From Shusen University

Chapter 267 Go Stand Up On Your Own

Chapter 267 Go Stand Up On Your Own
Within two days, the entire Hua Kingdom was overwhelmed by the upsurge brought about by the first competition, and the names and performances of the contestants became familiar topics for every Chinese citizen—even Kunlun University was no exception. .

The time for the Fairy Games is already summer vacation, and there are no classes in the school. It stands to reason that those who have been cleared out in the qualifiers can go home on vacation, but there are still many people who choose to stay in school to practice.

However, after the competition was held, the group of staying students didn't bother to do any more cultivation. Instead, they all took out their computers, gathered in the dormitory to watch the live broadcast, and screamed like the outside audience.

Until now, the game has been over for several hours, and the Daqun is still reposting all kinds of gossip about the Fairy Games in the society.

"Behind the Players of the Fairy Games: How did he manage to go from the unnamed high school in the county to Kunlun University? "

"Experts talk about the Immortal Games: In the era led by immortal cultivators, a new starting point for the world has arrived"

What routines did "The Fairy Games Break"?Digging Deeper into Ten Subversives"


Public account articles like this are swiping in the grade groups, and the classmates who get along day and night on weekdays suddenly become news figures, which really makes these students staying in school feel a lot of emotion.

"Damn it, why didn't I see that this kid is so strong, I just said how he passed the preliminaries with his virtue"

"Did Senior Sister Yuan hit people so hard?! I thought she was quite gentle when I went to her for healing. Hiss."

"I will never dare to fish in the club again, thank you seniors and sisters for not killing them in the previous school year"

"Ahhhhhhh! My favorite Senior Chen has been confessed by a bunch of people on Weibo!! These little bitches are screwing over me!!"

"Oh, it's only two or three places short, why didn't I make it?"

The whole campus was immersed in the enthusiasm brought by the Fairy Games.Just like the outside world, almost everyone watched the live video of that game, and after dinner, they were all discussing it. There were students who were amazed and arguing everywhere on campus. It can be said that everyone knew about it.

——Except for understanding Tianyang.

When all this happened, he kept himself bored in the refining room of [Tianxing Laboratory], turning a deaf ear to everything about the Fairy Games, and just focused on his work.

After being eliminated from the qualifiers, under Wei Ze's arrangement, he got a piece of spiritual material with the best quality in the school so far, and refined it under Bailiyu's guidance.In the past half a month, except for eating and sleeping, he spent all his time on this "spiritual weapon".

Most of the time, he does homework by himself, and occasionally Bailiyu will come to the equipment room to guide him.But on this day, besides Baili Yu, there was another person - Hua Nian'an.

"This student surnamed Xie wants to use the method of refining weapons to reconnect severed limbs."

As soon as she entered, Bailiyu introduced to her: "Now the refining steps are basically completed, and the next step is to connect the refined spirit weapon with his body. During this process, you can use the pill to calm him down." stop."

Hua Nian'an responded, and looked down, and at a glance, he saw the empty trouser leg on Tianyang's right leg.But besides that, there was one more thing on hand at this time.

It was a steel-connected prosthesis, completely made of forged spirit ingots, engraved with numerous spirit patterns, used to complete the circulation with the outside world's spirit energy.

And on its surface, nearly a thousand small pieces of spiritual pieces were inlaid into a compact garment, and the iron object was pasted into the shape of his limbs, which was consistent with the shape of his intact leg.

This is a prosthetic limb made entirely of spiritual materials.Just today, it was done.

"Is this the utensil he made himself?"

As Baili Yu's wife, Hua Nian'an naturally saw the quality of this iron limb at a glance.Seeing Tian Yang nodding, she couldn't help showing some surprise.

The prosthetic limb is connected with the mind, and the difficulty of refining is not lower than that of ordinary spiritual weapons.But this student who has not yet arrived at the foundation, actually completed this creation by himself?

"This is something entrusted by Your Excellency Wei Ze, and I gave him some necessary guidance. But the refining process is indeed done by him."

Bailiyu smiled and answered her: "At the beginning, he came to ask for my chance, and now is the time to give back. As you can see, this student is indeed a rare genius, but now he needs to settle down. First, he needs to stand up on his own."

After he finished speaking to Hua Nian'an, he turned his head to Xie Tianyang over there and said, "For today's recasting, my wife and I will protect the law for you. During the recasting process, keep all five senses fully open, so that the spiritual weapon and your senses Only by resonating can you turn it into your own body."

