From Shusen University

Chapter 195 City Watcher

Chapter 195 City Watcher

Half a month later, on the outskirts of Ancheng City, there was a rocky demolition area.

Protective belts have been pulled up beside the dilapidated houses with the big word "demolition", and the few construction workers who were originally there have been evacuated.At this time, a black duty car of the executive department stopped in front of the construction site, and a man with a walkie-talkie stepped out of the car, with a police gun in his pocket.

"Urgent notice! This is Liu Qingyan from the Intelligence Network of the Executive Department! Please answer if you receive it! Someone in the suburbs reported seeing a special monster, spiritual power reaction level 3, blue warning! City coordinates (1526, 8921), No. 27 team has gone, please Surrounding execution teams quickly go to support! Repeat, request for additional armed support!"

While yelling into the intercom, he looked around quickly, and finally found two members in the uniform of the executive department in the corner of the isolation zone-it seemed that one was injured and was sitting against the wall, and the other was sitting on the wall. His side was bandaging his wound, and both of them had tense faces.

"You are the No. 27 team that came first?" He recognized the two at a glance, "How is the situation?"

"The monster here is a spider. When I first came in, it was coiled on the roof of the building and made a surprise attack." The bandaged executive pointed to the wound on his companion, "After he was injured, the monster retreated. It's in the building over there, and the intern in our group chased it, so we retreated here."

"What the hell are you thinking? This is the blue warning monster!" Liu Qingyan cursed at the first hearing, and then said to the walkie-talkie, "Reinforcement! At least send another armed police team over! Do you hear me?" ? Ask the armed police”

At this moment, he heard the sound of the wind, and right in front of his eyes, in the half-collapsed broken house, a spider-like monster with a height of one person was pushed out of the breach of the house, and the eight monsters could be seen. More than half of the tentacles had been cut off—it was their target this time, the level 3 monster that suddenly appeared in the urban area that made them feel like a formidable enemy.

Before it landed completely, a figure jumped out of the room following closely behind him. With a turn of the long sword in his hand, the tip of the blade was turned, riding on the momentum of the free fall, the figure fell fiercely on the back of the spider demon, with the sword in his hand The long sword pierced deeply into the spider demon's belly, and the tip of the sword, full of spiritual power, sank half an arm deep.Seeing the spider demon twitch for the last time, its eight legs drooped, and then completely motionless.

The whole process only took about a few seconds, and Liu Qingyan didn't even have time to react, he just kept answering the phone and stood there with his mouth wide open.The figure on the demon's back pulled out the sword from the demon's body, and at the same time stood up, revealing the cloud-circling Yin-Yang symbol on the clothes on his chest.

The school emblem of Kunlun University.

It wasn't until he saw this mark that he remembered one thing - this holiday, the Executive Department indeed asked Kunlun University for an intern.

"Hello? Old Liu? How's the situation over there?"

Liu Qingyan was woken up by a call from the mobile phone, and then he let out a sigh of relief: "There is no need for reinforcements, the matter is settled."

"So soon? Have the armed forces arrived?"

"No, the students from Kunlun University have arrived."

With the advancement of spiritual energy recovery, there are more and more demon incidents in the urban area, and the demand for elite combat power is also increasing.Long before the winter vacation, they had already focused on those students who were willing to join the combat practice, especially the experienced first class.

In the eyes of today's officials, Kunlun University students have undoubtedly become an important social resource.Not to mention other aspects, in terms of cultivation and understanding of spiritual power, even freshmen are not weaker than those who are generally in the executive department who have just arrived at the Qi refining stage.

Although no one can explain why the practitioners in that school have such astonishing efficiency, surpassing the level of outside monks for more than a year in just half a semester, the only reason that can be given so far is probably the difference in skills.

Therefore, the current executive department has entered a rather embarrassing situation: From a national perspective, of course they have the responsibility to protect this group of students.But if something really happens, the risk of using Kunlun students as combat power is lower than that of regular personnel.

It's just that now that the Spring Festival is approaching, the interns should go home, and the only one left in the demon removal department is the freshman in front of him.

But now it seems that the strength of this freshman who has only been enrolled for one year is not even weaker than most of the first-year students who heard it at the beginning.

While speaking, the figure holding the sword had put away his posture and stepped aside consciously.Only then did Liu Qingyan see his face clearly, he was so young that he could only be called a boy.

And just now, this young man killed a blue siren monster alone in front of his eyes.

Although he had heard about the abilities of the Kunlun student before, when this scene actually happened in front of him, he couldn't help being stunned, and for a moment he didn't even dare to go up to talk to the boy.

He just watched the other party lean down, confirmed that the demon was dead, then walked to the wall and sat down, took off the long windbreaker of the executive department outside, revealing the school uniform inside.It's just that there was an unharmonious gap in the white clothes at this moment - at this moment, a wound that was as long as a finger was dripping blood on his flank, which was probably left by the battle just now.

Fortunately, he will still be injured, which is still within the scope of "people" he can understand.

Liu Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief for some reason, watching the young man take out the medical bag on the spot to transport his spiritual power, and deal with the wound very skillfully.At this time, other reinforcements had also arrived, and several executives came to the isolation zone with weapons, but they were all in vain.

