From Shusen University

Chapter 189 Reiki Recovery Progress Report

Chapter 189 Reiki Recovery Progress Report
The next day, the group meeting was held as scheduled.

Although it is called a "group meeting", because it involves the sharing of results and the final project allocation, there are actually more than a dozen research groups and nearly [-] national academic personnel participating in the meeting, many of whom have worked in Zhejiang, Zhejiang, and Qingbei. Most of the young professors who have taught overseas are transferred from basic subjects such as physicochemical biology, and their H-indexes are quite impressive.

This is easy to understand. Compared with other disciplines, Reiki recovery is an absolute blue ocean project: it has a bright future, its targets are concentrated in Huaguo, and almost no one has entered the field yet.The old professors have already made achievements in their original disciplines, so it is not easy to transfer them, but the new generation naturally rushes forward to grab a bite of the cake.

In the era of introversion, anyone with a discerning eye can see that in the future, Reiki will definitely become the king of the field alongside CS, EE, and finance.With the increase of cultivators, it is expected to hit the high-lego sandwich roll.

Winning a group research report today may win an academic life tomorrow.What's more, according to the information obtained before, only the experimental group that wins the plan first is eligible to receive additional project subsidies.And this extra project belongs to the Fairy Games, and this kind of opportunity will disappear after passing this village.

The experimental groups walked into the small conference hall in the park one by one, and Xu Changqing's group was naturally among them.A group of more than a dozen people took their seats along the path of the venue, and took a printed result report from the table, with an unconcealable disappointment on their faces.

After working so hard for so long, it is hard for anyone to be told of failure at the moment of seeing the dawn of victory.

It's all because Kunlun University's holiday is too late!

They thought so sullenly in the audience.In contrast, the group standing on the stage looked radiant.The big data doctor named Qi Shan stepped onto the stage as a representative and played the PPT on the projection screen.

"Good morning, colleagues. It's a great honor to be here to report the results of our group's experiments. Please give me your advice. If you have any objections during the process, please point them out."

The opening is a routine word of mouth.Corrections are welcome, but when Qi Shan said this, he smiled confidently: it has only been more than a year since the recovery of spiritual energy, and the whole field has just started, and everyone's academic level is about the same.If there was a small mistake that their team didn't check out, no one present could see it in such a short period of time.

"Then let's start now. To improve the accuracy of spiritual energy detection this time, on the basis of the original spirit detection array, we selected five symbol combinations under the word '午' for experiments, and tried to build a new formation model. This led to further results."

"I will demonstrate this report in the order from macro to micro. First, on a global scale, this is the progress map of 'reiki recovery' based on our improved detection model."

A simulated map was displayed on the projection screen, which was a 2D dynamic modeling map: the background was a world map, and there was an irregular figure marked in red on the map, which was in the center of Huaguo with Ancheng as the center.

As the calculation advances, the graph is gradually expanding, and it seems that it has already crossed the border of Huaguo, spreading to the surroundings in a radial manner.

"As you can see, based on the previous analysis, we chose a new model this time to further improve the monitoring accuracy."

Qi Shan in front of the podium pointed to the PPT and said: "The recovery of spiritual energy this time is centered on Ancheng in the center of Huaguo, and spreads irregularly to all directions. This is the conclusion that has been drawn before."

"And on this basis, we made further predictions about the scope of the spread of spiritual energy in the future."

"It is estimated that within three months, the progress of Reiki recovery will cross the national border and reach Mongolia, India, and Vienna; within this year, it will reach Heguo, Luosha, and Southeast Asia. Within two years, Arriving in North and South America, within five years, including the North and South Poles will also be included."

"However, this is only the range. We have not been able to determine the specific regional aura density, but under normal circumstances, the content in most areas will not exceed the Huaguo, which is the center of the aura."

——As for the abnormal situation, everyone present is well aware of it: the blessed land, monsters, and special spiritual weapons will all become a new center.

This paragraph is a conclusion that everyone in the research institute had known before, so everyone didn't listen seriously—except for Xiao Youyu who was sitting in the back row.

Is there a tendency to point spread?This is a bit interesting.In the past, "immortal cultivators" were only recorded in the east, but this time they swept the whole world, and will undoubtedly bring countless new continents—this is what he dreamed of.

As for the center of spiritual recovery in Ancheng?This is unexpected and reasonable.

From ancient times, this is the location of the emperors of thirteen dynasties, and the "dragon veins" superimposed by so many dynasties are naturally not bad.But from now on, looking at the whole world, there may not be any existing city with a stronger historical accumulation than here.Not to mention anything else, those strange tombs are enough for future generations to dig for hundreds of years, maybe there are passages left by former immortals
Thinking of this, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration: Isn't the passage to Kunlun University in Ancheng?
Could it be that the fact that Ancheng became the center of spiritual recovery has something to do with Kunlun University here?
He was thinking secretly in his seat, flipping through the summary of the report in his hand, watching his expression change slightly.At the same time, the report on the stage also proceeded to the next stage.

"The next step is the micro level, which is our main breakthrough point this time. Since the Xianyun Games is approaching, we selected Ancheng as the monitoring point, and this is our final distribution simulation map."

The PPT was turned to the next page, and the background was replaced with a map of Ancheng City. The entire section was filled with uneven colors, which was somewhat similar to the air quality inspection map.

"The current model can accurately cover one province and the time range is about three months. This is the result of our calculation. It can be seen that the aura content in Ancheng is generally multi-modal, and the overall variance is about 0.647."

There are obviously more people listening to this passage, and the eyes are all gathered on the stage, and the printed report in hand is not so important.Under the gaze of a group of people, Qi Shan spent more than ten minutes expounding the final conclusion, then raised his head with a vigorous expression, and scanned the audience.

"This is the conclusion and result of our experiment." Qi Shan finished reading the last page, turned the PPT to the "Thank you" page and announced, "Do you have any objections?"

There was no sound in the audience, except for a few random flipping of report pages from the person in charge's seat.

At this point, the result is already a certainty, and no one will seriously check anything.The basic models are derived jointly, and there is no room for doubt.

The corner of Qi Shan's mouth raised unconsciously. Seeing that the person in charge was about to stand up and announce the final victory, he packed up the report page on the podium and prepared to leave the stage, but just as his mouth left the microphone, a hand from the audience raised up. .

"I have an objection."

(End of this chapter)

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