Bailiyu spoke in a flat voice.While he was talking, Hua Nian'an took out a pill in his hand, and the spiritual fire flashed in his palm. The pill turned into fragrant smoke and floated in the air. When he inhaled it, it was as if he had chewed mint, which made his mind clear for a while.

"Is there any danger in this recasting?" Xie Tianyang looked at Hua Nian'an who was preparing, and asked aloud.

The reconnection of prosthetic limbs has long been on the agenda, and he doesn't have much fear about it.But since Pill God was specially called to protect him, thinking about it with his toes, he knew that the recasting could not be so simple.

"Using iron as a body, even if the recasting fails, it is just a ruined artifact, but"

Bailiyu paused when he said this, and Hua Nian'an next to him followed his words.

"However, unlike ordinary utensils, spiritual tools are not only connected to the physical body, but also connected to the spirit. The spiritual material must resonate with the senses and connect with the meridians to become one, so that the spiritual power can be transmitted like the flesh." Hua Nian'an said, " And to resonate with the senses, the first thing involved is pain."

After a moment of silence, Xie Tianyang didn't show any superfluous expression on his face, he just responded: "Okay, I understand."

Bailiyu and Hua Nian'an looked at each other, nodded quietly, then waved a hand, and threw a sharp dagger in front of him.

"Then, start recasting now, and do it yourself." Bailiyu said, "The first step is to remove the blood and expose the bones."

Xie Tianyang picked up the dagger with one hand, and then slowly rolled up the trouser leg of his right leg: the leg disappeared below the knee, and only half of the thigh was left, and the fracture was covered by a knot.

He slowly raised the dagger in his hand, aimed at the fleshy knot at the severed limb, clenched his teeth secretly, and stabbed down violently.

The grown flesh was cut off by him with a single knife, and raw bones were exposed inside. Blood spattered from the cut, and the scarlet color spread rapidly on the ground.

The blood-stained dagger fell to the ground, Xie Tianyang gasped, Hua Nian'an beside him quickly gave him acupuncture points to stop the bleeding, Bailiyu put the refined iron leg in front of the heel of his leg, in line with the broken part Bones meet.

"Next, ensure that the spiritual consciousness is running, and guide the spiritual power to the legs. I will drain the spiritual power in the spiritual weapon for you and connect it to your meridians-remember, no matter what, you can't withdraw the power halfway, otherwise Resonance is bound to fail."

Xie Tianyang responded, breathing in pain, and according to Bailiyu's luck, he pulled the spiritual power to the broken leg.

Due to the oppression of spiritual power, the heel of the leg that had just stopped bleeding began to bleed again, staining the iron ingot in front of him red.

And at this moment, Bailiyu pointed at the side of his shoulder, and fixed him there, and then pressed the lower limb of the spiritual weapon in front of him with one hand, pouring spiritual power into——

It was as if tens of thousands of needles pierced the heart in an instant, and the severe pain ten times more severe than the amputation of the limb just now went straight to the brain from the leg. Even Xie Tianyang couldn't help crying out in pain immediately, and his whole body trembled violently.

The pain of reconnecting with the physical body is no different from peeling off the flesh and blood, and he is feeling this pain now.

At this time, he finally understood why Bailiyu wanted to cast the body-holding technique on him just now.Under this kind of pain, he couldn't help but wanted to struggle and escape, but now he couldn't move at all, so he could only resist.

"Keep your spiritual power running! Keep your five senses fully open!" Bailiyu shouted, "Otherwise, you will never stand up again!"

Digging deeply into the ground with his fingers, Xie Tianyang gritted his teeth desperately, swallowed the shouting in his throat, and used the remaining saneness to run his spiritual power fiercely, coordinating with Bailiyu's infusion.

With all five senses fully open, the pain will only become more obvious. Several times he almost fainted, but the incense of Hua Nian'an next to him forcefully kept him awake.

His eyes went black for a while, and he felt like he was lying on the road again in a trance, and the heavy wheels were rolling over him. Rolling over and over again, until the bones and blood were crushed into flesh.

Might as well be dead.he thinks.

After an unknown amount of time, all the pain suddenly disappeared, and his immobile body regained its freedom. He collapsed on the ground, panting heavily, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

In a vague consciousness, only Baili and his wife's conversation remained in their ears.

