From Shusen University

Chapter 283 The Chance of That School

Chapter 283 The Chance of That School

Just when she said this, Yang Xiaohe's gaze had already fallen on Jiang Ling's chest, and she saw the conspicuous Yin-Yang emblem surrounded by clouds that she thought about day and night.

She is also an immortal cultivator with a certain foundation, so she can naturally feel the fluctuations in the spiritual power of these two people, plus this emblem, isn't this a real hammer?

"Kunlun University?!" Yang Xiaohe almost jumped out of bed, "Are you from Kunlun University?!"

As a qualified fan girl, she was surfing the Internet for news related to that university almost every day, otherwise she wouldn't have compiled such a large student staff guidebook.

In her eyes, these students seemed to be God's chosen children far away in the sky, but now they really appeared in front of her eyes, and it seemed that they still came to visit her.

This is equivalent to a visit from a celebrity she is a fan of. Could she not be excited?

"Hey, don't be so excited." Jiang Ling smiled and pressed her shoulder, "This time, I want to ask you something."

"No problem, no problem!" Yang Xiaohe stammered his tongue, nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "Is there anything I can help? I'll tell you, just ask!"

Is it so cooperative?

This attitude made Jiang Ling secretly stunned, but she still said with a smile on her face: "It's nothing, it's about your cultivation and life during this period."

Yang Xiaohe originally thought that she would talk about some high-end topics about cultivating immortals, but she was still a little nervous at first, fearing that she would not be able to answer the questions of Kunlun University students.But to her surprise, in the next few minutes, Jiang Ling and her talked about topics related to daily study, and the whole process was very harmonious.

But what made Yang Xiaohe a little uncomfortable was Han Jiangchen who was following her.

He didn't speak during the whole process of questioning, but just sat beside her and stared at her quietly.Saw by his pure black eyes, Yang Xiaohe felt goosebumps for some reason, and could only suppress the discomfort as much as possible, and answered Jiang Ling's questions one by one.

"Well, is that so?"

After Jiang Ling asked the last sentence, she pondered for a moment, and looked at Han Jiangchen over there with a questioning look in her eyes.

The latter understood what she meant, and then nodded, which caused her expression to change slightly, and she turned around, looking at Yang Xiaohe more cautiously.

——This means that he did see abnormal "spiritual power" from this girl.

Their conjecture was true.What caused this situation is indeed a kind of external "pollution"; further, it may be the influence of demons.

"Uh..." Yang Xiaohe saw the two of them playing charades there, and was a little confused for a moment.But then she saw Jiang Ling turn her head back, with the same smile on her face as before.

"Recall again, have you encountered any abnormalities?"

"Abnormal. Abnormal." Yang Xiaohe tried hard to recall, "This...really not."

Speaking of this, she suddenly stopped, and right in front of her, Jiang Ling's eyes suddenly flashed with a deep aura.

The consciousness of the two was connected, and Yang Xiaohe felt a burst of trance, and a memory of a special feeling of coldness passed from Jiang Ling's eyes into her brain, making her shiver inadvertently.

"Think about it, have you ever seen this feeling before?"


Yang Xiaohe's pupils were blurred, and after a few seconds of contemplation, he said as if falling into a dream: "On the way home. The green space behind the school"

As soon as she finished saying this sentence, she suddenly woke up with a jerk, holding her head and looking confused.In front of her, Jiang Ling blinked, and the aura in her eyes dissipated like smoke.

"Well, that's good." Jiang Ling said with a smile, "We know almost everything we want to know, and I hope it didn't cause you any trouble."

"No trouble!" Yang Xiaohe quickly shook his head, "Really, no trouble at all!"

"That's good, then we'll go first, thank you for your cooperation."

Jiang Ling nodded, and put the fruit basket she brought as a condolence product in front of her bedside table. Just as she got up to leave, she was held by her hand.

"That, this, this... senior sister." Yang Xiaohe blushed, a little embarrassed and said, "You guys, can you stay a little longer? It seems that there is no information about the two of you in my notes."


"Uh, no." Yang Xiaohe quickly waved his hands, "That's right, can you tell me more about Kunlun University? I really didn't expect to meet a real immortal cultivator."

Probably because she was too excited, she spoke incoherently.

But now she can't care about these things anymore, it's hard for her to meet Kunlun students so close, and she can watch them for a while.

"Sorry, we have other things to do today, so we have to go first."

