From Shusen University

Chapter 294 Flags

Chapter 294 Flags
Another wave of offensive was dispelled, and Xie Tianyang flew into the air, driving Teng Gen to drive the assembled elf elephant towards the southeast of the target location.

Although the area of ​​the shopping center is considered to be the peak area where monsters come and go, he is the only student in charge here.

With the help of Longshe Tenggen, he has truly played the role of a top player, not to mention that he himself is the top figure in the freshman year.

When we passed the intersection, we could see groups of monster elephants being driven over at the same time on the surrounding roads. It was obvious that the teams guarding other intersections were also fighting smoothly.

Different from their seemingly dull bodies, this thing can actually use the tentacle-like long claws around them as legs, and move forward one after another. In this way, their speed can be described as astonishing, no less than ordinary exercisers. Qi senior monk.

All the elves converged at the crossroads. Behind them, countless gunpoints were exposed at the intersections on all sides, and some people were even seen carrying individual rockets that are now rare.

All the streams of people converged into a wall, like a tactical fortress full of guns.They opened fire according to the command of their respective squad leaders, and once one team needed to change the box, they immediately stepped back and asked the other team to come on top.

There is a tacit understanding between the teams, and there is almost no gap in the suppression of the demon's firepower.Relying on the support of the resources behind them, the bullets poured down like money, and the road was covered with bullet casings like rice grains.

In this case, ordinary combat supplies are the least cost to consider.After all, compared to the spiritual weapons and spiritual power resources used by immortal practitioners, the value of these things is not worth mentioning.

Although the gunfire has a limited effect on the demon elephant, it can still weaken its strength, which invisibly reduces the pressure on the immortal cultivators to fight and reduces the consumption of spiritual materials-for the official, this is of course a big profit account.

Driven by their instincts, the group of sprites jumped and turned into mud and merged together, causing the big monster in the center to further expand, reaching a height of nearly two floors.

Its long arms grabbed the surrounding bridges, like an ape hanging in the jungle, making strange squeaking noises at the people in front of it.

The fighters carefully kept a distance from him, and took out more Qingxin Talismans to urge them to protect their minds.Some slow-moving people touched the spreading aura toxins, and their expressions suddenly became unnatural, holding their chests and showing pain.

Fighting until now, everyone already knows how to deal with this situation.The teammate next to him immediately dragged the infected person to an open space, and a special monk accompanied him to purify his heart. Those who were serious were sent directly to the hospital and handed over to the Reiki Department for treatment.

But Xie Tianyang has no such scruples.When the sprites gathered, he still flew beside the big monster, manipulating Teng Gen to circle around him, chasing him to the target location.

Compared with the group of little monsters just now, this gathered big monster has a stronger demon power.Facing the natural enemy dragon snake, it no longer simply shivered, but kept waving its tentacles-like long arms in an attempt to resist.

After all, Teng Gen is also a big monster sealed in Yunshen, and this strength is not enough to threaten it.Facing the long arm waving at it, it often rips it off with one claw, continuously spews demon flames to make it move forward, and the people with guns follow behind it, shooting within a safe range, and still maintain suppression.

However, Xie Tianyang saw this scene, and he had more considerations.

——As the power of the sprite and monster increases, the restraining effect of the dragon and snake on it is also weakening.In this case, when the tactical goal is achieved and all the monsters in the city are gathered together, Tenggen alone may not be able to suppress it.

At that time, it will be the real decisive battle against the demon, the real head-to-head confrontation.

He observed the situation, thinking about the battle situation in his mind; below him, the squad leader leading the armed forces picked up the radio, answered a few times, and then turned his head to announce to everyone on the field.

"Now the main areas of the city have been controlled, and the monster groups in the city are already moving to the target location. The executive department is already preparing, and will soon set up an enchantment at the target location... Well, the military strategy department is also The application for missile strikes in the territory has been submitted. The higher-ups have requested that the cleaning work be completed within one hour."

