From Shusen University

Chapter 200 Dancing with the Immortal 1

Chapter 200 Dancing with the Immortal

The applause sounded, the spotlights were on, and under the bright red and festive stage lights, Xiao Yang, who was wearing a white suit and holding a guitar in his hand, walked onto the stage slowly, smiling, and bowed deeply to the audience.

Following his movements, the people under the seat immediately became silent.The happy expression of indulging in their own dreams faded from their faces, and they turned to look at the stage one by one, their eyes seemed to be attracted by a magnet.

Through the light curtain, you can see the emotions gradually burning in those eyes.It was an extraordinary excitement, like fans meeting their most admired idol.

After being named and blocked by his superiors, he hasn't held a solo concert for several years, so he hasn't seen this expression for a long time.But at this time, these excited faces surrounded him, and thousands of eyes were fixed on him. Suddenly, he seemed to have returned to the stage that only belonged to him.

Once... the past when he hadn't recovered his spiritual energy, the past when he belonged to the top class, the past when he was at the height of the sun.

Now, under the power of the "True Immortal", the past that should have been gone forever has reappeared.

Xiao Yang took a deep breath, adjusted the Mike next to his face, and stood still on the spot with his arms outstretched.Then, amidst the background music that played, he began to sing, and began to play with exaggerated gestures, just like when he debuted as a trainee.

He hasn't practiced this profession for a long time, and his basic skills are not good, and he is nearly thirty years old, so his movements on stage can't be called smooth, and it can even be called "stiff". It was shaking his head with an almost crazy energy.

But just as he twisted his waist and turned around, all the audience's eyes widened, their heads twisted with Xiao Yang's steps, their hands and feet moved with his movements, and they were completely integrated into the performance.

Obviously, there are not only young people in the hall at this time, but also many middle-aged and elderly people who are not interested in the entertainment industry, but at this time everyone's expressions are so unified, trembling with excitement, just like the most loyal fans in memory are cheering for him. join in.

Some people raised their arms between the seats, swaying from side to side as if holding an invisible light sign, and more people twisted exaggeratedly following Xiao Yang's street shots, shaking their fists up and down, like He was waving an invisible support light stick.

Everyone is catering hard, and the movements are becoming more and more exaggerated and violent. From simple catering, they start to stand up one by one and sway wildly, and finally start to bounce around in circles stiffly. The beat gradually became one with the white body on the stage, as if dancing a weird group dance with Xiao Yang.

But obviously, this action is not easy for those middle-aged and even elderly people in the seats.

Subtle clicking sounds sounded under the music, some people flashed to their waists in the violent shaking, and some people waving their arms at strange angles, but they seemed to not feel the pain, as if... immersed in In a dream.

After the song was sung, he put away his posture and bowed to the audience again.The moment he pressed his waist, a crazy scream came from below.

"Xiao Yang, I love you—"

"Xiao Yang—Xiao Yang—Xiao Yang—"

Everything was exactly as he remembered it.This is Xiao Yang's dream, a dream from his memory.But now, this dream included everyone in the arena, and everyone became his fans, as if the old times had returned.

This is what the "True Immortal" brought him... Because of this power, he became the upper class of this world again.

Yes, this is the difference between immortals and mortals.The immortal transcends the world, and mortals can only look up-this is the world he yearns for.

In this world, he must become a fairy.To become a fairy by all means, no matter what power you use, no matter what you look like.

He raised his head slightly, and through the light curtain of the spotlight, he could see the faces of the audience below the stage. Without exception, their eyes were protruding and their eyes were dull. .

They have been successfully lured into his dream, and then he will "swallow" this dream, and the souls of these people will stay in this performance, become his food, and become sacrifices to the real immortals.

Let them become the food for his own growth, and in this way let them also become part of the "immortal" - this is the "fate" he gave these people.

They should be grateful to have the opportunity to come into contact with such a transcendence that is far beyond their level.After all, being able to meet a fairy is a kind of fate.

If it weren't for him, if he hadn't given them such an opportunity, these people would only be low-level mortals for the rest of their lives, and they wouldn't even have the opportunity to experience this kind of power.He gave them a glimpse of the extraordinary, and what they saw was enough for ordinary people to devote their lives to pursue. Isn't this a gift?

For this kind of gift, donating a little soul to him, is the price very insignificant?

Thinking of this, Xiao Yang straightened up, bowed to everyone with a smile on his face, and was about to dance again.But at this moment, a sound came into the hall.


It was the sound of the door being pushed open, extremely slight, but at this moment it pierced into the ears of everyone in the hall like a thunderbolt.

They subconsciously followed the sound, and stared blankly at the door—a black figure was standing in the light that penetrated.

The figure walked into the hall against the light, and the light curtain gradually receded from him, revealing those eyes that were darker than the shadows. His gaze slowly swept across the hall, and finally settled on Xiao Yang on the stage.

The guitar music stopped suddenly, and Xiao Yang's hand playing the guitar froze on the spot due to a sense of uncontrollable oppression. He stared at the figure at the door, feeling a little stunned for a moment.

——It seems that this is the leader of this dream.

Originally, without the cooperation of the executive bureau, he didn't want to act without authorization.It was precisely because of this that he waited at the door for a long time, but in the end he didn't wait for his teammates, but he waited for the spiritual power fluctuations from inside the door.

The first rule of demon slaying: No matter what method is used, mortals must never die before their eyes.

This is the code given to him by the school.Therefore, in front of this code, other rules can temporarily give way.

The moment he entered the door, he saw the faint rolling spiritual power on Xiao Yang's body, extending in all directions like the threads of a marionette, connecting to the people under the stage, pulling their souls to gather on the stage .

He is devouring the souls of these people.

Although I don't know the motive, but this kind of thing can be asked later.

As for now...

Han Jiangchen slowly took off the long sword behind his back, grabbed the scabbard and held it in his hand.

——In Xiao Yang in front of him, he saw the aura of a demon.

And he is a demon slayer.

 Well, turning 22 today.I originally wanted to give myself a boutique medal as a birthday present, but it’s still mine, I hope I can have it in the future.Can I ask for a subscription on my birthday orz
(End of this chapter)

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