Jiang Ling said with some regrets, patted her on the shoulder, and then said with a smile: "But it's okay. I saw that you are a freshman in high school, right? There is less than a month left before the college entrance examination, you should take care of yourself quickly Get out of the hospital, take the exam well, and then go directly to Kunlun, wouldn't it be fine?"


Yang Xiaohe's face flushed red to the neck, and even the roots of his ears burned a little.

What did she hear?A student from Kunlun University came to tell her personally that she could go to Kunlun University. How lucky was she to get such an opportunity?
"I will! I will take the test well!" Yang Xiaohe nodded vigorously.

"Well, I'll see you on campus then." Jiang Ling waved to her, and called Han Jiangchen to the side and walked out, "Then, see you later."

The figures of the two quickly disappeared outside the door. Yang Xiaohe looked at the direction they were leaving in a somewhat lonely manner, took several deep breaths, and managed to calm down his chaotic mind, and then regretted it for a while.

sky! !What did she say just now? !Such a good opportunity to become this virtue? !
During the whole process just now, she was only cooperating with Jiang Ling wholeheartedly, and she didn't even think that she could seize this opportunity to get to know them better.

She could have taken this opportunity to ask questions about Kunlun University's entrance exams, various matters related to cultivating immortals, and at worst, she didn't even ask the names of these two people. !

Obviously, he usually thinks so well when he brainstorms in private, but when he sees a real person, his whole brain goes blank.

Yang Xiaohe, Yang Xiaohe, what are you thinking? !

Yang Xiaohe hugged the pillow behind her in her hands, and hit it hard twice.The anger dissipated because of this, but an idea had been firmly established in her heart.

Now that I have already got the opportunity of Kunlun University, I can't miss it this time.

Immediately apply for discharge and go back to brush up the questions.This year's college entrance examination, you must go to Kunlun University!
Yang Xiaohe gripped the pillow tightly, thinking secretly.

On the other side, what she didn't see was that as soon as the two of them walked out the door, Jiang Ling took out her mobile phone and dialed the number.

"Hello, Executive Department? Our investigation has preliminary results."

"It is confirmed that the demon-infected person Yang Xiaohe has traces of demon power on his body. It is the 'ghost elephant' that I told you about living in the tomb before. Please go and check these places."

A few hours later, on the campus of Ancheng No. [-] Middle School, the whole school was notified to end school early.

For the students, this is of course a great thing. Amidst the cheers, everyone naturally began to gossip.

"Why is the school closed all of a sudden?"

"I heard that it has something to do with the demonic student from the third year of high school?"

"Wow, it's not an infectious disease, it needs to be quarantined."

At the end of the discussion, there was no discussion about the reason. Instead, the teachers began to urge them to leave in a hurry, almost clearing them from the campus in a rush way. The boarding students were forced to stay in the dormitory. The school remains completely closed.

Ten minutes later, two vans stopped outside the gate of No. 10 Middle School, the doors opened, and more than a dozen heavily armed enforcers jumped out of the vehicles.With the basketball court at the edge of the campus as the boundary, a yellow and black cordon was drawn near the school wall.

"Is this the place that Kunlun student pointed out?"

"That's right, they said, that's where the infected person felt the aura similar to that of the Heart Demon."

"I heard that the new school building of the No. [-] Middle School was originally planned to be built here, but the project was abandoned because it touched the tomb of a Sui Dynasty official. This should be the location of the tomb."

"Okay, let's start."

Following the password, the executors formed a queue on a wasteland behind the campus. The spirit-detecting talisman went around and emitted a scorching vibration at a certain location.

"Spiritual power response detected, just below here!"

With the help of spells and sophisticated spiritual power detectors, the uniformed executors quickly locked on to the target location.

The two surrounding people who seemed to have a slightly higher level of cultivation immediately began to draw the demon-dispelling array centered on the target location, while others picked up construction machinery and guns, and others took out spells and knives with spirits, and everyone surrounded them. The situation is scattered around, watching the situation nervously.

"Stay vigilant! Check all the purification equipment, and see if the ground formation is properly arranged. Are you sure there is no problem? Let's start!"

The preliminary preparations were ready. The leader drew a circle on the ground with white chalk. The executives started through a nearby abandoned sewer, adjusted the cutting machine and drilling machine, and began to cooperate with the impact on the soil layer in front of them. Start from multiple angles and dig towards the target location.

The falling soil gradually changed from dry sand to wet. When digging to a certain place, the pressure in front of the drill bit suddenly eased, and there was a slight cracking sound from inside.

"Spiritual response detected, all combatants prepare!"

