From Shusen University

Chapter 260 What is a Battlefield Shit Stirring Stick?

Chapter 260 What is a Battlefield Shit Stirring Stick?
With an orderly shout, profound spiritual power surged out of Jiang Ling's eyes and crashed into the eyes of the old student in front of him who was casting wind spells.

After being hit by this move, his eyes immediately blurred for a while, and the spell that was just activated in his hand turned around, but instead of hitting the original target, it swung towards the chasing opponents behind Jiang Ling.

The spell was activated, and the empty road immediately gusted.Although it failed to counteract the attacks of other people, it also deflected the spells that flew towards Jiang Ling, causing those attacks to hit the empty space.

At the time of departure, the people in the same group as her had already been watching her closely and had prepared protection against her actions, making it difficult to attack her.

Therefore, from the very beginning, she didn't intend to control these people who were prepared, but instead set her sights on those targets beyond her field of vision—the first group of old students who set out first.

Covering his face with a hood, deliberately keeping the distance away so as not to stand out, and even taking the risk of using those flashing spells as a cover, these are all measures to prevent himself from being recognized the first time he shows up.

It now appears that these measures are very effective.

On the surface, this is just another wave of attacks.But more importantly, this blow directly disrupted the rhythm of other people's attacks.

This was the core reason why everyone was staring at her in the first place.Originally, everyone was in a competitive relationship. They were waiting for the best time and not taking action when it was not necessary, so they maintained a delicate balance.

And once the soul cultivator who is good at controlling the mind is present, this balance will be broken in an instant: as long as one person starts to make a move, it will affect the whole body, and everyone will be forced to face the hostility from other groups.

And now, after all, Jiang Ling succeeded; as the strongest soul cultivator, she became a battlefield shit stick as she wished.

For the vanguard, it was a sudden attack; for the pursuers behind, after defending for a long time, Jiang Ling still cast this spell, which was also a blow to their mentality.

And for the audience
"Sniper at the middle door!"

"Instant explosion!"

"Damn it, it's so bright!"

"Don't lie to me, this is a live broadcast, right? Turn off the post-production special effects for me!"

The confluence of the two groups of personnel marks the entry into a new stage of the competition.As soon as they met, they started to move their hands, and they were all high-level spells.Seeing the chaos in the scene, they didn't understand the mystery, or even why these people suddenly started fighting, but they were shocked.

shocked.More than a dozen immortal cultivators, half of whom are foundation-builders, joined forces, coupled with the sense of separation brought about by this familiar city background... Who dare say that it is not shocking?
"A new situation appeared on the scene again! Under the guidance of several pioneers, encounters began to occur among the players!"

Compared with the audience, the commentator Yao Jian can still see some tricks: "Following the cooperation just now, the contestants have now entered the stage of group competition! From now on will be the battle of real cultivators! I think we all need to do Be mentally prepared—from now on, audience friends, no matter what happens, it will not be surprising!"

While speaking, the old student who was charged first had already come to his senses, and hurriedly avoided to protect Yuanshen with a shocked expression on his face.But at the same time, Jiang Ling had rushed into the ranks of the first group of people in front, and then——

"Stop them!"

"Get behind me!"

"beat him!"

Taking advantage of this chaotic situation, she charged several people in succession.Although not everyone could obediently do as she wished, the scene was turned into a mess by her in the blink of an eye.

And when Jiang Ling was playing, Han Jiangchen behind him inserted a few flying swords at the right time, and those who were watching were also involved in the battle. Cooperating with her, it can be said to ignite and fan the flames, making the porridge boil more and more It's getting thicker!
In a blink of an eye, the flat city road was filled with noise and the light of various spells, and the buildings lined up on both sides reflected dazzling light pollution.The students on the screen played loudly and loudly, and the audience outside the screen was dazzled. Many people could not help but lower the brightness of the screen, while the mobile phone party and computer party turned on the screen recording at the same time.

"My God! Is that a real fire?! Is this all used?"

"I'm scared when I look at it, did this fairy have any protection measures?"

"Bottom right corner! Look at the man in the lower right corner! Isn't he afraid of fire?!"

"No, I can't see it."

It's not that there is nothing to say even if you don't know where to start the explanation for a while, it is precisely because the methods used in every move can be used as textbooks for other schools.

But now this textbook-level attack is a Chinese cabbage in this game, and he doesn't know which cabbage to pick up to eat.

