From Shusen University

Chapter 197 New Year's Eve Temple Exhibition

Chapter 197 New Year's Eve Temple Exhibition

In front of him is a tall glass-covered building with a luxury car model standing on top of it. It is the activity and cultural center of Ancheng City.At this time, the building was brightly lit, and the noise coming from it could be heard. It seemed to be in full swing, and the flow of people was not small.

But it was this excitement that made a team of executives frown.


They came because they had been warned of unusual psychic reactions.According to their previous experience, if there were monsters in the city, the scene would definitely be chaotic, and people would run and scream, so that they could determine the location of the target.

But now, in this area where the warning was issued, there is still a scene of harmony during the Spring Festival.

"Is there any activity here?"

Several people looked at the leader Liu Qingyan, who was taking out his mobile phone to call someone, and after talking for a few words, he put down the mobile phone with a few hums, and his expression became a little weird.

"I just contacted the staff of the cultural center. Today there will indeed be a New Year's Eve temple fair here. This has been confirmed a long time ago... And so far, they haven't received any reports about unusual events."

Rubbing his chin, he asked the other person next to him, "What about the reaction to the spirit detection talisman?"

The team member he pointed to immediately put his hand into his pocket and took out the trembling spirit detection talisman, which was already hot to the touch.

Obvious spiritual response.

While they were hesitating, Han Jiangchen squinted his eyes and looked in. In his eyes, the shadowless and invisible fluctuations merged into a wind and cloud. At this time, the wind and cloud were rolling up, like some kind of shocking ripples.

Spiritual power has already had an impact on the surrounding environment, and the impact is not small.

At this time, there is no abnormality but the biggest abnormality. A group of people stood in front of the cultural center, lost in thought.

"Maybe it's not the appearance of monsters." Someone finally said, "Didn't you say that? Besides monsters, the appearance of blessed land... and powerful spiritual weapons will also have this effect."

"There must be no movement in Blessed Land that is so small. If you say it a spiritual weapon?"

"Then should we notify the headquarters first?"

A group of people unconsciously lowered their voices to talk, as if they were afraid of disturbing something.During the exchange of eyes, one of them seemed to have suddenly discovered something, and his expression suddenly turned to one side.

"Have you...have you discovered..."

He stretched out his whitish fingers, and pointed to the gate of the meeting place: "From just now, the people inside... only went in, but didn't come out?"


All words disappeared instantly.Including Han Jiangchen, several people around looked at the brightly lit gate together, and then all fell silent.

Under the lively night sky on New Year's Eve, the brightly lit gate of the cultural center was full of noisy and festive atmosphere, but——an hour passed, with such a large flow of people, no one came out from behind the gate.

"Indeed... that's right."

The leader Liu Qingyan observed the gate for a while, his face was covered with a layer of frost, and he turned to the side and whispered: "Xiao Zhang, Xiao Liu, you two stay outside to respond, if you receive our signal, immediately report to the headquarters." Response. Others bring their equipment, let's go in and have a look."

Although the situation was weird, all the veterans of the executive department present responded as quickly as possible.The two people he pointed at immediately spread out to the left and right and waited on both sides, while the rest clenched their equipment tightly. The man with a little cultivation breathed and circulated his spiritual power, rubbing his fingers on the handle of the gun under his coat.

Han Jiangchen was also among the crowd in action.He took off his coat and put it on the outside, pulled up the hood, covered the scabbard of the spirit sword behind his back, and then restrained his spiritual power to conceal his breath so as not to startle the snake.

Seeing that several people around were exchanging glances and were about to attack, they heard a clear and beautiful voice suddenly coming from the front.

"Hello gentlemen, are you also here to participate in the New Year's Eve temple fair?"

Several people followed the sound and turned their heads, only to see a pretty waitress standing outside the door at some point, asking them with a professional smile.

She was wearing charming and heavy makeup, wearing a small red fur jacket, and her voice was clear and beautiful when she spoke, and she didn't look abnormal at all.

Several members of the executive bureau looked at each other, and finally Liu Qingyan stepped forward and said, "Yes, we are here to visit the temple fair. But we didn't make enough preparations in advance. Excuse me, what activities are there now?"

"It's nothing, except for a few booths in the area, it's just a regular stylistic performance." The waiter smiled and said, "If you want to enter the venue, I will take you in."

Several people pondered for a moment, and then turned to Han Jiangchen next to him unanimously, with a clear questioning look in their eyes.

Han Jiangchen was also staring at the waitress, and shook his head slightly at them for a long while—with his eyes, he didn't see anything special from it.

Seeing such an answer from him, Liu Qingyan became more suspicious, but he quickly adjusted and said to the maid normally, "Okay, please lead the way."

"Okay, gentlemen, this way please."

The waiter agreed with a smile, made a "please" gesture with one hand, and really led them into the building step by step.

The cultural center is still a bustling scene during the prime time, with congratulatory New Year songs playing from the loudspeakers, and crowds of people shuttling between the booths beside the venue, all smiling, just like what New Year’s Eve should be like.

Including the waitress, it seemed that the lively scene in the room was a painting, and everyone inside was an embellishment on the painting.

"This is Area A, the main exhibition is food... This is Area B, the main exhibition..."

The waitress pointed out the divisions for them one by one, and bowed slightly: "This is the basic layout of the venue. There will be cultural and sports performances later, and then they will go into the central hall together. If you have any questions, please contact me Just the same receptionist. Happy New Years everyone and have fun."

After she finished speaking, she really walked to the side to receive other guests.Looking at her back, they felt like they were watching a fish swim into the sea and disappear after a while.

"Hey, this bitch, being a waiter is like a special lady, it looks so coquettish..."

One person in the team underestimated in a low voice, but was quickly stopped by the eyes of others.

"Don't say that some are gone, let's quickly start to investigate."

Liu Qingyan, the leader, said to several people: "The venue is too big and crowded, so let's find it separately. There are five districts, ABCDE, on the two floors. We happen to be five people, and each of us will keep an eye on one place. If there is anything unusual, come back and report immediately. I couldn’t find them, so I waited for the cultural and sports performances to gather at the entrance of the hall.”

(End of this chapter)

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