A shout led to the sound of guns being loaded in the rear, and several special commissioners squeezed the spell in their hands and recited it silently.

The staff in charge of the drilling rig in front inserted a small detonator into the gap, then hurriedly got up to get out of the way, jumped out of the tunnel, retreated to a distance of more than ten steps, and detonated the detonator with a press of the remote control.

There was a blasting sound, and the earth and rocks in front of him fell down, and a thing covered in mud was wriggling in the sand and dust.

At first glance, the thing was about the size of two people, with red eyes, long arms, and red claws, and its whole body seemed to be rotten.It curled up under the soil layer, and when it saw everyone, it immediately let out a sharp cry.

"Find a monster, do it!"

The demon-dispelling array that had been arranged earlier began to activate, covering the entire area around the breach, and also completely restraining the demon's movements.

At the same moment, the rear special police pointed their guns at the monster, and the guns flashed.

"chug chug chug"

Under the action of the silencer, the gunshots were suppressed to a minimum, and the surrounding residents would not notice the abnormality.The mud-wrapped shadow in the tunnel swayed and squeaked like a mouse. Bullets hit its mud-wrapped body, like a mud cow entering the sea, swallowed by the mud.Although the mud was splashed in all directions, it did not cause much effective damage.

"Confirm that the target has a certain resistance to firearms, and use spiritual power to fight! Be careful not to be disturbed by it!"

The gunfire continued, although its power was limited, but the impact force pressed the mud figure firmly into the tunnel and could not come up.At the same time, several talismans that were jointly activated had already been thrown over, and with a flash of light, amidst the miserable cry of that thing, a spiritual fire rose from the tunnel, igniting the entire shadow.

"The fire attribute offensive is effective! Practitioners keep suppressing, bring spiritual power injectors over, everyone sticks clean heart charms and be careful of evil spirit pollution!"

The few cultivators who stepped forward were still pointing their fingers to maintain the output of spiritual power, while the few gunmen who had previously suppressed the firepower retreated in a well-trained manner, and the few who came up held equipment similar to fire extinguishers and stood above them. The quasi-fire root spurted violently.

The injector shoots out milky white smoke, which is the fire-attribute spiritual material that has been crushed into countless semi-solid particles, poured on the flame, like a catalyst, making the flame burn more violently.

During the attack, the personnel who arranged the barrier around stepped up the input of spiritual power, blocking the spiritual flame and the overflowing ominous gas in a small area, until the flame burned out and the charred ghost fell to the ground and died.

The people present at most only have the cultivation base of the elementary level of Qi refining.But through the intensive cooperation of more than a dozen people, the annihilation battle of a monster was completed in just a few minutes.

Under the cover of the muzzle of the gun, the leader touched it cautiously, pierced the red eyes with a knife, and saw that the pupils no longer moved, he was relieved and put away his weapon.

"Dead, terribly dead." The leading executive kicked the monster's body, "Dig it out. From the looks of it, it should be another elf elephant. The people in Kunlun are really right, this thing It is probably the source of the establishment of the heart demon disease. The monsters that reside in the tomb really have the characteristics of Ancheng."

"This end seems to be much bigger than the one in the civilian tomb we dug last time?" The soldier with a gun next to him leaned forward, "And last time, the bullet was quite effective. This end It doesn't look useful"

"Who knows, maybe because they live in the official's tomb, the demons are also honored?"

The lead executive put a cigarette in his mouth: "Okay, let's clean up the scene, and purify it with a pure heart technique, so as not to lose your evil spirit. The Fairy Games is coming to an end soon, and any problems must be solved quickly, can't What's going on at this time?"

As he said, within a few days, the executive department of the Anomaly Bureau of Huaguo Ancheng was operating at high speed, and with amazing efficiency, they investigated the suspected demon habitats currently associated with more than 270 people infected with heart demons, a total of [-] six .

Due to the efforts of these people in the dark, the level of Ancheng's heart demon incident was suspended.

According to the information from the Investigation Bureau to Kunlun University, the situation is already under the control of the Executive Bureau. According to the assessment of the degree of spiritual damage given by the Investigation Bureau, the Fairy Games can still be held as usual without being affected.

This is based on the consideration of pre-preparation investment.In fact, this grand event is indeed advancing step by step.

Soon, it came to the final stage of the individual competition.

 This chapter stuck with me all afternoon, the transition chapter is really hard to write.
  I don’t know if I have written the feeling of cleaning up the state machinery. I always feel that the writing is watery. I will try my best to reduce the foreshadowing that has little to do with the school.
(End of this chapter)

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