But when they were dazzled, at the corner of the melee, Jiang Ling in the team took the opportunity to get out quietly.

As a shit-stirring stick on the battlefield, this scuffle is something that others are trying to avoid, but it is what Jiang Ling is looking forward to.

As she expected, in such a chaotic situation, the attention on her dropped sharply, coupled with Han Jiangchen's guards behind, now was the best time to slip away.

Thinking this way, Jiang Ling just took a step towards the outside of the team when a flash of light suddenly fell in front of her.


The electric current hit the ground, blasting masonry fragments flying everywhere.If she hadn't reacted in time and jumped away, she might have chopped off the baton in her hand.

Jiang Ling's heart suddenly tightened, and she immediately grabbed a few spells in her hand, and then turned her head to look.

Sure enough, in the sky above the scuffle, Xiao Youyu had already floated there at some point, holding a baton in his hand, keeping a distance of more than ten meters away from her, and the thunderstorm formed by spells beside him flashed out.

"The essence of fire virtue, the god of the five thunders..."


Even though Jiang Ling reacted very quickly, she had only read half a sentence of the incantation when Xiao Youyu's thunder light had struck over there, forcing her to give up casting the spell and barely backed away, thus dodging the move just now.

Sure enough, she is definitely not Xiao Youyu's opponent if she spells spells head-on.Even, in front of him, it was difficult for her to even get the chance to cast spells.

Han Jiangchen was still below to resist the classmates who tried to attack her. Facing this biggest enemy, she could only fight alone for the time being.

Jiang Ling made a decisive decision, put away the talisman, and then unsheathed the spirit sword behind her back and held it in her hand; Xiao Youyu raised her hand at the same time, and several thunderbolts slammed down on her without hesitation.




Every password is accompanied by a thunderbolt piercing the sky, and the lucky spectators within a few miles can hear the vibrating roar.Jiang Ling used her sword as a shield to dodge and block, but even so she was forced to make mistakes again and again, let alone get close to him.

This guy
Jiang Ling couldn't help being shocked.Even she knows that for Xiao Youyu, the modern city is actually not a good battle terrain.

Although most of the buildings in Ancheng City have been covered with spiritual power protection nets, and the attacks of the students will not cause excessive trauma, Xiao Youyu still has another problem.

The problem is: if he goes all out and interferes with the cables on the side of the road, the power supply network of the surrounding communities within a few miles may be directly short-circuited.

Although Xianyunhui allows losses within a certain range, it is always bad to destroy public property.Because of this, he couldn't use those high-level magic circles with large range and power. He could only use talismans to carry power, using small minelaying talismans and the like. Logically speaking, it should be like this.

But now it seems that Xiao Youyu's control ability is so strong that he can even control the range of influence. After the powerful thunder and lightning were emptied, he led them all to the ground, blasting several bricks and tiles on the side of the road, but did not interfere with the key point at all. place!

Apart from being unable to use large formations, his attack power was not affected at all!
In the blink of an eye, five or six thunderbolts flashed by, and the spell was fast and ruthless, as sharp as Jiang Ling, but she didn't even get half a chance.She glanced at the route behind, and was about to dodge again, but suddenly a strong wind swept past behind her. It was a hammer that was thrown straight up.

Below her, Chu Yunyi had already stood there at some point.She couldn't fly, but at this moment she had already jumped up, the hammer in her hand spun around in the air, and with the momentum, she threw it directly at Jiang Ling!

Xiao Youyu did not fight alone.When he arrived, two team members followed him and surrounded Jiang Ling.

There was thunder and lightning and then there was a hammer wind. Jiang Ling was forced to turn around and use her sword to deal with the flying hammer.

When the sword was struck out, the hammer was indeed sent flying, and thus she gained a gap to escape from Xiao Youyu's lightning strike, but at this moment, her sensitive spiritual sense sensed something was wrong.

——In the direction she was retreating from, on the balcony of the building beside the road, there was already a figure standing on it.

Fang Yi.

Just now, she had devoted all her attention to the confrontation with Xiao Youyu, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Yi climbed up to the seventh and eighth floors by stepping on the cracks in the bricks behind, and ambushed behind her. A chance to push back, a spell was thrown at her directly!
The talisman struck her directly from a distance of more than ten meters. Jiang Ling was already in a retreat, and this was tantamount to sending herself to the talisman.When the spell touched her, she felt a weight all over her body, and the spiritual power used to float was completely scattered!