It was not a happy thing at first, but when they saw the young man sitting there, the group of executives seemed to understand the situation immediately: "This is the one I mentioned before, the Kunlun student who came to the executive department for an internship?"

"Yes, this is it, called Han Jiangchen." The two team members raised their chins in his direction, "It's only been less than a month since he came here, and he has already killed three monsters alone. This is still a freshman. He's really not human. "

Standing by the side, Liu Qingyan watched him treat his own wound while instructing the people over there to deal with the demon corpse.After all the on-site work was done, he got into the car with the student and took this opportunity to exchange pleasantries with him.

"Han Jiangchen, right? The strength of Kunlun students is astonishing." Liu Qingyan exchanged simple greetings, "I read your file before, are you recommended by the school?"

Han Jiangchen responded.

He also chose to stay in school during the holidays.If it weren't for the fact that everyone else in the school had already gone home, and the officials called someone by name at this time, he would just stay at school and practice swordsmanship with his teacher this holiday.

After hearing that the authorities needed first-line combat power, Wei Ze pushed him out first.

According to Shangguan Yuning, he is the first batch of pilot students taught by the school's tutor.According to the ancient name, he is the successor of the Shangguan family's demon-slayer.

No matter which one it is, it will inevitably require actual combat training.Because of this, he was sent here immediately.

He has no objection to this: since the school assigns him a task, he will complete it; he will go wherever he is needed.As for where to go, it's pretty much the same for him.He has always been such a thoughtless person.

Even so, with the performance just now, he really shocked the executive department leader.Sitting there, Liu Qingyan tried to get close to Han Jiangchen a few times, but he got frustrated and had to give up.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, he was thinking about how to ease it, when the receiver rang.

"This is the intelligence/// department, the 27th team received it, please answer." The voice in the receiver said, "There is an abnormal spiritual reaction in the Chengnan Cultural Activity Center, and the coordinates have been sent to you, please go quickly to confirm whether there are any monsters. .Repeat, please go to the designated place quickly."

"Received on the 27nd."

Liu Qingyan put down the walkie-talkie, looked at the already gloomy sky, and said helplessly to the brothers behind the car: "Something happened again, now I have to go to the south of the city to patrol right away, and tell my family, thank you all."

As soon as the words were spoken, there was a sound of lamentation in the car.

"It's New Year's Eve today, why don't you let people rest?"

"These monsters raised by the sons of bitches don't pick a good time to come out..."

"Forget it, it is precisely because the Spring Festival is approaching that we have to pay more attention. We are in this business to let the common people have a good year with peace of mind. We are used to it. Besides, this time we still have Kunlun Students help, see that Xiao Han didn't complain about anything..."

In the end, it was Liu Qingyan who smoothed things over and skillfully silenced the complaints in the car.Everyone didn't say anything anymore, they just cheered up, sorted out their weapons and equipment, and prepared for another upcoming mission.


Two hours later, the Intelligence Department of the Investigation Institute.

Jiang Ling raised her head from the pile of information pages in front of her, raised her hand and rubbed her swollen temples, pushed the documents aside, and exchanged another dozen.

"Thank you, you are still on duty at this time."

The colleague at the table drank a sip of tea and chatted with her casually: "All kinds of affairs are the most sensitive during the Spring Festival. At this time, we need to strengthen the precautionary measures in the city. In addition to the accumulated information, the workload is too heavy. Thank you Still willing to stay...Speaking of which, don't you go home?"

"I don't have a home." Jiang Ling shrugged, "Now my home is my school."

She said this with a smile, but the atmosphere froze for a moment. Seeing that the colleagues over there were a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say, she took the initiative to change the subject: "Speaking of which, besides me, everyone in the department now Are there any other students on duty?"

Hearing this, the other party opened the archives on the computer, and searched on it: "Besides you, there is another person named Han Jiangchen in the executive department. It seems that he was called by the department two days ago to help monitor the surrounding areas of Ancheng. In the past two days when the monsters appear, the frequency of monsters has become higher, and the execution department always comes up with tasks, which may be in the middle of the task."

"Oh, I know, he is a freshman in my intelligence department." Jiang Ling said casually, then flipped through the information page in her hand, ""

However, at this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open.

"Student Jiang, you are here... just right."

The visitor said, and put a brand new piece of information in front of her: "About the female bracelet artifact that your school was looking for... now there is a clue!"

"Female bracelet?"

Jiang Ling twitched, and immediately stood up: "Did you find it? Where is it?"

"No real object was found, but through the latest spiritual power detection equipment, a similar spiritual power fluctuation to the male bracelet you provided was found in the city."

"The source is... the direction of the North City Cultural Activity Center!" The visitor looked into her eyes, "Two hours ago, one of our teams just went there!"

 This paragraph wants to use multiple branch lines to merge into the main line to reflect the impact of the recovery of spiritual energy on society and the cooperation between Kunlun and various parties. It has to be said that it is more difficult than I imagined.
  How do you feel?If I think it is more watery and messy, I will try to use this writing method as little as possible later.

  These should be the last two branches, and they are considered to be the more important main plot.

(End of this chapter)

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