"It's unbelievable that a monk who has not yet reached the foundation can really hold on."

".It has nothing to do with cultivation, he is the one who can do this."

Xie Tianyang breathed hard, and he didn't know how long it took for the dark scene in front of him to gradually fade away.He tried his best to get up with his hands, and then, he saw it.

——His right leg, which was originally empty, has now been connected to a steel-like limb surrounded by spiritual light.

Under the influence of Hua Nian'an's spiritual power, the original bloody section has healed quickly, and at this moment, the iron limb fits the broken part and connects.

It stands surrounded by newborn tender flesh, and with a thought, this iron limb can be bent at will.He tried to breathe out, put his consciousness down his body, and the spiritual power flowing into the iron limb was no different from pouring into the meridians in his body.

This is the difference between a spiritual weapon and an ordinary product.Before, he could only wrap the prosthetic limb with spiritual power to protect it from damage, but now the iron limb itself can carry spiritual power.For a cultivator, this is what truly becomes a part of his body.

Although his body was still a little weak, Xie Tianyang only felt his heart beating wildly at this moment.He had probably never been this excited since entering school.

He supported it with one hand, and couldn't wait to stand up, but was held down by Hua Nian'an.

"Don't be in a hurry." Hua Nian'an next to him said, and handed a elixir into his hand, "You are out of strength now, first take the Qi Qi Pill to adjust your breath, and then try to operate the spiritual weapon."

Xie Tianyang did as she said.But before the medicine was fully absorbed, he had already retracted his strength back to his dantian impatiently, propped himself up against the wall, and then, with the support of that iron leg, he stopped.

This is what the university gave him, and now it supports him.

He walked, circling in circles in the equipment room, step by step, step by step to the ground, and walked more than a dozen times in silence, like a child toddler.

"How do you feel?" Bailiyu's voice came from behind.

"It's okay." Xie Tianyang stopped at the door, "Now, can I go out for a few steps?"

"Of course you can when you get used to this spiritual weapon." Bailiyu said, "But you have to do more than that."

"I know." Xie Tianyang said, "I will also stay in school this holiday, and I will continue to practice according to the previous method."

"This is not talking about ordinary cultivation. I mean, you have other tasks."


Xie Tianyang turned his head in doubt, just in time to see Bailiyu shaking the order paper that Wei Ze handed over in his hand, and smiled slightly.

"That's right, the task, and the things you need to do—this is what Mr. Wei Ze and the university want to entrust to you."

Bailiyu said: "Before the retreat, he said that if you can stand up again on your own, then you are qualified to take on this task. Now that you have done it, you have passed the test given to you by the university, then Afterwards, you will be able to take on what Your Excellency Wei Ze wants to entrust to you."

"Teacher Wei?" Hearing this name, Xie Tianyang's face became more serious, "What does he want me to do?"

"Before the time comes, don't be impatient. Just practice according to the original method. When the time comes, there will be a time when you will be needed." Bailiyu smiled and played a riddle, "Before, you go and get it first." Mobile phone, let’s go and watch the first fight in the Fairy Games.”

"What are you doing watching that? It's just a waste of time." Xie Tianyang turned his head, "I'm just going to practice now."

"This is not to let you rest." Bailiyu said flatly, and grabbed him with one sentence, "After watching the Fairy Games, it is also one of your tasks-you always have to face these."

Xie Tianyang was silent for a moment, and finally sat back at the table, took out his mobile phone, and opened the official website of the Fairy Games.

He had already added this URL to his favorites, but when it really started, he never clicked in again.

He forced himself to open the replay video of the game, click to play, and watched those familiar faces gather in front of the starting line, gunshots, players sprinting, chasing... until finally, crossing the line and crossing the finish line.

Everything is very enthusiastic, but there is no him on the field.

Until the end, after the rebroadcast of the first match, the video automatically skipped to the preview of the next section.

"The second game: 10v10 celery game, will start the day after tomorrow.

Rules: With the inner ring of the stadium and its upper sky as the boundary, score the ball into the opponent's net.During the process, it is allowed to use all spells and spirit weapons to attack and move.

Apart from being able to attack, this seems to be a rule that is no different from ordinary ball games, but the most important thing is the following:
"During the whole process of the game, the player's body must not be in contact with the ball, and can only use spiritual power, spells, and spiritual tools to promote the movement of the ball. Once it touches the ball, it will be ruled out."

(End of this chapter)

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