"My God! Those people really have the power of gods! This time they must be the ones who drove those monsters away!"

"They come from a school that helped to alleviate this disaster?"

"No, that's not a school! This must be some secret salvation organization with supernatural powers!"

"That's right, they must be hidden in the corners of history. They just appeared this time to help mankind survive the disaster!"

"It was the 'Kunlun University' who chose Huaguo!"

Soon it became a hot topic around the world.In this way, even those who don't care about education and entertainment news have to face a fact.

In this world, humans with extraordinary powers have really appeared.

And now, those people are all in China.

Human beings naturally yearn for the extraordinary.No matter for the people of which country, this is not a breaking news.

Being overseas, people know nothing about China's domestic affairs, and rumors among the people are getting wider and wider.There are even rumors that the army did not take action at all, and that the disaster was saved entirely by those magicians.

But soon, this matter became not so simple.

While the public opinion on the Internet is intensifying, the information about this incident—to be precise, all the materials related to Kunlun University that flowed out including the Fairy Games—has also been placed on countless long tables. exposed to the eyes of the most elite.

Several leaders in the overseas security field came forward to warn at home, saying that the extraordinary disaster that occurred in China this time was a wake-up call to the whole world, and the phenomenon of "spiritual energy recovery" was officially displayed in front of the public. Moreover, it is in the form of disaster.

They appealed that in the future, the country should also be vigilant, control the development progress of the Reiki project, and make emergency plans.What happened in Huaguo this time is a reference, and we should learn from this efficient method of dispatching the country's core forces to deal with disasters, and learn from it.

But in countries overseas, these proposals have not actually received as much attention as they deserve.Instead, what was placed in front of those decisive figures was information related to the "Kunlun University".

When the topic of the Fairy Games was popular on the Internet before, the information bureaus of various countries have already paid attention to it.But before they just regarded this as a rumor, but now they have to put it on a formal proposal.

"It is said that that school has a cooperative relationship with Huaguo. This disaster also confirms this."

On the conference table, a white man in a suit and leather shoes folded his hands in front of his nose: "Gentlemen, what do you think of this?"

"Looking at the situation on the battlefield this time, the school with magicians may already have close ties with Hua Guo officials. I think this matter needs to be raised to the diplomatic level."

The man in the suit in front of the table looked tense: "Gentlemen, all the people with extraordinary power are in that country now. For us, this will become a very big problem in the future and even affect our future international strategy."

"I agree with Congressman William's thoughts. In future activities, we must focus on investigating the matter of that school."

The fat man on the other side pointed at the table: "Think about it, if these extraordinary powers are used in other international activities, how terrible it would be? In the future, what will that school do? What is their purpose? What? This is probably a major event involving the world!"

"That's right, this time they dispatched so many troops and resources to protect the city, there must be something else hidden. From the perspective of spiritual energy recovery, that city may hide something very important to them, I think it should be a special resource, this must be investigated, and I am going to visit Huaguo now."

These words made everyone at the table feel as cold as ice. Immediately, several people took out their phones and recording pens, as if they were going to make a big deal.

But at this moment, a finger tapped lightly on the edge of the table, interrupting all the conversation.

"Gentlemen, we may be thinking too much."

The people on both sides of the long table turned their heads in unison, and the one who made the sound was an old man with a white beard.Compared with the others at the table, his expression was very calm.

"Perhaps. There is no need to think so much at all. Those magicians are students who have not stepped into society. They may not have thought about what we are talking about. In this operation, they may just want to defend That city."

"That's all?" The person at the table raised his eyebrows. "Then, why did they do this? Why did they go to fight those monsters?"

"The reason is very simple - those students are all from Huaguo." The old man said every word, "and Huaguo people love their country."

(End of this chapter)

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