This is tantamount to issuing a notice of victory, and the people around are cheered up, raising their guns and applauding loudly, it seems that even the gunfire is a bit more violent.

Driven by the root of the dragon snake, the spiritual power of the spell, and the firepower of the gun, the huge elf elephant was pushed and leaped towards the target point step by step, and the team that drove it also gathered and followed behind it , and soon moved out of the intersection of the business district.

Xie Tianyang flew up, floated above the city, and looked down quietly.

At this moment, on the land under my feet, flowers of flames are blooming in the streets and alleys of the city. Thousands of big and small elephants are jumping on thousands of roads. Ant colony flow.

The scattered streams of people are joining together, faintly forming a huge arc surrounding half of the city, rushing like flocks of sheep driven away by those monsters, gathering towards the southeast.

After the combat team left, people wearing the uniforms of the executive department followed closely into the combat block, using detectors to check the spiritual power response in the combat area, and purifying the area suspected of being contaminated by demon power with special spells, doing their utmost due diligence The cleaners completely remove the unclean things left on the battlefield.

Behind them, there are medical troops ready to receive the wounded, mobile logistics supplies to deliver needed supplies at any time, and a communication wing to monitor the situation throughout the city.After these forces, there are countless production lines and logistics lines
The strength of each layer is progressive, and there are countless people behind each person to help, and countless people stand behind the scenes to smooth out obstacles and future troubles for the frontline.Their strength is as humble as ants, but they are also moving forward.

All the people, following that "flag", are moving forward.

The wind blows and lifts the boy's skirt in mid-air, his eyes move up slowly, from the ground to the distance: as the eyes look far away, the light and shadow of tall buildings in the field of vision gradually become shorter until they disappear completely in a corner of the city .

That is the largest undeveloped area on the outskirts of Ancheng City.At this time, all the monsters in the city were gathering there.

There is the end of the operation.

Xie Tianyang withdrew his gaze, kicked off, and flew in that direction.In the gust of wind that hit his face, his figure was like an open banner.


In the Ancheng City Security Bureau, the work on the city defense array is in full swing.

All the staff were mobilized. One group of people was typing away construction formulas and enchantment models in front of the computer, while the other group of people gathered around the table, staring at the meter-wide table on the table. paper sheet.

In the middle of them, Xiao Youyu was sitting at the front of the long table, sketching on the paper with a pen.It's just that at this time he is not using a spiritual talisman pen, but just an ordinary signature pen, and those stripes are quickly formed on the paper, forming a superimposed and extended version of the Qingxin Formation.

"This is the improved draft of the current purification formation."

After he finished drawing the last stroke, he put down his pen and pushed the paper to the manager in front of him: "I have made some amendments to your original spells, added some spells of gathering spirits and spells of binding spirits, and put some complicated spells Break it up into units, which can reduce the consumption of large formations and make it more operable. Let’s take a look first.”

Management took the sketch from him like a treasure.With just a quick glance, without any extra confirmation, the official seal has already been stamped on it.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the many whimsical ideas contained in this operation formula, even the most basic ones that they are very familiar with, have been played out in Xiao Youyu's hands.

There is no need for redundant confirmation. His status as a representative of Kunlun University is the most powerful guarantee for the quality of this sketch.

And the large formation drawn in this picture will soon become the guarantee of the safety of the city of Ancheng.

"Thank you for your hard work, student Xiao."

The person in charge of spiritual defense stepped forward and shook hands with him solemnly: "With you here, we have saved us a lot of unnecessary time. Now we will enter this spell into the model, and we will send someone to execute it soon." Revise, the rest of the work belongs to the grassroots, so I won't trouble you any more."

Xiao Youyu responded, stood up from the desk, and left the office with the executives who were gradually leaving, ready to find a place to rest.

Even if the person in charge didn't say anything, it was impossible for him to personally debug the intercity formation.This is not entirely because of trust in the official, but because he has more important tasks to do soon.