It was a magic-breaking talisman, a spell of the spirit-killing system that was one level higher than the forbidden magic talisman, and it was designed to corrode the released spiritual power.Judging by the power of this spell, the effect time on her body may last more than ten seconds, which is definitely not something that freshmen in the Qi refining stage can do.

That can only explain - this thing is also designed by Xiao Youyu.During these more than ten seconds, although she was still able to defend with strength, she could no longer take off.

Not to mention that staying on the ground means being beaten passively. Under the premise that the audience is full of old students, if they cannot fly, they will only be thrown off instantly.

Jiang Ling immediately realized something: from the very beginning, this group had also been eyeing them.Even the timing of Xiao Youyu's appearance just now was considered good.

I'm afraid that from the very beginning, he thought that his group might be ahead, so he just took advantage of his own advantage to level the other groups, creating a one-on-one situation, and then took advantage of their mistakes.

In fact, just as she thought, the effect of breaking the magic talisman made her lose her spiritual support, and immediately fell freely from the height of seven or eight floors.At the moment of lightning and flint, she just grasped the baton in her hand to prevent being directly struck by Xiao Youyu's lightning.

The latter indeed waved his hand to summon thunder and lightning, but instead of landing on her body, he slashed towards her side: those were two sophomores from another group.It seemed that they wanted to take advantage of their snipe and clam fight, but Xiao Youyu immediately noticed it.


The thunder rang, and the two people who were close to the front were directly blasted out, but at the same time, more people greeted them from below.

When the two groups were fighting each other, the melee below was basically over: in just a few minutes, another four groups were knocked out of the baton.And the rest of the group obviously noticed the fight here, and just as soon as they freed their hands, they came to kill you while you were sick.

Several attacks came towards Xiao Jiang's second group, and Jiang Ling caught some of them with her sword in the air, but she was still blown out by the attack under the disadvantage, and she reached out and grabbed one side of the room midway. The billboard in front of it didn't fall directly.

Even so, receiving this wave of attacks has already made her quite exhausted, and there was a burst of fishy sweetness in her throat.But in front of her, Xiao Youyu's team fought back and forth with several incoming enemies, while suppressing the opponents with lightning methods, while still not forgetting to rush forward, taking advantage of the opportunity when the magic-breaking talisman was still in effect, they instantly Throw her dozens of meters away.

No, I was overtaken!

Jiang Ling gritted her teeth, and glanced down: At this time, most of the remaining groups had returned to their way, and the battle below had gradually subsided, and Han Jiangchen, who had been fighting all along, was flying out of it, as if he had just withdrawn from the truce.

If she can't fly now, she must lose, and the magic-breaking talisman on her body may have ten seconds of effect, which is enough to decide life or death.

In that case
Jiang Ling made up her mind almost immediately, and at the same time she let go of her hand, kicked her foot on the billboard, and let herself fall into the air.

"pick me up!"

Han Jiangchen had just escaped from the battle, and when he heard the sound, he raised his head and saw Jiang Ling falling from above, and she fell onto him at a good distance, and in order not to fall, he even grabbed his neck.

"You're fast, hug me and follow them. If I say throw you, just throw me out... What are you doing? Hey! Don't be stupid!"

She slapped Han Jiangchen on the back, immediately slapped him awake, kicked her feet quickly, and the whole body jumped up again, and hurried up the horse.It looked as if what he was holding was not Jiang Ling, but a bomb that was about to detonate.

Obviously there are more people on him, but his speed has not dropped but increased.Before the effective time of the magic-breaking talisman expired, he had already equalized the distance he fell just now, and even overtook several old students in front of him in a blink of an eye.

This speed naturally attracted several spells and vigor attacks.But at the same time as Han Jiangchen was leaping, the qi-controlling spirit sword and sword light also flew beside him, and when he saw the attacking spirit power, he immediately circled around, blocking all those spirit fire, thunderbolts and wind currents, Occasionally, he dodged some of the approaching ones directly with his quick movement, without delaying his speed at all.

And at the same time, the three Xiao Youyu who had thrown them away in front also fell into a fight with the rest of the group.

 Why is this passage just in time for my busiest time...

  It seems to be written and sent out in one breath, Gan

(End of this chapter)

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