As the representative of sophomore Fuxiu, he is also one of the school's cutting-edge combat forces, so he naturally needs to take part in the final battle of annihilation.During this period of time, he must adjust to the best condition as quickly as possible.

From the final match with Han Jiangchen, to the mobilization of the student union when the alarm came, and now to the City Guard Bureau to assist the formation, he has almost no gaps. The injuries he suffered during the competition did not heal in time, and his spiritual power has only recovered [-]-[-]%. And all these preparations have to be completed now.

He quickly walked out of the meeting room to the fortification hall, and was about to make a detour to the lounge, but was caught by the content on the screen of the person in front of him.

A map of Ancheng was displayed on the screen, on which the location was marked with dense colored dots, similar to the one used for strategic guidance, but this one is not dynamic, but static, and the location does not look like Reflecting the current state of the battlefield.

"This is the location of the distribution of the tombs that we found before."

The executive who was operating in front of the screen saw him looking over and explained proactively.

"This is also the credit of the students in your school's intelligence department. Previously, they found out that the ghost elephant was born from the dead energy in the tomb, so they visited and investigated all the people infected by the ghost elephant's evil spirit, and thus found out the presence of these monsters. Land—in the existing records, there are a total of 270 six target points.”

"After the location was determined, we also cleaned these places...Although it seems that it has not been used for its due purpose." The executive sighed, "Oh, it has been confirmed that all of them have been eliminated before, and I don't know Where did the monsters in this city come from..."

When he was talking, Xiao Youyu didn't respond at all, he just agreed, his eyes were always fixed on the map displayed on the screen, as if he was in deep thought.

"This distribution map, can you print out a copy now?" He said abruptly, "It needs to be able to bring these punctuation marks."

"Huh? This is no problem, but you are..."

The executive was taken aback by what he said, but seeing his serious face, he knew there must be a mystery, so he did as he said.

The printer spit out the warm paper, Xiao Youyu spread it on the table, grabbed a pen, thought for a long time on the paper, then slowly raised the pen to click on one point, and slowly drew a line line, connecting it to another point.

People everywhere turned their heads and watched him sketching there. Compared with the city formation just now, his actions at this time seem to be more hesitant.

Having said that, the movements in his hands are still going on.A few minutes passed, and the lines were formed on the paper. The connected patterns made the faces of the people watching around change, and they stood up from the seats involuntarily.

Because at this time, under Xiao Youyu's hands, those points were actually connected into a complete and indistinguishable large magic circle!


A group of people looked at the scene, and then at Xiao Youyu who stopped writing in front of him, and saw something wrong from the serious expression on his face.

"What is this?" Someone finally expressed everyone's doubts.

"As you can see, it is a magic circle, with the mausoleums distributed in the city as the array points, and the range of the magic formula covers more than half of Ancheng. I just saw the distribution of these points and the road map, and I feel similar to the magic formula I have seen before. I really want to arrange it, and I suddenly thought of it."

Xiao Youyu put down his pen: "The method of drawing the formation seems to be different from the modern...and what our school teaches, and I dare not say that I must be right. But if I have connected these spells correctly If so, then the effect of this thing is... Soul Eater."

"Soul Eater?" Hearing these two words, the scalps of the people in front of them almost exploded.

A magic circle that covers most of the city and functions as a soul devourer?If this is allowed to start normally, what unimaginable consequences will it cause?
Does this magic circle really exist?Why is it here in Ancheng?Who built this magic circle?

In an instant, countless questions flashed through people's minds, and Xiao Youyu at the table also frowned.

"The last time I saw a similar technique was the 'Demon Prison' in our school. After using a special method to urge the students' demons, the prison will also be activated at the same time. In theory, once the demons inside exceed the limit , this prison will directly erase their primordial spirit..."

When he said this, he suddenly stopped, and then his whole body froze.

Stimulate the inner demons, make people exude soul energy, and then restrain them with magic techniques, and transfer the collected energy to somewhere...

Now, in Ancheng, haven't the first two steps been completed? !
(End of this chapter)

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